Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 170 Cao Dahua, the Tiger of District 13

Tom Mu didn't know yet that the Holy Master had taken the bucket and ran away.

With Jackie Chan, who was enthusiastic about archaeological work, in Chang'an, Tang Mu and his father returned to the antique shop and took the flying house back to Xiangjiang.

By the time they returned to Wan Chai Pier, it was already getting late.

However, Tom Mu still allowed the antique store to fall into the big hole smoothly, allowing the antique store to return to its original position.

After coming out of the store, Tom took a small shovel and filled in the surrounding soil to restore the environment to its original state, then returned to the antique store.

Little Snake had no reason to stay here anymore, so he just smiled and waved to Tang Mu and the others, then took out a business card and handed it to Xiaoyu. He winked playfully and said, "Remember to call me if you need anything."

After saying that, the little snake walked towards the door.

As the welcome bell rang softly, the door of the antique shop opened and closed, and the little snake had left here.

Watching the little snake leave, the father picked up the feather duster and knocked on the cashier, pointed at Tang Mu and Xiaoyu and said, "It's already very late, good boy, it's time to go to bed."

"But, Dad, we just had an amazing adventure, and I can't sleep at all right now."

Xiaoyu was still very excited at this time. She originally wanted to call her friends to show off her experience, but when she heard her father asked her to sleep, she suddenly felt very depressed.

"No, children can't stay up late, otherwise they won't grow taller."

Dad shook his head and raised another finger: "One more thing, don't forget to brush your teeth and wash your face."

"Okay, I get it, dad..."

Xiaoyu sighed.

Tang Mu and Xiaoyu also have rooms in the antique store. Although they are not as big as those on the ship, they are quite cozy.

In the small bathroom, Tang Mu and Xiaoyu were standing on a small stool.

Holding a toothbrush and a water glass in his hand, he looked in the mirror and brushed his teeth carefully.

"Gulu gulu gulu..."

As the last mouthwash was spat into the sink, Xiaoyu and Tang Mu looked at each other and grinned their big white teeth at the same time.

The teeth that had just been brushed were still shining brightly.

"Hey, Tom, do you think there will be another adventure like today in the future?"

Xiaoyu is like a primary school student who has just returned from a spring outing and is still reminiscing about the adventure.

After hearing this, Tom thought for a while. There should be many adventures similar to today, but Tom didn't know what adventures there would be.

"Come on, Tom, let's go to bed."

Xiaoyu jumped off the bench and waved Tang Mu away.

After a night of silence, Tang Mu and Xiaoyu slept until the next morning.

Originally, Tang Mu and Xiaoyu wanted to sleep in, but the father downstairs got up early in the morning and pulled the rope at the cashier. The bell tied to the top of the rope suddenly started to ring.

The sharp and clear sound of the bell echoed throughout the antique store.

Originally this bell was used to call Jackie Chan.

But now it was used to wake up Tang Mu and Xiaoyu.

"Dad, morning..."

Xiaoyu and Tang Mu were woken up by the bell and came downstairs sleepily.

Xiaoyu was still wearing pajamas and a nightcap, and her hair was messy.

Tom Mu wasn't much better.

Because of the painting style, its performance is even more exaggerated. Its eyes are bloodshot, the cat is hunched over, and its fur is messy.

Seeing the appearance of the man and the cat, Dad curled his lips. Sitting behind the counter, he crossed his legs, holding the latest Ming Pao in one hand, and took out a few bills and put them on the counter with the other hand.

"Go and wash up first, and then go buy some breakfast and come back. Aaron is not here, so you have to do this for you."

"Okay daddy..."

Xiaoyu gave a big yawn and turned to the bathroom with Tang Mu.

After what happened yesterday, Dad has a deep understanding of Tang Mu's strength, so he is very relieved about Xiaoyu's safety.

Wash yourself and change your clothes.

Both cats and people were obviously in a lot of spirits.

Tang Mu and Xiaoyu, whose eyes became bright again, went out together.

Xiaoyu and Tang Mu are similar, they have only been to Xiangjiang a few times.

She came back to visit relatives with her parents, and she was still young, so she was only half-familiar with Xiangjiang.

Tang Mu is the same as Xiaoyu, even he is worse than Xiaoyu.

Although he had been to Xiangjiang several times before turning into a cat, that was Xiangjiang in the main world.

After all, this is the Xiangjiang of "The Adventures of Jackie Chan", and the two worlds are still somewhat different in details.

It's like Dad's Antique Shop here at Wan Chai Pier, which doesn't exist in the main world.

The mafia's building also doesn't exist in the main world.

This specious difference seemed quite amusing to Tom Mu.

Fortunately, before going out, Dad had already told them the location of the breakfast shop where they bought breakfast.

However, because they were not familiar with the surrounding environment, even though they already knew the reason, Xiaoyu and Tang Mu still searched for a while before finally finding the breakfast shop their father mentioned.

If it were placed inland, this shop should be regarded as a fly restaurant.

But in an international big city like Xiangjiang with many people and little land, this kind of store is relatively common.

Judging from the decoration, this store must have been open for a long time and looks relatively old.

The signboard at the door does not have any artistic design, it is simply "Zhou Ji Restaurant".

This so-called Zhouji Restaurant is actually just a small shop that only looks like twenty square meters.

It really doesn't match the name of that big restaurant.

The facade of Zhouji Restaurant uses sliding glass doors.

The door seemed to have been broken and had several layers of tape on it.

Because of the limited environment inside, the restaurant seems to be doing pretty well.

In order to seat more customers, the restaurant owner set up two tables on the sidewalk outside the restaurant.

It's eight o'clock in the morning, and the store and outside are already full of people.

When Tang Mu and Xiaoyu came over, they saw many citizens sitting at plastic tables outside the store eating morning tea.

Most of them are men, and most of them are middle-aged men in their thirties and forties.

They were not in a hurry to eat, but were doing other things.

Some people read newspapers and some people chat with their friends.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Tang Mu always felt that after he and Xiaoyu came over, the guests here were more or less paying attention to them.

Some were just taking a sneak peek, while others were just looking at them openly.

Tang Mu estimated that it had something to do with Xiaoyu being a stranger. After all, most of the neighbors here know each other well.

Especially since we often come here to eat together.

As for Tom, it's just a cat, so not many people pay attention to it.

Having said that, Tom Mu is also a lot of ordinary cats.

After entering the store, Tom Mu was still keenly aware of several eyes falling on him, but Tom Mu didn't pay attention.

After all, how could a cat as cute as himself not be liked?

"Little girl, what do you want?"

Zhou Ji’s boss is a young man who has just taken over from his father, but he seems to be adapting well.

The business of this store is still as prosperous as before.

"Three cages of barbecued pork buns and three cups of soy milk, thank you."

Xiaoyu handed over the money her father gave her and waited behind the counter.

"Okay, please wait a moment, the latest cage will have to wait for a few minutes, okay?"

Boss Xiao Zhou asked Xiaoyu first. After getting Xiaoyu's answer, he accepted the money and went to the kitchen again.

In a small family-style workshop like this, the boss and employees usually wear multiple hats.

Xiaoyu stood there waiting for the barbecued pork buns to come out of the oven, looking boredly at the yellowed menu on the wall.

It was summer at this time, and the small restaurant was relatively hot and humid, relying on the wall-mounted fan to blow the wind.

The sound of the electric fan, the chatter and laughter of the customers, and the clinking of beer bottles in between, all make this small shop lively and full of business atmosphere.

Tom Mu actually quite liked this feeling.

"Boss, have you heard about the coordination department?"

"Shh! Keep your voice down, this is a secret department, don't be too public."

Tom Mu's hearing was very good. Among the chatter of a group of diners in the restaurant, he suddenly caught a piece of chat content that caught Tom Mu's attention.

Turning his head following the sound, Tom Mu immediately cast his gaze on a dining table at the entrance of the store.

There were two men sitting there at this time, one of whom was a young man.

The most important thing is the fat middle-aged man who sits in a very arrogant posture with one foot on the stool next to him.

The image of this man was simply too familiar to Tang Mu.

Isn't it Master Xing's best partner, Uncle Da?

I didn’t expect that Uncle Da still existed in this world. He seemed to be just a cop.

At first, Tang Mu just listened to it as a curiosity, but then the conversation between Cao Dahua and his colleagues made Tang Mu pay more attention to it.

Cao Dahua always kept a low profile, but looking at his demeanor, there was no hint of being low-key at all.

When he talked about being transferred to the secret department, his mustache almost stood up proudly.

"Who am I, Cao Dahua, the so-called Tiger of the Crime Department! No matter what department, who doesn't want me? Let me tell you, I didn't want to go to this department in the first place."

"If someone asks me to do something, I will do it for him. I don't want to lose face. I have just been transferred to the serious crime team not long ago."

"But, the boss of the new department really admires my talent, my handsome looks, and my strong masculinity! They begged me to join their department for nothing."

"Azhen, you also know my character. I am good at everything, but I am too soft-hearted. They are so thirsty for talents, and they treat me like a three-in-law. Originally, I didn't want to talk to them, but I As a tiger of the crime squad, I will go wherever you ask me to go.”

"But there is no way. The boss of the new department is too enthusiastic. There are countless outstanding police officers in Hong Kong Island, but I am the only one, Cao Tat-wah! If you only need me, you can conquer the world!"

"I had no choice but to relent, so I agreed to their request. So now I join their new department. Once this person is too good, everyone will look at you, and they will always be unable to help themselves. "

When Cao Dahua said this, he always looked compassionate, but the pride in his tone could not be hidden.

"But, I heard that the people above wanted to form a new department, but not many people were willing to go. In the end, they had to be assigned by force, and then it was pushed to you."

The young Ah Zhen scratched his head, wondering if he was really naive or fake, and said this directly in front of Cao Dahua.

This was a great success, it was no different than stepping on a cat's tail.

Just now, Cao Dahua was bragging with his colleagues and juniors, but he was questioned in this way. This made the good-looking Cao Dahua unbearable.

"Who are you listening to? How can such a thing happen? Do you know that this new department is an international department and has power in various countries around the world? How can it not be able to recruit people?"

It is useless to just brag about oneself, and it is still easy to be looked down upon by others, so Cao Dahua is not only bragging about himself, but also plans to bring this new department to brag.

The more the new department is interested in, it means that the person who can be transferred by the new department is more interested in him!

Picking up a fish ball from the bowl, Cao Dahua smashed it on the dining table.

The very elastic fish balls fell and bounced on the dining table like ping pong balls. When the fish balls were still in the air, Cao Dahua stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

Under the gaze of the young man opposite, Cao Dahua took a vicious bite of the fish ball.

While chewing, he lowered his body on the dining table and hooked his hand towards Ah Zhen, gesturing for him to come closer. What he was going to say next was to be whispered, so no one else could know.

Ah Zhen did not doubt his presence and dragged the folding stool a little closer to Cao Dahua.

"I'm just telling you this. You must not spread it randomly, you know? After all, this is a secret department and it is not announced to the outside world."

Cao Dahua lowered his voice, and Ah Zhen nodded repeatedly, promising not to tell anyone.

After all, he is also a policeman, so he still has a sense of confidentiality.

"The code name of this department is District 13, which is responsible for extraordinary cases. Perhaps you don't know that there are still many incidents in this world that cannot be handled as ordinary cases."

"Although this type of case is just a drop in the ocean for global cases, it is very rare. However, this type of case is too special and cannot be left alone. After consideration, the people above finally decided to set up this thirteenth district trial water."

Cao Dahua chewed fish balls in his mouth and told some information he knew.

In fact, he didn't know much about this aspect, but that didn't stop him from showing off in front of the young man.

"It sounds interesting."

Ah Zhen couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, this mysterious new department turned out to be such an existence.

At this time, it was still the early 1990s, and whether it was inland or Xiangjiang, East or West, the whole world had a strong enthusiasm for supernatural things.

This passion comes from top to bottom.

After all, the qigong craze in the 1980s and the very prosperous research on supernatural powers during this period were topics that everyone was passionate about.

Even many well-known universities have launched experimental courses in the study of Qigong and supernatural powers.

The establishment of the Thirteenth District really didn't feel inconsistent at all.

Neither Ah Zhen nor Cao Dahua had any awkward thoughts.

At the same time, many people in Tom Mu's main world were superstitious about this.

Not to mention that there are many supernatural powers in this world. From the official to the private sector, many people still firmly believe in these things.

"So what do you usually do?"

Ah Zhen is really interested in this matter.

The job of the police is to fight crime.

What about District 13? Don’t they also have to fight crime?

It seems that there are not that many extraordinary crimes for them to deal with.

Hearing this, Cao Dahua smiled, but glanced at Tang Mu from the corner of his eye.

Tang Mu, who had been eavesdropping on Cao Dahua's conversation, saw this and immediately pretended to be an ordinary cat.

Cao Dahua looked back and said: "If you ask so clearly, you will probably be transferred to our department later. But forget it, I will tell you."

"The main task of District 13 is surveillance, trying to find extraordinary things around the world and monitor them in real time. In this way, no matter what happens, we can know it as soon as possible and carry out timely response deal with."

"There's one thing you may not know. You know the antique shop at Wan Chai Pier, right? That's the target of my mission. Yesterday, many people saw it flying with their own eyes."

"If we hadn't been suppressed by District Thirteen, press releases about that antique store would have been flying all over the place by now."

As he spoke, Cao Dahua quietly pointed to Tang Mu and Xiaoyu in the store and said: "The little girl and cat belong to Dad's antique store. I have to keep an eye on them and write an evaluation report later."

"I'm not talking about the international organization Thirteenth District. A person in charge in the United States also knows the people in the antique shop. I heard from him that one of the archaeologists is very powerful and has strong professional ability. He can absorb the people in the antique shop. Consultant for District Three.”

Ah Zhen was stunned when he heard this, and then said: "After listening to you say so much, I still don't understand it, but it seems very powerful. How long do you want to observe them?"

"Then who knows, one sentence at the top can cause a broken leg at the bottom."

Cao Dahua shrugged.

While they were chatting, Xiaoyu's barbecued pork buns were already out of the oven.

Boss Xiao Zhou packed the bag and handed it to Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu took the bag, said thank you, and greeted Tang Mu to go home.

Tang Mu left the restaurant with Xiaoyu.

When passing by Cao Dahua's table, he glanced at Cao Dahua and thought about it, but he still had no contact with him for the time being.

Now that District 13 has taken a liking to Jackie Chan and started observing.

That means they will come to you at any time, and you don't need to go to them to cooperate now.

Yes, Tom Mu had the idea of ​​​​cooperating with District 13.

As an international department, it is also responsible for supervising extraordinary things.

This is exactly complementary to Tom's side quest.

They value Jackie Chan's ability and want Jackie Chan to be their consultant.

Tom also values ​​the intelligence ability of District 13.

They want District 13 to provide more intelligence, so as to provide Jackie Chan with more adventures.

This is much more reliable than Tom waiting for adventures at home.

Only when Jackie Chan has more adventures, he will earn more small money, and Jackie Chan's reputation will grow.

At the same time, it can also help District 13 collect the intelligence they need in order to supervise extraordinary things.

This is a win-win situation.

But these are all later.

Before District 13 came to the door, Tom wanted to take advantage of this time to publish the first adventure novel of "Jackie Chan Adventures".

After going home and having breakfast, Tom changed himself into a suit, wearing a top hat, holding the manuscript, and went out to find a publisher.

Jackie Chan, who has always been low-key, probably never thought that their cat was secretly helping him become famous.

It is even more unexpected what is written in its book.

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