Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 886 New Activities


The overall development cost of the game Dead or Alive is only $10 million.

More than half of it is the developer's salary, and the rest is the use and development costs of Unreal Engine.

For the current game development strength of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, this kind of game development is simply a piece of cake, not difficult at all.

Originally, developers are actually relatively free.

When they got the development plan of this game from Zhu Youxing, they were still a little confused, not knowing why their president would want to develop such a game.

But when they learn that they, the developers, can let their imaginations run wild and conceive the costumes of these female characters as much as they want, they don't feel confused.

Do not misunderstand.

This game development team is not all LSPs.

Among them, there are actually at least 20 female game developers.

Nowadays, within Youxing Electronic Entertainment, female developers also occupy a large group.

However, they have always been the people in the company who like to design the female characters in the game in the most beautiful direction.

Their idea is very simple, that is to make the female characters in the game as beautiful as possible, just like the Barbie dolls and other toys they used to play, with a sense of accomplishment.

This is not the same as ordinary players playing games.

These characters were actually created by them with hard work, and the sense of accomplishment that they have developed is even more indescribable.

When Zhuyouxing let them free themselves to create costumes for dead or alive female characters, and also promised that 5% of the income from each costume created could be an additional share of income for the creators, these female game developers Those who work harder.

Female characters can be designed as sexy as possible.

Only women know women best, and this sentence is vividly reflected in these female game developers.

In the matter of beauty, men are still inferior to them.

On the day of the release of Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball, a total of 400,000 copies were sold online and offline.

Inside Youxing Electronic Entertainment, this sales volume is actually not that high.

But 400,000 copies, if calculated at 60 U.S. dollars each, would be an income of more than 20 million yuan.

On day one, the game paid for itself.

This is much more efficient than some top masterpieces in recovering costs.

And in the follow-up, this game also has the option of in-app purchase.

This game will continue to bring in more revenue in the future.

For the LSPs who like this game, they don't mind spending ten dollars or twenty or thirty dollars on occasion to buy a set of clothes to dress up their favorite female characters.

Even though the costumes are essentially a bunch of 0s and 1s, they're having fun.

"President, you are right. According to statistics, the sales volume in the US area is more than 150,000, which is unbelievable!"

Yasuo Natsume came to Takeyusei's office with the latest sales report, with an unconcealable surprise on his expression.

"It's no surprise, they're going to buy the game, there's no doubt about it."

How much Zhu Youxing wanted to play this game, he knew how much people in this world wanted to play such a game.

That is the purest sexual impulse in the human subconscious, and he actually took advantage of some human weaknesses.

But entertainment, this is the same as Doom, as long as it makes the player happy, it doesn't matter what kind of expression it is.

Of course, making money by the way is also very good.

Zhu Youxing said: "Okay, don't worry about the sales of the game, anyway, the game has already paid back, and now I want you to do another thing."

"What's up?"

"Expand the propaganda in the United States. Of course, we can slightly change the way we promote this time."

"How to change?"

"Promote with prize collection. Simply put, it is to recruit players who like this game, and give these players autonomy. They can design the costumes of their favorite characters on the official platform. The most popular costumes will be in the back. Installed in the game, and they will also get some extra rewards and a certain share of future sales, so that they can experience the fun of creating a small game by themselves.”

"Huh? Is this considered a creative game? It's just a matter of designing a dress."

"Of course it's a creative game." Zhu Youxing said as a matter of course, "Any creative behavior related to games is a creative game, even if sometimes you just add a little special effect to a certain character in a game, or It’s to add a little changeable dress.”

"Oh, by the way, call Bell Ryder, the person in charge of the platform. I also have something to ask him. Next, you need to cooperate with him."


Natsume Yasulong now admires Takeyusei quite a lot.

Of course, he also admired him before, but this time it was a little different.

The United States has officially banned the sale of this game.

It looks like the riotous human rights hooligans have won.

He all felt that he should avoid the edge for the time being, but a game cannot be sold in the United States, which is nothing.

But Zhuyouxing still found a way to sell it in the United States.

If the gang of human rights hooligans knew about this, they would probably vomit blood in anger.

And it is.

In the United States, a certain human rights association has just learned a piece of news that is not particularly happy.

The game Dead or Alive is out.

However, it is only banned in the United States.

It can be sold normally in other countries and regions.

But it was also a success.

But it didn't take long for them to enjoy the fruits of success, and they learned a piece of news that was not particularly pleasing.

I don't know why this game is banned from sale in the United States, and its promotional offensive has not stopped.

"Why is this game still being announced? Isn't it that they can no longer sell it in the United States? Then there is no reward for continuing to announce this game in the United States?"

"We are investigating..."

"There's no need to investigate. Just now, Youxing Electronic Entertainment launched a new event."

"what activity?"

"Call for costume designers for the game Dead or Alive, and the winner will get a reward of 100,000 US dollars, as well as additional rewards for subsequent costumes."

"What is that? Why is there still a reward of one hundred thousand dollars?"

Among the people in the association, some people only heard the key point of the one hundred thousand dollar reward.

One hundred thousand dollars is not a small amount of money for ordinary people in the United States.

However, Youxing Electronic Entertainment's wealth and wealth are directly used to reward some prize collection activities. What is this for?

Among these people, some people are suddenly thinking: If I get this one hundred thousand dollars, how should I spend it...

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