Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 906 The Propaganda Method of the Olympics


Regarding the Olympic Games, Japan and several other countries have now reached a critical time.

And Japan is very active in hosting the 2020 Olympic Games, far more active than several other countries that want to host the Olympic Games.

Since the economic downturn in the 1990s, all Japanese people have developed in a very negative social environment.

No matter how hard each government tries to boost the national economy, it is still difficult to make up for the serious impact of the original bubble burst.

The current Japanese Prime Minister in this world then thought of another way to boost the national economy.

Of course, this may be the only way Japan can think of, so Japan is doing this no matter in the original world or in the current parallel world.

This may also have some historical inevitability.

In short, the last few months are also the most critical link. Both the Japanese prime minister and his ministers are actively lobbying, promising to the International Olympic Organizing Committee that Japan is fully capable of hosting another Olympic Games.

In fact, it is basically a certainty now, and the rest is the voting session in July. Japan only needs to win as many votes as possible during this time period, and then it can win the Olympic Games.

Because of this incident, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, which has always been in close contact with Youxing Electronic Entertainment, did not continue to cooperate with Youxing Electronic Entertainment to promote Japanese culture.

And when Takeshi took the initiative to find the current minister of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Jiro Shizuoka, Shizuoka Jiro thought that Takeshi wanted to make him care more about the cooperation between their department and Yuxing Electronic Entertainment, and to increase investment in publicity What, but what Zhu Youxing said surprised him a little.

"You mean, you want to participate in the Olympic Games?"

"Yes, this will be a good promotional opportunity." Zhu Youxing nodded and said.

Shizuoka Jiro's expression became serious: "Mr. Takeyou, the Olympic Games is not a child's play. Japanese cultural promotion and the Olympic Games are two different things. It is impossible for us to use the Olympic Games as a promotional tool for your company."

"I know, I know, I mean the publicity is not limited to our game works, although our works are the most famous, but I mean I hope that video games can become an important element of the Olympic Games."

"To make video games an element of the Olympics, do you want to make video games a sport? This seems to be possible..."

Zhu Youxing interrupted: "No, I'm not interested in adding video games to the Olympic Games, I just hope that the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games will have video game elements, of course not only video game elements, now we say I think you, Minister Shizuoka, know what Ben's most powerful thing is."

Shizuoka Jiro thought for a while, and then immediately realized: "You mean... anime, games, and all cultural creations related to it?"

"Yes, that's right, that's what I thought."

"It's a bit risky to use video games and anime as the main content of the opening ceremony. Originally, what we were studying was to use the classic traditional culture of Japan as the opening ceremony."

Zhu Youxing said decisively: "Then I will tell you, Minister Shizuoka, if you do this, it will be easy to dissuade more people and make them hate Japanese culture. Don’t you know the current state of the Olympic Games development?”

"This... I really don't know."

Shizuoka Jiro is in charge of cultural communication, and he simply uses this as a cultural propaganda tool for things like the Olympics, but he really doesn't know much about the current situation of the Olympics itself.

Zhu Yuxing said: "The Olympic Games used to attract people's youth, a kind of civilized confrontation between countries, and similarly, the Olympic Games are also regarded as a kind of entertainment, the Minister of Shizuoka should approve it? "

Shizuoka Jiro nodded: "I can't deny that."

"Well, now, Minister Shizuoka, you should see that Internet media entertainment is becoming more and more abundant. Every day, people spend much more time on the Internet than TV and some sports programs. Even baseball, the most popular sport in Japan, is currently Compared with ten years ago, the average ratings were also dropping wildly. This is a reality, and the same is true for the Olympic Games. Now hosting the Olympics is a loss-making business, if it is not for showing national power and other political factors, the Olympics will be a burden instead."

Shizuoka Jiro didn't feel much at the beginning, but after hearing Zhu Youxing's words, he felt that there was some truth.

Indeed, the willingness of several countries competing with Japan to host the Olympics is not really that strong.

They are more like a routine, and at most they are not negative. They have a dispensable attitude towards hosting the Olympics.

"Now that we are entering the critical stage of the Olympic Games, I think we can find another way to convince the Olympic Organizing Committee. Video games, animation and other cultures are what we are most proud of in Japan, and this is what young people like most now. I think We should deeply bind these cultural products with our Olympic Games to attract young people, and with young people, the Olympic Games will have a future."

"I need to really think about it."

Zhu Youxing was not in a hurry, he said: "You can think slowly, and you will know that what I said is correct in a short time. At that time, I only have one hope."

"What hope?"

"Let Super Mario become the incarnation of the Prime Minister. As for other publicity, I will not ask for it. I just hope that when the Rio Olympics is over, we can use Super Mario as a means of publicity. When the publicity is over, you will definitely find out. The publicity is worth the money."

Zhu Youxing didn't need to say anything more.

This kind of thing is still far away, and he is only temporarily drawing a big cake for Shizuoka Jiro, making him believe that video games are one of the future development directions of Japan.

All that remains is to see whether Shizuoka Jiro can accept this inference.

After talking about this matter, Takeyusei returned to the company. Now he has other things to do. As for whether he can really persuade Shizuoka Jiro to use video games and other means as a way to promote the Olympic Games and his own country's culture, that's up to him. It's not something Zhu Youxing can control.

However, according to the historical trajectory, Zhuyou Xingjue's own lobbying has a relatively high possibility of success.

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