Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 885 But the female character is pretty!


"I'm ready to cancel the anchor, and I want to complain to the live broadcast platform to get my tip back."

"That's right, if you don't talk about the method of purchase, I will quit the live broadcast room now."

The anchor from ** country turned green when he saw these comments.

Obviously what he said was a bit too early, he hadn't hooked up all these people's addictions enough, he should wait and let more people watch his live broadcast.

Now he is a little bit stuck.

But at the moment, he has no other way. If he keeps silent, then these people will probably leave because of anger, and the purchase method he wants to talk about is actually not difficult to find, but he is The first to be discovered.

"Actually, what I want to say is that you can buy digital games, and it doesn't really matter where you want to buy digital games, does it?"

"Digital version of the game? Where can I buy it?"

"It's actually quite simple. I'm afraid you haven't discovered it in the past. There is an option to select the game area on the game consoles of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, and it's not just in the game consoles of Youxing Electronic Entertainment. The platform also has such an option to adjust the country and region, and you can easily switch your account to another country with just one click. Did you buy the game?"

After the anchor finished speaking, he was a little proud.

Obviously, there are still many people who don't know this secret, and if he announces it directly, it can somewhat increase his popularity.

And this secret was actually told to him by another mysterious netizen.

Of course, this mysterious netizen didn't just tell this secret to this anchor.

Several other popular anchors have got this secret.

And their fans only need to click the option to switch regions on their account platform, and they can easily transfer regions.

And this is called game immigration.

"I'll try it!"

"I am coming too!"

Immediately, a group of people in the comment area of ​​the chat immediately turned off the live broadcast and went to try the game transfer area.

And the anchor's face turned greener after seeing his number of viewers drop rapidly...

Just like that, his popularity ran away. Just now, there were less than 2,000 people watching his live broadcast, but he just finished telling the secret, and half of them ran away in the blink of an eye.

The thousand people behind were also running quickly, without hesitation at all.

But fortunately, there was an endless stream of users who continued to come in to watch the live broadcast, which made him feel a little more at ease.

McGill had already exited the live broadcast room, and then clicked to enter the platform.

On the platform in the United States, there is no dead or alive beach volleyball. Now the game recommended at the top is the Resident Evil series, which is currently selling at 89% OFF. Now this game has been launched to the third part. Unique among horror thriller games.

He directly ignored the promotion of these games, and came to the personal account option prompted by the anchor before.

And in this option, I don't know if it was intentional by Youxing Electronic Entertainment. The option to adjust the account area in the account is very conspicuous, just next to the personal user name.

McGill clicked to adjust the account area without hesitation, and soon a new pop-up window appeared.

"Ask if you need to change the region."


"According to your account information, there is still money left in your account that has not been spent. Once you switch regions, the money will be automatically and seamlessly converted to the money in the designated region at the current international exchange rate, but this will charge a small fee. Please confirm."


It's just a handling fee, what is that, he wants to be able to play the game of death or life immediately!

He can't wait to enter that world and fall in love with beautiful ladies... Oh no, it should be a thrilling volleyball game with these beautiful ladies. As for falling in love, it's just a subsidiary It's just a product!

Well, that's right, that's it.

"Please select the area you want to convert."


McGill has always had a good impression of England, so he subconsciously chose this country he still prefers.

Of course, the more important thing is that he can at least understand English in this area, and he is not sure whether he will switch languages ​​in other areas.

"Converting, please wait..."

"Congratulations, welcome to the England account area, the funds in your account have been automatically converted into local pounds, thank you for your visit."

"So fast?" McGill was a little surprised.

Is this a successful transfer?

Immigration in this game is much more convenient than real immigration.

But this time he returned to the main interface of the platform.

On the platform in England, the games advertised on the homepage have also changed.

Most users in England prefer football games.

And Yuxing Electronic Entertainment's Football League is naturally the game with the highest sales volume in this region, and this game has always occupied the front row of recommended positions, so that all users can see this game for the first time.

Of course he didn't come here to watch this game.

He directly searched for the name of dead or alive in the search box, and the search quickly yielded results.

Dead or Alive: Beach Volleyball.


It's really dead or alive!

This cover, this woman, this absolute domain, this...


He subconsciously took a breath.

He is very strange.

Obviously it's just a game.

And the game shouldn't be that fun.

But he just couldn't help but want to play.

Maybe it's just that the less some people want people to play certain games, the more others want to play them.

This can be regarded as a kind of reverse psychology, right?

Starting amount...£59...

This... is a bit expensive!

If it is converted into US dollars, it will be more than 60 US dollars.

But this is still much cheaper than those games that scalpers resell.

So he didn't hesitate, and directly used the money in his account to buy the game.

Anyway, no matter what, let's play first and then talk!

It was already evening when he downloaded the game, and he couldn't wait any longer. When he saw that the main interface of the game showed that it was ready to play, he clicked to play it almost in the next second.

The fresh beach scene, and...the young and beautiful female characters, this place is simply paradise!

Originally, he still felt a little bit distressed about the fact that the game was a little expensive.

But when he saw all the good-looking women in the game, he immediately felt that it was not a loss.

Even if the picture quality of the game itself is not top-notch.

But the female character is so pretty!

Even if the game has just played a little BUG.

But the female character is so pretty!

Even though the game starts with a prompt to unlock more women's clothing, some require additional payment.

But the female character is so pretty!

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