Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 272 The Price of Discrimination

"Everyone, this is the program developed by our company that can be used for game development. I call it the engine of the game. With this engine, the development speed of the game and the development in the future 3D game era will be more convenient. , let me demonstrate it to you.”

Located in a lecture hall in Tokyo, Takeyuho stood in front of the stage and explained the basic use of the engine to the audience of 300 people.

This course is not so much a lecture as a small software product launch.

After Zhu Youxing briefly explained the basic development framework of the first-person shooter game, he began to focus on the role of the game engine in it.

Originally, dozens of people were required to write the basic program, and it took at least a week to write the basic program. Zhu Youxing successfully produced the general framework of a first-person shooting game through the engine by himself.

This made everyone in the audience dumbfounded.

It was a path they had never thought of before.

Before their game development, they never considered using any software to reduce repetitive processes.

Or someone thought of it before, but didn't know where to start.

But this time Zhu Youxing showed it directly to the more than 300 people, and everyone present understood the value of it.

This is like a brave man with the ultimate artifact, even facing the final boss can be easily resolved.

Zhu Youxing made a relatively simple game through the engine while explaining.

In just one hour of work, the foundation of the game that used to take several people to spend several weeks before it could be built was created.

Then all that's left is to add all sorts of stuff to that base.

The engine of the current first-generation version is definitely not as good as the Unreal Four and Unreal Five of later generations.

But it's amazing enough for now.

Especially the time and manpower saved by this thing for game development.

What everyone is thinking at the moment is how to find a way to obtain the authorization of this software.

Only Ueto Hayakawa was thinking about whether he could create this thing himself.

In the end, the result he got was difficult.

The funds given by the head office did not allow him to do this kind of thing, and he didn't have much money to pursue another development route.

Unless the game industry can go one step further.

Previously, I followed Zhuyouxing and obtained a lot of American markets with the low-priced PN1, which boosted the confidence of Su Rui Electronics' executives, but it was not enough for them to let go and invest in a new research and development route.

However, the direction of the engine is good. Even if it cannot be a mature game engine like Zhuyouxing, it is still possible to make a game engine that can play a certain role.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

It seems that the gap between Youxing Electronic Entertainment and the companies following him will continue to widen, which is really a bit desperate.

But at this moment, Zhu Youxing on the stage seemed to hear everyone's aspirations.

He looked at the crowd and said, "I think you're already thinking about how to get this engine?"

Everyone looked at Zhu Youxing, and no one spoke at this time, which meant it was self-evident.

Zhu Youxing smiled and said: "It's actually very simple, it's just an exchange of benefits. I get money and data, and you get the right to use the engine."

As Zhu Youxing spoke, he controlled the computer, and the license price of this game engine was displayed on the big screen behind him.

Yuxing Electronic Entertainment's first-party exclusive partner licensing price is 3 percent of each game's profit.

The licensing price of third-party partners selling games on the platform is 4% of the profit of each game.

Seeing this price, these people began to quickly calculate in their minds, calculating the pros and cons.

You only need to pay 34% of the game's profit to use this engine to develop games, and if you simply rely on manpower to make games, the cost you pay is far more than this 34%.

Seeing such a licensing price, Ueto Hayakawa was also a little envious.

But he probably won't be in the price range of these two authorizations.

Su Rui Electronics and Youxing Electronics Entertainment are competitors, and Youxing Electronics Entertainment cannot easily...

At this time, Zhu Youxing turned the PPT page again, and on the next page, the third authorization condition was impressively written.

Non-Youxing Electronic Entertainment partners can obtain the right to use the game engine by paying once every ten years. The payment can be made annually, but the contract must be more than ten years.

Hayakawa Ueto's thoughts were disrupted by this.

what's the situation?

This means that the competitors of Youxing Electronic Entertainment can also obtain the right to use the game engine?

It's just that this is not a percentage fee, but an annual fee, and the contract will start for ten years, Hayakawa Ueto was surprised.

What the hell is this Zhu Youxing thinking?

Are they short of money now?

No, if the money is very short, they are unlikely to allow annual installments, but will ask for a lump sum payment.

"President Zhuyou, what do you mean by the third clause? Does that mean that competitors can also use this engine?"

Some of the people who saw the third article couldn't help but stood up and asked Ueto Hayakawa what he wanted to ask the most.

Ueto Hayakawa said that this person did a good job. If it was him, it would be impossible to lower his face and ask.

Zhu Youxing nodded: "That's right, that's what it means. In fact, it's not limited to this meaning. The non-partner meaning can also mean other industries besides the game development industry, such as future film and television special effects, 3D engineering and construction. Design, etc., these are naturally not our company's partners, but they can also have the right to use."

"Then... how much is the price?"

"Well... it's our internal business, and we will make different customizations according to the basic situation of non-partners themselves."

The prices are different, so don't ask any more about the specific differences, I won't tell you.

Everyone knows it.

If it is a competitor, the money will definitely not be less. As for those who have no competitive relationship in the industry, they can be relatively cheaper.

However, this is also very cost-effective, Hayakawa Ueto's eyes gradually lit up.

It's no problem to buy for ten years, and it's not a one-time payment, it only needs to be paid year by year.

The big deal is to buy it for ten years, and then let the employees continue to study this engine during these ten years, and finally create our own engine, which can save costs to a large extent and help the development of the game.

Moreover, just now Zhu Youxing said that this engine is not limited to game development, but can also be applied to film and television special effects, engineering modeling, and even some data environment experiment simulations.

It just so happens that Su Rui Electronics has its own film and television company, and he can persuade the film and television department to jointly purchase with him, and use it to develop games by himself, and the film and television department to develop special effects for film and television, it is really the best of both worlds!

Thinking of this, Hayakawa Ueto's bad mood suddenly improved a lot!

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