Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 905 Keep it secret


The overall development progress of Sekiro is relatively optimistic. It will definitely be announced at the end of the year without any accidents, and he also took a look at the current state of Sekiro. The first level has basically been produced, but the game character modeling and The scene needs more refined production.

This requires pure stacking time to complete, and it happens that the industrialization of games can also be reflected in this respect.

According to this progress, Zhu Youxing thinks that Sekiro should complete the trial version of the game in August and September, just in time to discuss with the Japanese government to promote the game together.

Since the Japanese government is willing to be a propaganda coolie for free, how can Zhu Youxing have no reason not to use it, and he can save a sum of publicity costs, which is quite good.

"By the way, what day is it today?"

After watching the development progress of Sekiro, Zhu Youxing suddenly asked Rinto Jiang Chuan a question that had nothing to do with the game.

"Uh...April...the thirteenth, what happened to the president?"

"April thirteenth?"

"President, are you estimating the specific release date of our game? I think there must be no problem around Christmas."

Zhu Youxing shook his head and said, "No, it's not the release date of the game, I just remembered another thing."

"whats the matter?"

"Japan, is it about to succeed in its Olympic bid?"

"Olympic bid?" Jiang Chuanlin was stunned, then suddenly remembered the news he saw on TV, and then replied uncertainly: "It seems that there is indeed such a thing."

Jiang Chuanren can't remember clearly, because he has been thinking about how to make the game well recently. Even when he is off work, he often thinks about how to make the wolf more perfect.

The other game development departments are all working hard, and they look very desperate. He doesn't want to lag behind others.

Things like Japan's Olympic bid are not as important to him as work, and he has no interest in sports.

"This may also be a good publicity opportunity, what do you think?"

"A good publicity opportunity? The president means... to bundle our Sekiro with the Olympics?"

"That's definitely not." Zhu Youxing smiled and shook his head, "I just remembered this incident suddenly, and it has nothing to do with Sekiro."

"Oh, then the president, are you planning to take advantage of this popularity to develop an Olympic-style game?"

An Olympic-type game, simply put, is to directly integrate many standard Olympic events into the game.

The development difficulty of this kind of game is quite low for today's Youxing Electronic Entertainment. If some departments want to seriously develop it, it only takes half a year to complete all the development content of the game.

If the president intends to refine the development, then it can be completed within a year at most.

Taking advantage of the enthusiasm of the Olympics to develop an Olympic game, if Japan can successfully bid for the Olympics, it will definitely at least protect its capital.

"Olympic games? Don't tell me, I forgot. This can indeed be considered, but this can be discussed in 2019. This kind of game is not in a hurry. I am just thinking about other things."

At this moment, in Zhu Youxing's mind, he suddenly recalled the scene of seeing the promotional video of the Tokyo Olympics for the first time on the Internet.

That was the final scene of the closing ceremony of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

According to the usual practice, the next host country will carry out some publicity work at the closing time to increase the enthusiasm for the next Olympic Games.

At that time, Japan, which was originally the world, promoted the 2020 Olympic Games in a way that surprised everyone.

That is to bring together the most popular games, animations, and movies in Japan at that time.

Among them, Super Mario is the C position.

In the image of Super Mario, the Prime Minister of Japan opened a water pipe channel leading to Rio from the land of Japan, and then appeared from the center of the main stadium of the Rio Olympics with a red hat.

At that time, Zhu Youxing was quite excited when he saw this promotional video.

Because this is the first time a large-scale event such as the Olympics has positively promoted a video game.

Super Mario has become the C position of the Olympic Games, which is also a milestone advancement of video games.

Even though video games have never been successfully included in the Olympic Games, the appearance of the image of video games in the Olympics already represents that the society has gradually accepted the value of video games themselves.

At that time, he still remembered that his father was as excited as himself, and the two agreed to watch the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics together, to see how Japan could present their most proud video games and animations to everyone .

However, the ideal is plump, and the reality is skinny.

The Tokyo Olympics in Japan, which was planned with countless budgets, was messed up because of the epidemic and Japan's own reasons.

Even the opening ceremony at the end turned into the most hellish Olympic opening ceremony in the world.

If that thing is shown to a child, it will scare the child to cry.

It's hard to imagine what the brain circuit of the director of the opening ceremony in Japan at that time was thinking.

If possible, Zhu Youxing would actually like to see an Olympic Games full of game and animation elements.

That's kind of a milestone.

In the original world, of course I have no ability to change anything.

But what about in this world?

Can he change it?

At least it is easier to change than the self in the original world.

"Okay, Jiang Chuan, you can continue to work. You have to work harder on Sekiro's affairs. I hope Sekiro can be more different. Of course, the fun of playing can't be reduced."

"Good boss."

Jiang Chuanren still has some questions in his heart that he wants to ask, but now the president seems to be a little absent-minded.

Is it related to the Olympics mentioned by the president just now?

So how does the president want to use the Olympic Games to promote?

Jiang Chuan Linren couldn't figure it out for a while.

The president can always think of something special in some strange times.

Hey wait.

The president seemed to say that Japan will succeed in its Olympic bid?

But it's only April, right? He remembered that the result hadn't come out yet.

How did the president know the result?

Hmm... Maybe the president has a good relationship with the Japanese government, and the government has quietly disclosed the results to the president in advance.

After all, hosting the Olympics seems to be a matter of several countries competing with each other, but with the advent of the new era, fewer and fewer countries are willing to host the Olympics, and there is less and less competition. Japan has a history of hosting the Olympics before. , It should not be surprising that the successful bid for the Olympic Games again.

Then you should keep it a secret, and you shouldn't tell anyone else about it.

It would be bad if it affected the president's plan.

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