Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and eighty-four, dinner (four thousand)

Because there were already enough manpower, Kato Yusuke was rushed to the living room.

After taking a look at Yamaguchi and the others who were communicating on the sofa, they didn't go over to join in the fun. Instead, they pulled out a chair and sat at the dining table, observing the scene in the kitchen.

Let’s leave aside Motoyama Mina, who has been immersed in this field for many years, and Himekawa Yoshiko, who is obviously a layman.

The performances of the other two girls were particularly pleasing to the eye.

In addition to Sayu, who is full of skills in cooking, as always, showing off her cooking skills that are not inferior to those of a full-time housewife, even Megumi's performance can be said to be dexterous, making those who pay attention to her can't help but Nodding secretly.

Although the latter's performance is not as amazing as the former's, one can still see his familiarity with the kitchen from his subtle movements, which also proves that what Megumi said before about "knowing a little bit about cooking" is true.

Just like a boy who is serious is considered handsome, when a beautiful girl makes soup with bare hands, she also has a sense of beauty that is like washing away the lead.

But the most attractive part is probably the appearance of the two wearing aprons.

Sayu changed into a black short-sleeved shirt and wore her usual apron. The red Booby Logo on the denim material was very eye-catching and it also had many large pockets.

It is a picnic brand style that combines beauty and practicality.

Her skillful cooking skills are like a real wife, very cute and extremely sexy.

Then he moved his gaze to the beautiful figure next to him.

Megumi was wearing an apron designed like an ordinary dress over a white lace short-sleeved top.

The apron has a retro design style, with small blue flowers dotting the upper body and a big bow tied around the waist.

The part below the bow is only in simple blue, which complements the short hair that is pulled behind the ears in preparation for cooking, and looks quite tasteful.

Yusuke Kato also had some impression of the apron with the logo on the other party. It was the one that Megumi and Kako purchased at Rokutenma later when they were planning things.

Frankly speaking, I didn’t think it was anything special when I saw it, but after I actually put it on, it turned out to be extremely cute.

The design of the bow is also very in line with his aesthetics, and because it is tied tightly around the waist, it clearly highlights the curve of the chest that is usually not exposed to others. A rough judgment should be D (domestic C).

Although it is not as good as Shiyu-senpai's E (D) cup, it is obviously much stronger than Eiriri's B to C (A to B) cup. It is a slim and easy-to-carry figure...

Kato Yusuke was thinking about this a little vaguely, and his eyes naturally raised until he met the eyes of Kei who was facing this way at some point.

He couldn't help but be stunned, and a smile appeared on his face.

But there was a slight embarrassment in my heart.

So much so that there was an imperceptible stiffness in his smile.

Fortunately, Hui just nodded to him, lowered his head, put the cut ingredients on the plate on the counter, then turned around and continued working.

Someone felt relieved and touched his nose unconsciously. Turning his eyes to Sayu, he said to himself - 'It's all the plum wine's fault! ’

I guess it must be because after a natural night, my senses have become much sharper inadvertently.

But he quickly shook his head, not thinking about the feeling of being tightly tied around his waist, and began to silently practice the meditation method taught by Senior Nakano.

After a few breathing cycles.

The young man's mind gradually became as calm as water, like an old monk in meditation, full of Zen.

When he raised his head again, his dark eyes were back to normal, and they were clear and clear inside.

If paired with a cup of hot tea, it would be perfect.

At this moment--

"Can you drink black tea? Kato-san."

Along with a gentle and mature voice, a cup of steaming hot tea with a tea bag in it was placed in front of him.

Turning around to look, the stretchy D-cup cup wrapped in a cool short-sleeved shirt suddenly came into view.

A pleasant orchid fragrance also wafted into my nose.

He saw Teacher Hasumi who had started making tea at some point, leaning over to take his hand away from the dark green stoneware teacup.

The hem of the shirt that was lifted up unintentionally revealed a hint of whiteness around the waist, giving people a subtle throbbing.

The slim fit jeans on the lower body make the legs very slender and highlight the figure.

"Well, thank you."

Kato Yusuke withdrew his gaze, picked up the teacup, blew on it, and asked, "Where did you find this?"

Teacher Hasumi pulled out a chair and sat next to him, holding a cup of coffee in his hand. He nodded and responded, "Yeah - I found it in the cabinet over there in the living room. These tea sets are quite ancient. They are Did you buy it?"

"No." Kato Yusuke shook his head and took a sip of hot tea. "These are the things left by my grandfather."


The other party paused when he was about to pick up the mug, and subconsciously looked at the niche cage in the corner.

"But the cup you used is mine."

"Uh...Sorry, I saw them all put together, so I soaked them."

There was an apology on her face, and she looked a little embarrassed and at a loss.

Kato Yusuke had to joke in a relaxed tone: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it's you. If a boy like Yamaguchi uses my cup, he must at least treat me to a meal of ramen."

Even though she knew he was joking, Hasumi Kanoko's face still turned slightly red.

After taking a look at no one paying attention to him, he smiled reservedly and shyly, and scolded softly: "Really, didn't you say you can't tease the teacher?"

Kato Yusuke shook his head and said plausibly, "That's something only top students have to do. It's normal for problem students like me to give teachers headaches."

The smile on his lips became more obvious.

She wanted to reach out and pull his handsome face as punishment, but she also thought that this action seemed too intimate.

So I suppressed this idea again, just gave him a good-looking hygienic eye and drank my coffee silently.

Well, although there is no sugar or milk.

However, this brand of coffee tasted sweet, which made her wonder if she had accidentally bought black coffee for something else.

"——Let's not talk about whether your statement is unreasonable or not."

Teacher Hasumi said with a smile: "As the student council president and the number one student in the class, Kato-san, even if we don't call him a model student, he cannot be called a problem student in your opinion, right?"

Then he added: "If there are students as outstanding as you in the teacher's class, maybe he will take the bonus and go on vacation like Mr. Nakamura did."

"Please don't think of others as a way to get bonuses. You make me feel very subtle." Kato Yusuke said pretending to be dissatisfied, but silently apologizing in his heart.

After all, in a sense, his points are far more precious than bonuses.

"Teacher, you don't think so." Hasumi-sensei put down the mug, her rose-like lips leaving a red lip mark on the rim of the cup, like a blooming pomegranate flower.

Then he raised his chin with one hand, looked at him sideways and said, "The teacher may like you more than you think..."

Her voice seemed a little unreal and a little lazy in the wafting heat.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.

Before he could speak, the other party suddenly winked mischievously and added with a smile: "It's just the kind of student."

"——Well, it turns out that teachers also play tricks on students?"

"According to what you just said, "It doesn't matter if it's Kato-san." "

"Isn't this too bad? Please don't harass students."

"Unfortunately, we are on vacation now, so we can't talk about it."

Kato Yusuke pretended to sigh: "So if you want to go on vacation, where would you like to go?"

"Huh? Why do you ask this?"

"Just for reference."

"refer to……?"

Kato Yusuke nodded, "Although it probably won't work this year, next year I will include your opinions in the school trip questionnaire. Of course, this is limited to the scope of the student union's powers."

"Student Council...are you planning to change the planned destination for your school trip?"

The voice was raised twice higher than before due to surprise, but it did not exceed the lively chatter in the kitchen and living room, so it did not attract anyone's attention.

"Yeah, but because the class you teach is first grade, we have to wait until next year."

Hasashi saw Kanoko with her fingers pressed against her cheek, her eyes sparkling, and she murmured: "Why do you have to do this for your teacher?"

"Correction, yours is just for reference." Yusuke Kato denied, "The final location will still have to be voted on by the students."

Then the topic changed: "But if there are many places you want to go, and in order to improve work efficiency, it is the student union's job to appropriately reduce the survey options to a certain range."

After finishing speaking, he showed a refreshing smile.

The other party suddenly stopped talking and just looked at him with a pair of bright eyes.

There was a throbbing in my heart.

He lowered his eyes and avoided looking.

Hasumi Kanoko held the mug in both hands and stared at herself in the cup, feeling that the person inside was as radiant as a little girl.

Then he glanced at Sayu in the kitchen without leaving any trace, and thinking of the other person's enviable watery skin, he had a vague understanding in his heart.

Then he said softly in a calm tone: "You know how to use power for personal gain so early. It seems that you are really a problem student."

"Abusing power for personal gain?" Kato Yusuke repeated the word with a puzzled look on his face, his expression was very much like the kind-hearted farmer in The Farmer and the Snake.

"Okay, okay...! What the teacher said is wrong." Hasumi Kanoko raised her hand to stop him from continuing, and the coffee in the cup continued to ripple.

For some reason, when facing the young man beside her, she always felt like facing her peers. Coupled with the little secrets she had with him, it was difficult for her to treat him like an ordinary student.

Even some jokes and teasing often cause reactions, but I don't hate it.

Before the panic in her heart was noticed, she quickly stood up from her seat.

"Teacher, I'll give you some more tea. Just sit here by yourself for a while, Kato-san."

As he said this, he grabbed the teacup that he had just taken two sips from in front of someone, and hurriedly turned around and left.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, then he shook his head with a wry smile and looked towards the kitchen again.

I saw two girls in position C, each busy in front of a stove, while Motoyama Mina was guiding them with a smile.

There is also Yoshiko Himekawa, who obviously only calls "666".

When Sayu and Megumi stood together, he realized that they were almost the same height, both around 160 centimeters.

Compared to the front of the two wearing aprons, their slender backs are equally exciting.

The bow tied at the back of the waist emphasizes the curve of the buttocks. It is not only very sexy, but also has a flavor that makes Kato Yusuke feel calm.

Then he turned to look at the living room.

At this time, Kenta seemed to be very familiar with Yamaguchi and Takei. The three of them were surrounding a mobile phone, and Nogizaka46's MV song was playing from it.

From time to time there will be bursts of praise and discussion, as if they are criticizing a certain member, exuding an atmosphere of understanding among teenagers.

Looks slightly to the side.

The graceful Kanoko Hasumi stood at the counter against the wall, lowering her head to drink new tea and coffee.

The hair that fell inadvertently beside her ears added a bit of softness to her, making her look very comfortable.

Dong dong, knock knock.



The cooking melody in the kitchen and the lively conversation in the living room are intertwined, making it sound lively and joyful.

The originally deserted old house became full of popularity and fireworks due to the arrival of everyone.

There is a vague feeling of "home".

Make the body and mind relax involuntarily.

Without attracting anyone's attention, Kato Yusuke walked lightly to the corner of the room and put some incense on the photo of the handsome old man in the niche.

This scene was discovered by Motoyama Mina, who was looking here inadvertently. After being stunned for a moment, she couldn't help but smile.

After talking to the girls, he also raised his feet and came to Yusuke's side, and worshiped with him.

When they finish all this...

"Dinner is ready, boys, hurry up and help serve the food~" Himekawa Yoshiko, who had a sense of ownership, shouted to the living room, attracting the attention of the Yamaguchi group.

"Really!? Come now -!" Yamaguchi got up from the sofa with excitement, put the cell phone playing Nogizaka46 back into his pocket, and ran towards the kitchen.

When he thought about having delicious food, he did not quarrel with the other party as usual, but actively helped.

Together with Takei and Kenta who also followed, the three of them placed the prepared dishes on the dining table one by one. At the reminder of Kato Yusuke, they took a folding table from the warehouse in the yard and put it together with the dining table.

Then help Motoyama Mina place the dishes, chopsticks and seats respectively.

Sayu and Megumi, who was in charge of the kitchen, took off their aprons and started washing their hands, while Kanoko Hasumi took out disposable paper cups and poured drinks for everyone.

Many aspects are carried out simultaneously, and everything is ready quickly.

Everyone sat down around the two dining tables with a slight height difference.


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