Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 545 Division of Labor


In addition to football games, there are cars and guns.

As for the car, I have Need for Speed, which can dig deeper into the potential.

Originally, Need for Speed ​​is the most talked about is the real-life performance similar to the movie narrative, and the competition between the police and the racer, which adds a lot to the original boring racing game. vitality.

This vitality was not until more and more sandbox games began to gradually replace the relatively simple gameplay of racing games, and racing games will gradually move towards a more professional and realistic direction.

Zhu Youxing’s deepest memory should be the ninth work of Need for Speed, but if Wang Zha comes up, it will quickly exhaust the potential of this series, which is not worth the candle.

Up to now, Need for Speed ​​has come to the fourth work in the continuous development, and the fifth part, Need for Speed ​​Porsche Journey, can be regarded as a well-known work, just because this generation of models only has the Porsche series, which greatly reduces the types of cars. , and also reduced a lot of playability, otherwise the evaluation of the fifth part could rise to another level.

On the contrary, I can add more models on the basis of the original fifth generation, and add professional tuning racing functions to the game, giving players more options.

Of course, there is no Porsche in this parallel world. In order to adapt to this world, we still have to use popular car brands in this world, but in fact, the overall design and appearance of cars in the two worlds are not much different, only the brand names are different. That's all.

In the last gun game, the first thing Zhu Youxing thought of was Counter-Strike.

This is a confrontational game that has been popular in the original world for more than 20 years. It has been enduring for more than 20 years, which is enough to prove the quality of Counter-Strike itself.

In this parallel world, Counter-Strike will not be too bad.

And recently there has been a trend towards modern-style shooting games. Many game companies are trying to produce modern-style shooting games. I can take advantage of this opportunity to take the lead and firmly occupy the top spot in shooting games.

The improved version of FIFA, the improved version of Need for Speed, and Counter-Strike, these three types of top works are released at the same time, and the effect should be very good.

Thinking of this, Zhu Youxing took the phone and told Matsuhashi: "Songqiao, just leave the game development to me, and I will arrange the development of the next game. The three types of guns, cars and balls can operate at the same time. People will be a little nervous, and it is estimated that there will be a sequence of game releases.”

After hearing Zhu Youxing's promise, Matsuhashi immediately beamed with joy. Sure enough, he can always trust the creativity of the president. In just such a short time, he has already considered the direction of the next three types of game development. Sure enough, It's amazing, following such a president, I only need to work hard outside, and the rear will always provide the most stable and fierce fire support.

With the promise of Zhuyouxing, you can rest assured, and Matsuhashi will be more confident in winning the European market in the future.

"By the way, the gun type game is okay, but the car and the ball will have some things that you need to do."

"President, please tell me."

"You should be familiar with the development of car games. You need to apply to the mainstream car manufacturers for their car appearance and brand authorization. You can study the licensing fee yourself. This time I plan to add more car models and brands. Let mainstream automakers become our partners."

Matsuhashi immediately took out his notebook and began to record carefully, nodding and saying: "Leave this to me. It just so happens that many mainstream automakers are located in Europe, which is very convenient."

"Well, there is also the authorization of ball games. We have not touched this before, but in fact, it is the same as the Japanese Super Baseball game. Go to the organizer of the league to apply for the right to use the name of the league. The price should not be too high. It's too low, but it would be of great benefit to us if we could talk about it."

Matsuhashi also quickly understood.

Being close to reality is a major feature of gun car ball games, which is fundamentally different from other fantasy role-playing games.

Perhaps because the European region rose in the industrial age, they are more fond of entertainment that is closer to reality. Even fantasy works such as Lord of the Rings are still in the style that mages can hold swords and attack people in melee.

But this is just Zhu Youxing's own guess, not necessarily because of this reason, but what is certain is that gun car ball games will definitely become popular in Europe.

Before other competitors have studied and understood what Europeans like, they can still seize the opportunity.

After arranging the tasks for Matsuhashi, the two hung up the phone and went to their own things.

Zhuyouxing is here to contact the production teams in Japan and the United States, and discuss with them the next game development.

This time he will launch many works, covering almost all mainstream genres, which can also be said to be a test of the development ability of the company team, to see if the team can handle the development of so many top works at the same time,

Even if it is finally confirmed that the team is still not capable enough, Zhu Youxing probably knows in his heart how to lead the team to attack the city and conquer the territory.

As for Matsuhashi, she is going to set off immediately. She will personally go to FIFA, the Premier League, the Champions League, and many mainstream automobile manufacturers in Europe to negotiate brand authorization.

Negotiations between car manufacturers went very smoothly, and many manufacturers have a very high interest in the current video game.

They don't care about the authorized money. Of course, the more money the better, no one will refuse this, but this is not the point.

The point is that before the cooperation with Youxing Electronic Entertainment's Need for Speed, the reputation of these car manufacturers has suddenly risen to a new level. Now even many children can quickly identify several licensed models of Need for Speed. come out.

The impact on fame is still very large, and the impact of these fame may not be visible in a short period of time, but if the time scale spans ten to twenty years, when these people who are impressed by a certain brand because of playing Need for Speed When children become adults, the vehicle they choose may subconsciously choose their childhood memories.

In Europe, automakers often have a history of more than 50 or 60 years, and there are several automakers with a history of 100 years. This is the background of the old industrial continent.

And this century-old factory attaches great importance to long-term interests, as well as its own reputation and reputation.

This may keep their company profitable for decades to come.

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