Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 128 The True Whereabouts of Tom Cat

Having made his choice, Tom did not stop and walked past Mario and Kuba with Jerry, heading towards the small room behind them.

That small room was originally where Princess Peach was imprisoned.

According to the original game process, when the player controls Mario to pass the level, he will come here to contact Princess Peach and meet the conditions for passing the level.

But now Princess Peach has been kidnapped.

This small room is empty, and there is nothing.

But Tom and his friends were not here for Princess Peach. They just wanted a link to the dark web.

He took out the txt text and looked at it. It was the same as the previous Trojan.

Tom took out another handle.

He started pressing the handle in this small room.

[Up and down, left and right, BABA]


A smooth flash passed by, and a small link appeared instantly.

He looked back in the direction of Mario.

The other party also turned his head and looked over.

Although they had not communicated with each other along the way.

But based on the performance of both parties, they could guess what each other was thinking.

"Good luck to you."

Tom waved his hand, then retracted his gaze and clicked on the short link in front of him.

Accompanied by a "buzzing" sound.

Jerry and Tom were lifted up by an unknown force and floated in the air.

Then Tom and Jerry's bodies began to be decomposed by data, turning into little particles with light and floating in the sky.

In a few seconds, Tom and Jerry were teleported out of the world of "Super Mario" in this way.

Seeing Tom and Jerry leave, Mario and the big devil Bowser looked at each other again.

Both sides were extremely solemn.

Tom and Jerry left, they were going to find Jerry's best friend.

Mario and Bowser were also leaving here to find their Princess Peach.

Unlike the game of saving the princess, fighting and making a fuss.

In this action, they really risked their lives.

Data life is both powerful and very weak.

If they encounter an existence that restrains them, their data is likely to be completely deleted, which is an erasure more terrible than death.

Tom and Mario are both working hard.

At the same time, at the bottom of the Internet world.

In the bottomless dark corner, a group of mosaic black fog is carrying the unconscious Princess Peach forward quickly.

The entire Internet world is like an iceberg.

The Internet metropolis that Tom and his friends saw before is already large enough.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg of the Internet world floating on the water and bathing in the sun.

Under the dark and cold sea, there are even larger Internet worlds that are hundreds or thousands of times larger than the Internet metropolis.

Although they are huge, they are not floating on the surface.

There is not much vitality in the huge world.

It looks lifeless.

In the architectural style group of half of the abandoned city, netizens who wrapped themselves tightly walked in it.

There are also many natives representing Internet viruses shuttling in it.

This is the dark web that Tom and his friends are looking for.

A place where the light of the network world cannot reach.

That group of mosaic black fog came to the dark web very easily, and took Princess Peach to the bottom of the dark web nest with ease.

It was very fast.

Whether there were data creatures blocking the way ahead, it would crash directly!

The data buildings or data creatures hit by this group of mosaic black fog would be directly penetrated and turned into a group of pure data, which would be absorbed by the black fog.

The group of data creatures living in the dark web seemed to know the black fog. After they felt the arrival of the black fog from afar, they got out of the black fog's forward route early to avoid being swallowed.

Not only data creatures, but even netizens who were browsing the dark web could not avoid the black fog.

Not long after, the mosaic black fog had reached the bottom of the dark web.

Here is a luxurious palace in the shape of an inverted triangular cone.

The home of the black fog is here.

Its owner, its creator, and its most important friend are also here.

The reason why Mosaic Black Mist went out to kidnap Princess Peach was that the one who gave the order was naturally its master.

However, what even its master didn't know was that Mosaic Black Mist actually resisted this order.

But there was no way.

Since the master gave the order, it could only do so.

It carried the unconscious Princess Peach into the inverted triangle palace.

The Black Mist took it directly to the main hall.

A grand party was going on here at this time.

Many classic animation, film and television, and game characters were singing and dancing here.

Spider-Man was dancing with Batman.

Chun-Li and Mai Shiranui were playing on the stage next to them, acting as DJs.

Cinderella shuttled between the crowds, smiling and handing drinks to the people present.

In the open kitchen, the Chinese Little Chef Liu Maoxing showed off his cooking skills.

One ear in "Black Cat Sheriff" was playing with a ball of air.

Oh, not air, but Liuwa in Calabash Brothers.

Among this group of classic characters, a man wearing a white coat, a mustache, a bald head, and a pair of mosquito-repellent ring glasses is particularly eye-catching.

The reason why this person is eye-catching is not because he is so handsome or has a great temperament.

On the contrary, it is because this person is too mediocre.

Mixed with this group of classic characters with distinct characteristics, it is even more obvious.

It's like a fat and greasy man mixed in with a group of handsome men and beautiful women, just standing out as a loner.

The strange thing is.

Although the man looks ordinary.

But everyone at the party seems to like him very much.

All surrounded him, chatting with him, drinking with him, and joking with each other.

Being able to become friends with so many classic characters must be the life that countless people in the real world dream of.

This man is the same. His current life makes him feel unusually happy.

Compared with the real world where no one cares, he can have so many friends here and be the focus of everyone's attention.

Compared with the cold and boring real world, the online world should be his real home.

At this moment, Mosaic Black Mist rushed into the party with obvious excitement.

He squeezed out the classic characters around him and came directly to the man.

"Master, I brought your new friend back to you."

Looking at the black fog that squeezed in front of him, the man who was originally very happy suddenly put away his smile.

He said impatiently: "Xiao Hei, didn't you see that we are having a party? You come here like this and it really disturbs the mood."

As he said that, he saw the unconscious Princess Peach in the black fog again, and said: "Let's settle the new friend down first. She is new here and needs to get familiar with the environment here. Just live next to the Tom cat."

After saying that, the man turned his head and ignored the black fog. Instead, he put on a happy smile again and played with Pikachu next to him.

Seeing this situation, the mood of the black fog was obviously depressed again.

The group of classic characters participating in the party suddenly froze as if the machine was stuck, and a touch of black fog appeared in their eyes.

After the mosaic black fog called Xiao Hei took Princess Peach away.

Everyone returned to normal.

Black Mist took Princess Peach to the room next to the palace, and its body gradually solidified and turned into a black pug.

After injecting part of its body into the unconscious Princess Peach, and confirming that it could control her, it turned its head and looked at a Tom cat in the next room.

Tom cat was also in a coma at this time, but Xiao Hei knew that the control of this cat would soon fall into his hands.

Under Xiao Hei's gaze, Tom cat in the next room, who was originally unconscious, suddenly opened his eyes!

A touch of black mist flashed in its eyes!

Thanks to the book friend [Hao Yu] for the 100 starting coins reward

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