Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 129: Remarks on the release (Update instructions after release)

It will be available after 12 noon!

(Whispering: Of course, due to system delays, my updates may be late...)

Let me give you some flowers first!

The performance of this book may not be worth mentioning to many big guys.

But for a little loser like me who has no talent, it is already very good.

I really really really thank you all for your support!

I am also very grateful to my editor, Juzi. Juzi is really a very nice person! He has given me, an old loser, a lot of help.

Without you, there would definitely be no current results!

When it was available, the collection of this book was about 8,000. If I could maintain a subscription ratio of 10 to 1 and work hard for a while, I might be able to get to 1,000.

Then I can make a living from this book.

I still want to make a living from online writing.

So you don’t have to worry about eunuchs and interruptions.

I believe that everyone has seen my updates since the beginning of the book.

Compared with my last book, this Tom Cat is much better, which at least shows that I have made some progress and am not just a loser.

I won't say much more, I guess you don't want to hear it.

I won't play the victim, so let me talk about the update issues that you may be more concerned about.

First, there will be a burst of updates on the first day of the release.

As I said before, there will be five chapters on the first day, each with 2,000 words, and I will merge them into a large chapter of 10,000 words.

First, the reading experience of a large chapter is better.

Second, I am a little selfish. After merging chapters, the average subscription data will be better, which will help with subsequent recommendations.

[ps: To avoid some friends who are not clear about the rules of Qidian. Qidian charges by word count, every 200 words. It is not charged by chapter. So don't be scared by the charge of a large chapter of 10,000 words. The more you charge, the more words you have. ]

In addition, there are additional updates for the new book list. This book was in category 16 before it was removed from the list, so I can only add two updates of 4,000 words.

This additional update is expected to be a little later. I don't have so many manuscripts saved at the moment. My main job is very busy, and the manuscripts are saved by staying up late and losing hair. Please forgive me.

After that, it is the daily update after the release.

After the release, it will be increased from the original 4,000 words per day to 5,000 words per day.

In other words, after the release, I will update once a day, 5,000 words per update.

The update time is unified at 8 pm.

This is convenient for everyone to read.

Finally, let me talk about the rules for adding more.

First, after the release of [Monthly Tickets for More Updates], 2,000 words will be added for every 100 monthly tickets, and the calculation will be recalculated on the first day of each month.

Currently, the monthly tickets are more than 200, so just calculate it as 200.

When it reaches 300 monthly tickets, 2,000 words will be added.

The second is [Milestones for More Updates].

Currently, there are 9 milestones, and each additional milestone will add 2,000 words.

The closest milestone is 1,000 monthly tickets and 10,000 collections.

Then there is [Rewards for More Updates].

In fact, I am very grateful for your subscription and support.

Rewards are not mandatory.

But considering that there are still many friends who will reward, it is better to set up a feedback.

10,000 starting coins plus 2,000 words.

That is, one helmsman gets 100 yuan.

The rewards here are cumulative rewards, not individual rewards.

That is to say, Zhang San rewards 100 starting coins, Li Si rewards 100 starting coins, and finally as long as they can accumulate 10,000 starting coins, they will add 2,000 words.

Every time a friend rewards, I will take a small notebook to write it down.

In fact, I really want to be the leader.

I have been writing books for so long, but I have never received the leader. That is definitely the highest affirmation for the author.

Every time I see a big guy in the author group posting a screenshot of the leader, I am so envious, hahaha!

Finally, [Subscription and More Updates].

Subscriptions are the most important thing for authors. Many books are forced to quit because of poor subscription performance in order to make a living.

But I am not a full-time worker, so I don’t have to worry about the problem of eating. But the higher the subscription performance, the better.

The goal is 500 average subscriptions.

After this book reaches 500 average subscriptions, 10,000 words will be added.

After that, for every 100 average subscriptions, 2,000 words will be added.

If you can reach 1,000 average subscriptions, an additional 2,000 words will be added. In other words, 4,000 words will be added for every 1,000 average subscriptions.

Although I find it difficult...

Finally, the first subscription data is very important. Please subscribe to at least the first chapter!

Please please!

Okay, that's all I have to say.

I have to go to work too.

Thanks again to all my friends for their support along the way!

Niu Niu bows here!


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