Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 252 Leon vs. Triangle Head

"Fuck! Third brother!"

Seeing that familiar figure, Tang Mu immediately became excited.

Speaking of the Silent Hill series.

The most famous among them is the monster with the triangle head.

In addition to the triangle head, there is also the faceless nurse lady from Silent Hill Hospital.

Tom came into contact with works such as Silent Hill relatively late.

I saw it when I was attending a comic exhibition.

A big boss directly cosplayed the classic monster Triangle Head.

Because of the extremely realistic restoration, Tom Mu became very interested in the triangle head.

After returning home, I immediately watched the movie "Silent Hill" again.

I originally wanted to play the original Silent Hill game.

But Tom Mu wasn't afraid of watching horror movies, but he didn't dare to play horror games.

In the end, I gave up and just played the game on a video website.

The settings of the triangle head are also different in different works.

Take the Silent Hill movie for example.

Because Alessa has been subjected to abuse and school violence, subconsciously, Alessa fantasizes about being a strong man so that she can protect herself.

From this, in the two parallel worlds inside and outside that were manifested by Alessa's spiritual power, the existence of Triangle Head with explosive strength was born.

Triangle Head is also the most powerful monster in the entire inner and outer world.

It is precisely because of the character design with extremely violent aesthetics and its powerful fighting power that the triangle-headed monster has always been very popular.

Especially among that special group of people who love monsters, the one with the triangular head is very popular.

This also includes Tom.

In fact, Tom Mu has always liked monsters like aliens and triangular heads.

It feels very cool.


When Christopher saw his wife being chased by a monster, he immediately shouted anxiously and rushed forward to rescue his wife.

Rose originally looked panicked.

After seeing her husband, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Rose had never expected that her husband would appear here.

"Get down quickly!"

There is no time to reminisce about the past at this time.

Christopher saw the movement of the triangular head behind Rose and quickly shouted!

Rose was also very obedient. She didn't stupidly ask why, but just lay down on the spot!


A violent gust of wind sounded from overhead.

Rose almost felt her scalp being blown off.

A few strands of long hair flowed down.

That was the hair that was cut off directly by the machete with the triangular head.

If Rose had moved slower, Rose would have been cut off.


When Li Ang saw an enemy appearing, he quickly stopped running forward, and at the same time opened his arms to stop Hanks and Bulldog behind him.

"That guy looks like a Lianjiazi at first glance. He's not easy to deal with. You guys stand back! Let me do it!"

Li Ang said, throwing his toolbox to the ground and throwing Lily behind him at the same time!

Hanks reached out to catch the lily potted plant, and jumped back with Spike the bulldog to give Leon time to develop.

Seeing this, Tang Mu also watched from the side.

Its identity is Li Ang's assistant.

After he leaves this world, Li Ang will have to exorcise the devil himself.

If Li Ang can take action himself, it is better to let him take action.


Li Ang kicked the box at his feet.

The lid of the box popped open automatically, and two bananas popped out.

"What is that?"

Hanks was confused.

Li Ang looked at the triangle head with burning eyes and shouted: "Watch the move!"

I don’t know why, but when Triangle Head saw Li Ang throwing two bananas at him, he dropped the machete in his hand and stretched out his hands to catch the two bananas one by one.


The triangular-headed metal three-headed helmet lowered his head, looked at the banana in his hand, and then looked up at Li Ang, not understanding what he meant.

"Remote control electric banana! As soon as I press this button, you will be shocked to death!"

Li Ang took out a remote control and after speaking, pressed the button directly!


Just as Li Ang said, strong electric current emerged from the two bananas.

The electric arc visible to the naked eye was flowing back and forth on the triangle head, causing the triangle head to stand on the spot and keep shaking.

Especially its helmet is made of full metal.

Extremely conductive!

This makes the electric shock to the triangle head even more serious!

Ever since Li Ang watched a zombie movie one night in Xiangjiang, he had a soft spot for heavy firepower and thunder and lightning.

These are all powerful weapons against evil spirits.

For this reason, Li Angzhen made a lot of small props related to electric shocks.

In front of the triangular head, Christopher and his wife were still hugging each other, squatting there and shivering.

Tang Mu was worried that Li Ang's attack would accidentally hurt them, so he started to pull the ground in front of him.

Like pulling a piece of carpet, he pulled the couple who were more than ten meters away in front of him little by little.

Christopher and Rose also noticed something was wrong. They looked down and then looked at Tom, their mouths wide open, not knowing what to say.


The couple had just been pulled in front of them by Tom Mu.

The triangular head over there, who had been electrocuted until his whole body was smoking, roared and smashed the two bananas in his hand to the ground!


Repairing his own injuries at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Triangle Head reached out to pick up the huge machete that fell to the side, looked at Leon, and strode towards Leon!

It can be seen that he felt threatened by Leon.

He planned to get rid of Leon first.

"Huh?! So resistant to electricity!"

Leon was also a little surprised. Seeing Triangle Head's eyes widened, he quickly bent down to get the props in the toolbox.

At this time, Triangle Head had already come to Leon.

He raised his foot and directly lifted the lid of the toolbox and stepped on it.


Leon's hands were still searching for props in the toolbox.

The lid was stepped down like this, directly clamping Leon's hands in it!

This was very painful, and Leon screamed loudly in pain.

"Ah!! Broken! Broken! My hand is going to break!"

Listening to Leon's screams, Triangle Head did not have any emotional fluctuations.

It was originally an emotionless hunter.

Even more emotional than Jason and the others.

Officer Hanks and his men saw this and rushed forward to help.

Tom held up a red warning sign with the word [stop] to stop their actions.

It could see that Leon had not reached his limit yet.

"It's really going to break!"

Leon shouted again in a very exaggerated way, and then pulled his hands, and it was actually broken at the wrist! Directly separated!

A large amount of blood spurted out from Leon's empty cuffs, spraying all over the body and face of the triangle head!

And Leon's palms were still clamped in the toolbox.

It looked very miserable at this time.

But soon the triangle head found something wrong.

It also screamed with Leon!

Gradually, Leon's screams turned into laughter.

And the screams of the triangle head became louder and louder.

The parts of the triangle head's body that were splashed with Leon's "blood" were quickly corroded.

Even the metal helmet of the triangle head was the same.

This kind of corrosion damage is extremely terrifying, just a moment.

One eleventh of the Triangle Head's body had been corroded.

If it were an ordinary creature, it would have died long ago after such damage.

But the Triangle Head is not a creature in the conventional sense after all, and it can still move at this time.

"Hehehe! My hand is broken, I lied to you, it's just a pair of fake hands."

Li Ang smiled proudly, and his real hands came out from his sleeves.

Looking at the painful appearance of the Triangle Head, he did not forget to light a cigarette for himself.

He opened the lid of the box again and threw away the two fake hands.

Li Ang took out a huge syringe from it.

In the syringe, there was half a tube of liquid the color of coffee.

"Muscle hardening needle!"

Li Ang put one hand on his waist, held the syringe high with the other hand, and read out the name of his proud prop loudly.

Holding the syringe, Li Ang went around to the back and stabbed directly at the Triangle Head's buttocks!

As the liquid in the syringe was completely injected into the Triangle Head's body, the Triangle Head's movements suddenly became extremely stiff.

The whole person seemed like a whole piece of wood.

In this state, Triangle Head couldn't even raise his hands.

Not to mention swinging a machete to chop people.


Feeling his own physical state.

Triangle Head, who almost couldn't make any sound, roared.

These props of Leon really made it suffer.

Deep in the Silent Hill School, the owner of the inner and outer worlds, Alessa's dark personality clone, also knew the dilemma it faced from the perspective of Triangle Head.

This made Dark Alessa stop drawing with crayons.

Triangle Head is almost invincible in the two parallel worlds of the inner and outer worlds.

For thirty years, he has never encountered any opponents.

The Leon he met today made Dark Alessa feel a little bad.

And the cat.

That was also the object of Alessa's attention.

The inner and outer worlds were all under Alessa's control.

She knew who came in and who went out.

She never meant to let Tom and the others in.

After all, she has found the kind-hearted Alessa, Rose's adopted daughter, Sharon.

But even without opening the door, the cat can enter the outer world at will.

This feeling is not good, and Alessa has no sense of security.

There are not only missing people in the outer world.

There are also townspeople who have been imprisoned here by Alessa for thirty years.

Before she takes revenge in person, Dark Alessa will not allow anyone to let her enemies go.

And Tom is just the only cat with that ability.

Letting Triangle Head chase Rose, Dark Alessa's purpose is not to kill her.

Just to knock her out and bring her back.

It was an accident to meet Leon and the others.

But Leon and the others did not have as good treatment as Rose.

Especially Tom, who has the ability to leave the inner and outer worlds.

Definitely the number one enemy in Dark Alessa's eyes!

But Leon's existence was somewhat unexpected by Dark Alessa.

Unexpectedly, there is such a strange and difficult existence in their team.

After a brief thought, Dark Alessa issued a new order to Triangle Head, asking it to retreat temporarily.

Let's wait until night comes and the surface world switches to the inner world before taking action.

By then, the monsters in Silent Hill will all come out, and two fists cannot beat four hands, so the possibility of leaving them behind will be a little greater.

After the order was issued, Alessa looked at the crayon painting in front of her with a headache.

In the painting, a church was shrouded in holy light, occupying one-third of the center of the picture.

On the left is the dark world, with Silent Hill monsters such as Triangle Head and Faceless Nurse, and on the right is the fog of the mining area of ​​Lake Heart Island and the tentacles entangled in it.

The darkness representing the other world and the unknown fog also occupy one-third of the position each.

Dark Alessa's eyes have been fixed on the position of the fog.

Before Tom came, she had been worried about the fog.

That thing was not made by her.

So it did not listen to her orders.

And the monsters in it also posed a great threat to Alessa.

Alessa only wanted revenge.

Therefore, these uncertain factors were all very disliked by Alessa.

Now there is a cat and a mental patient, which makes Dark Alessa even more headache.

"Let's get rid of the cat first. The church and the fog are not easy to deal with. It seems that the cat is easier to deal with."

Dark Alessa, who looks only eight years old, made a decision.

At the same time, the triangle head on the street also received the order from Dark Alessa and prepared to evacuate first.

At this time, the triangle head, who had been injected with muscle hardening, was stiff all over. Even if he wanted to evacuate, he could only move small steps with difficulty and leave little by little.

"Want to escape!"

Leon shouted and took out a prop from his toolbox.

It was a small shovel, and on the shovel was a ball of white jelly, which looked like cream.

Even the emotionless triangle head felt helpless after hearing Leon's voice.

This human is really annoying.

It has never seen such a person in Silent Hill for thirty years.

Not wanting to be entangled by Leon, the frequency of triangle head moving small steps became faster and faster.

"Super BB glue!"

Leon shouted and threw the "cream" to the feet of triangle head!


As soon as the huge sole of the triangle head stepped on it, it was immediately stuck and couldn't even lift one centimeter!

Soon, the other foot of the triangle head was also stuck directly.

Now no matter how the triangle head struggled, it couldn't move at all.

"Haha! You are helpless now!"

Li Ang happily threw the shovel away, twisted his fist, and walked towards the triangle head with a grim smile.

"Have you seen a fist as big as a sandbag!"

"Ah, hit!"

After saying the provocative words, Li Ang waved his fist at the triangle head, which was a series of attacks!

The muscles of the triangle head were stiff, and his feet were stuck again. He could only be beaten by Li Ang like a sandbag and shaken left and right.

It was just that Li Ang was a little too excited to beat him, forgetting that the head of the triangle head was a triangular metal, and punched him directly, but he was hurt.


Seeing Li Ang's self-inflicted appearance, the emotionless triangle head also laughed out loud.

"Take my roundhouse kick!"

Li Ang saw that Triangle Head dared to laugh at him.

He was so angry that he jumped into the air and used all his strength to kick Triangle Head in the chest!

This kick was very powerful!

Even Triangle Head was kicked backwards!

However, when Li Ang saw Triangle Head's feet still stuck to the ground, he immediately realized that something was wrong!


Just then, Tang Mu saw that Li Ang was so happy hitting the sandbag, and wanted to join in the fun, so he rushed over with a shout!


Li Ang quickly squatted down and looked at the cat flying over and stopped it.

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