Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and eighty-three, the Kato family’s stay (four thousand)

Until Uchiyama Kenta's back disappeared at the T-shaped intersection not far away.

Sayu slowly came to Kato Yusuke, his eyes looking quite playful, "Obviously I wore this outfit on purpose."


"But it's different now."


Knowing that she was referring to the stains on his T-shirt, Yusuke nodded, "Sorry, I'll wash it myself later."

The girl who heard this frowned and said angrily: "You obviously know that's not what I meant."

After saying that, she picked up her legs and hugged the other person's neck, keeping their bodies close together, not caring about the mud on her clothes.

He just tilted his head and looked at the person in front of him with bright eyes, "He called you Brother You~"

"Is there any problem?" Kato Yusuke smiled.

"Not at all..." Sayu chuckled and said in a coquettishly sweet tone: "It's just that you have become stinky now."

"Is it so exaggerated?"

The girl didn't answer, she let go and took a step or two back, and used both hands to pull up the hem of her clothes.

There was already a fist mark on the upper part of his abdomen, which was slightly lighter than the mark on his clothes.

"This way we will be the same again~?" she said happily, her face full of childish pride.

"Same smell?"

"Ah~ don't say that." Sayu puffed up her face angrily, took two steps forward again, hugged him, and rubbed her head against his chest.

Whispered: "Welcome back...I miss you so much, Yusuke."

The voice was filled with unabashed attachment.

Kato Yusuke raised the corners of his lips slightly and hummed: "Did you bring wet wipes? I really can't hold you like this."

The girl giggled and looked over from bottom to top.

"Who asked you to act cool like that? You wouldn't be like this at all." - Yusuke read this meaning from her eyes, and then shook his head.

"I just dealt with it conveniently and let him focus on taking the exam."

After finishing speaking, there was a kiss on the lips.

"I know……"

The soft feather-like voice tickled the ears, which was a bit seductive.

Then slowly separated again.

As if he was still unfinished, Sayu pursed her lips that were glowing with light.

I ran to get a pack of wet wipes from the shopping bag in the cart and came back.



Kato Yusuke took a wet wipe that the other party thoughtfully offered, wiped off the dirt on his hands, and then reached out to push the cart on the roadside.

He said: "Let's go, Yamaguchi and the others have arrived, now we are the only ones left."

"Yeah~" The girl nodded her head vigorously and followed him closely.

The two of them walked forward together, turned at the opposite intersection to Uchiyama Kenta, and entered the rural path.

There was a clang and the sound of empty cans rolling.

Looking around, there were only two of them strolling here.

Water-filled farmland reflects the evening sky, swaying in the last August summer breeze.

The crow of crows could be heard in the distance, and an uncle wearing boots rode a motorcycle and drove past them.

"Where did this cart come from?"

"Here, I bought too many things, so the mother-in-law of the store lent it to me."

Kato Yusuke nodded, "I'll return it later."

"Okay, then I'll be in charge of cooking~" Sayu said with a smile.

“Are you going to cook??”

"Eh? Isn't it?"

Yusuke frowned and responded, "I originally planned to ask everyone to go to the Yakiniku restaurant together."

"Yakitori shop..." The girl looked at him with a strange expression, "I always think it's weird for a group of high school students to go to that kind of shop."

"At least it's easier than having to prepare food for so many people, right?"

"No, I like cooking anyway, and Auntie Mina also said she would come to help."

Kato Yusuke pondered "Hmm..." and finally shook his head and said: "I know, then I will also help you. If you need anything from me, just ask me."

"Let me think about it, then..." Sayu paused at this point, then smiled: "Wait hungry?"

Then he kept peeking at him with his eyes, covering his mouth with his hands with ten fingers facing each other, and continued: "Because I want to make all kinds of delicious food with my own hands, and I will make Yusuke's mouth so that he can only eat my food~"

The tone was as light as humming a song.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but was stunned for a moment, but he said teasingly: "Do you realize that there is a subtle heaviness in these words?"

"It's not heavy!"

"Just a little bit."

"Not at all!"

"very scary."

"It's not scary!"

The two of them laughed and walked non-stop.

Crossing fields and old houses, heading towards the one that belongs to them.

After a while.

The tiled house full of Showa flavor appeared in sight.

Also caught in the eye were several figures gathering in front of the door, as well as a small red Honda parked aside.

"——Ah, hello~~~~here, here!" Ichiro Takei, who was the first to notice them, took the lead in raising his hands and waving them.

Attracted by his actions, the others also looked over one after another.

Himekawa Yoshiko: "Ah, it's Kato-san and the others."

Hasumi Kanoko: "It's Kato-san."

Hui: "Yeah."

"Oh~~Isn't this Sayu!? Long time no see——!"

As the two people approached, Yamaguchi immediately took the initiative to say hello.

"Long time no see ~ Yamaguchi-kun and Takei-kun." Sayu waved slightly and responded with a smile.

"Really, long time no see."

"Ah?" Yamaguchi couldn't help but frowned, looking her up and down, "——You mean, have you become more beautiful than before? Sayu."

"That's true." Takei, who was reminded like this, also interjected from the side.

"Eh~? There's no such thing." Sayu waved her hands in embarrassment.

"Some, yes, really! It's just like a model, but what's the difference?" Yamaguchi scratched the back of his head with a puzzled look on his face.

"——Well, does your skin look good?" Another slightly mature voice also interjected curiously.


"Hello." Teacher Renmi said with a smile: "I am the teacher of their school, Renmi Kanoko."

"Ah, hello! Please give me your advice when we meet for the first time." Sayu immediately put his hands together in front of his lower abdomen and bowed.

After politely responding to Hasumi-sensei's "You're welcome" words, his eyes naturally turned to the remaining two people.


"Good afternoon, Sayu."

"Yeah~! Good afternoon, Miss Hui."

"Well, just call me Kato or Megumi."

"That's it, then means you cut your hair short."

"Well, I'm more used to this."

"Eh? Long hair suits you very well. I think you are very beautiful. What a pity."

Facing the girl who said this sincerely, Hui's eyes moved and she whispered thank you.

"Eh? Wait a minute-"

Seeing this scene, Jia Zi came back to her senses from the other party's watery skin, turned around and asked: "Do you know each other!? Xiaohui. When?"

"Well, I was taken care of by Sayu during the Summer Festival a while ago."

"Eh? Why didn't I know about this?"

"Hmm...? But there's no need to tell Yoshiko this specifically, right?"

"Liar, why is this so!"

After Yoshiko complained in shock, Kato Yusuke walked up to Sayu and said, "Let me introduce them. These are Himekawa Yoshiko and Kato Megumi, my classmates."

Then he turned his gaze to the opposite side and said, "Kako, Megumi, this is my girlfriend, Sayu Ogiwara."

"Yeah~ just say girlfriend."

"Ah haha, that's right, I'm not ashamed."

The Mangkhut brothers looked strangely on the sidelines.

"You two, please give me some advice." Sayu bowed politely.

"...Oh, please give me some advice."

"Please take care of me, and I'm sorry to trouble you today, Sayu."

Kako and Megumi also leaned forward to respond.

Sayu smiled and waved her hands and said "no".

Yoshiko looked at her for a moment, then looked at Kato Yusuke, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, you are dressing up as a couple, but what's the matter with the stains on your clothes?"

"I encountered something a little bit." Kato Yusuke smiled faintly and didn't explain much. He just looked at Teacher Hasumi and asked, "Didn't you agree to wait at home? Why did you come out again?"

"That's it~" the other party chuckled and nodded in response, "Because everyone thinks we should come out to greet him. After all, this is Kato-san's home."

"What about the luggage?"

"It's already inside."


Kato Yusuke nodded and said to everyone: "Anyway, let's go in first."

"Okay! These are the things you need to bring in, right? Leave them to me!"

"Oh, I'm here to help too!"

Without him having to say hello, the Mangkhut brothers, who showed a complete sense of ownership, put their hands on his shoulders and walked towards the house together.

Even the cart and the things on it are rounded together, which is quite discerning.

As for the girls and the teacher, they looked at each other and smiled, and then followed suit.

"...So and so, anyway, I originally wanted to ask everyone to go out to eat together, but now we have to change it to do it at home. Do you have any opinions?"

Kato Yusuke, who changed his clothes after entering the house, briefly explained Sayu's thoughts.

Everyone just looked at each other.

"But..." Mr. Hasumi turned his attention to the girl next to him and asked the same question as him: "If this is the case, won't Sayu have a hard time? Is it okay?"

Kato Yusuke nodded, "So I will also help, and there will be an elder who will come with me later, so it should be okay."

"Huh? It was clearly agreed that you just have to be responsible and wait to eat."

"Don't say anything stupid."

"But Yusuke's craftsmanship...?"

"The cooking part will be left to you and Auntie Mina, but I can still do the chores like doing hands-on work and washing vegetables."

"That's it~~" Sayu chuckled, but did not continue to refuse.

But when Kato Yusuke turned around, he saw everyone looking directly at him, or at these two people.

"Kiss me mine."

"My soul is hurt."

The squinting Yamaguchi and Takei played the roles of teasing and flattering respectively, and they cooperated tacitly.

Teacher Hasumi's eyes flickered slightly, thinking to himself.

Jia Zi silently glanced at her friend beside her.

At this time.

"if it is like this……"

A slender jade arm was raised...

"Then I'll help too. I know a little bit about cooking." Hui said in a calm tone, attracting everyone's attention.

Kato Yusuke then said: "Then it's up to you, Megumi."

"Well, okay."

So Yoshiko also raised her hand, "Then I'll help too. Even though I'm not good at cooking, I can help like Kato-san."

"Hey, then Takei and I will be responsible for tidying up the bedding and so on?"



Seeing that they had all arranged things to do, Hasumi Kanoko couldn't help but blinked, "Then teacher..."

"Just rest." Kato Yusuke interrupted her directly.


"Kato is right, just rest."

“This kind of thing can be left to the students.”

"After all, the teacher invited us to dinner at noon."

Yamaguchi, Takei, and Yoshiko spoke one after another, and Kei nodded in agreement.

As for Sayu, he wouldn't have any objections.

Hasumi Kanoko was a little surprised to find that the matter seemed to be settled like this.

"Is this... is this going to trouble you?"

“Oh————!!” x2

"Leave it to us!"

Kato Yusuke turned to look at Sayu beside him, "Then I'll return the store's trolley first. Are you okay?"

Knowing that he was asking if she was used to this kind of situation, she smiled and replied, "Yeah, no problem."

So I felt relieved.

After talking to everyone, Kato Yusuke went out.

The remaining people also started to act enthusiastically according to their respective responsibilities.

Arrived a little later.

Except for Kato Yusuke who returned from returning the cart.

Mina Motoyama and Kenta Uchiyama also came to the house one after another.

Neither of them came empty-handed.

The former brought many fresh vegetables and fruits, while the latter brought a large amount of Wagyu beef and matsutake mushrooms.

After simple greetings.

Motoyama Mina immediately went to the kitchen to help.

Compared to her gentle and kind temperament, Uchiyama Kenta seemed a little reserved when meeting so many strangers at once.

However, because of the existence of the familiar Yamaguchi and Bamboo Wells, naturally this situation will not last long.

So after finishing the work, I immediately grabbed him and started chatting.

The two's cheerful and enthusiastic personalities, without the airs of their seniors, quickly made Kenta Uchiyama relax.

The three of them began to have discussions around the entrance exams, test-taking, and some daily life on the high school campus.

And when I heard that he wanted to enter a school in Tokyo.

Hasumi-sensei was passing the time by flipping through a copy of the "Man'yoshu" he took from Kato Yusuke's bookcase.

He also took advantage of the opportunity to join the conversation and gave him a lot of reference opinions from a teacher's perspective.

Not only that.

Uchiyama Kenta also heard a lot from them about the things his brother Yusuke did when he was in school.

From single-handedly challenging all sports clubs on campus, to overpowering talented pitchers, to breaking precedent by running for student council president as a first-year student.

It made him feel extremely shocked and at the same time, his blood boiled with excitement.

Only then did he realize that his childhood friend, whom he had always alienated and hated, was actually so powerful and outstanding.

His eyes suddenly became very complicated.

When I think of those words that I once said that the other person is special only in small places, a burning feeling rushes to my cheeks.

The whole person became a little restless.

But at the same time, the obsession that had been lingering in his heart for many years also quietly dissipated.

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