Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 171 Jackie Chan! Everyone in the world knows you!

Outside Tianma Publishing House, a group of pedestrians on the sidewalk cast their curious eyes forward.

As Tang Mu's figure approached, these people's eyes also followed Tang Mu.

Tang Mu held a briefcase under his arm, dressed in a suit and tie, proudly raised his head, and strode towards the publishing house in front.

He didn't care about the opinions of others around him.

These passers-by had never seen this kind of cat, and their faces were full of wonder.

They didn't know what it was going to do.

Under the eyes of everyone, Tang Mu walked into the publishing house.

The building where the entire publishing house was located suddenly became like a jelly, very unscientific and extremely elastic compression and bounce, shaking left and right several times.

After a few seconds, the door of the publishing house was pushed open, and Tang Mu clapped his hands and walked out with a proud little expression.

Not only did Tang Mu come out, but behind him, a group of editors from the publishing house also waved to Tang Mu enthusiastically.

Tang Mu was also very particular. After walking a few steps, he did not forget to turn around and take off his hat to the staff of the publishing house.

Whether it is a human, an ape, a dinosaur or an alien, going to a publishing house to publish a book must go through a series of procedures, and others may not necessarily help publish it.

This back and forth will take at least many days.

Not to mention a cat.

But Tang Mu is not an ordinary cat after all.

It wants to publish a book, so it comes to the publishing house.

The publishing house saw it coming, and naturally took over the task of publishing the book.

Not only that, influenced by Tang Mu, the speed of publishing this set of books is also very fast.

Tang Mu had just left the house, and from the back of the publishing house, a plane had already taken off and soared into the sky.

Not long after, a large number of books fell from the sky like rain.

They were neatly stacked in piles in front of major bookstores and newsstands.

As if they had agreed on it, the staff of the bookstore and the newsstand came out without hesitation, picked up the "Jackie Chan Adventures: Myth" on the ground and walked into the store.

Someone vacated the space for popular books and placed "Jackie Chan Adventures" on it.

Someone else tore off the old poster on the poster board next to it and quickly pasted a new poster on it.

On the poster, standing in the middle was Jackie Chan with a firm face, fists clenched, and the posture of a kung fu master.

On his left hand, was Xiaoyu with her hands on her chest and a smug smile on her face.

Next to Xiaoyu was the old father who looked very knowledgeable and wise, holding his glasses with one hand.

On Jackie Chan's right hand was Xiao Snake wearing a tights similar to Black Widow.

Judging from the composition of the poster, it seems to have a complex and subtle relationship with Jackie Chan.

In the upper part of the poster, behind Jackie Chan is Yu Shu, who looks like a great devil. The image has been slightly modified, and it looks more like Zhu Lan, an unknown creature.

The seven artistic characters "Jackie Chan Adventures·Myth" are printed on the cover.

There is also a line of author below, showing [Tom·Author].

There is also a line of notes: This story is adapted from real events.

This poster is not just a poster, but also used as the cover of the novel.

Overall, it looks pretty good.

After the plane that flew out of the publishing house scattered the books over Hong Kong, it split into more than a dozen planes of different sizes in the air, and flew diligently to all parts of the world.

In addition to simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese, this book has also been translated into more than a dozen languages ​​such as English, Japanese, German, French, and Spanish and spread around the world.

This day undoubtedly stunned the aviation systems of many countries.

But bookstores everywhere went crazy.

Just like Hong Kong, after the clerks put the books on the shelves, they soon welcomed their first wave of customers.

It's strange, there was no publicity.

After a pile of books fell from the sky inexplicably, the clerk inexplicably put the books on the shelves, and the customers who came to the store also began to line up inexplicably to buy books.

All customers who entered the bookstore would unconsciously take a copy of the novel "Jackie Chan Adventures" when they passed by it.

By the time they reacted, the books had been taken and they had already paid at the counter.

Although I don't understand why I suddenly bought this book, it's a waste if I don't read it. So, at the same time, many readers around the world knew about Jackie Chan's existence.

Jackie Chan was originally just a little famous in the industry, but now with the help of Tom, he has become as famous as Harry Potter, and his reputation has spread all over the world.

It's just that this reputation has just been made, and it is not as deeply rooted in the hearts of the people as Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes.

It will take more and more works in the future to solidify Jackie Chan's impression in the readers' minds, so that Jackie Chan can naturally become the world's number one explorer.

With the help of Tom, it is not difficult to do this.

The influence of the first novel of "Jackie Chan Adventures" soon spread to Jackie Chan himself.

He didn't know what Tom was doing. When he completed the preliminary research on the Tiangong Mausoleum in Chang'an and confirmed that the research and protection matters were on the right track, he returned to Hong Kong.

This happened more than ten days after Tom published the book.

All the way down, Jackie Chan also felt strange and noticed something wrong.

He had been in the Tiangong Mausoleum before, which was considered isolated from the world.

When he left the mausoleum and entered the city, he immediately found something wrong.

Many people, young and old, would look at him from time to time.

There was inquiry and curiosity in their eyes. Some people even held a book in their hands, and whispered to their companions beside them while looking at Jackie Chan.

This kind of thing happened more often, and Jackie Chan always felt something was wrong.

Especially when he returned to Hong Kong, he met two high school girls who came to him for autographs. Jackie Chan's feeling of something wrong was pushed to the peak!

The first thing Jackie Chan thought of was Tom's cat.

If there was any problem, it was most likely that Tom would have the biggest problem.

Jackie Chan was afraid that Tom would do something weird while he was away from home.

So when he thought of this, he immediately sped up and rushed home.

On the other side, Xiaoyu learned from her father that Jackie Chan was on the flight back today.

She also had something to do with Jackie Chan, so she specially called Tang Mu to meet him at the airport gate.

After seeing Jackie Chan's familiar big nose coming out of the airport, Xiaoyu immediately wanted to say hello.

But at this moment, something strange happened.

Just after leaving the airport, Jackie Chan was planning to take a taxi home.

The taxi just stopped in front of Jackie Chan, and the two men in black who passed by Jackie Chan suddenly jumped up!

One of them hugged Jackie Chan tightly to prevent him from struggling.

The other one covered Jackie Chan's mouth and nose with a handkerchief sprayed with drugs.

This special drug took effect quickly.

Jackie Chan only had time to open his eyes wide, and before he could react, his eyes rolled back and he was knocked unconscious.

The two strong men in black also acted quickly.

After knocking Jackie Chan unconscious, one person lifted his legs and the other lifted his upper body, and quickly sent Jackie Chan to the van parked on the side.

The people in the van opened the door immediately when they saw them coming.

When the black-clad man carried Jackie Chan into the car, they also got in and left.

The action was done in one go!


The wheels of the van spun rapidly on the ground for several circles, making a harsh friction sound, and then it started with a slingshot, and the rear of the car twisted and turned into the traffic, and no one knew where it went.

The taxi driver who was just stopped by Jackie Chan was also dumbfounded.

He had never seen such a situation before.

"Hey! Filming a blockbuster!" The taxi driver leaned his upper body out of the window and shouted at the van that was going away.

"Pull! It's really unlucky!"

The taxi driver couldn't help but cursed in a low voice when he saw the guest in front of him being robbed!


At this moment, the driver who had just sat back in the driver's seat heard two knocks on the door.

Turning his head to look out the window, there was no one.

"Knock, knock"

Just when the driver frowned, there were two more knocks on the door.

This time the driver heard it clearly, and the direction of the sound was a little low.

It was not that he saw a ghost in broad daylight, but that the person knocking on the door was short.

Thinking so, the driver leaned out of the window again, and saw a little girl standing outside his car door and a big cat at a glance.

"Master! Please follow the van in front!"

Xiao Yu shouted, and immediately went around to the other side of the car, opened the passenger door, and jumped on the passenger seat with Tang Mu.

The driver opened his mouth and wanted to say that cats could not sit on the passenger seat, and it was not safe for the two of them to squeeze in the passenger seat.

But the big cat suddenly took out a stack of money and slapped it on the driver's hand. The driver could put away all his dissatisfaction and his attitude immediately corrected hundreds of times.

"Fasten your seat belts, we're leaving now."

The driver shook his sparse bangs, and a trace of serious handsomeness squeezed out of the face of the middle-aged Mediterranean uncle. He quickly changed gears and turned the steering wheel to chase the van that had run a distance ahead.

In the van in front, Jackie Chan was lying unconscious in the car.

A tall, white, bald man in a windbreaker was squatting in front of Jackie Chan, looking at this old friend he hadn't seen for a while.

Taking out a bottle of spray, the bald man sprayed Jackie Chan twice.

Jackie Chan, who was still unconscious, suddenly woke up slowly.

Seeing the figure of the bald white man in front of him, Jackie Chan, who had just woken up, seemed a little confused, and his expression was silly.

"Who are you?"

"It's me, Jackie Chan."

The bald white man half-squatted in front of Jackie Chan, one hand on his knee, and the other hand opened five fingers and shook in front of Jackie Chan.

"Can you count how many fingers there are here?"

Jackie Chan stared at the fingers in front of him stupidly for a while, then immediately became cross-eyed, and laughed stupidly: "Hey, there are so many stars."

"Hmm..." Seeing this, the bald white man scratched his head in distress and said: "It seems that the dosage of the drug is a bit too much."

As he said, he sprayed the spray on Jackie Chan's face twice.

After waiting for a few seconds, Jackie Chan, who was still a little confused, gradually woke up.

After he saw the person in front of him clearly, he also widened his eyes in confusion: "Blake? Why are you here?"

"Hello, old friend, I need your help."

Sheriff Blake, a bald white man, waved his hand expressionlessly.

Jackie Chan didn't care about that much. He only knew that he saw an old friend again. He shouted happily, sat up and hugged Blake hard: "Wow! Blake! We haven't seen each other for a long time. You have been silent for six years, Why did you suddenly come to Xiangjiang?"

With that said, Jackie Chan rubbed his still aching head again, pointed at the two men in black beside Blake, and asked, "So these two are your followers, right?"

"Sorry, Jackie, this is business and we have to do this."

Blake raised an eyebrow, but he still didn't expect Jackie Chan to react like this just after he woke up.

After listening to Blake's words, Jackie Chan immediately reacted, stared at Blake in front of him, and said angrily: "It was your people who knocked me out? Blake, why did you do this? I thought we were friends. "

"We are friends, Jackie Chan, but the place we are going to needs to be kept secret, so this is the only way."

Blake shook his head.

"Oh my God, what happened recently? How come all my old friends have become like this, including you and William."

Jackie Chan scratched his head in distress.

William is still drinking tea with the relevant departments in the interior.

More than ten days ago, when Jackie Chan took the people from the museum and the armed police uncle into the Tiangong Mausoleum, they saw him digging for Tianxing gems there.

Everything in the mausoleum is a national asset.

Of course it cannot be excavated by private individuals at will.

No matter how many reasons William had.

What's more, no one can touch the Sky Star Gem, an important resource that can even change a country's national power.

Because of this, there is no doubt that William could only be taken away by the relevant departments.

Although Jackie Chan felt sad about what happened to his good friend, there was nothing he could do about the situation.

I just hope that he can change his paranoid temperament inside and be able to be a new person after he comes out.

What happened with William already made Jackie Chan a little sad.

As a result, his old friend Blake, whom he hadn't seen for six years, fainted as soon as he showed up. The two things combined made Jackie Chan feel even more uncomfortable.

"Jackie Chan, I'm sorry. But I hope you can understand that among the people I know, you are the only person best suited to help."

Blake spread his hands.

Jackie frowned, looked at Blake in front of him, and asked, "How can I help? I'm just an archaeologist, and you are an Interpol."

"I am no longer an Interpol police officer. I was transferred to District 13. Now I am just a deputy district chief and in charge of the action team of District 13."

Blake looked at Jackie Chan in front of him seriously and said, "I really need your help. Your expertise and abilities are very suitable for our District 13."

"If you can, I'd like you to join us as a consultant."

Although Blake seemed sincere, Jackie still shook his head firmly. He was not interested in either Interpol or District 13.

If Blake disappeared for six years and showed up just to talk to him about this, then I'm afraid he would be disappointed.

Jackie Chan shook his head firmly and refused: "No, Blake, I'm just an archaeologist and don't want to join those weird organizations. Stop the car, I'm getting out of the car."

While speaking, Jackie Chan stood up directly.

The interior space of this van is also large enough.

Jackie Chan couldn't even touch his head when he stood up.

"Jackie Chan, don't refuse in a hurry. We are almost to the 13th District. Why don't you go to the 13th District with us first? In fact, the things we want to ask you to help us are similar to your usual work. Just like you It was like that when there was Chang'an in Disha."

"You can do your job, help us, and get a good salary as a consultant. Why not do this?"

When Blake saw Jackie Chan standing up, he also stood up. He didn't stop talking and was still persuading him earnestly.

Originally, Jackie Chan was planning to just open the door and jump out of the car.

Hearing Black's words, he immediately stopped and turned around, looking at Black with some confusion and anger: "How do you know that I went to Disha and Chang'an? Are you investigating me?"

Hearing this, Black and his two men were stunned for a moment and looked at each other, as if they did not expect Jackie Chan to say this.

After scratching his bald head, Blake took out a book from the inside of his windbreaker, handed it to Jackie Chan, and said, "I didn't investigate you. This matter is not just me, but everyone in the world knows about it."

Does everyone in the world know? !

So exaggerated? !

Jackie Chan suddenly remembered that many people were looking at him on his way back, and he suddenly had a very bad premonition.

He was planning to go home just now to see if Tom the cat was causing trouble again.

Now looking at the book handed over by Blake, Jackie Chan is 100% sure that this is definitely the move caused by Tom!

On the cover of the book, Tom's name was clearly written in the author column.

Taking the book handed over by Blake, Jackie Chan quickly browsed through it. Looking at the content and his own photos and illustrations, he suddenly felt his head hurt again.

Although he didn't have time to read the whole book in detail, Jackie Chan roughly flipped through a paragraph, which actually described in detail the complex emotions between himself and the little snake, and the love between him and Yu Shu that spanned thousands of years.

This alone was enough to make Jackie Chan feel distressed.

God have mercy on him, he has nothing to do with that bandit!

Now that Tom wrote it like this, what if people misunderstood it?

No, it is 100% certain that people will misunderstand it!

And according to Blake, this book has been sold worldwide.

In other words, this book has been read by many people.

This made Jackie Chan feel that his life was bleak.

After flipping through the book to the end, Jackie Chan found that when Tom wrote the book, he deliberately concealed the story of the eight demons. In his writing, Zhulan became an unknown creature living in an ancient tomb.

The last part of the novel is the plot of Jackie Chan's battle with Zhulan.


Although Jackie Chan didn't want to admit that the plot, the writing style, and the description of the fighting scenes were really wonderful.

But the problem is, I have never fought with Zhu Lan...

Didn't Zhu Lan die of frustration?

Jackie Chan sighed and closed the novel helplessly.

Seeing this, a man in black laughed dryly, took out a copy of "Jackie Chan Adventures" and handed it to Jackie Chan, asking: "My son likes this book very much, can you sign it for me?"

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