On the road to the ruins of Thebes, a camel team was moving slowly.

The distance to Thebes was not very far.

At this time, Tom and his team were no different from ordinary tourists.

But Evelyn and Jonathan looked at the camel humps in front of them with a strange look on their faces.

They rented a total of four camels.

Tom and Xiaoyu shared one, and the other three adults each had one.

Xiaoyu was still young after all, so Tom had to watch over her a little.

Tom had stored things in the humps of each of these four camels.

There was no shortage of ice cream and cold drinks, and even iced fruits.

If you want to go deeper into the desert later, these are all good things.

It didn't take too long.

The camel team "kicked and clattered" to a tavern outside Thebes.

Jonathan said that he got the scarab ruby ​​here.

He was a French Foreign Legion soldier named Beni Gabel.

But he seemed to have been judged as a deserter.

During this period, he hid in this tavern to drink and drown his sorrows, and also wanted to avoid the limelight.

At that time, Beni was dusty and seemed to have just escaped from the sandstorm. He was drinking here with a few rubies.

Jonathan got some information out of him.

He learned that their foreign legion was ordered to find Hamunatta at that time.

In the end, Hamunatta was indeed found, but was also attacked by a group of black knights.

The entire foreign legion suffered heavy casualties, and he finally escaped from there.

At the same time, he also stole some rubies from there.

From then on, Jonathan had a little idea.

When Beni was drunk, he secretly took one of his rubies.

But his luck was not good.

The ruby ​​was just an empty shell.

Inside was a very scary carnivorous beetle.

It was this beetle that attracted the attention of District 13.

But what Jonathan didn't expect was that.

Not only him, but also Beni was noticed by another group of people.

That group of people was a group of archaeologists led by Abuli from the British Museum.

They had even arrived at Hamunatta four days ago.

After entering the tavern, Jonathan asked about the situation of the Beni, and then he knew what had happened recently.

"It seems that Hamunatta is quite popular."

Jonathan put his hands on his belt, looked at the bartender in the tavern, and then looked at Jackie Chan beside him: "What should we do now? That Beni has been gone for a long time."

Jackie Chan didn't want to give up easily.

Besides, he was also very interested in Hamunatta, so he looked at the bartender and said: "You said they went to Hamunatta, do you know where Hamunatta is?"

The bartender was wiping the wine glass in his hand. He grinned when he heard Jackie Chan's question: "Hamunatta is just a legend, how can I know."

Although he said so, the expression on the bartender's face was obviously intriguing.

Jackie Chan didn't deal with this kind of people much, but Jonathan knew everything.

As soon as he saw the bartender's appearance, he knew that he must know something.

But if there is no benefit, he will definitely not say anything.

Jonathan put his arm around Jackie Chan's neck and whispered to the bartender behind his back for a while. Seeing that Jackie Chan agreed, he ran to bargain with the bartender again.

Tom and the others were waiting on the side.

About five or six minutes later, the bartender shook his head and said something to Jonathan.

Jonathan did not hesitate and took out some money and handed it over.

The bartender naturally put the money into his pocket, as if nothing had happened, and continued to clean up his bar.

"How is it?"

Seeing that Jonathan had finished asking about the situation, Jackie Chan asked after he approached.

"He really doesn't know the exact location of Hamunatta."

When Jonathan said this, Jackie Chan's expression moved slightly.

I don't know what he was thinking.

He can do this job in District 13 or not, but he is still very interested in Hamunatta.

It would be a pity if he couldn't go to Hamunatta.

Jonathan didn't know what Jackie Chan was thinking, so he just continued, "Although he didn't know the location of Hamunatta, a group of people passed by here half an hour ago. Their destination is Hamunatta. If we move faster, we might be able to catch up."

"What do you mean?" Jackie Chan didn't quite understand.

Jonathan explained, "Benny was hired by the British Museum. The bartender knew some of them, and those people happened to come back to meet the second group of museum staff who arrived today."

"So the bartender guessed that their destination was Hamunatta, otherwise they wouldn't need their own people to lead the way."

After hearing what Jonathan said, Jackie Chan and Evelyn looked at each other immediately.

Obviously, they both thought of the same thing.

This second group of British Museum staff is probably Dr. Boyan's group.

Good guy, this is really a coincidence.

No wonder they came to Egypt so early in secret.

At first, I really thought they were going for the castle ruins in Aswan, but now it seems that it was all a cover-up, and their main purpose was the legendary Hamunaptra, the city of the dead.

"Then let's go now."

Jackie Chan also knew that the longer the time was delayed, the harder it would be to catch up.

Jonathan had already asked about the direction they left, and the group rode on camels and chased in that direction.

Jackie Chan and his group had just left.

Walon and his party also passed by here, and followed the guidance of the magic energy and went deep into the desert.

Unlike Jackie Chan, they chose to ride horses.

But Walon's face was not very good.

He always felt that he was cheated.

The rent for the horse and the deposit were too high.

But for Walon, bargaining was really too low-class, and he was not willing to do it.

But if he didn't bargain, he felt like a fool.

He was not in a good mood no matter what he did.

While three groups of people rushed to Hamunatta, the excavation work in Hamunatta was still in full swing.

Before Dr. Boyan arrived, Abuli planned to conduct preliminary excavation first.

At least the entrance to Hamunatta had to be dug out.

After these days of hard work, his goal had indeed been achieved.

With a burst of cheers, the entrance to Hamunatta was finally discovered by them.

Then there was a "boom" explosion!

A section of stone slab under the yellow sand was directly blasted open by them, revealing the huge space below.

Yes, a group of professional archaeologists, excavating ancient tombs, actually chose to use explosives to blast.

No one present felt anything wrong.

As the entrance to the ancient tomb was revealed, Abuli pulled Beni over and said, "Haven't you been to Hamunatta? Come on, come in with me."

Beni smiled flatteringly and said, "I didn't go deep, I just walked around the periphery, and then I was driven out by a group of black warriors."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go!"

Abuli pushed Beni.

He also planned to achieve some results before his mentor came, so as to increase his impression points in front of his mentor.

It was precisely because of his understanding of Abuli's character that Dr. Boyan chose Abuli to come and find Hamunatta.

After entering the ancient tomb, it was found that it was very dark inside.

There were many mirrors next to it, which could make the interior of Hamunatta brighter by refracting sunlight.

But this method is not long-lasting. As the sun moves, it will not be useful for a long time.

So according to previous archaeological experience, they also brought lighting tools and generators.

A group of people began to install lights in Hamunaptra, and bundles of wires were spread all over the ground.

As the generator outside started to run.

With the sound of "clicking", lights were turned on one by one.

The dim environment in Hamunaptra was immediately dispelled.

With lighting, everyone naturally started to work.

Their work progressed quite quickly.

In other words, some things were placed not far from the entrance, and they were the first to find these things.

Therefore, when Dr. Boyan and his men were still on the road.

After a carpet search, this group of people had already gained a lot.

With the efforts of everyone, some of the things found inside were initially pulled out.

A black book, a small box, a large box, and five canopic canopies, or five canopic canopies.

The largest object among them was a coffin.

The coffin was still very heavy, and a group of people used various means to drag it out of Hamunaptra and placed it in the camp outside.

Hamunatta is very big, and there are still many places that have not been explored yet.

But these discoveries alone are enough to make them excited.

Especially the black book.

Abuli still remembers that his mentor, Dr. Boyan, has reminded them many times that their purpose is to find this book.

Although he doesn't know what is so magical about this book that makes his mentor so concerned.

But compared to the black book, Abuli is more interested in the coffin.

"Come and help us open the coffin."

Abuli called out, and several people came over immediately.

As everyone exerted force, the coffin still did not move and could not be pried open.

Brute force is not enough, so Abuli can only use his wits.

He lay on the coffin and carefully examined it for a while.

He suddenly made a discovery.

There is a sun-like concave pattern on the coffin lid.

This pattern is also on the black book.

I remember Dr. Boyan once said that Hamunatta's book is locked and requires a key to open.

Abuli guessed that the coffin should also be locked.

In this case.

Abuli took the octagonal box found in the underground palace and twisted it gently, and the box popped open instantly.

Its shape just matched the depression on the coffin perfectly.

Seeing this, Abuli didn't think about it, and directly pushed the box up and twisted it hard!

With a "click", the coffin opened.


But the coffin had just been opened, and the mummy inside suddenly bounced up like a spring, and even let out an extremely terrifying roar!

It was obviously broad daylight, but a demonic wind suddenly blew around.

The high temperature of nearly 40 degrees dropped instantly.

Everyone felt a distinct chill.

"What's going on!"

Abuli and others were frightened and took two steps back.

The timid Beni hid far away, and his lips trembled a little.

When he came here before, he felt that something was wrong.

Now this feeling is even deeper.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a mummy!"

Abuli leaned forward to take a look, and after seeing the situation inside the coffin clearly, he immediately shouted loudly.

Upon hearing this, everyone approached tentatively.

They found that there was indeed only a mummy inside.

They just didn't know why it suddenly bounced up just now.

Now it lay back down again.

Mummies are not uncommon to everyone.

As we all know, mummies are one of the ten treasures of the British Museum.

Anyway, the name of the British Museum of Stolen Goods is not wronged at all.

At first, everyone was just shocked by the sudden situation.

After confirming that the mummies in the museum did not move, everyone became much bolder.

In the early days, Europeans were very keen on mummies.

They not only transported mummies back for collection, but also ground a large number of mummies into powder and ate them.

It must be said that the operation of Europeans is in line with their characteristics.

At that time, mummies could be said to be a hot commodity in Europe.

At one time, they were eaten until they were out of stock.

They firmly believed that eating mummies could cure diseases and even prolong life.

Of course, there are definitely fewer people who can still think this way in modern society.

But most Europeans are not afraid of death.

Mummies are their old friends again, and they have no fear at all at this time.

They lie on the side of the coffin and carefully look at the mummy in front of them.

Abuli took a look and suddenly reached out to poke the mummy's body. He frowned and said, "It's not right."

"What's wrong?"

A companion asked.

"We have all seen many mummies, but have you seen such a fresh mummy?"

Everyone found something wrong after hearing what Abuli said.

The so-called mummy is an artificial dried corpse.

Its production process and the long time between ancient Egypt and modern times have eliminated the possibility of such a fresh corpse.

Egyptian mummies can be said to be the most famous mummies in the world.

The ancient Egyptians believed that people have souls.

So when an important person dies, people will make him into a mummy to keep his body from decaying, waiting for the return of his soul one day, so as to achieve the purpose of resurrection.

The process of making mummies is also quite complicated.

The ancient Egyptians would remove the brain of the deceased from the nasal cavity, and the internal organs from a small incision in the abdomen, and store them in a funeral urn for permanent preservation.

Then wrap the body with 180 kilograms of a salt mixture called natron, which can be used as a preservative to keep the body dry and reduce odor.

They will also put an amulet on the heart of the body, which is the only internal organ preserved in the body. Then, they wrap the mummy with fine linen and decorate it with prayers.

In addition to amulets, there are various styles.

One of them is the scarab, the target of Jackie Chan's trip!

If it is an ordinary world, the scarab is a simple dung beetle.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the sun was pushed by a huge scarab, like a dung ball, to rise in the east and set in the west.

Therefore, the scarab became the messenger for humans to communicate with the sun god Amon.

The ancient Egyptians believed that if a body covered with scarabs was placed inside the body of the deceased, the scarabs would protect the dead soul from passing the underworld inspection and safely passing to another world.

They had found many similar scarab amulets.

But the situation in front of them...

Abuli's face was a little solemn.

He reached out and picked up a dried black beetle corpse in the coffin.

This thing looks a bit like a dung beetle, but it is very different.

This black beetle has a pair of mouthparts that look ferocious.

Abuli touched it lightly with his hand, and was pierced by the sharp mouthparts.

Looking at his bleeding fingers, and then looking at the densely packed scarab corpses in the coffin in front of him, Abuli's mood became more solemn.

Although the scarab has the effect of an amulet.

But they have never seen real insects buried with people.

And there are so many insects!

"Abuli, look at this!"

Someone suddenly called out, motioning Abuli to go over and take a look.

Abuli heard this and walked around the sarcophagus in front of him and walked to his companion.

What his companion asked him to look at was not something else, but the lid of the sarcophagus that they had just pried open.

There were several sharp scratches inside the lid.

There was also a line of deep hieroglyphic text scratched out by fingernails.

When Abuli saw these things, he immediately took a deep breath of Turkish kebab.

The bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Abuli glanced at the situation in the museum, and then looked at the lid of the coffin.

As if he remembered something, he turned the lid of the coffin over again.

He turned the lid of the human-shaped coffin towards himself.

I was too excited just now and didn't notice it, but now Abuli discovered it.

The holy law of this coffin was actually chiseled off.

This means that the people in the museum will be cursed not only in this life, but also in the next life.

Then, he thought again, this coffin was dug out from under the stone statue of Anubis, the god of death.

Those who could be buried under Anubis were either royals or extremely evil.

His companions watched Abuli's actions, swallowed their saliva, and said, "Then there are nail scratches inside the coffin lid, right?"

No one said anything else.

But everyone knew what he wanted to say.

The scratches of nails in the museum mean that this mummy was put directly into the coffin when he was alive.

Look at the dense scarabs in the museum.

Everyone was immediately horrified.

This person was probably bitten to death by those insects.

Abuli did not speak. He turned the coffin over again and carefully examined the line of hieroglyphics.

He has good talent. He has read all the papers published by Jackie Chan in recent years and studied and researched according to the direction.

Evelyn can learn some ancient Egyptian because of this, and he can learn even better.

It's just that there was no authoritative certification before.

But with the emergence of the Aswan Stele, it shows that Jackie Chan's research results are correct.

Abuli pointed to the hieroglyphics in front of him and read softly: "Death is also the beginning..."

"What does this mean?"

His companion asked.

Abuli shook his head.

He didn't know either.

"Let's put this here first and wait for the instructor to come. They should be here soon."

Abuli said, and walked towards the camp.

After seeing this mummy, the book that Dr. Boyan had been looking for suddenly aroused Abuli's interest.

He wanted to see if there was any introduction to this mummy in the book.

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