Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1095: The Accident Repeats

"Tell me in detail what happened."

Zhu Youxing asked calmly.

"It's like this. Isn't there multiple directors working together to prepare for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games? There are three chief directors including me, and they belong to different forces. Now the other two are very annoying. They are doing their best. I want to make my part the centerpiece of the opening ceremony, and I plan to apply for more unnecessary funding."

Sayuki Ono can be regarded as a relatively well-known director in the world at any rate.

He has served as the chief planner and chief director of many large-scale celebrations, and is also the core creative staff of many film and television dramas that have won awards in the world.

This resume can be regarded as the best among the main creative team for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment has a lot of money and wealth, and what they want is a publicity effect to properly demonstrate Youxing Electronic Entertainment's strong hard power in video game culture.

As for animation and Japanese traditional culture, these should actually be ranked second in this Olympic Games.

After all, the hosting of the Olympic Games is also due to Zhuyouxing. It was Zhuyouxing who first proposed the idea of ​​using popular culture to attract young people, and it was Zhuyouxing who took the initiative to provide material and non-material resources.

Brand IP authorization is all free.

The invitation of Ono Sayuki was also carefully considered, and he used enough to impress Ono Sayuki as the chief director and enough remuneration.

Ono Sayuki is very happy to take this job.

But when he actually started to participate in the preparations for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, all kinds of troubles began to emerge one after another, making him almost one head and two big.

The first thing that bears the brunt is that there are three total directors this time.

The other two guys are also well-known in their respective fields, and they both have a desire to express themselves. They are not convinced by Satoshi Ono, they want to forcefully intervene in more management, and they want to add more supervisors of their own at the opening ceremony. Content.

After all, if the cultural content accounts for the most in the opening and closing ceremonies, then the ranking of the chief director must be higher.

The other two guys are very concerned about this ranking.

Moreover, these two guys also like to declare funds for various reasons.

Animation brand authorization fees, consultant fees for Japanese traditional culture masters, these are not mentioned, and they can be declared on the grounds of just need.

But these two guys also declared all kinds of weird funds.

The chief director in charge of the arrangement of Japanese traditional culture wants to purchase a batch of antiques scattered among the people. He means that these can well represent the traditional Japanese culture, and it will be very good to exhibit in the Olympic Games. He also wants to Directly use 300 million yen to hire ten Japanese master craftsmen in different fields, and let them bring their apprentices to perform a variety of traditional Japanese culture on the spot.

This is normal.

What's outrageous is that the director still has 3 billion yen in the declared funds, which is the cost of serving Huadao for the audience.

He hired a number of well-known costume and prop design masters to jointly design costume props, and a costume for performances can be worth tens of millions of yen.

Of course, it would be fine if the costumes and props could afford the price, but what surprised Ono Zuozhi was that the first drafts of costumes and props given by these so-called designers were more eye-catching.

There is a rather hellish design called the Japanese cannon, which may imply that it wants to make a big splash. It is going to be released with a bang at the beginning of the opening ceremony, and then a whole map of Japan will be blown up in the sky, and then it will be different on this map. Regional division, to show the different traditional cultures in different regions of Japan.

Such a cannon costs about 200 million yen.

The design of this cannon sounds a little confusing to Zhu Youxing.

Let alone let Ono Zuozhi hear it.

The person in charge of animation culture arrangement is fine, he wants to apply for more props production of anime characters, he wants to create a hodgepodge of Japanese animation culture, and add as much Japanese animation culture as possible to the opening ceremony Personas, highlighting a diversity.

But he likes fine carving very much, and hired hundreds of master craftsmen to specialize in carving various materials.

A giant movable statue as big as an anime character... oh, it should be a giant movable figure.

It is as small as the sign that each participating country holds in its hand when it enters the stadium.

It was all carefully crafted by the masters, and the labor cost is also going up to one billion yen, and it is not over yet. People expect that more things will be needed to make.

Obviously, this thing only needs to be machined, which is dozens of times cheaper than manual labor, and it is more beautiful.

Sayuki Ono also suggested the same.

Ono Zuozhi is also in his sixties, older than the other two, but he is more like a younger person, accepting some new technologies and technologies, and doing his best in the video game programming project he manages. Go all out and save money.

The other two guys seem to be doing it for tens of billions of yen in production costs in the opening ceremony.

At least Ono Zuoyuki saved at least half of the money compared to these two guys.

Of course, these funds are not provided by Ono Zuozhi, let alone Youxing Electronics Entertainment. These are the responsibility of the Japanese government.

But Zuozhi Ono still felt very distressed, why waste money on such a lot of weird and unreasonable things?

With so much money, wouldn't you do something meaningful?

But they don't.

Just to be unique.

It is to highlight a rich and powerful man, and it is called to show Japan's craftsman spirit to the world.

"Mr. Takeyou, this is probably the case. These two guys are not easy to save money. They are trying their best to squeeze more funds, and at the same time squeeze the copywriting of the opening ceremony that we originally designed. Messing with our design, tossing and tossing like this, I am afraid that the rehearsal of the opening ceremony will be difficult to proceed normally, and if it is more serious, the opening ceremony may be only a semi-finished product in the end."

The more Ono Zuozhi talked, the more excited he became, but the more Zhu Youxing listened, the calmer he became.

Knew it.


Different world, same fate.

How many tricks are there in the Tokyo Olympics?

In Zhu Youxing's previous life, as a person in a big Chinese country, he didn't know much about it.

However, from the few words and phrases circulated outside, it is still generally understood that in order to host the Olympic Games, the Japanese high-level officials have put in a lot of "strength".

At the beginning, the prime minister's idea should be very good, so there will be such an amazing preview of the 2020 Olympic Games at the end of the 2016 Olympic Games.

Mario traveled across the earth from the land of Japan, and came to the venue of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games to grandly announce that the next Olympic Games will be held in Tokyo.

At that time, the video touched many people, including Zhu Youxing.

But after the opening of the Tokyo Olympics, the disappointment will be as great as the expectation.

There may also be some natural and man-made disasters in the previous life, but this is not an excuse for these guys.

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