Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 398: Time to Release


It's okay, don't panic, even if there is a TV series with the same name, it doesn't mean that the other party will be successful.

And even if it succeeds, as long as the influence is not exaggerated to a certain extent, it will be difficult to judge the outcome of this bet, so we can still remain invincible.

These screenwriters quietly comforted themselves.

But at this time, they obviously have a little bit of confidence.

The clues can be seen just from the small part of the new TV series scripts they will write next.

Their hearts are already a little bit chaotic.

In this way, a year passed quickly.

2001, the true first year of the new millennium, always feels a little special.

By now, the video game industry has fully flourished.

However, the influence of Yuxing Electronic Entertainment, which is the leader, has never been reduced, because Yuxing Electronic Entertainment has never had a bad review work, which is very rare.

The quality of works in other cultural circles always fluctuates, but even if the quality of Youxing Electronic Entertainment does not improve, it still maintains a very high level, which makes it almost impossible for Youxing Electronic Entertainment to have any fluctuations in influence .

Under such circumstances, even if some institutions in the United States intend to deal with Youxing Electronic Entertainment, they can't do anything.

Because now their games have become the coolest thing in the hearts of many young people.

They're just kind of regretting now that they didn't control the development of video games in the first place.

However, institutions in the United States can also comfort themselves a little bit.

Video games are at least a boost to consumption.

Although the United States is still the most powerful country, it has inevitably fallen into a state of sluggish consumption recently. People's consumption desires are decreasing, and video games can stimulate their consumption, which is at least beneficial.

It's just a pity that most of the consumption is benefited by the Japanese, not our own people.

Soon, April will come.

The two games produced by Zhu Youxing himself will also be officially released this month.

Players have really been looking forward to it for a long time.

In addition to these players, there were also some spectators.

Because this is the day when those veteran guys in the TV drama circle bet with Zhu Youxing.

They all want to see what is worthy of social influence in this game.

So even people who don't play games subconsciously buy a box of Ace Attorney games to see for themselves who might win and who lose in this bet.

The TV series written by those screenwriters were arranged at 8 o'clock on a certain Friday night in April, which was regarded as the prime time of Japanese TV stations.

NHK is obviously also holding a sigh of relief, and they are not willing to admit defeat easily.

After all, these screenwriters are their own family members, so they still need to support them.

And Ace Attorney: Winner Is Justice is scheduled for a Monday slot.

The two sides did not directly confront each other at the same time.

After all, the status of TV Tokyo cannot be compared with several other commercial TV stations, so they subconsciously want to avoid their edge.

However, due to the popularity of the topic, there are obviously many people waiting to see the winner is justice on Monday.

On the same Monday morning, Ace Attorney was also officially released.

Like many previous game releases, as long as the game is supervised by Zhu Youxing, it will not worry about selling.

Players have long been waiting in line in front of the major shops.

In fact, now there is no need to wait in front of the store.

If you have been to the store with a GBA before, you can get a pre-loaded digital version of the Ace Attorney game.

Then when the unlocking time comes, these players can directly play the latest games without queuing.

But the disadvantage is that if this is the case, there will be no physical version of the cassette, and it can only be stored in the built-in memory of the game console, as well as the extended memory card of the game console.

But for players who are really passionate about the game, this is nothing at all.

If they like the physical version, they can wait a few days before buying it, as long as they can play the game as soon as possible.

The promotion of digital games is also one of Zhuyouxing's next arrangements.

The biggest benefit of digitization of games is to save more costs and make more money.

And it can also be more convenient to reduce the price over time.

The physical version of the game can only reduce the game to the cost of the cassette because of the physical limitation.

It is very difficult to lower it any further.

To be honest, the digital version is sometimes okay even if it is a free gift.

So you can see such a scene at the scene of the queue.

Some players who still really like the physical version will still line up to buy the game.

But they also pre-loaded the digital version.

And when the time came to eight o'clock on Monday morning, their game consoles respectively sounded the iconic Ace Attorney BGM, which was used to remind players that they could officially play the Ace Attorney game.

These players will immediately take out their GBA excitedly and start playing.

In the queue, other players in front of and behind these players will stretch their necks to watch these players play together.

"Hey, please give me a seat, I also want to see the latest game experience, thank you!"

"Huh? Is this a word game? It's a bit disappointing."

"Hey, you haven't been paying attention to the promotion of this game, have you? This game was said to be a text adventure game at the beginning of the promotion, but even if it is a text adventure game, this is the game god of Zhuyouxing himself Produced by the supervisor, it must be different from other text adventure games."

"Really? But it looks really good, at least it should be worth playing."

These people chattered about the game in the team.

And these players who can play the game for the first time have become people's sought after objects.

They excitedly took the GBA and started the game.

First of all, the picture that catches the eye is a sculpture that is dripping blood.

With the black background and the sculpture dripping with blood, the atmosphere is full at once.

"Damn, why did this happen."

In the game, a dialogue pops up.

A somewhat ugly guy had a grim expression, and at the same time looked in shock at a woman who was already lying in a pool of blood.

In his hand he held a statue of a brooding man dripping blood.

First of all, the picture that catches the eye is a sculpture that is dripping blood.

Although this is a word game, after careful arrangement of the pictures and scenes, it feels like a dynamic cartoon.

In Japan, a country where the manga industry is very popular, they quickly accepted this form of expression.

Then, the people who had been discussing enthusiastically gradually quieted down, and they were all focused on watching the next plot with the player holding the GBA.

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