Just as Christopher said, there are almost no other people in Silent Hill.

The whole city is empty, and the echo can be heard from a long distance if you yell casually.

That is to say, the United States is large, but the population is not particularly large.

Otherwise, no matter what, such a large town would not be left empty here.

As everyone got off the train, the time train left automatically.

Officer Hanks also received a call from his colleague.

Before coming to Silent Hill, Hanks had called his colleague, hoping to get more information from him.

After all, as a policeman, when handling a case, there is no lack of intelligence collection awareness.

While following Tom and the others in the empty town, he listened to the report of his colleague on the phone.

Hanks' expression couldn't help but become serious.

After a while, he finally hung up the phone, looked at the people in front of him who stopped and looked back at him, and said, "The problem here is quite big. In the past thirty years, there have been hundreds of disappearances in Silent Hill. More than 300 people have disappeared here."

Li Ang's expression did not change after hearing this.

Tang Mu's expression was more exaggerated, as if he was scared.

Hanks looked at Christopher and said, "According to the information I know, the most recent disappearance happened not long ago."

"At that time, a female police officer named Sybil discovered a mother and daughter while patrolling. She reported to the headquarters, claiming that she suspected that the woman wanted to abandon the child, so she wanted to go forward and track them down."

"After that, both Sybil and the mother and daughter she mentioned lost contact. The place of disappearance was also Silent Hill."

Hearing this, Christopher's eyes widened immediately: "It must be Rose and the others! They are indeed here, I didn't find the wrong place!"

Hanks nodded and said, "I thought so too. But there are still many doubts in it."

"Silent Hill is in the third Over the past ten years, more than 300 people have disappeared, and a policeman has also disappeared recently. Even my colleague can find this information, so the local police cannot be unaware of it. "

"My friend just reminded me that it's okay to find someone, but it's best to restrain the depth of the investigation. Don't cross the line, some places in Silent Hill involve confidential information."

"We are not interested in the secrets of your country. But from what you said, the problem of Silent Hill is indeed very big."

Leon also spoke at this time, and he said again: "Since so many people have disappeared here and no one can be found. We just need to make ourselves disappear. In this way, everything will be clear."

Hearing this, Officer Hanks nodded.

Although Leon said it in a joking tone.

But it is indeed as Leon said.

They are too little intelligence information now.

They need to know what happened to those missing people so that they can take the next step.

It's just that those people disappeared without a pattern, very randomly.

Some people just passed by and disappeared.

Some people stayed in this town for several days and nothing happened.

They don't know what to do now.

Tom snapped his fingers at this time, diverting everyone's attention to himself.

He had seen the movie "Silent Hill".

Of course he knew where the so-called missing people had gone.

Since Tom knew the answer, he would not pretend to know nothing and follow this group of people around in circles in the town, wasting time.

Tom found a door at random, pushed it open, and motioned everyone to go in with him.

Everyone didn't know why.

But out of trust in Tom, they still went into the door together.

Although it was just a simple crossing of a door.

But Li Ang and others felt as if they had crossed a world.

The layout of the room was somewhat unexpected.

Although it looked a little dirty, there were a lot of ashes, and the furniture was relatively old.

But the cabinets and clothes in it were still intact.

It was not as empty as when they looked in through the window.


This is a relatively old-style ready-to-wear clothing store.

Because of the fire in Silent Hill, a large area of ​​houses were damaged, and the objects in them would naturally not be preserved.

Especially this clothing store, where the clothes, cabinets, models and other items had long been burned to ashes.

When dealing with the fire thirty years ago, the useless garbage was cleared away.

Therefore, when Li Ang and his friends looked inside through the broken windows outside the store, it was all empty.

But what is the situation now?

Why is the scene seen outside the house completely different from the scene inside the house?

It is just like coming to the Silent Hill thirty years ago.

The people standing in the clothing store looked back again and looked at the door they came in through, and found that the world had changed again.

The broken window glass had been restored, but it was full of dirt, as if no one had taken care of it for a long time.

And looking out through the door of the clothing store.

The streets of Silent Hill Town have also changed.

Do they still remember.

Before entering the store, it was a sunny day outside with plenty of light.

But now it is different.

It seems to be a cloudy day.

The light outside is gloomy, full of fog and drifting ashes.

Just across a store door.

They seemed to have crossed two worlds.

Hanks and Christopher opened their mouths incomprehensibly.

As professionals, Tang Mu and Li Ang acted much calmer at this time.

That's exactly what Hanks and the others felt.

They just traveled through a world.

It's just that that world is just a small world attached to Silent Hill.

It's not even as big as plane spaces like the underworld and hell.

In the movie "Silent Hill", there are three worlds.

The first world is the real world.

It was the deserted and abandoned town where Tom Mu and the others were before.

Everything in that world was normal except that there were no people.

The second world is the surface world.

It’s daytime in the small world.

The surface world is covered in falling ashes all day long, and is generally quite safe.

There are only a few dangerous monsters active.

At this time, Tang Mu and the others were in the outer world.

The third world, and the most dangerous world, is the inner world.

The inner world is the opposite of the outer world.

Under the exact same building, the inner world has no light source and is pitch black, surrounded by rust and decay everywhere.

In this world, there are many dangers.

In the darkness, harmful monsters are hidden everywhere.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to enter the outside world from the real world, you need the consent of the owner of the outside and inside worlds, Alessa.

Those who disappeared after passing through Silent Hill were also brought in by Aleisha.

Originally, Tom Mu took them to wander around Silent Hill in the real world, and he also had the idea of ​​waiting for Aleisha to take them into the inner and outer world.

Unfortunately, Alessa didn't seem to want to pay attention to them.

Tom Mu had no choice but to open the door and come in by himself.

But think about it.

Alessa's target was originally Christopher's daughter Sharon.

Now that Sharon has been pulled into the outside world, of course she will not continue to pull people in.

All the people present are smart people.

No explanation is needed from Tom.

After identifying the difference between the world they were currently in and the real world, and combining the previous intelligence, everyone guessed part of the truth.

"I didn't expect that there are two sides to the same world. This place is exactly the same as Silent Hill thirty years ago. If I guessed correctly, those missing people should have come here, right?"

Officer Hanks spoke first.

"Although I don't know what the principle is, there is a high probability that this is the case. In other words, my wife and children are very likely to be here."

It was the first time that the search for someone had made such great progress, which made Christopher very excited.

"In that case, let's find your wife first. Do you have a photo of your wife on you? Give it to me first."

Li Ang opened the tool box and took out his Lily Lily.

Christopher quickly took out Rose's photo and handed it to Leon.

He also handed over photos of his son and daughter, Sharon.

In Li Ang's opinion, all he had to do was find Rose first.

After all, they are a mother and daughter. In such a strange place, the two mother and daughter are probably together.

Li Ang has never seen the movie "Silent Hill" either.

She didn't know that Rose and her daughter had been separated.

At this time Rose herself was still looking for Sharon.

But Tang Mu didn't bother to correct this little thing.

Sharon is the kind-hearted clone of Alessa, the master of this world. Although she is just a little girl, she is not actually very dangerous here.

On the contrary, the adult Rose is more dangerous.

It would be wiser to find her sooner.

"Lily, help find someone."

Leon handed Rose's photo to Lily for her to see.

This act of asking a potted plant to help find someone is surprising.

But Hanks and Christopher looked at each other and said nothing.

After all, they are not professionals, so it is normal for them not to understand.

After Lily Lily saw the photo, she immediately began to turn slowly.

Seeing this, Li Ang quickly stood up, grabbed his toolbox and ran out.

Spike the Bulldog reacts the fastest.

Seeing Li Ang running away, it subconsciously followed him.

Everyone and the dog ran away.

Of course Hanks and the others have to keep up.

Among them, Christopher was the most excited.

Without even asking, he knew that Li Ang must have news about his wife.

Everyone ran out of the clothing store and ran forward in the heavy fog.

Tom Mu followed leisurely at the end, raising his paw to catch a "snowflake" falling from the sky while running.

These floating things like snowflakes are all ashes left after burning.

With a slight twist of his paw, it was completely black.

These ashes have been floating in the inner and outer world for thirty years.

It seems like it will never stop.

To be honest, it would be better if it was real snow.

As for the ashes, they are really a bit too dirty.

He had no clothes on, his fur was dyed black, and he didn't look good at all.

Tom didn't like it very much.

He took out a raincoat and put it on himself.

Tom Mu was thinking about how to improve the environment of this world.

At least it shouldn't be that low.

Before Tang Mu could finish his thoughts, a shout suddenly came from the front.

Li Ang and the others who were running at the front stopped.

Tom Mu stepped aside curiously, and then he understood the reason why they stopped.

It turned out to be a group of people wearing leather armor and gas masks, fighting a monster.

At first, Tom thought it was a monster that appeared in Silent Hill.

It turned out to be a tentacle monster as big as a dog.

The tentacles of the tentacle monster were full of fangs.

Just pull it gently on the thigh of one of the people besieging it, and you can tear off a large piece of meat directly!

The bloody appearance is very scary!

Others held various weapons in their hands.

Mostly sticks or axes.

Those weapons had a certain effect on the tentacle monster, but the effect was not great.

The tentacle monster with tentacles on its back is both offensive and defensive.

When attacked, the tentacles will also show their fangs and actively bind the weapons that attack them.

The teeth on the tentacles are very hard.

Even if they come into direct contact with the axe blade, there is no damage.

Those men wearing leather armor obviously know how powerful this thing is.

They don't expect to be able to kill this monster, and they have been thinking about escaping during the battle.

However, before the two sides could make the next move, Hanks, a police officer, had already taken the lead.

He raised his pistol, aimed at the tentacle monster and pulled the trigger one after another!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

A series of gunshots rang out!

Facing a group of people, the tentacle monster was not inferior, but after being shot several times, it immediately trembled all over and fell to the ground, no longer moving.

Seeing this, the men in leather armor were stunned for a moment, and then turned their heads to look over.

Looking at their appearance, it was obvious that they did not expect that there were strangers here.

"Hey! I'm a police officer, can I ask you some questions?!"

Hanks inferred that those people were the missing people who disappeared in Silent Hill, so after saving them, he immediately opened his mouth and wanted to ask some questions.

But I don't know for what purpose.

After looking at Hanks and the others for a while, those people didn't say a word, directly carried the injured companions, and ran away without looking back.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Seeing that they actually ran away directly, Hanks was also stunned, and hurriedly stepped forward to chase a few steps.

But those people had no intention of communicating with Hanks at all, and they ran faster and faster.

This made everyone present feel confused.

This ghost place seemed to have many mysteries.

Tom also discovered it.

This place should not be as simple as Silent Hill.

Maybe there are some other things mixed in.

After all, there are no such things as tentacle monsters in Silent Hill.

"Let's continue to look for Rose, go this way."

Li Ang picked up Lily Lily and gestured.

Everyone could only ignore those inexplicable people for the time being and run forward with Li Ang.

Lily Lily is really reliable.

With its guidance, they really found Christopher's wife very quickly.

But Christopher didn't feel happy for too long.

He saw his wife Rose with a look of horror.

Behind her, a tall and strong monster with a machete in his hand and a metal triangular head was chasing!

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