Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and sixteen, the dust has settled


As if he couldn't accept this fact, An Yilun couldn't bear it and asked Shinjoka:

"Since you already knew this, why did you ask me these questions? Are you deliberately teasing me?"

"Hey, that's not what you said, right?"

"Then why not..."

In the middle of his words, Shinjoka interrupted him with a smile.

"Are you trying to tell me why I didn't stop you?"


An Yilun also scratched his hair, feeling a little uncomfortable because he was robbed, but he still nodded in affirmation.

"If you want to say it~ I asked you to do this after all. Obviously An Yi has worked hard to investigate so much. If the audience's reaction is too dull, they will definitely be disappointed, right?"

"Is that... such a thing?"

"That's right~ At least I feel I have the obligation to cooperate responsibly."

Shinjoka clenched her hands into fists in front of her chest and continued:

"And I really think this is a wonderful reasoning. An Yi-san is surprisingly reliable. If the president hadn't told us in advance, I would have been extremely surprised."

When Yinglili heard this, she couldn't help but casually interjected:

"Don't think too highly of him. It's just that the problem this time happens to be what he is good at. Apart from things in the otaku field, he is just a useless... empty shell, right?"

"is that so?"

"How could I lie to you, so don't trust him, otherwise you will end up being constantly disappointed."

"I admit that I am an otaku, but don't talk so irrelevantly! Aren't you an otaku yourself? Eiriri!"

An Yilun couldn't help but retort, but received a look of contempt from Ying Lili.

"Then you think production-type otaku and consumption-type otaku are the same?"


As if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, An Yilun was immediately speechless.

If we really want to compare, even among otakus, there is a difference between the two.

Compared to production-oriented otakus with commercial value, consumption-oriented otakus can only be regarded as cute otters whose works serve as spiritual food.

Not to mention a well-known bookmaker like Eri Kashiwagi, the two sides are not on the same level at all.

The other person is a creator who can attract countless fans through his hobbies, but he is just a cute dolphin who only knows how to consume and has no other merits.

Although the two parties had been partners when they were young, and the other party was even a follower who followed him all day long, it was nothing special at all.

But now, the other party has long left him far behind.

After so many years, he was the only one who still stayed in the same place, as if there was no growth except for his body.

How unfair.

An Yilun also thought of this and suddenly calmed down, no longer entangled with Yinglili, but turned his focus to Shintiao Xiang next to her.

"Then again, even if you said so much, didn't you essentially still lie to me?"

"Well, is there any? I think this is a white lie~"

"To be precise, it should be sophistry, right? And this thing is really weird. Think about it carefully, you have been very confident since the morning. You shouldn't have guessed Kato's identity a long time ago, right??"

"Well, I should say that I just thought there was a slight possibility of it at the time. It was only half an hour ago that I was really sure."

"I said." An Yilun also asked with some uncertainty: "Are you using me?"

"Hey, are you taking advantage of Aki-kun?" Shinjoka blinked in confusion and asked, tilting his head.

"Why, would that do me any good?"

"This, this...I, I don't know..."

"Anyway, there's nothing like that. An Yi-san is too suspicious. By the way, the president has just given me the job of the disciplinary committee. Could you please give me some advice in the future~?"

An Yilun's eyes couldn't help but light up when he heard this. Even though he still had doubts, he still felt excited about it.

According to the agreement between the two, as long as he can get the results of the investigation, the other party will turn a blind eye to him in future personal belongings inspections.

For someone like him who often brings collections to school, the temptation is quite real.

The convenience of this damn right is wonderful!

At this time, Yinglili suddenly spoke.

"Speaking of which, why did Shinjou-san accept the job of the Disciplinary Committee? This kind of job can easily offend people, right?"

"Hmm~ I think it's okay? After all, the school spirit of our school is quite free, and there aren't too many hard and fast rules."

"Although that's true, if the school really follows the school regulations, the discipline committee will be responsible for supervising the students, right?"

"Yeah, I know. Then the disciplinary committee will be on the opposite side of the students."

Shinjoka leaned back on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling, and said:

"If school rules really become stricter, we girls will probably be the first to be affected, right? Including myself, I really can't accept returning the skirt to its original length."

"If Shinjou-san knows, why do you still want to accept it?" Eiri asked with some confusion.

——Because no one will leave this kind of work to you.

"So~~ I can only pray that that kind of thing doesn't happen, or wait for new people to join the student union, right? President~~?"

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to."

When Kato Yusuke said this, some people couldn't help but become anxious.

"Ah, that's not possible...!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone followed the sound.

An Yilun, who knew he had made a mistake, couldn't help but panic, and quickly made up for it:

"Ahem, what I mean is... the behavior of laziness is not good, and Shinjou-san seems to be very suitable to be the disciplinary committee member."

"What are you talking nonsense over there?" Ying Lili asked sharply: "Besides, what do you know? Can you tell this kind of thing just by looking at it?"


An Yilun's eyes wandered, and he laughed stiffly, trying to act stupid.

Before arousing more suspicion, Shinjoka finally spoke.

"It's okay, Sawamura-san. I have a sense of self-discipline and nothing will happen to me."

Seeing her insistence, Ying Lili said nothing more.

Shinjoka looked at An Yirunya, and saw him lowering his shoulders slightly as if he was relieved and smiling gratefully at her.

Such a scene made her feel a little funny for no reason, but she didn't show it on her face.

To be honest, the two sides would never have crossed paths.

This boy is not the type that she is interested in from the inside out. The only interesting thing about him is his status as "Eri Sawamura's childhood sweetheart".

Nothing else is attractive at all.

But because of one thing, Shintiao Xiang changed his mind.

That was the commission Kato Yusuke gave her - to quell the rumors about Kasumigaoka-senpai and Kato Megumi.

This matter is neither difficult nor easy.

The core issue is how to reduce the popularity of this rumor and prevent people from paying too much attention to this aspect.

It just so happened that a media interview happened at this time, which just drew the students' attention away from this.

Shintiao Xiang took advantage of the situation and muddied the waters a little, so he came up with the plan to put An Yilun in the spotlight.

From the current point of view, the effect is excellent.

But this is only temporary, after all, the heat of a thing will eventually pass.

And when people are almost tired of this, someone will definitely bring up the student union love triangle again.

As for what to do next...because the situation has changed, she needs to confirm Kato Yusuke's meaning first.

According to her original plan, she was actually to constantly create new topics to achieve the purpose of constantly shifting people's focus.

Especially those who spread the most gossip about the student union. She was already gathering information about those people without leaving a trace.

What we have to do next is quite simple.

That is to create a situation where they have no time to take care of other things.

Like who hates who, and who thinks who is disgusting all the time.

Everyone has a hidden side of shame, hypocrisy, and a side that should not be known to others that they only confide in a few people.

There are really many parts that can be used. As long as a little guidance is added and then exposed, the impact will be enough to make those people overwhelmed.

Continuously use actions such as this to distract people from the student union and cover it up with other things.

Over time, as long as the student union does not cause any new disturbances in the future, things will basically calm down.

For Shinjoka, it was the first time Kato Yusuke assigned her a task. She was still very motivated and had been secretly making plans and plans.

According to the dependent relationship between the two, she considers it very necessary to continue to deepen her own importance and become a helpful person to Kato Yusuke.

As for the fate of those who were plotted by her, whether they were pitiful or miserable, she didn't care about that.

How to make Kato Yusuke need her more is her core driving force.

While Shintiao Xiang was thinking about this secretly, An Yilun also made a new move.

"...But having said that, is that teacher Fujimotoshu really you? Kato." He asked, as if making final confirmation.

"Haven't you already investigated everything clearly?" Kato Yusuke said while looking back at him with a very calm expression.

"——It's really you!?" An Yilun also raised his voice suddenly, and then hurriedly asked:

"Then, then, did you really earn 100 million yuan as the news said...?"

An inexplicable nervousness surged up, causing him to swallow a mouthful of saliva involuntarily.

Perhaps due to his influence, the others involuntarily stopped what they were doing and looked at the figure behind the desk.

——"The highest copyright transaction in the Heisei era."

Think of the news media’s evaluation of this incident, and then equate it with the companions you spend day and night with...

I always feel like...the person I was familiar with suddenly seems to be mysterious.

The room became silent for a moment, as if the entire space was listening with ears raised, for fear of missing the next word.

The people present were silent and waited together.

Although I think the news may not be false, I cannot guarantee whether it is exaggerated, so it is more true to confirm it with myself. .

It was in this atmosphere that Kato Yusuke spoke.

"...It's not that much, it's just a gimmick for media reports."

After hearing this, An Yilun's tense body couldn't help but relax, and he breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

"What? It turns out it's a fake news..."

"In fact, after deducting commercial taxes and including discounts for minors, I only received 75 million."


Thump thump thump thump!

An Yilun's heart was beating wildly, and the words he was about to say were choked in his throat, but he swallowed them down.

The next second, he let out a cry from the bottom of his soul.

"——Don't talk about such scary things so easily!!!"

Listen to what this bastard said?

Only? 75 million? That's it?

Is this what people say? ? ! ?

Oh, by the way, the other party also paid 25 million in taxes.

And even if he works countless jobs, his income in a year is not more than a fraction of the tax the other party pays.

Shinjoka blinked quickly, her pupils flashing with excitement, and then lowered her eyes restrainedly, folding her hands on her chest.

The pounding heart seemed to be expressing excitement.

No, this feeling is too obvious.

The youngest billionaire~

This is the potential stock she likes.

It's only been a month since they signed the contract...

To be honest, she did think that the other party would have good prospects in the future, but she only thought about it in a conventional way.

At least in her imagination, these things should not be realized until college, but now, that person gave her such a big shock.

Such a president is so charming?~!

Shinjoka's body was trembling slightly, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up. She felt that every cell in her body was extremely active.

She looked around aimlessly, trying to ease her excitement, but she happened to meet a pair of wine-red eyes.

Shiyu was staring at her for a moment. Although he didn't say anything, he had a sharp sense of insight into everything.

For a while, no one spoke in the student union office.

Everyone was silently digesting this matter in their hearts, and everyone had their own thoughts, which were not enough for outsiders to explain.

In the silence, Kato Yusuke spoke.

"Anyway, there is a lot of luck involved. Also, can you do it without publicizing it everywhere? An Yi."

An Yilun, whose name was called, couldn't help but fell into the battle between heaven and man, and then asked in confusion:

"...Why? This shouldn't be a bad thing for Kato, right? Besides, even if I don't tell...according to the current situation, I feel like I can't hide it for long, right?"

"That's not the case."

Kato Yusuke slowly shook his head and explained:

"Now that it's become what it is now, I just think it's better to wait until the right time and maybe make it work a little bit."

"suitable time?"

"Well, this is what I was planning to say before, but it was interrupted because of your visit."

Kato Yusuke looked around, his eyes swept across the faces of the people present, and then asked in a calm voice:

"Do you still remember the previous game plan?"


An Yilun's body shook violently!

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