"...I was still thinking that you weren't in the classroom during lunch break. It turns out you came here, Yusuke."

Time seemed to be stretched suddenly.

Looking at the girl walking slowly, the expression on Kato Yusuke's face looked very complicated.

It's like surprise, expectation, relief, confusion, confusion and other emotions are all mixed together, making people feel obscure and difficult to understand.

But it finally calmed down again.

"I thought you wouldn't come."

Kato Yusuke spoke slowly, but received a somewhat confused look from the other party.

"Hey~~Does this mean that I have been expelled from the student union?"

"...I'm sorry, what I just said was wrong."

Yusuke shook his head and whispered to the girl: "It should be a welcome back, Megumi."

"Well...thank you, although this statement is a little strange."

Hui walked to the desk and said in a normal tone: "So, what is the job you are doing now?"

Kato Yusuke paused: "...the review of new members' information, the application form from the Ministry of Culture, and the club's budget information, that's probably it."

"Well, this is basically all the work of the student union."

The girl who picked up a pile of information from the table flipped through the documents in her hand and said, "Why don't you ask me to come with you?"

The voice was very soft and soft, like a trickle flowing in my heart.

In response, Kato Yusuke responded with silence.

It wasn't until the other party turned his attention to him again that he whispered: "Because I don't know if you will choose to quit."

The room suddenly became quiet for a moment.

The movement of the girl's hand also paused, and then she murmured: "...After all, I am also the vice president of the student union, so there should be no reason to quit..."

At this point, Hui suddenly stopped talking.

Looking carefully at the other person's face, the girl asked: "Hey, Yusuke. What happened?"

After hearing what she said, a pair of dark eyes filled with doubts looked over.

The moment she looked into those eyes, the girl became more certain of her suspicions.

So he asked again seriously: "Let me ask you, Yusuke. What happened to you?"

"Nothing happened." Kato Yusuke thought this way, but when his words came to his mouth, they turned into a meaningless blank.


During a long period of silence, the emotions in his eyes wavered uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Hui just nodded slightly.

Then he walked around the desk and came to him.

He said something in a tone that was clear and melodious, but also contained inexplicable courage.

"Talk to me, Yusuke."

Being enveloped by a soft touch.

It is as warm as spring above the neck, and as cold as water below.

"Hey...well, that's just right."

What you hear in your ears are gentle words, and what you see in your eyes are bright eyes and white teeth.

The two of them sat on the sofa in the room together.

Facing the girl who fixed his head on her legs, Kato Yusuke didn't refuse for some reason today. He just closed his eyes a little tiredly and covered his face with the back of his hand to prevent the other party from seeing his expression clearly.

The girl gently stroked his hair and said calmly: "It's okay if you really don't want to talk. Just think of it as a way to relax. I will accompany you until class."

Kato Yusuke was silent, but his lips kept moving.

An emotion of whether to say or not to say is always in my mind, but I can never turn it into words. In the end, there is only a long silence.

Even so, the girl did not urge her, but the movements of her hands became gentler.

After a long time, a hoarse and dull words came out of Kato Yusuke's throat.

"...I did something bad."

He gasped and said, "But I don't regret it."

It was like being wrapped in a thick mire, and his tone seemed very depressing.

In stark contrast, was the girl's warm and pleasant voice.

"Hey~~ So that's it. If you don't regret it, why do you show such an expression?"


There was another long stretch of silence.

Only time flows quietly.

Without answering the question, Kato Yusuke just moved his body to a more comfortable position.

A faint aroma lingers on the tip of the nose.

Different from the previous woody fragrance, the fragrance emanating from the girl now is closer to the smell of cherry blossoms.

Very elegant and very special.

Even when cherry blossoms are in full bloom, their fragrance is not too strong. You can usually smell them only if you get close to them.

As if to fill the gap, Kato Yusuke asked casually: "Have you changed your perfume, Megumi."


The movements of her hands suddenly stopped, and the girl's eyes flickered slightly.

"...To ask such a question, it really doesn't look like you at all, and it's also a bit ungentlemanly..."

Hui then shook his head and said, "But no, I'm not using that kind of thing."

A feeling that couldn't be told whether it was pride or joy slightly appeared on her face, and the girl's expression became gentle.

However, Kato Yusuke did not see this scene. He just responded with a little tiredness: "Maybe, but I quite like it... I'm sorry, Megumi, just let me sleep for a while."

In response, the other party said softly, "Okay."

It didn't take long for the boy on his legs to breathe evenly, and the hand covering his face slowly slid down, and was moved to the girl's chest just before falling off the sofa.

Looking back, a delicate and handsome face appeared in his eyes again.

Gently smoothing the frowning brow for the other party, the girl just looked at the sleeping face quietly, and she didn't know what kind of emotions were brewing in her clear eyes.

A breeze blew into the room, blowing the curtains and causing the hair tips of the two people to sway slightly.

It's summer, but there's a cherry blossom-like smell in the air.

The bright sunshine shines in through the glass, shining on the body bit by bit, and reflecting a pair of overlapping shadows on the sofa.

Recalling the brief conversation she had with An Yirunya on the way here, the girl suddenly asked softly.

"Hey, Yusuke, do you like me?"

The young man was silent and his breathing was steady and long.

"To be honest... I didn't really like myself originally."

As if chanting, Megumi's soliloquy echoed in the room.

"I have no sense of existence, and I haven't joined any clubs. I have never been a class leader. I don't even have many friends, but I don't have the courage to make more friends..."

"I clearly long for change, but at the same time I want a way out to return to my original life at any time... Maybe what I long for is the excitement of not having to take risks, but in the end nothing changes."

Gently twirling the split ends of Kato Yusuke's hair with her hands, the girl's tone sounded a little disappointed.

There was a slight pause.

"But since I met Yusuke, everything has changed."

With a look of some kind of reminiscence, she murmured again: "This is the first time that you will not be ignored, the first time that you are protected, the first time that you hold hands with a boy, the first time that you are bandaged, the first time that you are protected. Grow your hair long, participate in the election campaign together for the first time...Unconsciously, it seems that many firsts have been given to you."

"Even with the student union, the time I spent with you was happier than I imagined, so it was you who changed me."

At this point, his tone slowly became a little lower.

"If... when we were in the health room last time, if Yamaguchi-san hadn't come in, what would have happened to us..."

No one responded.

In the end, it just turned into a soft whisper: "Why, couldn't I have met you earlier?"

As the words fell, the room fell into silence.

He lowered his head and stared at the sleeping face.

Thick eyebrows, a straight nose, and moderately thick lips.

There is a faint smell of fresh mint on the body.

Just watched it quietly for a while.

As if to look at the other person carefully, the girl suddenly leaned down slightly.

The soft hair gently swept across the forehead, and the gentle breath blew against the cheek, intertwined with the other person's breath.

Their faces were so close that the girl could even feel the slightest warmth from each other's body.

Looking at the face so close.

His eyes finally landed on his lips.

The pink lips opened and closed gently, exhaling a warm breath.

As the distance shrinks inch by inch, even the light seems to stand still.

But the boy's breathing was still as steady as before, as if he didn't know anything about it.

In this warm and bright sunshine, even the rustling of the leaves in the breeze seemed particularly active, as if they were also looking forward to something.

"Gene Era"

When it was only a few centimeters away, the girl's movements suddenly stopped.

But she neither stepped forward directly nor retreated in panic.

Instead, he allowed this movement to freeze for a long time, and finally slowly backed away.

The white cheek was already covered with red clouds at the moment, and at the same time it was mixed with an inexplicable ambiguity.

"This won't work, right..."

The girl murmured.

Carefully place the other person's head on the sofa, and then slowly withdraw your body.

Megumi left the room without making any sound.

After about ten seconds, a deep sigh sounded in the room.

Looking out the window at the dark clouds passing by.

The young man who opened his eyes said softly.

"It seems like it's going to rain..."

He raised his hand and touched his lips, and there still seemed to be some warmth remaining there.

Even the tip of my nose is lingering with the aroma of cherry blossoms.

Silently sitting up from the sofa, Kato Yusuke murmured.

"This won't work, right..."

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