When the U.S. Congress just announced the ban on the game Dead or Alive in the United States, Youxing Electronic Entertainment did not stop promoting the game Dead or Alive.

Of course, in the official sales list, the US sales area has indeed been cancelled.

No matter how you say it, you have to give the US government a face.

And those protesters saw that their original goal was achieved, and they really stopped a lot, and did not continue to pursue this matter too much.

McGill was furious.

He couldn't understand what was going on in the minds of the group of guys with the loudest voices every day.

His purpose in life was very simple.

Just go on living happily.

But in this era, there are not many things that can make people happy. Video games and film and television dramas are among the few things that can bring happiness to oneself.

But even this thing is always pointed out, and there are always people who want to stand on the moral high ground and stop me from playing the games I want to play and watching the movies and TV series I want to watch.

He couldn't stand it anymore.

He also decisively joined forces with some gamers and turned against those who resisted the dead or alive crowd.

It's just that they are really not good at arguing.

In the end, he could only sit lonely in front of the computer in a daze.

The games I most want to play have been banned, and it seems that this year's fun will be much less.

Although other games are also very good, but how do you say it?

The more you can't get something, the more you cherish it.

And the time soon came to the second half of that year.

The Dead or Alive game was released in various regions of the world as scheduled.

Several other well-known games still have to wait for a few more days to play. Now that the game Dead or Alive is released, he can't play it, which really makes people feel quite uncomfortable.

Now it seems that the only way to satisfy my hunger is to watch the live broadcast of the game's first launch.

At least until the rest of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, as well as several other Yuxing Electronic Entertainment first-party games, can only watch the latest livestream of this game.

"Hi everyone, welcome to my live broadcast room! Today I will broadcast a game to you all."

"That's right, you must have probably guessed it. The game I'm going to broadcast live today is the game officially released today. This is a game that players call the gospel of mankind: Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball."

"Come on, this is the physical version of Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball I just bought. To be honest, this game is actually quite difficult to buy overseas, because this game is quite popular. If it is not for collection, I would In fact, I would rather go directly to buy the digital version of the game.”

McGill clicked on a live broadcast room at random, and the anchor inside was excitedly showing off the dead or alive beach volleyball game he had just bought.

Seeing the physical version, he was even more envious.

In fact, it is not that there are no channels to buy physical versions of games in the United States.

In this world, the role of the scalper is always indispensable.

It's just that because of the ban on sale in the United States, there are relatively few channels where this game can be purchased, so the price increase by scalpers is very serious.

He really didn't want to waste too much money on scalpers, it would make him feel that it was really unnecessary.

Wouldn't it be nice to have that money to wait and buy a few games such as Final Fantasy?

So now he can only watch the live broadcast, with nothing else to think about but greed.

"Okay, I've put the cassette into the game console now, everyone, please follow me to watch the game called Jerusalem in the game world!"

Soon, the anchor entered the main interface of the dead or alive beach volleyball game.

"To be honest, the graphics of this game are actually not very good. In terms of the technical strength of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, this game can actually be made better, but I estimate the number of people in the development team of this game itself. There are not many, and the overall development cycle of this game is less than a year, so it will appear a bit rough, but please rest assured that this game has officially promised to continue to maintain and update, and will update We continue to add more new female characters in the process."


"Anchor, where did you buy your game?"

"I want to play this game! I can't buy it at all!"

At this moment, there are many players who have the same idea as McGill.

That is, wanting to play but not being able to play, really makes people scratch their heads and worry.

"The anchor is not from the United States. I am now in the country, so I can buy the physical version of this game. Even if this game is not banned in our country, it is not easy to buy this game. I waited for more than five hours in a long queue that day and finally bought this game. If you like this game, please pay attention. I will broadcast live for you all day today. This game!"

McGill stared at the live broadcast.

At this point the game has entered the main interface.

The main interface looks very sunny and fresh as a whole, and the background is a scene on a sunny island.

And the warm background music also sounded at the right time.

"Okay, let's officially enter the game."

The anchor started to try to play the game, he clicked to enter the game, and then the game guidance officially started.

The leading character is a female character from Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball.

"Wow! This female character is so beautiful!"

"What's the name of this female character?"

"It seems to be called...Xia? It's really a very special name!"

"A special name! It really matches this beautiful woman!"

"The more I watch the live broadcast, the more I want to buy this game. Can anyone tell me how to buy this game."

"If you are in the United States, don't even think about it, it is impossible for you to play."

In the comment area, a group of people envied the game anchor to live broadcast the game while discussing the purchase of the game.

However, many people are in the United States, so they can only watch the live broadcast eagerly.

The players who can be here are usually those who are not willing to spend money.

"Hey? When it comes to buying games, I actually have recommended channels. Even in the United States, you still have the opportunity to buy this game, and it's still at the original price."


McGill watched the live broadcast, and was slightly taken aback after hearing what the anchor had just said.

Can you still buy the game Dead or Alive at the original price in the United States?

How to do?

"Everyone, please don't worry. First of all, I will broadcast this game live for a while, and then I will reveal it to you later. If you like the anchor, you can pay attention! Thank you very much!"

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