Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 253 Shopping cart is also a car


The triangular head that was hit and fell backward bounced back at a faster speed like a tumbler!

Tom, who flew towards the triangular head, didn't react for a while and collided with the stiff triangular head directly!

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

The huge force flattened Tom's whole cat, and he fell to the ground like a cat strip, still shaking and making a buzzing sound.

Li Ang raised his hand to grab Tom.

He also shook with Tom.

Seeing Tom suffer so much, the triangular head was also a little happy.

He didn't want to waste this opportunity.

Following the triangular head's thoughts.

A large number of black beetles suddenly emerged from it.

These beetles are very similar to the scarabs in Egypt.

But they have human faces.

There are a lot of black beetles.

After being summoned by the triangular head, most of them rushed directly to Tom.

The other half was quickly biting the glue under the feet of the triangle head.

It was almost a suicide act.

The black beetle bit off more than half of the super BB glue.

The last bit, the triangle head simply used his own strength.

There was a "sizzle".

The flesh and blood of the soles of the triangle head's feet were separated. In order to get rid of the restriction of the super glue, the third brother directly used brute force to break free from the restraints.

Although this bloody separation method looks painful.

But the triangle head doesn't really care about it.

Some flesh and blood will recover soon.

The body leaned back.

The triangle head was caught by the black beetle.

Then it was like an ant moving.

A large number of black beetles carried the lying triangle head and evacuated quickly.

As for the black beetles that besieged Li Ang and others, they still stayed where they were to delay time.

Looking at these beetles rushing towards him.

Tang Mu shook his head violently.

Its flat body returned to its original state, and it frowned at the large group of black beetles in front of it.

Soon, Tom thought of a way.

He stretched out his claws and took out a horn.

Tom stood in front of the black beetle like a general and blew the horn!


A low horn sounded.

Something seemed to be summoned by Tom.

The ground suddenly began to vibrate regularly.

The strong vibration was like a rubber band that was constantly being pulled.

In the sound of "buzz buzz buzz".

Even the army of black beetles rushing towards Tom was affected and began to vibrate uncontrollably.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of neat footsteps sounded.

Christopher and the others who were originally standing behind Tom also discovered something, and they all showed shock on their faces and made way to both sides.

It was a large army of ants, even more numerous than the black beetles.

These ants lined up in a square, marched in an orderly manner, and came here step by step with the sound of Tom's horn.

These ants did not look like ordinary ants.

It was more like a being that came out of a cartoon.

Each of them was quite large.

They were holding cold weapons such as bows and spears in their hands.

Tang Mu held the horn in his hand, held his head high, and acted like a great general.

After summoning the ant army, he raised his hand and pointed forward.

The ant army just stopped and moved again, killing the black beetle group!

The ant army moved forward, unstoppable, without any detours.

They just kept moving forward in a straight line.

During the march, a large number of arrows were shot from the square formation.

They fell on the black beetle group in front like a blanket.

Then, the ant army did not stop for a moment, moving straight forward, and collided head-on with the black beetle group.

In just a moment.

The black beetle group was quickly defeated.

The ant army still did not stop, moving forward in a straight line.

Seeing this, Tang Mu no longer cared about the black beetles and the ant army.

Just watching the arrogant army of ants moving forward.

As the vibration under my feet gradually subsided.

I knew that they had gone far away.

It didn't matter if the triangle head ran away.

Anyway, the purpose of their coming here was not for a triangle head.

But that thing was actually just a summoned creature.

Even if Tom and his team really got rid of the triangle head.

It would take some time for the triangle head to revive, and it would be meaningless.

If you want to solve the problem completely, you still have to find Alessa.

She is the creator of the parallel world of Silent Hill.

As long as the inner and outer worlds exist, there will be people who disappear when passing by.

So Tom and Li Ang came here, ostensibly to help Christopher find his wife and daughter.

In fact, Tom's main purpose is to completely solve Alessa's problem.

Don't let similar things happen again in the future.

Tom believes that they will not meet the triangle head just once.

When the time is right, it will definitely appear again.

At that time, perhaps Alessa will also appear together.

"Rose, where's Sharon?"

The crisis was temporarily resolved, Christopher looked at his wife, put his hands on her shoulders and asked.

Looking at his wife's haggard and embarrassed appearance, Christopher had a bad premonition.

Rose heard this and shook her head painfully.

"I'm looking for her too, she's gone."

Rose said, telling her experiences of the past two days.

Just as Christopher guessed.

Because of sleepwalking, their adopted daughter often ran around by herself, muttering the names of Silent Hill.

She also drew a series of scary children's paintings in her sketchbook with colored pencils.

All this made Rose and Christopher feel uneasy.

But Christopher was more inclined to go to the doctor to deal with this matter.

And Rose couldn't bear to see her daughter suffer, and finally couldn't help it.

One night, she drove her daughter directly to Silent Hill.

At that time, they also met a female cavalry on the road.

But I don't know what the reason is.

After entering the territory of Silent Hill, Rose's car suddenly had a car accident halfway.

When Rose woke up, she found that she had arrived in a world full of fog and falling ashes.

The door of the car was opened, but her daughter was nowhere to be seen.

Therefore, Christopher was looking for them during this time.

Rose was also looking for her daughter Sharon.

But she still hasn't found him until now.

She did meet her husband, which was a surprise to Rose.

"Don't worry, we asked professionals to help. They helped find you, and Sharon will be fine."

Christopher went up to hug Rose and patted his wife's back gently to comfort her.

Rose buried her head in Christopher's shoulder and nodded.

Then, Rose said, "This world is not as simple as you see now."

"When a certain time comes, this world will be shrouded in darkness, and countless monsters will come out."

"At that time, any life still active in the outside world will be attacked by those monsters. It's very dangerous! I'm worried that Sharon will also encounter those monsters."

"Don't worry, we will find her."

Seeing this, Christopher was also a little worried, but he still hugged his wife again.

Holding his wife in his arms, Christopher turned his head to look at Leon and the others.

Leon made an "ok" gesture to indicate that there was no problem.

Officer Hanks on the side reacted quickly and handed the lily in his hand to Leon.

Holding Lily in one hand, Li Ang showed Lily Sharon's photo as before.

He wanted Lily to help find Sharon.

Lily Lily lived up to expectations and quickly located Sharon's current location.

Christopher had already gone through the steps of finding Rose and was familiar with it.

Therefore, after seeing the plastic lily respond, he immediately patted Rose happily and said, "We have found it. Now we just need to follow the guidance of the lily to see our daughter."


Rose was relieved when she heard this.

As long as she can find her daughter, this mother can do anything.

"Let's go without further ado."

Li Ang snapped his fingers and pointed in the direction the lily was facing.


At this moment, an alarm sounded from nowhere and suddenly resounded throughout the Silent Hill town!

Upon hearing this alarm similar to an air raid alarm, Rose's face changed instantly.

"It's getting dark! Those monsters are coming out! We have to go faster."

Rose shouted.

She came to Silent Hill first and had experienced the coming of the other world twice.

Each time, she was almost dead.


Tom shouted.

When he heard that he had to speed up, he rushed to a small supermarket nearby.

Supermarkets in Europe and the United States, regardless of size, usually have a place to store shopping carts at the door.

Tom then set his sights on those shopping carts.

Everyone was also attracted by Tom's actions and turned their heads to look at Tom, wondering what this cat wanted to do.

Tom moved quickly and pushed several shopping carts over.

Then he linked the shopping carts together with iron chains.

It was like a simple version of a small train.

Christopher and the others were still a little confused about the situation.

Li Ang was the first to understand what Tom meant, cheered, and jumped into one of the shopping carts.

Tom jumped directly into the front shopping cart.

Like an old driver, he put his elbow on the edge of the shopping cart, turned his head and whistled at Officer Hanks and the others, and waved vigorously, signaling them to get on the car.

Hanks and Christopher looked at each other.

Finally, they sighed and chose to believe Tom, and jumped into the shopping cart.

The two European and American men squatted in the shopping cart with an embarrassed look on their faces.

The shopping cart was a little crowded for their size at first.

In their opinion, sitting in the shopping cart was very childish.

That was a game they liked to play when they were young.

But now they had to do it.

Rose saw that everyone was sitting in the shopping cart, and her face was full of confusion and entanglement.

She just wanted to find her daughter quickly, but didn't want to play house here.

She was a little resistant at first.

But seeing that her husband kept calling her, she had to sit in it.

A group of adults sat in the shopping cart like children, and they were lined up.

Even if there were no onlookers.

But Hanks and others still felt embarrassed.


Tom was very happy.

Sitting in the first place of the shopping cart, it took out a small horn from somewhere and placed it in front of it, and pressed it twice to remind the passengers that the car was about to leave.

Took out a children's steering wheel toy and inserted it in front of it.

Tang Mu howled "Awoo".

Stepped on the accelerator, and the row of shopping carts suddenly rushed forward!


Everyone in the car was shocked!

They didn't expect that the shopping cart could actually drive.

Unexpectedly, it seemed to lean back and hit its head on the handrail of the shopping cart behind it.

The shopping carts were still accelerating.

In order not to be thrown off by the car, everyone quickly grabbed the edge of the shopping cart.

At this time, the warning sound of Silent Hill was still resounding throughout the city.

Starting from the edge of Silent Hill, absolute darkness began to spread inward.

The wall that was originally intact began to fall off and rise.

The handrail of the stairs was rusty.

The electrical appliances in the house also began to rot.

Accompanied by roars.

One by one, strange creatures began to emerge in the darkness.

They soon noticed the presence of living people on the street.

But a group of adults sitting in a shopping cart sped past at the speed of an F1 car!

This made it impossible for the monsters to catch up.


Leon's baseball cap was blown away by the wind blowing in his face.

But he didn't care, instead he raised his hands and cheered.

"It's just in front!"

The shopping cart drifted and passed a corner.

Looking at a cathedral right in front of the road, Leon shouted.

Lily Lily told Leon.

The little girl Sharon they were looking for was inside.

The alarm was still ringing at this time.

The advent of the other world was still driving behind.

Just like the shrinking of the safe zone.

So from a high-altitude bird's-eye view.

You can find a circle of obvious darkness, surrounding the church inward.

In addition to Tom and his team.

In all directions of Silent Hill, there are many people wearing leather armor and protective clothing rushing to the church.

Some people were slow and were swallowed by the other world.

The monster jumped out and quickly knocked them down.

Only screams that pierced the sky were left.

Some people had already run up the church steps and rushed into the church door.

After these people entered the church, they completely ignored the fact that there were others behind them who had not entered the church, and just kept urging others inside to close the church door.

The people in the church also saw Tom and his friends.

They were originally preparing to close the door.

When they saw Tom and his friends driving a shopping cart, they were all dumbfounded and forgot to close the door.

Tom and his friends were sitting in the shopping cart and running all the way to the church, and they also saw what was happening in front of them.

Officer Hanks shouted directly: "It's the missing people, they are all here!"

"Look over there!"

Rose also found something and quickly asked everyone to look at the street on the left side of the church steps.

There was a man who looked injured and a capable female police officer with short blond hair.

Rose still remembered that female police officer.

They had met once before coming to Silent Hill.

In the current situation, it seems that the man is injured.

And the policewoman is trying to save him.

However, the man's foot is injured.

Even with the policewoman's support, it is impossible to enter the church before the other world completely disappears.

At this time, if the policewoman abandons the injured, she may escape into the church by herself.

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