Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and twenty-eight, make suggestions

After picking up Sayu who ran away from home, she began to be reborn in Tokyo Main Volume 228. The long day of making plans is finally over.

The sun in Tokyo gradually sets in the west, falling behind the distant mountain ridges, emitting its last remaining light.

The night of the second day of Comiket.

An Yilun, who was exhausted both physically and mentally, also opened the door and dragged heavy steps back to his room.

Without turning on the light, he threw himself onto the bed, covered his head with a quilt and lay down.

The late setting sun shone in through the window, making the room dim. The cries of crows on the telephone poles seemed particularly sad in the dim environment.

An Yilun just lay there motionless.

If it were normal times.

He should be staring at Comiket's event catalog, excitedly making various arrangements for tomorrow, and planning the itinerary for the last day's activities.


What happened in the afternoon completely disrupted his plan, leaving him in no mood to think about what was and wasn't.


An Yilun also groaned feebly, his mind in chaos.

The clock in the house was ticking, and the sound was monotonous and boring, which was annoying to hear.

At this time, a long time had passed since he ran after Yinglili and said goodbye to her.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, the scene from a few hours ago would appear uncontrollably, blaming him in his heart.

He could only get into bed and stare, hugging his thighs and curling up into a ball. Even if he couldn't fall asleep, he could only waste time in such a listless manner.

Unfortunately, he had another quarrel with the other party.

The girl's expression and words before she left still remained in his mind, lingering in his mind.

Although it is common to see Yinglili angry, the face she showed today was mixed with sadness and fear...

It had long been forgotten by him in the distant past, and he vowed never to watch it again.


On the mobile phone, Haidao Chuhai sent a condolence email with concern.

[Senior Lun Ye, are you okay? 】

Even though he left him behind twice in one day, the client still packed up his stall and ran to him.

When she found him motionless at the intersection in front of the station, she wisely sent him all the way home before saying goodbye.

Being taken care of by a junior high school student who is two years younger than himself makes even An Yilun feel that he is too shameful, even if he is called a trash, it is not an exaggeration.

But he didn't have the extra energy to think about this at the moment. He just kept tossing and turning on the bed, irritated.

I don’t know how long it’s been like this…

Ding dong~

Suddenly there was a melodious doorbell ringing downstairs.

An Yilun also glanced at the phone.

19:30 Tokyo time.

Although he didn't want to move, he was the only one who could open the door at night when his parents were not at home, so he had to get up.

"So complicated……"

He muttered a complaint and reluctantly lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Before I knew it, it was pitch black outside.

An Yilun also fumbled to turn on the light and came downstairs with his head hanging down.

As he was going downstairs, the doorbell kept ringing, with a hint that he would not stop until he opened the door.

"Come, come, who is it... uh——"

An Yilun also opened the door with a look of boredom, and then froze on the spot, "Iori...why is it you??"


Namishima Iori raised her hand to brush her fashionable brown curly hair, smiled and said hello: "Good evening, Toruya-san."

An Yilun's expression became even more bored than before he opened the door. He frowned and asked, "... Representative of the dignified society, what do you want to do with your visit to my house?"

"Well, I have something I want to talk to you about. Can you please invite me in first?"

"...I'm really sorry. Although I'm not in the mood to chat, and since the person is you, I'm even less interested, so please come back."

"Wait a moment, Toruya-san."

Namishima Iori grabbed the door that was about to close with one hand and said to him: "I'm not here to quarrel with you today. I just want to talk to you about going to sea. Can you let me in?"

"...about going to sea?"

A flash of hesitation flashed across An Yilun's face.

After a moment of stalemate, he finally opened the door.

"Then come in..."

Return to the room.

Although he was very unhappy with Namishima Iori, Aki still reluctantly poured him a glass of water and sat down cross-legged on the carpet.

"So? What did you just say happened to her?"

Seeing that he asked directly, Hashishima Iori was not polite and said: "You really did something unnecessary, Toruya-san."

"What did you say??"

"I've seen everything you did."

Namishima Iori said bluntly: "Didn't you help Dehai sell her books with great fanfare today? And all of them were sold out."

"Since you've seen it, why do you ask specifically? So what? Who told your brother to ignore her?" An Yilun said angrily.

"What a pity. I originally had a crush on you, Toruya-san."

Hashishima Iori took a sip of water and her tone became slightly sharper, "But now, I kind of hate you. Why do you have to be so willful?"

Ignoring An Yilun who was stunned for a moment, he continued talking.

"You just said that I don't care about going to sea, right? But have you ever thought that I have already made future plans for going to sea? But it turned out to be completely disrupted by you."

An Yilun also said: "...What do you mean by this?"

"That's what it means literally. I originally wanted to go overseas to create more easily, at least for another two or three years..."

Namishima Iori paused at this point and sighed softly: "But you dragged her into the turbulent waves of society. You have to know that she is only a second grader in junior high school."


An Yilun also blinked, vaguely understanding what he wanted to express, but he still retorted unconvinced.

"Even if you say so...since Chuhai has that kind of talent, it's only a matter of time before he becomes popular, with or without me."

"However, she could have been a fan writer who was well-received but not well-received for a while, living a peaceful life with only a few enthusiastic believers following behind her."

"The important thing is how many people can see her work! Criticism can make an author grow, right?"

"So you're going to expose her to jealous slander online? What if she breaks down?"

Hashishima Iori sneered: "You should also know Kato-kun's situation at that time, right? Although that person won in the end, do you think anyone can easily handle it?"


An Yilun was also shocked. He subconsciously wanted to deny what he said, but he didn't know how to speak. In the end, he just said something dry.

"It's the producer... no, it's the brother's responsibility to protect her in that environment, right?"

The voice he spoke unconsciously became softer, giving off a hint of guilt.

"...Maybe so."

Namishima Iori glanced at him sideways and said, "Alas, I haven't thought enough about going to the sea now. I have too many problems."

"You guy, don't use your own standards to measure your own sister! She has only been painting for a few months and she is already at the level of a genius!"

An Yilun also expressed his displeasure for his disciple.

"Haha, that's true~"

Namishima Iori's tone was a little more showy.

"To be honest, even I didn't expect that Chuhai would grow so much all at once. I can only say that it's thanks to the amazing painter in your club."

An Yilun didn't want to continue this meaningless conversation with him, so he began to drive people away rudely.

"Anyway, if your investigation is over, go back to me as soon as possible!"

"Sorry, that's not possible yet."

Namishima Iori shook her head, looked directly into his eyes and asked, "I heard about it from Demi, Toriya-san, are you having a conflict with Sawamura-san?"


An Yilun's expression suddenly changed, and he was speechless.

"That's true~ I asked you why you were so lost when you just opened the door, your eyes looked like they were dead."

"That's enough, you guy! You actually came here just to watch my jokes, right? Do you really like to rub salt into other people's wounds?"

"No~ On the contrary, I'm here to help you."

"……help me??"

"That's right."

Namishima Iori nodded, pretending to be helpless and said: "Speaking of which, Toruya-kun, don't you misunderstand me too deeply?"

"Stop talking about these useless things. What do you mean by helping me? I don't think I need your help in any way!" An Yilun also glared at him.

"Well~ don't be so excited yet. Like I just said, I'm not your enemy. You don't need to be so guarded."

Namishima Iori didn't take it seriously, with a frivolous smile on his face, and asked: "Besides, you should also want to reconcile with Sawamura-san, right?"


An Yilun also opened his mouth, his expression kept changing, and he asked silently: "...So what if it is, is it possible that you can convince Yinglili?"

"How is this possible?"

Hashishima Iori laughed dumbly: "If you have this kind of idea, it would be more practical to ask Kato-kun."

"Then what you mean you have any other options?" An Yilun also asked hesitantly, feeling a little shaken in his heart.

Although he hates the person in front of him, it is undeniable that the other person is indeed very sophisticated in human relations. Otherwise, he would not have been able to reach his current position as a high school student.

Putting aside his character, he at least trusts Hamishima Iori's ability. If the other party is willing to sincerely help him...

"It's hard to say whether there is a specific way~"

"Iori, you guy...!"

"Hey, didn't I tell you to be patient? Even if I want to help you find a solution, you have to let me understand the specific situation first, right?"

Namishima Iori said calmly:

"Anyway, let's sort out the situation first. If there's anything wrong with what I say next, you can correct me later."

He began to talk endlessly.

"Then, if I'm not wrong, that Sawamura-san must have felt threatened by Izumi, and his heart was shaken by this."

"Although Toruya-san, you tried very hard to solve the problem, but it backfired because you missed the point. Not only did you fail to resolve the conflict with Sawamura-san, but you also irritated the other party even more."

"The result is that you two are now in a complete impasse, and you can't even communicate... Am I right?"

"How did you..."

An Yilun also stared at him dumbfounded. He didn't know what to say for a long time and couldn't hide the shock in his eyes.

after awhile.

He then asked in a hoarse voice: "Did Chu Hai tell you all of this?"

"It doesn't matter if you want to understand it that way, but she only told me what happened to you at the venue. The rest is basically my personal inference, but I don't know if it's right~"

Hashima Iori answered him with a leisurely smile, her tone full of playfulness.

An Yilun also swallowed secretly and had nothing to say about it.

Basically, if he hadn't made sure that he hadn't told anyone about the incident with Eiri, he would have almost assumed that it was Dekai Hashima who revealed the news.

But in the other party's statement just now, it was as if he had witnessed the whole process with his own eyes!

However, Namishima Iori couldn't do that at all. After all, the other party was still busy with club affairs at that time. This was what he saw with his own eyes when passing by the gate area.

And just relying on some ambiguous information, the facts can be inferred...

Although he didn't want to admit it in his heart, An Yilun was still impressed by the intelligence of the other party's mind.

He thought for a moment, and then asked cautiously: "...If things are like what you said, what should I do now?"

"Well...all I have to say is apologize, right?" Iori Hashishima replied matter-of-factly.


An Yilun also frowned.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with me in this matter. That guy is obviously a famous fan writer, but he lacks self-awareness and wants to compare himself with a newcomer who goes overseas."

"...Are you serious? Toruya-kun."

For the first time since entering this room, Hashishima Iori showed a dumbfounded expression.

"Although it makes me happy that you approve of going to sea so much, but what we are talking about now is the problem between you and Sawamura-san, right?"

"But...but, there is absolutely no point in comparing Eiriri and Dekai, right?"

As if seeking approval, An Yilun also defended himself, "After all, they are completely different in terms of subject matter, popularity, and current status -!"


Namishima Iori stared at him again and again for a while, and said quite speechlessly: "...I think I probably know why you made Sawamura-san angry."

“Don’t you think so??”

"On the contrary, I want to say that I'm sorry Toruya-kun that you can blame the creative aspect for this. If this were in a game, you would be the kind of hopelessly bad male protagonist."

"Anyway, your description is too exaggerated, isn't it??!"

"Then let me ask you, do you still want to wait for the girl to take the initiative to apologize to you?"

"If only a little bit..."

An Yirunya was only halfway through what he said when Hashishima Iori interrupted him.

"——I advise you to give up that unrealistic idea as soon as possible."


"Anyway, we won't comment on how outrageous your idea is here. You just need to understand that it won't work to reason with girls. So Toruya-san, what are you going to do next?"

"You said you didn't comment, but you didn't just criticize the person by the way!"

An Yilun also uttered a word first, and then fell into thinking.

Although Hashishima Iori's words didn't sound good, at least she knew better than him how to please girls.

His eyes kept changing, and he struggled for a long time before finally making up his mind.

"...Although I still can't completely trust that guy, and I can't forgive her for what she did! But...I want to make peace with Yinglili no matter what!"

"That's it..."

Namishima Iori's eyes flickered for a moment, and he nodded slightly and said, "Although there are some parts of your words that make me concerned, let's think about countermeasures first."

An Yilun couldn't help but sit up straight, "Then what should I do?"

"Well, since the other party is an otaku girl, why don't we use some special methods to reconcile?"

"Uh, what do you mean by special method...?"


Namishima Iori snapped her fingers and smiled enigmatically at him: "Let's go and hunt for childhood sweetheart female characters, Toruya-san."

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