Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 1096 Joint Action

How much benefit will there be in hosting an Olympic Games?

Zhu Youxing is not a professional. He didn't know about it in his previous life, and he wasn't really interested in knowing about it. Anyway, it has nothing to do with his own life.

But in this world, it's different.

Now the World Olympics is closely related to me.

He was even one of the important players.

The opening ceremony was the project he cared most about.

This is a good means of publicity and the best way to improve your style.

There are considerable benefits to having a successful Olympic opening ceremony.

There are obvious benefits, which will lead to an increase in the sales of its own video games.

There are also hidden benefits, which will bring long-term brand influence. In the future, when people hear about video games, the first thing that comes to mind will be Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Now there are two bastards who want to sabotage his plan, and the calm Zhu Youxing is quite angry in his heart.

"Mr. Takeyou, let me tell you so bluntly. If the three parties continue to do their own things and try their best to fight for their own interests, this opening ceremony may become the laughing stock of countless people. By that time, I think I should simply refuse to sign this opening ceremony."

What Zuozhi Ono is thinking in his heart now is: If Youxing Electronics is really generous and gives a lot of money, and Youxing Electronics is really ideal, he might plan to resign now.

He didn't want his fame to be ruined by this.

When the time comes, who will be disgusted by a lump of that? Isn't this disgusting yourself?

Then he definitely doesn't want to be signed, or even let anyone know that he directed this shit.

"I see, Xiao Ye, please stay calm and don't be impatient, you can continue to arrange according to our original plan, and I will take care of the rest."

"Mr. Takeyou, are you here to handle it? What are you going to do? I'm afraid the Japanese government won't listen to you easily, will it?"

Ono Zuozhi doubts Zhu Youxing's ability.

He recognized Zhu Youxing's absolute strength in the field of video games, but this kind of thing has risen to the political level, this is not a simple question of money.

Those two guys want to grab the credit, what's the point of grabbing the credit? That was to put more gold on his face.

They're happy even if it's golden trash.

"I have my own way, you just continue to do what we planned before, and... Prepare to take over the work of the other two people."

"Huh?" Sayuki Ono didn't react, "Mr. Takeyou, what do you mean..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly opened his eyes wide: "Are you planning to kick the other two people out? But how do you do it? These two people seem to be the spokespersons launched by two forces. How can you let people from the other two forces concession?"

Zhu Youxing didn't say anything more, but just let Ono Zuozhi get ready, but Ono Zuozhi was still a little skeptical, and didn't follow Zhu Youxing's words immediately, but first did his own work. Well, it's okay, anyway, this is the sponsor's words, and he will not be responsible for doing it with all his heart.

"Cai, please do me a favor."

"Help me memorize the names of two people, and look for black information about these two people. Your ability should be able to handle it."

Zhu Youxing remembered a few things he experienced when he was still developing.

They are all guys who stand in the way. They want to interfere with themselves because their hands and feet are not clean, and they are finally cheated by their own mess.

This method is still very useful now.

But this is just Zhu Youxing's follow-up, and we must make sufficient preparations, this is only the first step of preparation.

Soon, Zhu Youxing called Bob, the owner of Facebook, who was far away in the United States.

"Bob, there is a big job, and it's a big job to offend someone. The status of the offended person is not too low. Do you want to do it?" Zhu Youxing directly stated the stakes.

Bob answered very simply: "Mr. Zhuyou, if you have anything to say, you can order it. Even if you let me attack the President of the United States now, it's fine. Of course, don't go too far. After all, I live on this land."

Zhu Youxing said: "It's not that exaggerated, I just want you to recommend and downgrade all the news information and related video content related to the Olympics, and limit the flow."

"Huh? Why did the Olympics offend you? I remember Mr. Takeyou, you seem to plan to fully support the Tokyo Olympics?"

"You don't have to ask too many questions, just do as I tell you."

"No problem, there is no shortage of hot news in this world. If there is more content related to the Olympics, there is not much, and if there is one less, there is a lot. Oh, by the way, there are still many partners on my side related to the Olympics. I need to talk to them Say hello and help out together?"

"If you don't need to owe too much favor, you can say hello, but there is no need to owe too much favor."

"OK, I'll arrange it."

Bob didn't know the specific reason, and Zhu Youxing didn't ask him if he didn't tell him.

Zhu Youxing is at the level of his regenerated parents.

Really, if it was ancient times, Bob would have to recognize Zhu Youxing as a stepfather.

Without Zhu Youxing's initial investment, and without Zhu Youxing's various follow-up suggestions, he could not grow to the current US Internet giant and reach the level of the Morgan Group.

For the rest of his life, Bob only obeyed Zhu Youxing, and regarded him as the ultimate idol.

Others think that Zhu Youxing is just a game producer, but he knows that Zhu Youxing just doesn’t like to do things other than games. He devotes himself to video games. He loves this, otherwise there would be no Facebook, but Youxingbook social network, Youxingbook video platform, Youxingbook streaming media, Youxingbook mobile phone, etc...

It's just to offend the Olympic Organizing Committee. Those guys really don't like Bob now.

In the early morning of the same day in the United States, all media and video platforms under Facebook uniformly lowered the recommended ratings of all content related to the Olympic Games to the lowest level.

As a result, even a comment about what to eat for breakfast that one person has nothing to do can be more popular than a blog post about the Olympics.

On the video platform, the ten-minute video of a bored guy lying on the ground also gets more views than the Olympic video.

On the streaming media platform, the movies and TV dramas related to the Olympic Games are uniformly included in the last streaming recommendation position, and then replaced by movies and TV dramas related to other events.

Of course, the influence of these recommended rating downgrades will not be apparent in a short time.

What is more fatal is Bob's follow-up arrangements.

He contacted several previously very strong partners and asked them to choose cooperation projects other than the Olympic Games as much as possible.

A local tyrant originally planned to build an Olympic-themed venue, so he simply ran over to remove the Olympic logo on the themed venue that day, and replaced it with a third-rate sports event logo that he had never heard of, even if it would make people feel uncomfortable. The person lost some money.

These are people who have a very good relationship with Bob, and they are all long-term partners of Bob. It is okay to ask them to give up other interests, but giving up interests on Facebook is tantamount to killing them, so they gave up the Olympics Related cooperation is very straightforward.

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