Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 185 All parties gather together, the situation is complicated

On the way to Hamunatta.

The horse team marched forward in the desert with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

From a distance, this world made of sand looked like a yellow sand sea with waves rising and falling and then stopped.

Sand dunes of varying sizes stood up one after another, and there was no end in sight in front, and only a row of lonely horse hoof prints could be seen behind.

When the wind blew, even the hoof prints were covered.

If it weren't for the guide, the group of people in the British Museum would have lost their way long ago.

Dr. Boyan rode in the middle of the room, seemingly thinking about something, with a look of expectation.

Behind him, a man rode up to Dr. Boyan, still a little curious, and asked: "Doctor, you went to great lengths to find Hamunatta, is it really just for that book?"

The thought was interrupted.

Dr. Boyan glanced at the students beside him, but didn't get angry. After thinking for a while, he said, "Actually, there are two books, but the black one is more useful to me."

After all, he was also studying history. After hearing what Dr. Boyang said, the student also became a little interested: "Could it be a book similar to the Records of the Grand Historian?"

After all, it was a book from Hamunatta, and it was indeed easy for people to associate it with this.

"No, it is a very dangerous thing."

Dr. Boyang said, and then looked in the direction of Hamunatta, and said in a light voice: "Abuli is very smart. I hope he doesn't flip through the book casually, otherwise, he may cause a big trouble."

Behind this line of people in the museum is Jackie Chan and his group.

Although covered by wind and sand, the remaining traces still cannot escape Jackie Chan and his group's eyes, and it is not a big problem to keep up with Dr. Boyang and his group.

What's more, there is also Tom in their team.

Behind Tom's camel team is Walon and his group who were slaughtered like pigs.

They don't know where their destination is, they just follow the guidance of the magic energy.

Valon, who felt a little unhappy about being possessed by the Holy Lord, started to make trouble. While riding on the horse, he suddenly said: "You want to eat those two evil spirits. What if they are resurrected in advance?"

"Impossible, unless there is a strong black energy revived nearby at the same time, otherwise, it will take at least a few months for them to be fully resurrected."

Valon's half face turned into the Holy Lord, and he said coldly: "Don't try to provoke us. At least they have a chance to be resurrected after being swallowed by me. Meeting that strange cat is the real end."

"It's just a cat, are you too afraid of it?"


The Holy Lord knew that Valon was making trouble, but he didn't want to pay attention to him anymore. He just said casually: "Anyway, you just listen to me. When I master the power and rule the world again, you, as my most loyal servants, will be indispensable to the glory and wealth."

A road to Hamunata.

The three teams at the top, middle and bottom have two completely different painting styles.

The front and back are covered with dark clouds.

The group of Tom and his party in the middle are leisurely like traveling.

Plenty of cold drinks, ice cream and chilled fruit.

Evelyn and her brother were not used to taking food from the hump at first.

But in the hot summer desert, any hesitation would disappear instantly if they could eat something cold.

They were traveling happily here.

But the sky suddenly darkened!

Tom looked up with half a watermelon in his hand.

He found that in addition to the dark cloud that followed them every day, a large area nearby was covered by a thick dark cloud.

In the thick dark cloud, a string of golden lightning flashed from time to time. After a few seconds, the sound of thunder suddenly rang in my ears!

What can be called a wonder of nature is that in this large dark cloud, the dazzling sun was not blocked by the dark cloud.

But the sun at this time has become unusual.

Like a total solar eclipse, the center of the sun became dark.

Only the outer circle of the sun was still emitting light.

This scene made Tang Mu and his group stunned.

This scene, which seemed like the end of the world, was something that could only be seen once in a lifetime.


Tang Mu was looking at the scenery, but he didn't forget to take pictures.

"Why did the weather suddenly change like this?" Is it going to rain heavily?

Jackie Chan was still a little out of his mind.

The museum and Valon's group all changed their expressions!

Dr. Boyang: "Damn it! He actually read that book! And he even read it out!"

The Holy Lord: "I didn't expect that besides my two brothers, there was actually a strong black energy here. We have to change our strategy now."

He noticed that something was wrong.

The two groups began to speed up and drove forward.

In front of them was Dr. Boyang and his group, who began to speed up.

Tang Mu, who had been watching them with a telescope, also reminded them, and Jackie Chan and his group had to speed up.

The reason for the change in the sky is not yet known.

But the important thing now is not to lose Dr. Boyang and his group.

In this way, three waves of people, either actively or passively, began to rush towards Hamunatta.

At the same time, the camp outside Hamunatta, the city of the dead, was in chaos.

Abuli finally couldn't resist his curiosity, and finally opened the black book with the key and began to read the text in it.

He didn't have the habit of reading books at ordinary times.

Mainly because I am still not very familiar with ancient Egyptian.

You need to focus your attention by watching and reading at the same time.

As a result, things got messed up when I read it.

A strong wind suddenly surged from all around.

Out of nowhere, locusts swept in overwhelmingly.

Everyone in the camp suddenly panicked!

Some people yelled, some ran around, and some used torches to disperse the locusts around them.

The instigator, Abuli, was still confused. He was holding a black book in his hand and looking at the surrounding situation. His brain was as if it was rusty and he didn't know what happened.

So there is a saying that has been circulating in the running group circles.

Occultists and archaeologists are the engines of destruction, and their unquenchable curiosity is the beginning of many disasters.


A roar.

The mummy that was still lying in the sarcophagus suddenly sat up!

Some people around saw this scene and were even more frightened.

This is a real resurrection from the dead!

The mummy, still covered in rotting flesh and blood, stood up from the coffin and stepped out of the coffin.

After thousands of years, he finally stood on this land again.

He looked around at his surroundings.

The mummy whispered as if remembering: "Ansuna..."

At the same time, he was affected by the resurrection of this great Egyptian demon.

The two groups of demonic energy entrenched nearby also began to become more active.

Two demons are also about to be resurrected.

The mummy glanced at Abuli, noticed the black book in his hand, and walked towards him.

Looking at the monster with minced meat and rag bandages hanging on the skeleton shelf in front of him, Abuli was frightened. He stared at the mummy blankly, not knowing how to react.

"Did you use the Black Book of the Dead to resurrect me?"

The mummy spoke to Abli in ancient Egyptian.

Abuli just stared blankly, opened his mouth, but did not speak.

"Very good, I'm Immorton. You did a good job. This is your reward."

As the mummy Immortun spoke, he took out a handful of gold jewelry from somewhere and handed it to Abuli.

Looking at the handful of gold in the skeleton's hand in front of him, Abuli was still a little stunned and didn't react much.

He just came here for archeology, but he had never heard of archaeology encountering such a situation.

Immorton didn't care what he was thinking now.

After giving the gold to Abuli, he looked at his current state.

He was very dissatisfied with being covered in shredded flesh and rotten bones.

So Immorton spoke again: "As my servant, you have to do something for me now."

Immorton raised his hand and pointed to the box dug out from the underground palace, and said: "Find at least three people and ask them to open this box."

Abu Li nodded and immediately went to find someone.

After a while, he pulled three people over.

Although the camp was in chaos at this time, there were still some people who maintained some sanity.

Abuli has the gold given by Immorton, so it is not a big problem to find a few people.

Among them was Beni, a deserter from the French Foreign Legion.

Immorton was quite satisfied to see Alibi bring someone back.

What Immorton didn't expect was that Abuli and the three people worked together to push the box open!

This box contains a powerful curse. Anyone who opens the box will be devoured by Imogen, helping Imogen to fully recover.

Abuli, who didn't understand this, just wanted to help out, but he didn't know that this move directly cost his own life.

Seeing this, Immortun opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

I originally saw that this man knew ancient Egyptian, so I wanted to take him on as a subordinate.

As a result, this cheap subordinate was so stupid that he cursed himself.

Although he could choose not to devour Abli, Immortun would not be able to return to his full state.

Of course he wouldn't do that. Abuli doesn't have the qualifications yet.

The four people opened the box and looked at Immorton with some panic and some flattery.

Abuli was still thinking about archeology.

The other three were thinking about gold.

Unexpectedly, Immorton stepped forward, stretched out his hands to hold Abuli's cheeks, opened his mouth and sucked hard!

Under the horrified gazes of the other three people, Abuli's originally plump and elastic skin suddenly dried up and shrank!

In just a few seconds, this man had turned into a complete mummy!

It looked horrifying.

After absorbing Abu Li, Immorton's condition seemed to be significantly better.

The original skeleton now had a lot more flesh and blood on it.

Eyeballs and tongue have grown back.

"Ah!!!! Monster!"

The other three men who were fascinated by the gold suddenly came to their senses when they saw that Abuli was dead.

It's useless to give money.

No matter how much money you give, if the person dies, there will be nothing left!

So the three of them turned around and ran away!

And he was very smart to escape in three directions.

Seeing this, Immorton didn't care much.

He raised his hand casually, and a strong wind swept across the yellow sand and instantly enveloped the two people who were escaping.

After that, it was twisted like a twist!


Two shrill screams sounded!

In the yellow sand, two mummies were thrown out instantly like garbage.

After devouring two people again, the flesh and blood on Imhotep began to grow rapidly.

After a while, the whole person looked no different from an ordinary human.

There were only some holes and signs of decay on his face and hands.

At this time, he was only one step away from complete resurrection.

Although he had not yet reached his peak at this time, he already had very powerful magic power.

He should never be underestimated.

Imhotep was sentenced to insect bites because he cheated on the Pharaoh. Those who were punished by this punishment would never be reborn after death.

But once he was resurrected, he would also gain unmatched magic power and bring endless disasters to the whole of Egypt!

The first to appear were the ten plagues in the Bible.

It was ironic.

The pantheon of ancient Egypt and the pantheon of the Bible were not the same pantheon.

But the Bible could judge Egypt from a high position.

Put yourself in their shoes.

Which Chinese can accept that their gods and Buddhas are useless and are judged by the so-called Jehovah God in the West?

If Pangu, Nuwa, Sanqing, Jade Emperor, Yang Jian and Sun Wukong were defeated by the Western God, which Chinese could accept it?

But in the spread of Western culture, they have done this kind of cultural hegemony and belief hegemony more than once or twice.

Imhotep turned his head and looked at Beni, the last cursed person.

His legs were trapped in the quicksand, and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

Looking at the tragic deaths of the three people before, Beni was scared to death.

Seeing Imhotep walking towards him, Beni trembled all over.

In a hurry, he began to take out various amulets on his body.

He first took out a Christian cross pendant: "May God bless me, just like a shepherd protects his flock."

Seeing that the bald Imhotep didn't react at all, he still walked towards him at a leisurely pace, so he hurriedly took out an Islamic crescent amulet and chanted a paragraph.

Seeing that the crescent amulet was useless, he searched through the pile of pendants on his chest and found a Bodhisattva pendant. He said in very poor Chinese: "Please, Bodhisattva, bless me. Please, Bodhisattva, bless me."

Imorton looked at the actions of the man in front of him and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Good man, this man's beliefs are quite mixed.

This is a real pragmatic believer.

Seeing Beni making all kinds of B movements, Immorton was a little interested for a while and slowly walked in front of him, wanting to see what other monsters he could make.

But Beni was almost scared to death.

Seeing that the monster was getting closer and closer, he began to search for the pendant on his chest again.

Finally, he found a six-pointed star amulet and began to pray in ancient Hebrew.

Hearing ancient Hebrew, Immorton's expression finally changed.

"The language of slaves."

In ancient Egypt, Jews were slaves of the Egyptians.

It is recorded in the Bible that when the Jews fled to Egypt, they were initially treated with courtesy.

As the Jews multiplied too fast, they seized some of Egypt's resources.

Egypt was afraid that the Jews would unite with the enemy, so it began to persecute and enslave them.

It's interesting to say.

The Jewish people are not liked wherever they go.

In the end, they always have conflicts with the locals.

After entering the modern era, many people have a good impression of the Jews, mainly because they have a lot of media resources and are good at external publicity.

They use various media tools to package themselves as victims, but they don't say a single thing about the shabby things they have done.

They just say that they are persecuted, but they don't say why they are persecuted.

Beni trembled all over, and suddenly stopped the monster in front of him, and a desire for life was raised in his heart.

So he said again in ancient Hebrew: "Can you let me go?"

Imorton heard this, smiled, and stretched out his hand again.

What reason did he have to let the man in front of him go? He just knew a little slave language.

The current development of the situation is different from the original movie of "The Mummy".

He doesn't need Beni as a translator.

Everything he wants is nearby.

Now, he only needs to devour Beni, and after reaching the peak state, he can hold a resurrection ceremony to resurrect his lover Ansuna.

Seeing that Imhotun's hand was about to grab Beni's face, the sound of horse hooves suddenly came from the surroundings.

A large group of Medgar warriors wearing black robes, holding scimitars and rifles in their hands, were rushing towards this side.

They are the descendants of the pharaoh's guards who have guarded Hamunatta for generations. They came at this time to prevent Imhotun from completely resurrecting.

"Bang bang bang" gunshots.

Imhotun's body was immediately shot into a sieve.

Because of the kinetic energy of the bullet, Imhotun was also beaten back several steps.

Turning his head to look at the group of Medgar people, Imhotun's originally calm face suddenly became ferocious!


The surrounding wind was blowing violently, he raised his hands, his muscles bulged, and roared at the group of Medgar people!

A gust of sand and dust rolled up out of thin air!

A huge sandstorm appeared in an instant, and suddenly, the sound of horses neighing could be heard in the sand!

When the sandstorm gradually weakened, the chaos stopped.

Looking around, the group of Medgar warriors had been buried by the yellow sand.

Many people died on the spot, but some warriors were struggling to get up.

The sound of horse hooves was heard.

The museum group had also arrived.

Not long after, Tom and Valon also arrived outside Hamunaptra.

The situation on this land at this time is very complicated.

Imhotep, who has just awakened in ancient Egypt and gained powerful magic.

The descendants of the pharaoh's guards, the Medgar warriors who have guarded Hamunaptra for generations and prevented Imhotep from resurrecting.

The target is the Black Book of the Dead, a group of experts and scholars from the British Museum.

They came for the evil spirit, but they didn't expect to run into Tom, and the Holy Lord's group was in a very complicated mood.

They just wanted to investigate the scarab, but suddenly encountered the big scene of Tom's tour group.

There are even two extremely active groups of two big demons nearby, who are about to be resurrected.

The situation on the scene is very complicated.

Like a gunpowder barrel full of gunpowder, it can explode completely with just a little flame.

It can be said that among all the people present, only the people in Tom's tour group can keep a normal mind, and the hearts of all the others are not very calm.

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