Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 593 Very Excellent Game


When the first playthrough was over, Hubert was a little empty because he hadn't played enough.

correct! There is a second character that can be played, and no one said that it cannot be played repeatedly.

However, after playing an exploration and decryption game like Resident Evil once, the sense of anticipation for the second time will be much lower.

Even so, it's a very good game.

At this moment, there is not much movement on the Internet, perhaps because not many players have cleared the game since the first release of the Resident Evil game.

It may also be that the sales volume of the game itself is not too high, at least not at the explosive level, so there are not many players discussing it for the time being.

And after Hubert played the second time heartily again, Aiko, Kazumi and Yin-chan had just finished the first time.

The three talents are more like a normal player's first game flow.

"This game... doesn't seem so scary at all." Yinjiang muttered at this moment.

Kazumi yelled strangely with a scared look: "It's not scary, but I remember you were yelling like me not long ago!"

Yinjiang immediately quibbled: "That's because the scene was so sudden, I didn't expect it at all."

The scene the two talked about was the original and most classic zombie looking back and smiling in Resident Evil. This scene can even be rated as one of the top ten world famous paintings in the history of video games.

Later Resident Evil movies also reproduced such a scene, and many movies also somewhat imitated and paid tribute, which also shows the impact of Resident Evil on future generations.

Aiko said at this time: "But to be honest, I really don't think this game is that scary, and if this game is evaluated by the degree of fun, it is definitely a very fun game."

Aiko is a very standard type of calmly analyzing everything. Even in the process of playing the game, she is constantly studying where the game stands out and where it is easier to attract players. She combines her emotions when playing the game to roughly Deduce whether this is a good game or not.

It can be said that Aiko is really strong in learning ability.

Yinjiang immediately said: "Look at what our clever Aiko has said, it's obvious that this game is not that scary."

Hemei is still a little scared, even now, if she is asked to play Resident Evil alone, she will definitely not do it.

However, some decryption elements in the game, as well as some art details of the villa in the game are very good. Hemei still has a deep impression on this building.

Perhaps the drawing talent in my heart is at work.

The picture quality of this Resident Evil is probably equivalent to that of Capcom’s later remake of Resident Evil 1, but it is also very different. At least this one no longer uses that very awkward perspective operation method, but uses a very classic one. The over-the-shoulder perspective makes people feel very comfortable.

The third-person perspective can be said to be just right, no matter what kind of player can quickly substitute into it, unlike the first-person game, it will also cause discomfort to some players with 3D vertigo.

"Yinjiang, Hemei, aside from the horror elements of this game, do you think this game is fun?"

At this time, Aiko looked at her two good friends again.

Aiko likes this game very much, because the whole process of the game is very full and full, without any waste and superfluous places.

A game that is too open can occasionally make players feel sleepy.

But the game of Resident Evil can make people tense all the time, and the game duration is just enough for people to finish playing in one breath, just like watching a slightly longer movie.

Aiko was looking forward to having the same thoughts as her two friends.

Kazumi shook her head: "I don't know, anyway, I just don't really want to play, but some of the art in the game is still very good."

In the process of playing, Yinchan also occasionally participates in decryption, and then helps Aiko in some levels that Aiko can't handle. Yinchan is still relatively strong in game control talent.

But Hemei did not participate in any decryption and play at all.

Because she didn't think much of beauty just by looking at it more, even though this was indeed not as scary as some horror movies she had seen before, the fear in her heart still made her involuntarily afraid.

After thinking for a while, Yinjiang said: "This is a very fun game. If I were to evaluate it, I would give it four stars."

"Why not five stars? Because of the horror element?" Aiko asked.

"Well... because I feel that this game is not complete enough, and it is a bit unsatisfactory. In fact, I feel that a game should have a sense of satisfaction at the end, but the ending of this game makes people feel that everything is not over yet. .”

Aiko said: "They are also planning to launch a sequel, so naturally it is impossible to finish the story in one go, but to be honest, I am also very interested in the follow-up of this story."

The setting of zombies is very old-fashioned. In this world, most of the zombie-type film and television works are B-grade plasma films, which are things for niche fans to watch.

But Resident Evil has neutralized the original setting of the very disgusting plasma slices of zombies very well.

The infection of the T virus and other aspects make this story more logical and convincing. Originally, Aiko hoped to follow the direction of setting and plot in game development in the future, so she was particularly grateful for a good story. interest.

If there is such a zombie movie, she will definitely go to support it and contribute a ticket of her own.

But what Yinjiang said is right, the game intentionally left a lot of suspense because of the story, but it made the game less complete.

If the overall story of the game is very complete, both Aiko and Yinchan will definitely be willing to give at least a four and a half star rating.

As for Hemei, there is no need to ask her. Now she is still thinking about the scene where the zombie looked back and smiled. If no one sleeps with her tonight, she may not be able to sleep.

It happened to be very late, so Aiko simply suggested: "Anyway, it's so late, we might as well play it again, and Yinchan and the two of us will study and count some of the characteristics of this game, and see if we can give it to you in the future. How about our game coming in handy?"

"Ah?! Still playing, if I play again, I will definitely have a nightmare tonight!"

Hemei had a face full of reluctance.

Now she wants to play Stardew Valley to decompress, and Resident Evil is really not her thing.

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