The town lived a rare peaceful life.

A group of gangsters who are usually idle at this time will always find various reasons to fight.

Even the magistrate has nothing to do. If they don't catch them, they can only verbally warn and imprison them for a day.

But lately it's been really weird.

These gangsters didn't disappear, but they didn't choose to fight during this time, but went to a bar early and late.

If curious and courageous people go to that bar, they will find that these guys with very bad tempers can sit peacefully in front of a TV and stare at it.

Video games are indeed a novelty for the residents of this small town.

Especially on the basis of the lack of entertainment in this small town, video games are even more attractive.

During this time, the young bartender not only showed them how to play football games, but also several well-known racing games and shooting games.

With the brains of these bastards, it is completely incomprehensible why there are so many interesting things in such a small box.

But they know there's something in it to keep them entertained every day.

"Hey, when will my game console arrive? I've saved up my money."

After two or three days gone, Carson returned to the bar looking dirty.

"Carson, where did you go?! It's so dirty."

Carson's hooligan friends were gathering in front of the only Suri Electronics game console in the bar to play games, and when they saw Carson coming in dirty, they immediately let out a strange scream.

This is not like the usual Carson, who cares about his image very much, but today he is very unkempt.

"I went to work at a nearby dock and earned more than two hundred euros, let alone that."

While speaking, Carson took out a few dirty banknotes from his pocket, and handed them to the dazed young bartender.

He really didn't expect that Carson was really trying to find a way to make money.

"What are you doing in a daze, kid, take the money."

At this time, the bar owner, the father of the young bartender, pushed him and motioned him to bring the money quickly.

Only then did the young bartender bring the money in a daze, and the bar owner smiled and said to Carson, "Don't worry, my son checked for you yesterday, and he should arrive with our liquor truck tonight. Tomorrow you can play video games alone."

"Wow! Carson, you are really saving money to buy this game console! You are really amazing."

Carson's gangsters immediately rushed over to put their arms around the dirty Carson, as if they didn't care whether he was dirty or not.

Anyway, there are more dirty situations than this when fighting hard in normal times. What is this?

They looked very intimate, and one of them said very familiarly: "Carson, remember to play with me when your game console arrives, don't eat alone!"

Carson didn't notice what these partners were talking about. He just stared straight at the young bartender and said, "Tonight? Then I'll wait for the delivery today."

He was lucky enough to play football games on game consoles a few times before, and he was already fascinated by the football games just after he got started, and he was very eager to own a game console and play games at any time.

If you ask him now if he still wants to fight, he will probably just say that fighting is not as interesting as playing games.

He might not even care so much about football games if it wasn't for a few key games.

Simply put, he found a new point of fun, and this new point of fun is enough to offset all the previous boredom.

In the middle of the night, after most people went back to their homes, Carson continued to wait at the bar.

"Father, I really didn't expect these hooligans to be so patient. Also, I thought that if I promised to buy him a game console, I might never get the money for the game console."

The young bartender was very surprised by Carson's reaction.

He always thought that this group of people was always in a hurry, and he took out the game console that he usually didn't use, just to give these people a place to vent when they wanted to fight.

It seems to be working fine now.

The owner of the bar said: "These people usually like to make trouble, but they just want to break things and don't want to pay for it. But at least they know that they have to buy what they want. This is better than criminals."

Then he said with emotion: "The reason why these people became what they are now is also related to the family environment. Most of them are the result of disharmony in the family. My childhood has been seriously affected, so I should treat these people a little bit better. Don’t keep looking at them through colored glasses.”

"I know my father."

The young bartender nodded.

At this moment, it seemed to him that someone like Carson was worthy of being a friend.

He likes video games, and this Carson seems to like it very much, otherwise he wouldn't be waiting here so patiently for his game console.

They are all game lovers, so it is indeed worth becoming friends.

At this moment, two car horns sounded outside the door.

The first to respond was Carson at the bar. He stood up like a spring on his buttocks, and then looked at the young bartender, as if confirming something to him.

"It's the game console." The young bartender gave him an affirmative look, and Carson immediately showed joy in his eyes.

Your own game console.

"Hey boy, this is the game console you want. It's really hard to buy now. It's much harder to buy than the PN game console I bought for you before. I even added a little more to get it. But because of our relationship, you don’t need to pay for this little money.”

After the truck came to a complete stop, the bald-headed driver stepped down from the driving seat, took down a game console and several fully packaged game CDs, and greeted the young bartender who came over.

"Huh? Who is this?"

The driver noticed that there was also a young man coming at the same time, which made him a little curious.

"This is my friend, thank you uncle, I will treat you to a beer in the future."

"Ha ha, alright."

The bald driver was very generous, and the young bartender quickly gave the money to the bald driver, and then returned to the bar with the game CD and game console. The rest of the unloading was left to the other bartenders and truck drivers.

Now he can't wait to see what the football game of Youxing Electronic Entertainment is like.

Carson followed closely behind the young bartender, and his whole body trembled slightly after seeing his own game console arrive, which was a sign of extreme anticipation.

"Well, how much do I need to make up for the price increase? I can find a way to get some more money."

At this time, Carson seemed a little cautious. He felt that the bald driver didn't want the price increase for the young bartender's face, but he felt that he had to pay.

"You don't have to care about these, now let's take a good look at this game!"

The young bartender couldn't help himself now, and decisively unplugged the cable of Su Rui Electronics' PN game console, and threw the Su Rui Electronics game console aside, and then carefully removed the brand new GS1 game console from the package. Take it out of the box, and start to connect the cable to the TV very solemnly. The treatment of the two game consoles is simply very different.

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