Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 592: A Novel Horror Game

In normal times, no one would particularly discuss horror-type cultural works, and most people still keep a respectful distance from this type.

And people with very niche hobbies like Hubert have no common language with others, so they have almost no friends.

He also knows that his hobby is not very popular, but he doesn't care, he is used to being alone in his own world.

He loves horror culture to such an extent that even if the work itself is bad and the way of scaring is very low-level, he still enjoys it very much, and even occasionally thinks that such low-level cultural works are also worthy of encouragement.

Otherwise, if there are fewer people who support it, there will be fewer horror cultural works that I can see.

He thinks so, and because of people like him, minority culture can continue to this day.

He just picked up the handle and clicked to enter the main interface of the game.

To be honest, the horror culture works he has seen in the past are generally not of high quality.

The niche is doomed to this kind of culture, and no one is willing to invest money in large-scale productions.

The opening CG of Resident Evil is really amazing.

Hubert's eyes lit up. He has some high-quality horror works, but at the beginning, he didn't seem to see any horror elements.

The CG screen at the beginning is mainly a brief introduction to a company named Umbrella. In the description, the company’s business covers medical, biotechnology, electronic technology and other fields, and it is a technology giant in the game.

In the CG, this company is described as very bright and positive. Through continuous efforts, they have increased the life span of human beings, greatly reduced the influence of various diseases, and they can miraculously cure some incurable diseases. It's a pretty strong company.

But because the content of this CG is too much like an advertisement, people can see it as false at a glance.

Hubert was also puzzled, and didn't understand why such a strange CG animation would appear at the beginning of a scary game.

However, because of the excellent picture quality, he continued to watch it patiently.

The Umbrella advertisement in the game is still going on, but unconsciously, the sound begins to gradually distort, and the camera is gradually moving away from the screen.

It turns out that this is a TV that is playing commercials. The room where the TV is located is very dark, only this TV is emitting light, and if you look carefully, you can still vaguely see some liquid splashes on the TV. Mark of.

At this time, apart from the sound of commercials that continued to play on TV, Hubert keenly heard some sounds like something was being eaten, and Hubert's hair immediately stood on end at this moment.

I'm coming!

This horror atmosphere was created very successfully! With this CG promotional screen, he can already give this game a high evaluation!

In the end, the CG animation stopped at a roar that didn't look like a human at all, and the game interface officially started.

At the beginning of the game, there are three options, these three options are very poetic, but after a simple understanding, it can be understood that this should be the difficulty option.

Difficulty options for video games are very common nowadays, and different levels of difficulty allow players of different abilities to have a very good experience.

The difficulty of some games that Hubert usually played is probably around the middle level.

But if it was his favorite horror game, he chose the highest difficulty without hesitation.

Immediately following the difficulty selection is the game’s character selection screen. In the game, there are a total of two people to choose from, a man and a woman. It seems that there should be different plots, which means that this game can be played at least twice with different plots?

Horror lovers like him will definitely not miss every plot.

However, the female character in the game looks very beautiful, instinct made him choose this role, anyway, he will choose it again later, and choose a male character next time.

After all the choices are made, the game comes to a new animation.

The beginning of this animation really presents the main plot of the game.

The fictional city of Raccoon City sends Team B of the S.T.A.R.S. Special Forces to investigate a bizarre death, but it doesn't take long to enter the place to be investigated and there is no news, and then Team A is sent again to find out.

Going to unknown places late at night to explore murder cases, if this routine is put in some traditional adventure detective film and television dramas, it will definitely be quite old-fashioned.

Hubert also has the same idea, but the game doesn't need to be so serious, as long as the atmosphere is done well.

And it's already quite good to have such a quality, you can't ask for too much.

It's just that no matter how you look at it, this doesn't look like a traditional horror work. Most horror works are related to ghosts and gods. This theme is relatively new.

Not long after Team A came to the ground, a member was suddenly attacked by a few wild dogs whose skin had rotted. They looked hideous and terrifying, and soon attacked the second member.

The second team member shot and killed one of the dogs in a panic. Hubert also concentrated at this time. The arrangement of the shots and the promotion of the story are quite tight. This is enough for a normal horror movie up.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment is really rich and powerful.

He was amazed in his heart, the plot of the game also advanced to the point where everyone rushed into a luxurious villa, and the game did not officially start until this moment, and Hubert could begin to experience the entire game process.

From this moment on, Hubert's spirit has never left the screen, his eyes are wide open.

The whole process of playing is also hearty.

It’s not that this game is always in a tense state, but the flow of the whole game is really smooth. There are things waiting to be done almost every moment, sometimes solving puzzles, and sometimes meeting people who have become disgusting. Human beings, the mystery of the plot was finally revealed when the game progressed halfway.

It turns out that the CG animation of the advertising model at the beginning was a foreshadowing.

The Umbrella Corporation is responsible for creating these disgusting and scary creatures.

The latest biological T-virus they developed was inadvertently leaked, causing a large-scale infection in the vicinity of the research institute. Infected people and creatures would lose their minds and attack other creatures frantically, and other creatures that were injured would quickly become infected again. Others, just like that, now the entire villa area has been completely overrun by these creatures.

It feels particularly refreshing to play with Hubert.

The plot logic of this story is tight, and the plot is also very tight, which makes people unable to stop. It took him more than ten hours to complete the first customs clearance almost in one breath.

He really didn't expect that scary games could be fun.

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