Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 143 Don’t waste wolfberry tea!

The cultural and sports center is not far from the old street community.

The family can get there in less than half an hour.

In order to prevent accidents, in addition to the music score of "Moon Mist Labyrinth Song", Guan Susu also brought the violin that Tang Mu gave her.

Speaking of this violin, Guan Susu actually has a better one.

That violin was given to her by Guan's father and mother. It is worth more than 50,000 yuan and is barely a performance-level violin.

The upper and lower limits of musical instruments are very high.

Expensive violins can be called works of art and antiques. They have a history of at least hundreds of years and are worth millions of dollars, such as the famous guarana.

Cheap ones, you can buy a children's toy piano that can barely be played for fifty yuan.

The family conditions of the Guan family are not too good, but they are not too bad.

If the family conditions are too poor, there is no way to support Guan Susu to practice the piano since childhood.

But even so, for Guan's father and mother, it was a big loss to collect money to buy a 50,000 yuan violin for their baby daughter.

At first, Guan Susu naturally liked the violin given by her parents very much. A few days before receiving the violin, she even slept with the violin case.

Until Tang Mu, the pig who took cabbage, appeared.

After spending 1,500 yuan with the first month's salary to buy Guan Susu a beginner's violin, her parents' violin was instantly not popular.

Now Guan Susu likes to use the violin given by Tang Mu whenever she uses it.

The 50,000 yuan violin is now gathering dust at home.

Faced with this situation, Guan's father and mother didn't know what to say except sighing that a girl can't be kept at home when she grows up.

After arriving at the cultural and sports center, Guan Susu called Liu Hong.

Soon, a capable woman in her thirties came out and met them and walked inside.

In order to reflect the civilized city image of Liuyang City, the city specially cooperated with the city's advanced enterprises to hold this art conference.

It is a cooperation between the government and the private sector.

One party has power and the other party has money.

In order to better coordinate this event, the city temporarily allocated a part of the cultural and sports center for them as a special office.

Liu Hong brought them here.

Tang Mu and his group were definitely not late.

The time agreed on the phone yesterday was half past ten.

It was only ten twenty, and Tang Mu and his group had already arrived.

But even so, there were still many people who came earlier than them.

Judging from their appearance, they should also participate in this year's art performance and come here to sign.

Tang Mu looked curiously and found that there were indeed many disabled people here.

Among them was a deaf-mute lady who looked heroic and handsome.

In addition to these performers, there was another person who was also very conspicuous.

This is a handsome boy who is wearing a pair of big sunglasses even though he is indoors. He stands alone in the corner of the office and looks out of place with the others.

Could this guy be the handsome boy?

I didn't expect him to come so early.

Guan Suisui's family and Sister Liu Hong started talking. Tang Mu, relying on the fact that he is a cat, walked to the handsome boy with a swagger and looked him up and down with a scrutinizing eye.

Hey... this guy, why does he look a little familiar?

After getting closer and observing carefully, Tang Mu really felt that the handsome boy looked a little familiar.

This kind of familiarity is not the kind of familiarity seen in photos or videos on the Internet, but the familiarity of having met in real life.

This is quite strange. When did I deal with such a person?

It should not be before I became a cat.

I feel that the memory is quite close, so it should be something that happened after I became a cat.

The handsome boy obviously also found Tang Mu, and his eyes under the sunglasses suddenly widened!

Because of the huge change in facial expression, the sunglasses on the young man's face slipped down, revealing the pair of wide eyes behind him.

"Fuck! The cat that drove the rocking car and stole my cigar!"

The young man squatted down, took off his sunglasses, and put his face in front of Tang Mu, his face full of disbelief!

Tang Mu looked at the face in front of him and finally recognized him.

Isn't this the rich second generation who drove a sports car with a girl?

Before, in order to chase the group of human traffickers, Tang Mu drove a rocking car on the road.

Then he overtook this man's car and took his cigar.

Because the other party drove a more conspicuous sports car at the time and drove so slowly, it left a little impression on Tang Mu's heart.

Looking at the face of the young man and listening to his words, he immediately remembered who this person was.

Tang Mu was still saying, why does this person look so familiar.

I have seen him before.

Others may not know that the young rich second-generation boy has seen Tang Mu racing with his own eyes.

People of his level have wide channels of information and will not be fooled easily.

Although Xiong Jin has covered up for Tang Mu, the young boy has seen it with his own eyes after all, and of course he will not be misled by the posts and comments about the so-called remote control car.

In the eyes of this young boy, there is definitely something wrong with Tang Mu's cat!

There must be something wrong!

"Mr. Cat! Why are you here?"

The young boy squatted in front of Tang Mu, looking at him with some surprise, and did not forget to extend his hand and introduce himself: "My name is Yang Baitian, and I am currently an idol. Fans like to call me Tiantian."

Tang Mu looked at Yang Baitian's outstretched hand and raised his paw to shake it.

It really didn't expect that the little fresh meat in Liu Hong's mouth turned out to be this guy.

Although the guy in front of me is a magical combination of a rich second generation and a young guy.

If this were placed in an online novel, it would definitely be the most typical villain configuration.

Tom Mu thought the same way before.

Because Guan Suisui's good solo stage was disrupted, Tang Mu was a little unhappy with the so-called little fresh meat.

In addition, domestic young celebrities are already very popular.

With preconceptions, it was natural to imagine Yang Botian as a villain.

On the way to the cultural and sports center, Tang Mu was still thinking about whether he should learn the early Internet writing routines and give this blind little fresh meat a slap in the face.

But since the so-called fresh meat is this silly boy, then forget it.

Maybe it's because he turned into a cat.

Tom Mu felt that he was much more accurate at judging people than before.

Whether many people have malicious intentions or not, you can tell with just one look.

Maybe this is the intuition of small animals.

Having said that, this stage is very important to Guan Suisui after all.

Even though Yang Botian seems to be doing well at the moment, Tang Mu still has to continue to observe him for a while.

We must ensure that Guan Suisui's first stage ends perfectly.

After Tang Mu shook hands with the silly second generation in front of him, he raised his paw and pointed at his own collar, which contained the cat tag that Suisui had given him. The cat tag was Tang Mu's name.

Yang Baitian understood what Tom Mu meant at a glance, and quickly took a closer look: "Oh, so Mr. Cat, your name is Tom. You are exactly the same as the cat in "Tom and Jerry". Nice to meet you!"

"Tiantian! The violinist you are going to perform with on the same stage is here, come and get to know her!"

Liu Hong, who was talking to Guan Suisui's family over there, seemed to have almost finished talking, so she turned her head and shouted something in this direction.

"Ah! It's coming, it's coming!"

Yang Baitian responded quickly, bowed to Tang Mu with his hands clasped together, and muttered: "Bless me, Lord Cat, everything goes well."

After saying that, the little fresh meat hurried over there.

Tang Mu was overwhelmed by Yang Botian's trick and was speechless.

Good guy, what does this stupid kid think of himself?

Tang Mu turned around and walked towards Guan Suisui.

It also wants to see what happens next.

"Huh? Mr. Cat, why are you here too?"

Yang Botian thought that Tang Mu followed him.

"Tiantian, do you know this cat?"

Liu Hong was so busy that she didn't even notice that Tang Mu came in with Guan Suisui and his family.

After all, this is an office location, and there are still many documents. Suddenly, a strange and large cat came. As the general person in charge of this art performance, Liu Hong, who has always been hands-on, naturally had to pay attention.

"Ah, this is my cat, named Tom. It can keep people safe and bring happiness."

Yang Botian didn't know what was going on with his brain circuit, and inexplicably set a setting for Tom that didn't belong to it.

After hearing this, Tang Mu, who had just come over, rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Guan's parents and Guan's mother next to them saw that the topic fell on Tang Mu. As a family, they naturally couldn't just watch from the sidelines at this time.

So Guan Ma said, "This cat belongs to our family. Can't we bring cats in the cultural and sports center?"

The cultural and sports center can bring it, but it is best not to bring it to this office.

Although Liu Hong wanted to say this, she looked at the look in Yang Baitian's eyes and waved her hand, saying: "It doesn't matter, you can bring it in. Just be careful not to destroy the files."

"Master Cat will definitely not do that."

Although Yang Baitian met Tang Mu for the second time, he was obviously confident that he was fascinated by Tang Mu.

After saying that, he looked at Guan Suisui's family again, and they all looked much more polite and polite: "You two are Miss Guan's parents, hello, I'm Yang Baitian."

Seeing the respectful look of the little fresh meat in front of them, Guan's father and Guan's mother suddenly felt like a fake cat.

I don’t even know what kind of ecstasy soup Tang Mu poured into Yang Botian. How could he treat an idol star so politely to a cat?

But in this situation, it was naturally not easy to ask. This question was not easy to ask in the first place, so I ignored it and just smiled politely.

"Hello Miss Guan, I'm very sorry for ruining your solo performance this time. Mainly because my financial team wants to give me a more positive image, so I decided to perform at this art show this time."

“But all the previous performances are fully booked, and yours is the only one that is perfect to perform with my talents.”

After saying that, Yang Botian glanced at Tang Mu squatting next to him out of the corner of his eye, and continued sincerely: "Actually, my performance this time is not important. If you feel that it is not good, I can also quit this time." Performed.”

When Yang Botian said this, not only Guan's parents, but also Liu Hong were a little bit incredulous.

"That's not necessary. It is true that there is a piano performing together, and the layering of this piece will be stronger. If you don't mind, we can also perform together. But now there are only the last ten days left, and we still have to do it together. Practice and develop a tacit understanding.”

Guan Suisui thinks things are very simple.

I was indeed a little disappointed when I got the news last night.

But she has figured it out now.

A good performance must, of course, give the audience the most perfect experience possible.

Since the concerto of piano and violin can make the music better, why not?

"Okay, thank you Sister Guan, I will definitely practice well."

Yang Botian's attitude was quite upright.

After saying that, he bowed to Guan Suisui.

Liu Hong next to her was shocked.

Although my cousin is very polite in normal times, he doesn't act as exaggerated as today.

Is this a sign of humiliation?

Liu Hong was a little puzzled.

But no matter what, it would be best if both parties could reach cooperation calmly.

"Since everyone has no objections, let's sign it, and the show will be finalized."

Liu Hong took out the contract that she had prepared long ago and put it on the table for Guan Suisui and Yang Baitian to sign.

Yang Botian trusted his cousin more, so he signed the contract without even looking at it.

Now Yang Botian is actually not too optimistic about this cultural performance. Being able to meet Tang Mu here is an unexpected surprise for him.

In Yang Botian's heart, building a good relationship with Mr. Cat is more important than any other performance.

The woman he drove in the sports car before was Yang Baitian's love interest and his childhood sweetheart.

It's just a pity that although he has been pursuing her since junior high school, he has not caught up with her until he is 18 years old.

After meeting Tang Mu on the road last time, the girl agreed to her date invitation, which convinced Yang Baitian that it was Tang Mu who brought him luck.

This silly kid never thought that the girl might have had an idea in her heart, and it just happened to be a last resort that day.

Guan Dad and Guan Mom still pay more attention to the security of the contract.

After receiving it, I read it carefully and discussed the situation with my daughter before agreeing to sign.

After holding Guan Suisui's hand and confirming the location of the signature, Guan Suisui relied on muscle memory to write her name.

Because it is impossible to visually confirm the writing position.

After all, I had carefully controlled it, but the signature in the end was still a bit slanted.

But the calligraphy written by the young lady is quite graceful and beautiful.

Better than many people now.

Although it is a cultural performance started by the government, the money must be given.

The government cannot prostitute labor for nothing.

Although this amount of money is not much compared to those of big performers, for Guan Suisui, it is really a lot.

There are even some things that don't fit in with Guan Suisui's status as a fledgling newcomer.

But since the other party can give this money, Guan Suisui's family won't say anything.

For Guan's father and Guan's mother, they are still a little proud.

The contract was signed and the two parties briefly exchanged a few words.

Guan Suisui handed the piano scores she brought to Yang Botian, and Yang Botian also said that he would practice hard and not embarrass Mr. Mao.

Seeing this fool mentioning himself again, Tang Mu had a headache.

It was somewhat doubtful that besides destroying the brains of the two traffickers in the van that day, it also destroyed the brains of this fool.

Seeing that Guan's father, Guan's mother, and Liu Hong were all looking at him, Tang Mu immediately jumped on the desk and pretended to be a normal cat.

He also tilted his head and blinked at the group of two-legged beasts, trying to make them put aside their doubts with the most evil trick of being cute.

Seeing that they were still staring at him, Tang Mu twitched his ears, narrowed his eyes, and planned to use his ultimate move.

I saw Tang Mu raising his tail high, like a mighty flag.

The big cat raised its head proudly and walked from one end of the desk to the other end of the desk with a light and elegant gait.

Finally, he stopped behind a covered enamel cup and squatted down. He slightly raised his cat's paw and put it on the back of the enamel cup. He turned to look at the group of two-legged beasts staring at him.

Seeing this, Tom Mu pushed forward with his paw, and the enamel cup moved forward a certain distance and came to the edge of the desk.

At this time, the group of people finally had a written response.

Liu Hong: "No, I'll fall down if I push you."

Yang Baitian: "Master Mao must have a deep meaning in doing this."

Dad Guan complained: "Your cat must be seriously ill if you do this."

Oh my god... I have done this, so I should be a normal cat, right?

And that little fresh meat, I don’t know if you are sick, but you must have some serious illness in your brain.

Tang Mu's heart skipped a beat and he pushed his paw forward.

Finally, I was as mean as a cat.

Pushing the enamel cup off the desk in front of everyone.

At that moment the enamel cup lost its center of gravity and fell downwards.

Tom Mu was mentally calm.

But as a cat, it feels so good physically!

At this moment, he realized why so many cats like to sweep things off the table.

Especially in front of the two-legged beasts, it was so cool.

"Xiao Hong, all the performers' contracts have been signed! My wolfberry!"

The moment the enamel cup fell, a fat middle-aged Mediterranean man happened to come in from the door.

As soon as he saw it, he saw the scene of Tang Mu pushing down the enamel cup, and immediately kicked the ground with his right leg!

His slightly fat body burst out with speed and agility that was beyond his age, and he roared and rushed in!

That movement looked like a football guard trying to save a football that was about to be caught!


Flesh collides with the ground.

The Mediterranean man raised his hands and lifted the fallen enamel coaster.

At this moment, it seemed as if endless light hit him, and the sacred singing of the youth choir seemed to sound in the office!

Guan's father, Guan's mother, Liu Hong and Yang Baitian were all stunned by the sudden reversal in front of them.

The divine arrival of this Mediterranean man was beyond everyone's expectations.

Tang Mu, the initiator, was dumbfounded.

He seriously suspected that this man was also from a funny animation.


With both hands raised high, the enamel cup seemed to stay in the hands of the Mediterranean man for a second because of the unstable center of gravity, but soon began to tilt again!

"My wolfberry!"

The Mediterranean man's eyes were wide open, and the moment the enamel cup in his hand tilted, he immediately raised his head and opened his mouth, and went straight to the enamel cup!

"Gurgle gurgle gurgle!"

While the Mediterranean man pressed the mouth of the cup with his teeth, he also pressed the bottom of the cup with both hands to fix the tilted enamel cup in front of his mouth and stop it from falling down.

At the same time, his throat rolled, and the cup of wolfberry tea was poured into the Mediterranean man's stomach without a drop left.

Tang Mu, who was sitting at the table next to him, even saw white smoke rising from his mouth.

That was the reaction of hot water and cold air.

Tang Mu felt like he saw a god!

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