Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and fifteen, Monkey Boy

After the little disturbance passed, Shintiao Xiang asked again.

"Speaking of which, Aki-san. The reasoning just now is very interesting~ But what is the thing you have been holding in your hand?"

"Huh? Oh...this?"

An Yilun also raised the paper rolled into a paper tube in his hand, grabbed the corner and shook it to everyone, and tapped it with the knuckles of his other hand.

"Just in case, though."

He said excitedly: "But in order to prevent Kato from denying it, I have copied all the interviews with Akane Benisaka from various magazines!"

"Hey, as expected of classmate An Yi. You are indeed very powerful. You were able to collect so much information in less than a day. Have you changed your mind?"

"Oh, oh...well, it's not bad."

An Yilun also rubbed his nose and explained with some embarrassment: "Actually, I just collected them. The ones who provided the information were Manga Research Society and Xi Yan."

Seeing his reaction, Yinglili couldn't help but fold her arms and sarcastically said: "Tsk, why are you so embarrassed over there? It's really annoying."

"Who, who is embarrassed, and wants you to take care of it!?"

"Hmph. I don't care. I just think it's an eyesore. Can't you disappear quickly?"

"No matter what, this is too much!? This is the student union!"

"Ahaha~ So what?" Shinjoka smiled as if she found their quarrel interesting, and then asked:

"Is there anything interesting in that briefing? Can it prove that the president is the cartoonist?"


An Yilun also said conclusively: "I have marked all the important contents, and there is conclusive evidence hidden in it! I will analyze it for you now!"

As if giving a speech, he glanced across the faces of everyone present one by one, coughed solemnly twice, cleared his throat, and began to speak.

"Q: Ms. Kurisaka, could you please tell us about the acquisition of "Chainsaw Man"?"

"A: There's not much to say. Basically, Mr. Fujimoto took the initiative to find me and wanted to sell me the copyright of the work (except comics). I thought it was good, so I bought it."

"Q: Is there anything interesting in it? How did you two reach a consensus?"

"A: Interesting things. There are some interesting things worth entertaining. By the way, can you smoke here? (cross out the horizontal line)"

"Q: You're welcome, but we may delete this sentence in the later stages (laughs)."

"A: Thanks, I've been suffocating since just now (crossed out). So, where do I start?"

"Q: Just follow your own wishes, we will sort it out later."

"A: Mr. Fujimoto and I first met on Xia CM. Having said that, I actually saw his work online much earlier, and that's when I noticed him."

"Q: So isn't Mr. Fujimotosuki a new cartoonist? Is it convenient to reveal the names of his previous works?"

"A: It's not necessary. At that time, he was just a frog in a well with no talent. His early works were completely superficial. It was only his painting skills and the aura inside that were interesting."

"Q: That's a harsh evaluation, please continue."

"A: Initially, I wanted to take him under my wing and fully develop his potential, but that bastard (blacked out) teacher had a lot of personality and rejected my invitation."

"Q: So that's it, what happened next?"

"A: I thought it would be good to let him grow freely for a while, but his later thoughts were very interesting, and he actually had the courage to come and propose to cooperate with me."

"Q: What kind of cooperation is it?"

"A: The matter fell through for the time being, so I didn't need to mention it, but later because he fooled me, I taught him a lesson."

"Q: What does the lesson mean?"

"A: Nothing. To put it simply, we had a fierce verbal debate on the issue, had an in-depth exchange of ideas, and then reached a consensus."

"Q: What is the consensus? Have you successfully recruited that teacher?"

"A: No, I cut off his way of making money from sea fishing, hahahahahahahahahahaha! I still remember the feeling at that time, it was so good (it was so good that my soul trembled)!"

"Q: Miss Benisaka...?"

"A: After that, he created "Chainsaw Man"."

"Q: Is that, actually like this——!?"

"A: That's right. That person used to be so lazy. If no one tried to exploit him, he wouldn't be serious about it, which would make people angry!"

"Q: No, as expected of Ms. Kurisaka, your style is very special. In order for Mr. Fujimotoki to create excellent works, you also tried your best."

"A: Extreme? Although I am indeed happy to see a unique work like "Chainsaw Man" born, but don't get one thing wrong."

"Q: What do you mean by mistake?"

"A: The word upper limit does not exist in my dictionary. If you cannot break your own limits and move to a higher level, you might as well die.

If I can't create anything interesting one day, I will not hesitate to find a quiet place and expose my body on the street. "

"Q: It will cause trouble for people. Please don't do that! I apologize for my wrong choice of words. I am really sorry (bow)!"

"A: As for Mr. Fujimotoshu, what he has shown is far from the limit. If he would be more diligent, the industry would not be so boring long ago, so I will give him a little power."

"Q: The motivation you are talking about...does it mean to make the details of this transaction and part of the teacher's information public?"

"A: Haha, although this is part of the reason, part of it is also due to his previous shady relationship."

"Q: This is the last question. From a professional perspective, how would you evaluate Mr. Fujimotosuki?"

"A: Taking "Chainsaw Man" as an example, he is a very free creator.

In my opinion, he is a talented monster. If he wants to, it will not be difficult for him to surpass me. "

The interview ended here, and An Yilun didn't read any more.

"...That's it, that's basically it." He breathed out, looking very comfortable.

I don’t know when the room became very quiet. Everyone was listening carefully to the interview content in the briefing, and everyone gained something.

"The issue is."

Shinjoka asked thoughtfully: "Although you have said so many things about Akane Benisaka, do these have anything to do with the president?"

"Of course -!"

An Yilun also affirmed categorically, then took out his mobile phone, entered his blog, and showed a picture to everyone present.

"So, this is the first work that Kato drew and made his debut as "Eromanga-sensei" - the second creation of Sayuka in "Metronome of Love"!

Maybe you may not remember it, but this work was actually quite influential on the Internet at the time.

When searching for "Love Metronome" on the Internet, the first one listed is the official website of "egoisticlily" which published this work.

By the way, the promotion blog I wrote ranked second, and the third place was the official website of Immortal River. "

"Stop flattering yourself, hurry up and continue explaining!" Yinglili reminded him rudely when she saw that the topic was about to go off the rails.

It was the first time for her to hear about this incident, and she vaguely understood that it must be an opportunity for Kato Yusuke and Shiyu to connect, and she couldn't help but care a little.

"You're so rude." An Yilun also complained in a low voice, but he still continued.

"...Miss Hongsaka said that she met him on Xia CM, but she paid attention to him before that.

And Kato's activity time coincides with these two points, so it can be determined that he is more likely to be the teacher Fujimotoshu! "

"Of course, if this doesn't convince you, I have one more conclusive evidence!"

As if not missing any clue, he added again:

"Although Senior Shiyu may not know it, do you still remember the red sports car that appeared in the service area on the last day of field teaching?...

It is said that Miss Benisaka’s car is a Porsche 911 with Shinagawa license plate! "

An Yilun also laughed proudly and made a righteous declaration.

"In the face of so many coincidences, it can no longer be described as coincidence. So admit it! Kato! Admit that you are the mysterious genius cartoonist--sensei Fujimoto Shu!"

The loud voice echoed in the room.


Kato Yusuke remained silent, and the dark hole appeared for a brief moment, as if he was being pulled to stand in the scene at that time.

He took a few short breaths, and the sediment that had been stuck deep in his chest was about to rise, but he suppressed it without leaving a trace.

In order not to be seen, he lowered his face slightly as if thinking, and began to think about other things.

Then I thought of Akane Benisaka.

Regarding why he wanted to reveal his identity, he had a brief exchange with the other party via email in the morning.

The reply given by the other party is as follows:

【how? You have the guts to open your mouth to my lion, but now you don’t have the guts to admit it?

Stop daydreaming. Since I have already spent the money, I need to generate corresponding attention and effects.

All in all, just stand on the stage, perform, and please me to your heart’s content~]

Just as he was thinking about these questions...

"Here, tea, please."

A bottle of oolong tea was placed in front of him.

Kato Yusuke raised his head unconsciously and met Kei's gaze.

The girl's eyes were calm and vaguely inquisitive, and she was looking at him intently, as if she was worrying about something.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be stunned, and then he immediately woke up.

The other party must have thought of the conflict that day and his abnormality at the time.

He moved his lips, deliberately smiled back to show that he was fine, said thank you, and then picked up the oolong tea to drink.

I just unscrewed the bottle cap and didn't even have time to take a sip...

A hand stretched out from the side, and with a bit of determination, snatched the oolong tea from his hand.

Gudu, Gudu, Hu...

"...Well, it tastes delicious. Okay, here it is back to you~"

Shiyu wiped his lips with his knuckles and handed back the oolong tea with lip balm printed on the bottle.

"Sorry, I happen to be a little thirsty too. I'll just drink a little. Yuu-chan won't mind, right?"

She said in a rather sweet tone, but her eyes did not look at him, but fell on another person.

Kato Yusuke's eyelids twitched slightly, and he hummed in a low voice without saying much.

He couldn't help but look across the desk and saw Hui staring at the PET bottle in his hand, or rather the mouth of the bottle, and then tilted his head and asked:

"Want me to get you another bottle?"

Should I say it's a different personality? After saying this, Hui also didn't look at Shiyu, but just stared at him straight.

Kato Yusuke was a little nervous for no reason and was about to say something, but someone spoke first.

"Aren't you going to drink?"

Shiyu next to him focused her eyes on his face, and her wine-red eyes exuded a strong emotion that could not be rejected.

"Oh, then..."

He slowly raised the bottle and brought it to his mouth.

Immediately afterwards——

"Do you want a drink?"


As if to retaliate, Hui on the other side also asked.

Although the dark eyes were peaceful, they seemed to have no intention of letting him go easily.

Kato Yusuke, who was being watched by the two men, felt uneasy for a while. He could neither pick up nor put down the PET bottle in his hand.

It seems that no matter which side you choose, the other side will be unhappy.

The atmosphere couldn't help but become anxious.

at this time--

Pah, pah, pah, pah, pah.

The brisk applause not only broke the deadlock at the scene, but also attracted people's attention.

"That's a really great reasoning ~ An Yi-san."

Shinjoka seemed to be unaware of her surroundings and clapped her hands repeatedly, "Congratulations on your correct answer~ President, he is the manga author."

"Okay! I just said...wait!"

An Yilun, who was about to make a fist to celebrate, suddenly noticed something unusual and looked towards her suddenly.

“Isn’t it right? Isn’t it——!?”

"Is something wrong?"

"You shouldn't react like this, right?? Besides, why are you the one who reveals the answer to the mystery!?"

"It's so stupid...!" Seeing his reaction, Yinglili couldn't help but cover her face and tremble slightly as if she was a little embarrassed.

"It's a shame you were so slow to realize this now.

Basically, Yusuke told us about this before you even came into the student union, you idiot Renya! "


An Yilun also stayed in place, looking alternately at everyone present.

Yusuke Kato breathed a sigh of relief after putting down the bottle, Megumi gave him a comforting look, Shiba-senpai took the opportunity to secretly poke someone's cheek, and Eri looked at him like he was a monkey.

And... Shinjoka with a happy smile on her face.

At this moment, An Yilun also suddenly felt.

It seems that I have really turned into a monkey...

(Backlog progress: 6/10)

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