Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 522 Seems to have entered a strange circle


"Bamboo tour."

Da da da.

"hold head high?"

Da da da.

On the sofa in the living room of Zhu Youxing's home, Zhu Youxing and Tsukino Cai are fighting fiercely.

The two each held a controller to manipulate a character. Zhu Yuxing directly took Chun Li, which was his favorite character, while Tsukino Aya chose Yagami without hesitation.

Street Fighter began to promote a new mode of game networking updates with the way of connecting through the Internet.

In order to encourage players to network more, they began to continuously introduce new games such as Street Fighter, Need for Speed, and Monster Hunter.

Introduce more characters in Street Fighter, update more out-of-this-world supercars in Need for Speed, and update more monsters to hunt in Monster Hunter.

The response is still very good. Players who already have a certain foundation are willing to upload their own game data through the Internet to obtain corresponding game achievements. Some game leaderboards also need to be connected to the Internet. Now it is just adding a game update function. That's all.

The current Internet has entered the era of 100M for all people, and Gigabit is not far away. Downloading this game update is even easier.

The Street Fighter currently played by Zhu Yuxing and Yue Yecai is the latest version with some characters of King of Fighters updated.

Of course, the King of Fighters itself looks more fantasy than Street Fighter, but it also increases the attractiveness of Street Fighter and satisfies some people who already like more cool fighting moves. The only thing that needs to be considered is the fancy It’s just a matter of finding a balance between the special effects moves and the fist-to-flesh fighting moves. Now the balance is pretty good. At least the players in this world don’t feel the separation between the characters. Obviously, the balance in this aspect has been doing pretty well. .

"I've been in touch with those three girls lately, and they really, really want to be great game developers."

"Oh? That's a good thing."

Zhu Youxing stared at the TV intently, and now seeing that he was about to gain a little advantage, Chun Li had already started a wave of continuous output, making it difficult for Tsukino Aya's Yagami to parry.

Every time I play Street Fighter games with Aya Tsukino, Zhu Youxing can’t relax, because Aya Tsukino may win with a little water. Aya Tsukino seems to be very talented in the genre of action fighting games. She is going to release The latest game has a very strong fighting style, coupled with the characteristics of a beautiful producer, it has attracted a wave of fans, and there is already a fan club exclusive to her game before it is released.

It's outrageous for a game to have a fan club, it's like a fan circle.

Faced with Zhu Youxing's pressing step by step in the game, Tsukino Aya was relatively calm, and just continued to play while talking about her own affairs.

"But recently they have been a little troubled."

Da da da.

Under Chun Li's continuous output, Yagami didn't suffer too much damage, and this wave of attacks was considered a small loss.

Zhu Youxing was slightly disappointed.

"You should use that trick next time... eh? You just... oh oh, did you say you were troubled?"

Obviously, Zhu Youxing couldn't casually chat with Tsukino Cai about other things.

Seeing this, Yue Yecai just snorted coldly in disdain, didn't say a word, but her eyes gradually became sharper, and then Yagami under her started to go crazy as if she had suddenly eaten some Shiquan Dabu pill The same counterattack, the attack frequency is simply not what normal people can do.

As for Zhu Youxing, he failed helplessly. Looking at the big word KO on the TV, Zhu Youxing was not surprised.

Ever since the release of Street Fighter, Takeyusei hasn't been able to get much favors from Aya Tsukino.

In this world, the strength of his ten thousand street fighters is somewhat close to that of professional players in this world. This is the strength that has been obtained from thousands of game coins in the game room for many years.

However, I can't stand the amazing talent of others.

"Well, it's over, what did you want to say just now?"

Zhu Youxing knew that Yue Yecai really wanted to say something to him, so he stopped playing around and looked at Yue Yecai seriously.

Tsukino Aya was very satisfied, the corners of her mouth slightly raised for a moment and then quickly fell down, and then said: "I said, those three girls have been a little troubled recently."

"What kind of trouble?"

"They seem to be intimidated by the huge investment in game development."

"Huh? Big investment in game development? They probably haven't graduated from high school yet, and now they want to make a big game?"

Aya Tsukino nodded: "It looks like this, because they think that only such games are more popular in this era, and those small games with small productions don't have much market."

Zhu Youxing said strangely: "Who said that? Didn't we also make a lot of casual games? Although there was no obvious feedback, they all passed word of mouth and cultivated many non-game players. Without our market foundation, who dares to say that this kind of small production cannot be popular?"

Aya Tsukino shook her head and said, "However, even if we just make a small game now, we need more than a dozen or twenty people, and then spend at least tens of millions of yen to make it, which is the same for three female high school students. It is also an unbearable price, and their own families do not allow such consumption."

Zhu Youxing seemed to understand a little bit, and he asked back: "However, many of our current third-party game studios also started from scratch at the beginning, and they all created their own value in the process and became outstanding one after another. As a game developer, no one can achieve it overnight."

"This is true, but the three girls still feel that the threshold for game development is a bit high. This may be an instinctive reaction, not because the cost of game development is high or not."

When these three girls went to the company of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, Zhu Youxing said that the three of them don't need to be too ambitious, they just need to develop games slowly on a down-to-earth basis. You can start with some simple 4399 games, and then gradually To make better games, this is a process of accumulating experience, and everyone needs to take this step now.

However, the game industry in this world seems to be a little bit deformed now.

At this moment, Zhu Youxing also remembered something.

Recently, many game companies, a lot of economic news, and many people in the industry are talking about big productions. They always want to promote what kind of high-investment games they are making. Those independent games that only a few people participated in before, and then attracted attention are gradually being left out.

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