Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 546: Forcing Capital to Involve


In the past, a small number of old automobile manufacturers questioned the influence of video games, and some looked down on the influence of video games. Competing rival car factories have gained more fame because of this, and these car factories can't sit still.

In order to express their sincerity, these car manufacturers who used to look down on video games even specially offered a fairly generous licensing price, hoping to be recognized by Youxing Electronic Entertainment. manager.

As for the benefits of door-to-door delivery, Matsuhashi naturally accepted all of them.

This is the battlefield of business. It doesn't matter if you looked down on me once. When I grow up to the point where you need to pay attention, then you will bow to me obediently and give up more benefits before considering pulling you into the group. This is the price.

Zhuyouxing is organizing manpower to prepare for a fierce development offensive, and Songqiao actually traveled all over Europe in two months, negotiating all the authorizations of mainstream car manufacturers.

In fact, Songqiao is the second in command of Youxing Electronics Entertainment, so it is the most sincere act for her to facilitate the negotiation in person. The car manufacturers are also very happy, and everything goes well.

Matsuhashi told Zhuyouxing the good news at the first time, and those automakers were very willing to provide detailed tuning data for each model of their own cars to help their cars be more attractive in Need for Speed.

Matsuhashi is still quite a thief. In order to let these manufacturers take the initiative to hand over these data, she always inadvertently pointed out that other car manufacturers have provided some car model data, and the more detailed the information provided, the more modified in the game. The more perfect the relevant functions are, the more or less players who play car games will like to modify the car, so the car that is easier to modify because of the perfect data will be more attractive to players.

The car manufacturers that have not provided detailed data will not say anything when they hear it, and directly call their relevant departments to provide all the data with both hands.

In this way, when Matsuhashi said this from door to door, the car manufacturers began to involve themselves, wishing to hand over the values ​​of all car models to Youxing Electronics.

Of course, these values ​​are values ​​that can be made public, and have nothing to do with the confidential information of their respective companies, and these car manufacturers will not be stupid enough to hand over confidential information to a game company.

These values ​​are also as long as you have time to have this idea, even if you buy a car yourself, you can slowly test it out, and asking the car factory to provide it is just to reduce a certain amount of labor costs for yourself.

After getting these data, Zhuyou Xing is also in a good mood. This has indeed reduced a lot of time. Need for Speed, which was originally expected to be developed for one and a half to two years, may reduce the development time by three to four months.

The US team that is preparing to develop Need for Speed ​​is also very happy, and the development efficiency has also been greatly improved.

The negotiations on the authorization of the automobile brand were very quick, and the next step was the negotiation on the authorization of the ball game.

As for the negotiation of guns, this is actually not a big problem. Most people are not 100% sure about the model and type of guns.

For example, there was a chicken-eating game in the original world, and there was a sniper rifle called 98K. After this game became popular, many players would subconsciously say that it was 98K when they saw any retro sniper rifle with a pull button. That's why most players really rarely have the opportunity to touch things like firearms.

Even if guns are not banned in many countries, ordinary people still have the opportunity to come into contact with firearms, but that is actually not much in terms of the overall population base in the world.

And even if they are exposed to firearms, at most they can only have the opportunity to come into contact with the few popular types of firearms, and most of them have no chance to come into contact with them.

Therefore, firearms authorization is not in urgent need, and firearms also have a very convenient means of circumventing copyright, that is, only slightly modifying the appearance, and then taking a very similar name, which will hardly have any legal risks.

This cannot be done for football stars, related events, car brands and related events, because cars and football are more popular things. Unless the authorization cannot be negotiated, it is better to negotiate the authorization as much as possible.

Zhuyouxing directly handed over the development of Need for Speed, FIFA Football and Counter-Strike to the team in the United States. Therefore, the team had to expand its manpower again, and many talented people rushed to join Yuxing. Electronic entertainment work, now Youxing electronic entertainment is like a holy place, I don't know how many people want to come in.

At the same time, the relevant media also reported on this matter, which made Su Rui Electronics immediately nervous. They thought that Youxing Electronics Entertainment was planning to start an arms race again, preparing to develop a variety of games on a large scale to compete with itself.

And Su Rui Electronics can only bite the bullet.

Now the game department has always been profitable, and it is precisely because of this that the game department has been able to maintain it. However, if it is suppressed by competitors many times in a row, it will still make shareholders somewhat dissatisfied.

For this reason, Ueto Hayakawa once again asked the game company he cooperated with and YOO, the largest partner, to increase investment in games during this period. Su Rui Electronics is willing to make certain concessions in the game sales during this period, prompting these companies Can work harder on game development.

It's just that game companies other than YOO seem to lack fighting spirit. Their current development rhythm has stabilized, and disrupting their own company's rhythm for Su Rui Electronics is more or less worth the candle.

Discussions from the outside world and the tension of the opponents will not affect the inside of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

The team in the United States expanded rapidly, and soon formed a team of about 1,300 people, and then divided three teams on average to develop the gun car ball game, and the branch in the United States also expanded its scale. .

It’s not that Zhu Youxing doesn’t want to use the Japanese team to develop the gun car ball game, but since it’s a European and American series of games, it’s more appropriate for Europeans and Americans to develop it themselves. The cultural traditions of Asia and Europe and the United States are very different. Even if the development style of the Japanese team can be forcibly changed, it will still make the development team feel awkward and reduce the enthusiasm for development.

Anyway, the meat is rotten in the pot, and the development at home and abroad is the same.

The two games Need for Speed ​​and Counter-Strike quickly entered the main track of game development. The team of FIFA football game is a little slower. The authorization will not affect the game development, but the football itself requires a lot of motion capture data. Development The difficulty is higher than the other two games.

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