Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 910 Death



This is a text from Eastern Huaxia.

Because Japan itself imitated the former heavenly dynasty in terms of culture and other aspects, many Japanese characters directly followed the Chinese characters.

And the word death also has a Japanese interpretation of the new era.

But for the Japanese, the Chinese character death is also their most commonly used character, and it can be understood very well.

However, for people in the European and American cultural circles, this word must not be understood.

Recently, however, this has changed.

Death has become the most discussed Chinese character among Europeans and Americans recently.

In Barthes' twenty years of life, he had almost no contact with oriental culture.

But he is a player who loves video games, and he also knows that Yuxing Electronic Entertainment is a Japanese company.

It's just that Yuxing Electronic Entertainment didn't have too many games with oriental charm before.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment's games highlight that all people can play and accept them. People of any cultural tradition can accept Youxing Electronic Entertainment's games. This is also the way to maximize profits.

And this time Youxing Electronic Entertainment launched two video games with oriental culture in one go. As a loyal fan of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, he saw that these two games were promoted by the producer of Zhu Youxing, the god of games, and he immediately I placed an order on the digital platform immediately without hesitation, and played two games at zero o'clock.

His impressions of the two games are similar. On the one hand, he is attracted by the sense of action of Sekiro's clanging swords and halberds, but he is also interested in the more grand historical stories of Tsushima Island.

So in the end he made a choice, that is lottery, which should also be called lottery in the West.

He wrote the two games on a piece of paper respectively, then randomly drew a piece of paper, and finally drew a wolf.

It doesn't really matter which game is drawn first, because he can play both games, it's just a matter of order.

So he chose to play this first according to the wolf he drew.

Then, he learned the word 'death'.

Whenever the character's blood gauge runs out and falls to the ground, the big blood-red death word occupies the center of the screen.

At this time, he doesn't need anyone to explain, he knows the game represented by this dead word.


This is an instinct, after all the characters are dead, and then a big death word pops up on the screen, which obviously means that the character is dead.

In the beginning, he was actually quite calm.

The death of the character is normal. He has played many games, and he also dabbled in games with a very high difficulty like the first generation of Monster Hunter, so he can accept the death of the character calmly.

It's just... slowly he realized that something was wrong.

There are too many dead!

Is there something wrong with the difficulty adjustment of this game?

Why do even mobs do so much damage?

This made Bart a little suspicious of life.

The difficulty of Monster Hunter is high on those large monsters, and the difficulty is gradual. The monsters at the beginning are not too difficult to deal with as long as they find the pattern.

But wolf, this is as long as you don't pay attention, no matter how good your skills are, if you dare to face more than three or four mobs at the same time, you may die suddenly on the spot.

Along the way, relying on his own experience in playing high-difficulty games, he managed to get to the point where the plot killed Kenichiro Ashina.

Here, the protagonist, the wolf, will have one arm broken, and will be revived by the Buddha carver, and then a flexible prosthesis will be given to the protagonist, so that the protagonist can regain the ability to fight.

It's okay to be careful in the early stage.

But when the plot killing is over and the adventure of the whole game officially begins, the difficulty begins to rise sharply.

The small monsters have high damage, and often when you are hunting this small monster, many other enemy soldiers will suddenly appear next to you and surround you, and the final result is often hacked to death.




Bart threw his handle directly out.

dead again...

Died again!

Is this game really for people to play?

Which normal person can clear this game?

I'm afraid that even the God of Games himself can't pass the level?

In his mind in the past, Yuxing Electronic Entertainment would never make garbage games.

But now in his eyes, this game is quite rubbish.

He even had the urge to refund the money.

It is not yet the two-hour deadline for the refund, and I can refund it directly.

right! Refund!

He made up his mind, and then quit the game decisively, and clicked on the main page of the game to find the refund option.

'Your conditions are eligible for a refund, would you like a refund? '


‘The refund was successful, thank you very much for playing, and I am sorry that this game has brought you a bad experience. '

Bart is still a little angry now. Too many deaths in this game have directly caused his current anger that cannot be eliminated.

He even wants to refund Tsushima now.

But he finally held back.

At least have a look at Tsushima Island first. Anyway, there is still a two-hour refund period, so you can experience it first.

So he reorganized his emotions and entered the world of Ghost of Tsushima.

After playing for half an hour, Bart's mood improved significantly.

Because the difficulty of this game is significantly lower.

And this game gives the difficulty adjustment option.

Maybe it's because Sekiro abused him so hard that he just thoughtlessly chose the easiest difficulty this time, and he just wanted to kill him indiscriminately!

Then he discovered that the game was obviously quite friendly to players.

Enemies from Mongolia are cut one by one like cutting melons and vegetables.

Even if I face several enemies at the same time, I can still deal with them all calmly, it's not difficult at all!

With the previous comparison, he found that this game is quite fun.

At the same time, Tsushima Island also has many traditional Japanese cultural elements.

For example, some Japanese myths and legends, some stories about temples, and haiku and other things are very novel, which he, who has been immersed in Western culture for more than 20 years, has never seen before.

And this is just the culture of a small country in the east. He knows that there is another big country in the east, and there is a richer culture in that big country. Reach out the way a video game does.

Of course, just thinking about it now, he is still devoting himself to Ghost of Tsushima.

On the Internet, people's evaluation of the two games is also in a polarized state at this moment.

On the one hand, Sekiro's game is extremely difficult, which directly dissuades a considerable number of handicapped parties.

Then these people turned their heads to buy Ghost of Tsushima as if they were retaliatory consumption, and the game evaluation of Ghost of Tsushima gradually increased.

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