Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 144 Car accident caused by wheelchair



After swallowing the last mouthful of wolfberry water, the Mediterranean man seemed to have lost all his strength and lay on the ground with his mouth wide open.

There was white smoke rising from his mouth. The temperature of the cup of water seemed to be really high.

Liu Hong reached out and pulled up the Mediterranean man on the ground. With a complicated expression, she said with concern: "Director Niu, are you okay?"

Niu Can waved his hand and sat up.

"It's okay, just a little hot throat..."

Niu Can's voice was so hoarse that Liu Hong was a little worried.

"Is it really okay?" Liu Hong was a little unconvinced.

Niu Can didn't explain any more, but just raised a thumb and said in a hoarse voice: "Great!"

What else can everyone say about this situation.

Guan's father and mother could only silently raise their thumbs.

"Let me introduce you to everyone. This is Director Niu Can. We are the director of this year's art performance and one of the sponsors of this art performance."

Liu Hong introduced Niu Can to everyone and pulled him up from the ground.

Niu Can was still holding the enamel cup in his hand, and he shook hands with the people around him with a smile on his face: "Hello, hello, happy cooperation."

After a while, Niu Can's voice sounded less hoarse.

It seems that this person really likes to drink hot water, and he is completely used to it.

"In fact, Xiaoguan and I know each other. We are from the same community, and our coal boss often plays with Tom."

Niu Can smiled and said, and raised his hand to touch the head of Tom next to him, but Tom dodged.

He could only calmly change the action of touching the head to putting the enamel cup on the table to resolve the embarrassment.

"What is a coal boss?"

Yang Baitian next to him asked curiously.

Niu Can was embarrassed because Tang Mu refused to let him touch him. Yang Baitian's question just resolved his embarrassment, so he smiled and said, "We have a Siamese cat at home."

"I'm usually busy with work and have a lot of things to do. I don't have time to accompany it. Most of the time, Tom plays with it. I have to thank Tom for this."

Liu Hong suddenly realized: "I thought so. So, we are quite predestined."

Tang Mu at the table next to him didn't expect the world to be so small after hearing this, but after thinking about it carefully, this is unexpected and reasonable.

Tang Mu knew before that the owner of the coal boss had a mine. He was a mine owner. His family was very rich, and then he started to enter the entertainment industry.

However, because the owner of the coal boss was always busy and often disappeared, Tang Mu had never seen his owner.

Tang Mu thought that he entered the entertainment industry just as an investor or producer.

Unexpectedly, he became a director himself.

Although he was just a stage director, he was still in the front line in person.

It seems that Niu Can entered the entertainment industry not for making money, but simply for hobbies.

It's quite comfortable to deal with such people.

"Then let's stop here today. The contract has been signed. There are many empty rooms in the cultural and sports center. It's the last few days. If you are free, I hope you can come for more training exercises."

"After all, this performance is not a folk performance. There will still be many leaders from all walks of life. We have to pay attention."

"Especially Miss Guan and Tiantian, you have never performed together before. You must seize this period and don't make any mistakes."

Seeing that they had finished chatting, Liu Hong brought the topic back to business.

Everyone nodded when they heard it.

The days after that were relatively dull.

Guan Susui either worked or practiced the piano every day.

A few days before the cultural performance, the boss of Guan Susui's company gave Guan Susui a holiday, asking her to put her work on hand aside and prepare for the performance with peace of mind.

Before being able to go to the Cultural and Sports Center to sign and participate in the performance, Guan Susu had naturally explained the situation to the company boss in advance.

Otherwise, if the company does not grant leave on the day of the performance after signing, it will be troublesome.

In order to avoid this kind of thing, we must prepare in advance.

So as not to be confused when the time comes.

In addition to giving Guan Susu a holiday, Xinyan Company also plans to give the entire company a holiday on December 3rd to go to the scene to support Guan Susu's performance.

After all, two-thirds of the people in Xinyan Company are disabled, so it is reasonable to take a holiday on that day.

I heard from Guan Susu that their boss is also going to set the tradition of taking a holiday on December 3rd, and they will take a holiday every year in the future.

Speaking of Guan Susu's boss, Guan Susu also admires her very much.

This boss is almost 40 years old this year, and her name is Cai Xingli.

She was born with visual impairment and was completely blind after entering junior high school.

Then she transferred to a school for the blind.

In their boss's era, there were very few jobs that blind people could do after entering society.

In the end, most of them chose to become blind masseurs.

Boss Cai, who had no way out at the time, did the same thing, and followed the trend to learn blind massage.

But after working in the local area for a while, she felt that life should not be like this, so she went to Hong Kong through connections and continued her blind massage career there.

In that era, Hong Kong still made more money than in the mainland.

It was also through a period of time that Boss Cai saved a sum of money, which was also the start-up fund for her career.

If you are more content with the status quo, you may choose to continue working and making money in Xiangjiang.

But Boss Cai did not do that. Instead, he took the money he had saved and resolutely returned to the mainland to start his own entrepreneurial journey.

As a blind person, Boss Cai’s entrepreneurial journey was naturally not going to be smooth sailing.

But fortunately, Boss Cai succeeded in the end.

Although he took many detours during his entrepreneurial journey, he also accumulated a lot of experience and connections for Boss Cai.

In that era, with the dividends of the times, anyone who dared to think and work hard could eventually accomplish something.

Now Boss Cai not only manages this high-tech company, but also has other industries.

For example, there are theaters for the blind, experience centers for the blind and dark restaurants.

You can't be considered rich or wealthy, but you can still be considered moderately wealthy.

With the support of special funds, Boss Cai founded this company in order to give back to the society and help more visually impaired people.

After Tang Mu heard these things from Guan Suisui, he admired this woman who was nearly forty years old.

It's no wonder Guan Suisui admires boss Cai Xingli so much.

As time gradually passed, the calendar turned to December 3rd.

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities sounds like a big holiday, but in fact very few people know about it.

Not only are few people paying attention, but many people have never even heard of it.

It has to be said that in today's society, there is still too little attention to people with disabilities.

The purpose of Liuyang City's hosting of this cultural performance is naturally to raise society's attention to disabled people and attract the public's attention.

For this reason, they even invited Yang Botian, a young star, in order to use the traffic to attract a wave of attention.

That is to say, Liu Hong is Yang Botian's cousin. Yang Botian, a silly kid, is not a bad person. The agency also felt that this was a good opportunity to establish a positive image. All parties agreed and finally led to this cooperation.

Many people in the Laojie community knew that Guan Suisui was going to perform on stage.

Those who are free that day are planning to form a group of relatives and friends to cheer Guan Suisui.

Grandma Lan and the older generation who have retired have a lot of time, so naturally they will all be present.

Mr. Qin unfortunately cannot go because he has to guard the community to protect the safety of the community.

Fortunately, this cultural performance is in the form of a live broadcast, and Mr. Qin can also watch the live broadcast from the guard booth.

There are two live broadcast platform channels.

One is an online channel, and the other is a live broadcast on a local TV station.

It’s just that in today’s Internet age, television stations have declined.

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities has not received any attention, and it is naturally impossible for online platforms to give it too much promotion. It is foreseeable that the number of viewers for this performance will not be too many.

But it doesn't matter. In Guan Suisui's opinion, as long as he can perform on stage once, it is enough.

The time has reached 7:45 in the evening, and many audiences have come to the stage of the Cultural and Sports Center.

The performers who need to perform on stage are also waiting backstage.

Guan Suisui is naturally among them.

Of course, Tang Mu was also accompanying Guan Suisui backstage.

Originally, Maomao was not allowed to come backstage, but with Liu Hong and Niu Can as guarantees, Tang Mu was not subject to any restrictions.

When he was on stage and backstage for the first time, Tang Mu was quite curious about everything here, so he naturally looked around.

I found that many people were very nervous before going on stage, which is completely understandable.

Many people are nervous when being called on by the teacher to answer questions in class, let alone performing on a big stage with thousands of strangers staring at them.

If it were the previous Tom Mu, he would probably be equally nervous about this situation.

Seeing this, Tang Mu turned to look at Guan Suisui.

I found that it was her as expected. She didn't have any nervous emotions at all. Instead, she was inexplicably excited like a silly roe deer. She was holding the violin given by Guan's father and mother in her arms, and she was jumping lightly on her tiptoes.

Yes, when you perform on stage, you still have to use that 50,000 yuan violin.

Although Guan Suisui also wanted to play on the piano given by Tang Mu, she also knew that there was a difference in tone between practicing the piano and playing the piano.

When performing on a stage with so many people, naturally you can't be too willful.

"The performance is about to start. The audience has almost arrived. Everyone, get ready. The performance is about to start."

Liu Hong held the program list in her hand and stood backstage shouting at everyone.

After everyone heard this, they all responded to Liu Hong.

The more nervous performers took deep breaths and used their own methods to soothe their hearts, hoping to relax quickly.

If you keep this nervous attitude all the time, your performance will easily go wrong after you go on stage.

Not to mention that their performance this time was live broadcast, so they wouldn’t be able to do it all over again.

Time gradually moved backwards, and it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

This is also the start time of this cultural performance.

The stage host outside has already taken the stage, the cameras arranged everywhere have started to operate, and the audience in the auditorium has also been looking forward to it.

The composition of the audience at the venue was quite complicated. Some are disabled people and their families, some are performers' families, some are ordinary passers-by, some are leaders from all parties, and the rest are all fans of Yang Baitian.

This group of fans accounts for a large proportion, and among all the viewers, they are the craziest.

The fans all held glow sticks and cheering boards, occupying a large corner of the audience, which looked very conspicuous.

Some of the organizers actually disagreed with Liu Hong's invitation to Yang Baitian to participate in the performance.

Especially at this time, looking at the group of crazy fans, they felt particularly headache.

But at the same time, they also knew very well.

If it weren't for the arrival of this group of fans, the audience seats today would probably not be full, at least half of them would be empty.

And the number of viewers in the live broadcast room would be pitifully small, which would be a bit ugly.

Therefore, although they were unwilling in their hearts, they could only turn a blind eye in the end.

The most important thing is that these fans are not a problem at the moment.

A sudden, real big trouble is their most headache problem now.

"What's the matter?! Didn't you say you were on the way when you called half an hour ago? Now the live broadcast has started, why haven't you arrived yet?"

Liu Hong was so anxious backstage that she was calling Yang Baitian's agent.

The main reason was that Yang Baitian's phone was completely unreachable for some reason.

"What! You said Tiantian had a car accident?!"

Hearing the reply from the other end of the phone, Liu Hong raised her voice an octave uncontrollably.

Because the voice was so loud, it attracted the attention of everyone in the backstage.

Tang Mu raised his eyebrows and turned his head in confusion, with an incredible look on his face.

Good man, with Yang Baitian's fastest speed of 30 kilometers, how could he have a car accident? !

"How could he have a car accident with his speed!"

Liu Hong also asked loudly in disbelief.

People who are familiar with Yang Baitian know that he has a safety consciousness when driving. It is really unbelievable to say that such a person would have a car accident.

"What? He was hit by someone else? How could that happen? Is it dangerous? What car hit him?"

"Eh? An electric wheelchair? And it was driven by an old man? Are you kidding me? How did the electric wheelchair driven by the old man knock Tiantian, who was driving a sports car, into the hospital?"

"Oh, in order to avoid the old man, he hit a roadside stone pillar. Is he being examined in the hospital now?"


Hearing this, Liu Hong took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

Regardless of why Yang Baitian went to the hospital, the fact is that they may have to face the possibility of Yang Baitian's absence.

At this time, there are still a large group of Yang Baitian's fans in the audience outside, waiting for their idol to go on stage.

If Yang Baitian can't be there, who knows what kind of trouble these young fans will cause.

If this literary evening party is ruined at that time, no one can bear the responsibility.

"How is Tiantian's situation? Can he still go on stage?"

The agent seems to have arrived at the hospital, and Liu Hong can answer the questions in real time.

"Is it just the left leg that is injured? Tiantian said he can come? But he needs to do some treatment in the hospital, so it may be a little later? OK, I see."

"Since you all said so, I will move your show to the last performance. I hope you can come as soon as possible. If you really can't come, please let me know in advance so that we can make arrangements early."

"Well, okay, it's settled."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Hong sighed helplessly, with a terrible headache. She stretched out her hand and scratched her hair desperately, looking a little irritated.

"So Tiantian can't come for the time being?"

Niu Can, who was holding an enamel cup next to him, frowned and asked Liu Hong.

"Well, he can't come for the time being, so we can only move their show to the end. Tiantian's agent said that he just sprained his leg, the problem is not particularly serious, it will not affect the performance, and he will arrive as soon as possible."

"But it's not clear when this as soon as possible is."

Liu Hong said, and began to sigh helplessly again.

Guan Susui, who was going to perform with Yang Baitian, also received the news. She was looking forward to performing on stage, but she became a little nervous at this time.

Niu Can, who was next to him, took a big sip of hot wolfberry tea and exhaled a large cloud of white air. Then he said in a hoarse voice: "Don't worry too much. Even if Yang Baitian is not present, you can still perform on stage."

"It's just that there are still many fans of Yang Baitian outside, so you have to be mentally prepared in advance. If you perform on stage, you may do something impolite if you don't see the fans of your idol."

"The fan circle nowadays is quite scary. I advise you not to go on stage."

Guan Susui naturally knew what Niu Can meant when she heard this.

But she didn't care much about these. In Guan Susui's view, as long as she could perform on stage, it would be fine.

As a visually impaired person, she has been exposed to too much malice and kindness in the world.

Guan Susui's heart has long been very strong.

If she wasn't strong, Guan Susui wouldn't be as happy as she is now.

Just a little difficulty was not enough to make her back off and give up the opportunity to fulfill her dream.

At this point, everyone can only wait.

Let's hope that Yang Baitian can arrive before the show starts.

Unfortunately, facts are often not changed by people's will.

It's useless for them to think more.

When the second to last deaf-mute girl finished performing the Korean dance, the time had come to the last performance.

That is, the violin and piano concerto of Guan Suisui and Yang Baitian.

But until now, Yang Baitian is still on his way, and it seems that he can't catch up with this performance.

"How is it? Xiaoguan, have you thought about it? Are you really ready to go on stage?"

The Korean dance girl has already left the stage. Niu Can stood at the backstage door, looked at the situation in the audience outside, turned his head to look at Guan Suisui, frowned and asked again.

This is the last chance.

Once Guan Suisui makes a decision, the host will go on stage to announce.

"Hehe, I still want to perform on stage."

Guan Suisui's tone was firm and not affected at all.

"Okay then."

Niu Can respected Guan Suisui's idea.

Seeing this, the host on the side went on stage to announce.

"The next performance is the violin playing "Moon Mist Labyrinth Song". Let us invite the performer Guan Suisui."

As the host announced, there was a commotion in the audience outside!

From this announcement, the group of Yang Baitian's fans have heard something wrong.

"What's going on?! Where's our Tiantian?!"

"Tiantian! Tiantian!"

"Who is this Guan Suisui? Where's Tiantian?"

"We came here for Tiantian!"

Guan Suisui raised her hand to scratch her cheek, smiled, and didn't care about the noise outside. She walked out of the backstage and walked to the stage under the guidance of a staff member.

Current average subscription [468]

Emm, it's down again compared to yesterday

This book won't be the bottleneck here.

If I can't reach 500 average, I can't even get full attendance.


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