"Hey, this guy should choose to lie, right? It's obvious that the guy told the wrong time!"

"Wow! I found out! This guy just said that the body was found at two o'clock, but according to the investigation, he actually died at four o'clock. There is obviously a problem!"

Among the crowd queuing, a group of people chattered about the details of the trial in Ace Attorney.

The greatest joy of Ace Attorney is to let people look for clues from the testimony of various witnesses.

And as long as I find a little clue, it will immediately become a refreshing point, giving people a sense of joy that I finally discovered the secret.

This is the advantage of Ace Attorney.

However, this game is actually more suitable for a person to explore slowly.

And at this scene, a GBA surrounded several people, each of them opened their mouths, and they could quickly solve all the puzzles of the entire game without difficulty at all.

In this way, the game experience suddenly becomes bad.

But the onlookers were very happy.

Because they experience the exhilaration of suddenly discovering some secret detail and revealing it.

It also makes them want to buy games even more.

Players who have bought the digital version in advance and unlocked the game for the first time are not very happy.

These few people originally just wanted to line up to buy a physical version of the collection for the first time, and now they just plan to try this game for the first time.

But the guys watching from the sidelines made this kind of person's game experience disappear, and they were in a terrible mood.

But this game is really interesting and a new experience.

It turns out that just matching games with text and color pictures can be so interesting.

Many recent games have been moving more and more towards exquisite and realistic graphics, but have gradually ignored this more traditional form of game expression.

And Zhu Youxing's Ace Attorney brought many players back to the simple fun of the game before.

The game really does not have to have a beautiful enough picture, of course there are better ones, but the more important thing about the game is the gameplay.

On the first day of release, due to the celebrity effect of Zhuyouxing, the sales volume was still very good, reaching 400,000 sets on the first day.

This is also a record for a word game.

It may be very difficult to surpass this record.

Moreover, the total development cost of Ace Attorney is only about one million US dollars.

But only on the first day, it has completely paid off. If the subsequent sales are stable, it will definitely be another big-selling work.

However, Sims, another game supervised by Zhu Youxing, is not so popular.

People from different regions also have different hobbies.

The Sims was released in Japan a few hours earlier than in the United States, but there were still not many people willing to buy it, only about 200,000 on the first day.

This is still due to the reputation effect of Zhuyouxing, which makes many players default that Zhuyouxing's games are the best, but this type of game is indeed not very popular in Japan.

Zhu Youxing estimated that it would be a small miracle if the sales volume of Sims in Japan exceeded 500,000.

Therefore, Zhu Youxing did not promote this game too much in Japan, but invested more resources in the promotion of Ace Attorney, so that it would be even more difficult for Sims to get out of the circle in Japan.

The release of the Ace Attorney game is undoubtedly very successful, and not many people would doubt that.

After all, there are celebrity effects in front.

Now just the title of producer of Zhuyouxing is enough to make people pay for the game.

Many people watching the excitement of gambling did not pay attention to the sales of the game, and it is impossible to fail as the main battlefield of Zhuyouxing.

Many people watching the excitement still want to watch another battlefield, the Ace Attorney: The Winner Is Justice TV series, which was released on the same day as the Ace Attorney game.

This time, TV Tokyo obviously paid for it.

Just spending more than 100 million yen on the initial publicity investment of this drama.

Subway and bus stop signs were covered with posters of the show that day.

And apart from the poster advertisement for this show, the other advertisements belong to the Ace Attorney game itself.

With the complementarity of these two works, even those who are not interested will remember that there is a drama that looks very good today.

That night, Ace Attorney: Winner Is Justice was officially broadcast.

Whether it's the people watching the excitement and eating melons, or the fans of this type of workplace drama, they are all waiting in front of the TV for the broadcast of this drama.

At this moment, Tian Chong, an editor and part-time writer, was also waiting in front of the TV early, and next to him was his son Oda Chong who was engrossed in playing GBA.

Oh, by the way, Oda Chong is now a middle school student, so he can no longer be called Oda Chong, but people are still used to calling him Oda Chong.

Over the years, Oda Chong still likes to play various games.

Because the family atmosphere is good, and his father is also a loyal game fan, Tian Chong can play games openly at home without worrying about being blamed at all.

But he is also very competitive, at least in the middle and upper reaches of his studies, although not particularly good, but not too bad, his father Tian Chong is satisfied with this, and he does not really expect his son to be a thorough student. To succeed.

He had never heard of the oriental proverb that a dragon begets a dragon and a phoenix, and that the son of a mouse can make holes, but he also generally understood such principles.

"Dad, do you think there is anything wrong with this witness? I always think there is something wrong with his words, but I can't say it for a while."

At this moment, Tian Chong has been thinking about the latest Ace Attorney game for a long time, but he is still a little uncertain about the routine.

As the game progresses, the difficulty of the game also increases step by step.

At the beginning of the game, some hints will be given to let the player notice some details.

But as the story progresses, such hints become less and less.

This is also a good way to increase the difficulty of the game, but it seems to be a bit difficult for Oda Chong.

"Put down the game console first, we will study together later, first watch the Ace Attorney and the drama together, and then I will write a new draft tonight to prepare for tomorrow."

"All right."

Oda Chong had no choice but to put down the GBA reluctantly, and then watched TV dramas with his father.

Ever since there was a video game, the relationship between father and son has been extremely harmonious. In the past, Tian Chong would say a lot to Xiao Tian Chong, but now, Tian Chong can really listen to it.

Even though this age happens to be the rebellious age of the children, Oda Chong is still very obedient, and Tian Chong is already very satisfied with this. Even if the child's test scores are not very good, a harmonious family relationship is better than anything else.

As for the children's future, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and he doesn't want to care too much.

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