"Actually, the more important thing about game development is not to aim too high. This is a brand-new industry no less than the film industry, and even more complicated than the film industry. Everyone comes here step by step, and there are no shortcuts to take. "

Zhu Youxing explained to the three people very sincerely, so that the three of them could more easily accept that it is not yet possible to develop complex games.

Then Zhu Youxing explained some interesting behind-the-scenes stories of the game to the three girls, and then wrote a blessing message to the three girls, hoping that the three of them can seriously consider developing games after entering university in the future .

Calculated according to the time, they should enter university next year, and it will not be too late to study game development by then.

After the three girls left the building of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, they took the tram to go home.

The three of them kept silent on the tram, and were not excited about the opportunity to go to the mansion of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

In other words, the three of them were more excited at first, but the reality before them made them speechless for a while.

Finally, Aiko said: "Kazumi, you are right, game development is definitely not something that the three of us can handle. Games like Final Fantasy require the three of us, both in terms of money and manpower. Girls can't do it at all."

The family of three girls is not said to be very wealthy, but it can be regarded as a petty bourgeoisie family with a middle-class upper class.

However, in the face of large-scale productions with a development cost of hundreds of millions of dollars, it still seems like a drop in the bucket.

They couldn't afford even a game with a cost of tens of millions of dollars.

It seems... this industry is really an industry with very high barriers to entry.

At this time, Yinjiang said a little unwillingly: "But, we can also develop some simple games first."

Kazumi shook her head: "But I can only make some simple games. How popular can these simple games be?"

Yinjiang said: "I think Fruit Ninja is quite simple, maybe we can try it."

"It is estimated that it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and we still can't do it now."

Yinjiang was at a loss for words.

The more the three girls experienced the game development process of a big game company, the more desperate they became.

They also realized that what they thought before was a little too naive. They naively thought that the three of them could form an iron triangle and develop a game.

However, this does not mean that the three of them really backed down from game development completely. Anyway, at worst, they can study game development in the future and enter a game-related company to work.

It's just that there is still a little reconciliation, the three of them still want to develop games by themselves.

The three girls bid farewell to each other, obviously still having something on their minds.

The next day the three girls met at school, and they seemed to be the same as usual, but Tian Chong, who was very sensitive, noticed the difference between the three girls.

Now he is no longer the internet-addicted teenager he used to be, at least he can make a very reasonable combination of games and studies, and he will not casually indulge in games, thanks to Aiko.

At the same time, he still has a little love for Aiko in his heart, but it's a pity that Aiko treats him completely as a friend or a brat.

"Hey, what's the matter with you three? It seems that the atmosphere is not right. Do you want to continue today's club activities?"

Originally, Yinjiang and Kazumi should have started their daily bickering activities at this time, but today the two of them also seemed relatively silent, and it really didn't look right.

At this time, Yinjiang glanced sideways at Tian Chong, who was showing concern, and then told what happened yesterday without reservation.

After hearing this, Tian Chong's eyes widened.

"What... what! You actually went to the company of the God of Games? And you personally accepted the guidance of the God of Games?! Why didn't you tell me!"

Tian Chong was so envious that he wanted to separate his body wall, the sour lemon color remained in his caring eyes just now.

Why can't he come across such a good thing that he can get in close contact with the god of games?

Heart hurts!

Are we still a club partner? I actually left myself to meet the God of Games.

If he had the chance to meet the God of Games, he would be willing to lose ten years of his life.

It's a pity that there is no such opportunity.

What happened to these three girls? It seems that the three of them are very lucky by nature. The more I want, the more these three girls can get. What I want the most is almost nothing.

Hemei pouted at the side and said, "So what, even if you go, you won't be able to change the status quo. Game development is too difficult, and the few of us can't handle it at all."

"Ah? But didn't we make a game of hopscotch before?"

"What is that, it's meaningless at all." Hemei was very speechless.

The three girls thought the hopscotch game was boring, but when Tian Chong saw the game he participated in really moved, he seemed quite excited.

Hey, sometimes I envy Tian Chong, a stupid guy, who can easily be happy because of little things.

"Tian Chong, don't you want to make better games? For example, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time."

Tian Chong nodded vigorously: "Of course I want to, but what should I do?"

Kazumi stretched out her hand and said, "Pull out 50 million dollars first, and then think about game production."

Tian Chong was a little dumbfounded.

Several small game developers seem to be about to shrink back because of the high investment in the game.

However, Aya Tsukino is very fond of these three girls, and she hopes that there will be more female developers like her, the better.

So after the visit, she also left the contact information of the three girls. At the same time, she also agreed with the three girls that she would give lectures in person in the next few days, so that the three girls could learn about game development in advance. Knowledge.

But what surprised her was that the three people who had agreed to come to the class did not come again, which made Tsukino Aya very puzzled and did not understand what happened.

If it was Tsukino Aya in the past, she wouldn't even take the initiative to contact these three girls, even if she really wanted to.

But now she has indeed become different. Wearing a very thin vest in her own home, Tsukino Aya still couldn't help picking up the phone and dialing the number of one of the three people's home.

"Hello? May I ask who is it?"

A woman's voice came from the other end of the phone, presumably it was Yinjiang's mother.

"Hello madam, my name is Tsukino Aya, I'm Yinchan's good friend, is she here now?"

"Ah, yes, just wait a moment."

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