Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 579 The Best Football Game


Carson certainly didn't understand why the young bartender was being treated differently.

But he obviously didn't have to think about this kind of thing for too long, because the young bartender had already finished reading the game and officially entered the interface of the Super Football Competition.

When the Super Soccer Contest was just reading the disc for the first time, a CG animation started to play.

On a piece of green grass, a world-renowned football star stood in the middle of the field, with a football under his feet, looking into the distance.

A piece of rhythmic music sounded. This is a melody that has never been heard before, but it makes people feel that it fits the sport of football very well.

Then, the star kicked the football hard, and the camera quickly followed the football, as if he himself had turned into a football and began to leap in the air.

The football seems to span the space, the surrounding environment quickly changes from day and clear sky to night, then to day, then to cloudy and rainy weather, and finally when the football is about to fall on the ground, there is another famous player Soccer stars catch the ball with their chests, juggle it and pass it again.

Both Carson and the young bartender's eyes widened.

This CG animation looks so real, especially for Carson, he has never seen such a wonderful CG animation shot, at that moment he even thought it was a real scene, but he knew it was Impossible, these should be the computer-generated realistic animations that the young bartender said before.

But even animation is a little too real, right?

Carson couldn't believe it.

This CG animation is completely a show-off product of Youxing Electronic Entertainment. This is a CG animation technology that has surpassed this generation, and it can probably reach the CG animation technology of the PS3 era.

After all, CG animation does not consume the performance of the game console, it is simply broadcast, so the picture quality can be as realistic as possible.

With the production experience of the previous Final Fantasy 7 movie version, it is really nothing to make such a very realistic football CG animation.

It's hard to say about other game companies, but Youxing Electronic Entertainment definitely understands all the functions of the Unreal Engine. They know how to use the Unreal Engine to produce the effects they want most.

The entire CG lasted about three minutes, and the CG content actually fully presented the whole picture of the game.

The CG at the beginning alone has shocked everyone deeply.

When the CG animation ended, Carson and the young bartender remained silent, as if they were thinking about something, but they were actually in a daze.

Finally, the young bartender was the first to react, and then immediately manipulated the handle, and at the same time waved to Carson and said, "Come on, let's play a game."

Carson knew that football games could be played by two people, and when he saw the young bartender beckoning, he immediately sat down and picked up another controller.

Now he is completely familiar with the road.

When he picked up the handle of GS1, his first feeling was comfort.

The grip of the entire handle is just enough to fill the entire palm of the hand, making it very fulfilling to hold.

This is far more comfortable than the game controller of Surui Electronics.

This is entirely due to ergonomics.

In order to create a handle that perfectly fits the player's palm, Zhuyouxing also learned from Microsoft in the previous life in this world, investing about 100 million US dollars in design costs for the design of the handle, and constantly conducting trial and error.

Originally, he had the memory of the XBOX handle from his previous life, but that was only a rough memory. In the end, the design still needs to be fine-tuned to determine the ergonomics that is most suitable for the player. In this world, the GS1 handle can be said to be the best out of blue. Yu Lan, the feeling of holding it is even better than that of the XBOX in the previous life.

The young bartender is already used to this kind of grip. He already has game consoles from Surui Electronics and Youxing Electronics Entertainment, but he is reluctant to take out his game console from Youxing Electronics Entertainment. Sharing it with others, he still feels that he should enjoy the game console of Youxing Electronic Entertainment alone.

The young bartender enters the main interface of the Super Football Contest, which is nothing special, similar to the competing FIFA football game.

His skilled joystick first entered an interface for a quick match.

At this moment, he had already prepared a network cable in advance and connected it to the game console.

The game console connected to the network can increase the function of online battle, and also increase the achievement system and social system.

What surprised him even more was that when connected to the Internet, the quick game background of the Super Football Tournament would directly display the teams that were playing the most recent games.

The teams in this game are all real football stars, and they have completely correct names. It’s not like FIFA can only use some homophonic names to replace those stars in order to avoid copyright.

This also adds a touch of realism.

"How is it? Do you want to play today's football game?" The young bartender looked back at Carson and asked.

Carson nodded vigorously.

Today's game is also a game he likes very much.

In this game, his favorite team also won the game, but he didn't mind using this team again to experience today's game again in the game.

"OK, come on then."

The young bartender adjusted the values, and then both sides entered the game's team selection interface.

Carson naturally chose his favorite team without hesitation, while the young bartender chose another team.

In the selection interface, it is very different from YOO's FIFA football game again.

This selection interface has a 3D image of the team's most famous player. This image will continue to perform his best football skills when you choose, and show everyone his skills.

This also adds a touch of realism.

So far, the game has officially started, and the game has entered the main battlefield of the game competition.

First, the TV screen was slightly black, and then a string of text appeared in the lower left corner.

XX area, XX stadium, XX team home.

"Okay, everyone is welcome to enjoy today's game!"

The familiar host's voice sounded from the TV.

Carson and the young bartender exchanged glances.

Just now they almost thought that this was a real ball game that was really happening.

If it weren't for the slightly more obvious motion graphics of the audience around the stadium after the screen gradually lights up, they would really feel that this is the real game.

But the voice of cheering, the voice of the host starting to explain, is really too real.

Although the functional limitation of GS1 makes some screen performance have to be cut and compromised.

But Yuxing Electronic Entertainment obviously found other ways to make the game more realistic, that is, the voice of the commentator full of presence, and the cheering sound that seems to be real.

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