Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and twenty-nine, secret action

After picking up Sayu who ran away from home, she began to be reborn in Tokyo Main Volume 229, Secret Action. The next morning, it was dawn.

The entrance door of your own house.

An Yilun also tied the shoelaces on his feet, then stood up and stepped on the spot twice.

Tokyo time, 6:30.

If it had been in elementary school, Yinglili would have come home and asked him to do radio gymnastics by now, but can only be said that the past is too painful to look back on.

Except for yesterday, the last time he saw each other cry was six years ago.

Ever since their breakup in elementary school, the two have become strangers.

It took them three years to be able to say hello to each other.

It took them five years to be able to borrow animations and games from each other.

It took them six years to have such a normal conversation.

But in fact, they have never been able to truly reconcile so far.

And today, An Yilun is also determined to solve this matter completely——!

He took a deep breath and his eyes became firm.

At this time, a lazy voice suddenly came from behind.

An Yilun also turned around while talking, and then saw Iori Hashishima walking towards him yawning in short-sleeved shorts.

When he saw this, he was startled at first, and then an evil fire suddenly surged in his heart.

Namishima Iori said with a fake sigh.

Faced with An Yirunya's duplicity, Hashishima Iori didn't care and just showed a faint smile.

An Yilun was also silent for a moment:

A careless and frivolous smile appeared on Namishima Iori's face.

As a representative of the society, I can’t do it without being present. But before that I need to take care of my hair, so you don’t have to wait for me to go first, okay? "

An Yilun said this sentence angrily, and then walked out of the door with his head held high.

It's snowing in Tokyo today and the temperature outside is very cold.

He glanced at the sky covered with dark clouds, then turned to look at the mansion standing on the top of the hillside, exhaling a puff of white air from his mouth.

An Yilun also whispered, wrapped his jacket tighter, and started running towards the station. ….

Take the tram to your destination.

Walking down the cold and windy Rinkai Line International Exhibition Center Station, I walked through the large crowds of people that were not expected outdoors on a winter morning.

An Yilun also showed off his club admission ticket with high spirits and rushed to enter the venue before the official start of the event.

Since Hashima only signed up for the second day's event, what he got today was a ticket provided by his brother.

——That is, the super popular club

Admission ticket.

Although the tickets officially issued to all clubs were almost identical, the staff still showed some surprise when they saw the numbers and club names printed on them.

This made An Yilun feel relieved, and he decided to keep this precious ticket for later.

Arrive in front of the stall.

A very eye-catching male and female team is busy behind the table.

The man has short blond hair, wears a black overalls suit, and looks tall.

The woman has long purple hair and wears a simple and elegant grass-colored kimono, looking like a cute little bird.

The two parties were now squatting on the ground with their backs to the venue, taking out a large number of notebooks from the cartons.

An Yilun also first glanced at the long table in front of him, on which were stacked several stacks of notebooks that far exceeded the number printed by Bo Island.

《Meries of Lily》

"Chainsaw Man Makimaben"

The exquisite and erotic pictures on the cover made his blood flow faster, but he restrained it with his strong willpower.

Then, he raised his eyes to look at the pair of men and women behind the table, and a hint of complexity flashed in his eyes.

Once upon a time, that was an elder who was extremely close to him, but now he has become a very strange person.

Needless to say, these two are the current heads of the Sawamura family.

——Reynard Spencer and Sayuri Sawamura.

He spoke with a hint of nervousness:

Sayuri Sawamura and Leonard Spencer looked back with surprise on their faces, and the latter stood up from the ground happily.

An Yilun also replied with a wry smile, while the other party continued to ask with enthusiasm.

Leonard Spencer walked up as he spoke and put his hands on his shoulders, saying:

A strong smell of cologne floated into An Yilunye's nasal cavity, making his nose itchy slightly. And the other party's continuous inquiries made him not sure how to answer.

Just when he felt at a loss for this, the beautiful woman beside him spoke. ….

After being reminded by Sayuri Sawamura, Leonard Spencer, who was in high spirits, just reacted.

The person involved took back his hands, slapped his forehead and said:

An Yilun couldn't help but droop his shoulders in disappointment.

Even though he could understand this just by watching the scene, he couldn't help but feel a little discouraged when he actually heard what the other person's father said.

As if she could tell something from his reaction, Sayuri Sawamura tilted her head slightly and asked:

An Yilun also hesitated briefly, then gritted his teeth and said, "I'm really sorry! But, please help me, please! Please

Got it! "

After finishing speaking, he bowed deeply.

Leonard Spencer couldn't help being surprised,

Sayuri Sawamura's eyes flickered and she asked thoughtfully:

An Yilun also stood up suddenly, tightened his cheeks and said:

From how he started helping Namishima go out to sea to sell books, to what happened after meeting Eiri, and then to how they parted ways.

In front of Yinglili's parents, he gave a complete account of what happened yesterday.

Wait until everything is explained.

The warm atmosphere of the reunion just now was gone.

Correspondingly, An Yilun, who was the instigator, no longer dared to look directly into the eyes of his friend's parents, and lowered his head in preparation for scolding.

There was a brief silence.

Sayuri Sawamura narrowed her eyes and said somewhat unhappily:

"That is to say...

You praised the book of that girl named Hashishima effusively, and you also belittled my Eiriri to her face as useless.

In the end, he pushed her into the muddy water, and then laughed loudly with the girl next to him...right? "

An Yilun also instinctively complained vigorously.

Sayuri Sawamura's light words immediately extinguished his spirit of complaining, and he lowered his head again.

Sayuri Sawamura said with a chuckle, but there was no smile at all in her eyes.

Although the man in front of her was her husband's disciple and her daughter's childhood sweetheart, it was hard for her to have any good impressions of him at this time.

Since childhood, their daughter has hardly suffered any grievances and basically no harm. ….

The only time was when I was in elementary school, and the situation was very serious.

There was no telling how many times they had seen Ying Lili cry, let alone the time they had not seen her cry.

If we add what happened yesterday, then Yinglili has been injured twice since she was born, and the culprit of these two times is the same person!

How can you make her like such a boy?

In the past, it was because she was concerned about Yinglili's feelings and had no choice, so she didn't say anything more. However, the situation is no longer the same...

Hearing the unkindness in her tone, An Yilun couldn't help but lower his head lower, his lips pursed but speechless.

If there was a hole in the ground now, he would definitely get into it immediately and use this to escape reality.

But right now there are more important things that he needs to do!

——That is Yinglili.

How do we make a break with the other party's past, how do we position ourselves with the other party's present, and how do we come to a conclusion with the other party's future.

These are all issues that need to be resolved urgently.

So he can't fall here yet!

Thinking of this, An Yilun couldn't help but clenched his fists hard, suppressed the shame in his heart, raised his head, and looked directly into Sayuri Sawamura's eyes.

He shouted:

by him

Affected by the yelling, the area within a few meters nearby suddenly became silent, and people all looked at it with puzzled expressions.

The staff at the CM site were also staring at this side with evil eyes, ready to step forward at any time and ask some unruly guy to leave the venue.

Sayuri Sawamura nodded apologetically to everyone around her, then looked at the person in front of her again, and said speechlessly:

An Yilun also bowed his head to admit his mistake very bachelorly, and nodded and bowed to the people nearby.

Seeing his reaction, Leonard Spencer, who had been watching for a long time, couldn't help but say something.

Sayuri Sawamura frowned slightly, but did not refute her husband's words, pretending to be listening attentively.

Seeing that he finally got permission, An Yilun was not willing to let go of this opportunity, and immediately told the two of them the strategy he got from Hashishima Iori.

He said:

The couple who heard his words looked at each other, and their expressions became a little subtle.

Sayuri Sawamura pondered for a moment.


She said thoughtfully:

An Yilun also promised ecstatically:

After making promises to the two of them, he ran non-stop to the next place to prepare for the next...

Just like that, the time came that night.

As discussed in advance, An Yilun also successfully sneaked into the Sawamura family's mansion.

Today is December 31st, the last day of the year, also known as New Year’s Eve.

If they were ordinary people, they would usually stay at home and watch the red and white songs while eating. However, the Sawamura family, a family of diplomats, was naturally different.

There is a private dinner here tonight, and the guests are all relatives and friends who have a good relationship with the Sawamura family. An Yilun was also lucky enough to attend it once when he was a child.

And it was precisely because of that experience that he made the decision to never join the Sawamura family easily again!

after all--

The guests attending the banquet there were each more frightening than the last!

Either an ambassador from a certain country, a minister from a certain department, and occasionally a prince from a certain country would come to join in the fun. Anyway, there was no ordinary person at all!

If we describe the world view of the Little Fantasy generation, the Sawamura family tonight is the castle in the game.

There are a large number of palace nobles gathered inside, and it is definitely not something that a small person like him should participate in.

But in order to successfully achieve his goal, he had to come today——!

Even under such circumstances, An Yilun climbed up a big tree on the west side of the balcony using his hands and feet...

Xiaoxiao has four cats

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