Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 580 Qualitative Difference


In terms of game quality, FIFA and Super Soccer are at the same level.

After all, the same game development engine is used, and the performance of the game consoles is not too different, and the gap has not been completely widened.

However, there is a very obvious gap between the two in terms of game experience other than picture quality.

First up is FIFA.

The development team also worked very hard to increase the immersion.

For example, let the audience cheer more, make the player's action feedback more realistic, or add some irrelevant opening preparation animations, etc.

All of this really increases the player's sense of immersion.

At least most players who play football games for the first time will think this is a very good football game.

But once the Super Football Competition is compared with FIFA, the gap immediately becomes apparent.

The two games seem similar on the surface, but Super Soccer just feels better.

This is the effort in every detail, as well as in adjusting the movements of the players in the game.

This kind of numerical adjustment is the most energy-consuming, and sometimes complete truth is not a particularly reliable choice.

For the sake of gameplay, sometimes it must be unavoidable to break away from reality.

In terms of control, Carson's first thought was that the players' movements were more handy.

When he wants to make any action, he can get feedback in time, and it is very smooth.

In order to achieve this, Zhuyou Xing did not hesitate to extend the development of Monster Hunter for a month, and let the professional action team of Monster Hunter come to support the football development team, so that these people who are better at character actions can give football Game some help.

The effect in reality is indeed very good, and the movement is indeed very smooth.

Not only the characters' movements are smooth and hand-held, but also the cheers of the audience that make people feel the most present, and the voice of the game commentator. This is really a completely new way of creation.

Until now, almost all games have not officially used such things as game dubbing.

Because most game companies still think that things like dubbing will not bring much improvement to the game experience, and it is a bit redundant after using dubbing.

So Super Soccer Game may be regarded as the world's first full-dubbed game in the true sense.

However, this dubbing is not dubbing the characters, but dubbing the narrator.

And in order to be able to adapt to multiple countries, Youxing Electronic Entertainment also specially hired professional broadcast-level commentators from multiple countries to perform dubbing.

The money for dubbing is actually nothing compared to the overall development cost of the game, but the experience is the most intuitive.

In later generations, the role dubbing of games and the use of game dubbing are almost at the same level, but people in this world have not realized this yet.

But Zhu Youxing believes that people in this world will realize this sooner or later.

In addition to character dubbing and character action, there is an even more realistic feeling. As long as the game is connected to the Internet, it can seamlessly connect with the real game in real time. Through the Internet, players can better understand this game. where the charm lies.

If there is any game on the day, the quick game option of the Super Soccer Tournament will immediately provide the options for the game of the day, allowing players to personally participate in a game.

In addition, the football field of the game will also be different according to different competition fields.

Each country has a different playing pitch style.

Moreover, some stadiums are completely drawn from several well-known stadiums in reality. Among them, Carson was lucky enough to go to a stadium to watch a game live. He still remembers that there was almost a smashing accident by football hooligans that day, and he also participated in it. with.

All of this is nothing more than the details of game development.

Taken alone, neither one will make people feel too deeply.

But after gathering together, this game seems to have a soul, and it really comes alive.

This is very rare, and even the most discerning players will be shocked by the super football competition filled with various details.

Carson almost forgot when was the last time he stayed up late, as if he was drinking with his partner one day until the next day.

After the second day, he fell into a drowsy sleep all day, very listless.

Today, he spent the whole evening in front of the TV with the young bartender.

When the sun rose the next morning, he was still very energetic and wanted to continue playing!

The previous FIFA football games made him linger and forget to return. He always wanted to try to play, and found it very interesting.

But the Super Football Contest, this thing is a spiritual elixir, and he will never forget it after experiencing it.

Um? You tell me about FIFA? What it is?

Oh, by the way, that should be the name of the World Cup. As for the football game FIFA, he has completely forgotten it.

How can a FIFA football game be compared to Super Soccer?

After all, one is considered to be the work of a college graduate who has little experience, and it is already quite good, while the other is like a full-level boss going to Novice Village to crush, which is not at the same level at all.

There is no such thing as a so-called God of Games in Europe, but if someone mentions it to Carson, he will definitely recognize that the person who created the Super Football Tournament is definitely the God of Games.

"Phew, I really haven't been this addicted for a while."

The young bartender was also very energetic, and the two of them seemed to pass the night without knowing it.

The two sides have played countless super football matches and played dozens of games related to real games. Every time there will be new tricks, you have no idea how many things there are in the super football match that have not been shown to players.

This is really amazing.

Carson also said energetically at this time: "Shall we continue playing?"

"No, I still have to work, but we can make an appointment to play together in the evening."


Carson got up and was about to leave.

"Hey wait, you haven't taken your game console yet."

The young bartender hurriedly called Carson to stop.

Now they are still playing Carson's game console.

But Carson said indifferently: "I will definitely have a rest when I go home, and then I will definitely come over immediately. Compared with playing alone, I still prefer to play with others, and I also hope that other people can play together." Let’s all experience the Super Football Tournament, it’s much more interesting than that FIFA!"

The young bartender opened his mouth. He didn't expect Carson to have such a spirit of sharing.

If it were him, he would definitely protect the game console by himself, for fear that something might go wrong.

Su Rui Electronics' game console is just an addition when he is occasionally bored, so he doesn't feel bad even if it is damaged, but GS1 is different.

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