Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 322 Ultraman vs. Godzilla!



Tang Mu and Zhu Xingtuan read out the name of the monster in the sea in unison.

"Do you know this monster?"

Dagu asked with some confusion.

Tang Mu didn't reply, but Zhu Xing Tuan replied to Da Gu's question.

"This monster appeared once about thirty years ago, but according to our speculation, Godzilla may have existed for even longer."

"The image of Godzilla is depicted in the ancient Japanese "Koshirodo". However, every time Godzilla appears, there will be some differences in appearance and abilities."

"The Godzilla down there looks different from the one thirty years ago."

Listening to Zhu Xinguan's explanation, Dagu seemed to understand something but not quite.

But it feels very powerful.

Tom zoomed in on the details of the satellite image and found that the image of this Godzilla was closer to the real version of Godzilla.

Different from the American version of Godzilla which is similar to a superhero.

The real Godzilla is Godzilla's original appearance.

Represents a walking disaster.

And looking at its current appearance, it has already evolved to the fourth stage of adulthood.


Perhaps it is more appropriate to say that it is the fifth stage.

According to the star clusters.

This Godzilla landed once before thirty years ago.

In other words, the Godzilla of thirty years ago had fought Severn.

So Godzilla, who has learned battle experience, will definitely evolve himself into a more suitable one to fight Ultraman in these thirty years!

The result was exactly what Tom Mu expected.

Twenty minutes later.

As a large amount of seawater surged into the port, Godzilla's huge feet also stepped on the port!

A large amount of seawater was brought ashore by Godzilla's huge size.

It's like a flood caused by a tsunami.

Thousands of tons of seawater surged ashore, turning the nearest street into a river.

The car parked on the street seemed to be carried forward by the sea water.

"hold head high--!!!"

As soon as the King of Monsters landed on land, he immediately looked up to the sky and roared, announcing his arrival to the world.

"Oh my god, what a big monster..."

Dagu piloted Feiyan No. 1 and circled Godzilla.

Unlike other monsters, this Godzilla is at least 120 meters tall and weighs at least 100,000 tons.

Regardless of other special abilities.

Just with this size here, he is an extremely difficult enemy to deal with.

"Try fucking him!"

Beidou suggested from the back seat.

Dagu didn't hesitate and launched a direct attack on Godzilla!

The Feiyan's spike cannon immediately fired green lasers at Godzilla.

Sparks flew out from Godzilla's thick black shell.

"hold head high--!"

Godzilla slowly turned his head, and the left eye of the ferocious head looked at Feiyan No. 1.

"Failed to break enemy armor!"

Dagu's nervous palms were sweating.

"Faced with monsters of this level, the defense force's current armament seems to only be able to contain them."

Zhuoxinguan piloting Feiyan 2 also tried to attack.

In the end, I found that the effect was similar to that of Dagu.

The most it can do is knock off a little bit of the cuticle on the monster.

It's not just the Victory's Feiyan that's attacking.

Further away, human missiles are also coming here.

But in the end, it just shot out a large ball of fireworks on Godzilla's upper body.

The aftermath of the explosion had no other effect besides turning the surrounding ports into rubble.

"hold head high!"

It seems that I am feeling a little bored.

Godzilla's huge tail, longer than his body, swayed slightly.

The tip of its tail swept towards the two Feiyans in the sky.


A slender purple light swept across suddenly!

The light was extremely fast, and as Godzilla's tail moved, it directly opened a long trace in the sky.

The Feiyan No. 1 piloted by Dagu couldn't avoid it and was cut in half by the laser!

"Boom! Boom!"

The Feiyan, which was split into two halves, exploded in the air!

"Dagu! Beidou!"

Zhu Hoshidan roared.

But within a second, a violent alarm sounded in the cabin of Feiyan No. 2 driven by Zhu Xingtuan himself.

Huge pressure was instantly exerted on Feiyan-2.

The wing was crushed in an instant.

None of the stars in the group reacted, and they even rolled around in the cabin.

It turned out that Raton, who had been secretly observing in the clouds, suddenly took action.

When Godzilla shot down Feiyan No. 1, he swooped down and caught Feiyan No. 2.

"hold head high--!"

Latonpu flapped its huge wings.

A large amount of flames flew down from the wings and fell on the Dongcheng District of the fortress city below.

For a moment, flames burned everywhere!


Laton used both claws to exert force!

The Feiyan No. 2 caught by it also turned into a pile of fragments!


Three rays of light emerged in mid-air.

The dazzling light immediately caused both Rodan and Godzilla to turn their heads to avoid the sharp edge.

Wait until the light gradually dissipates.

Seven, Ace, and Tiga, the three giants of light stand tall on the earth!




Three war cries resounded over the fortress city.

The three Ultra Warriors each took their own fighting stance.


"Seven!! Seven!! Seven!! Seven!!"

"Tiga!! Tiga!!"

"Who is that! What's the name of the third Ultraman?"

"Shorty Fat Man?"

Ace heard the cheers of the people in the shelter and glanced over speechlessly.

You are polite.

Fortunately, the news section in the shelter is under the Defense Force.

There is intelligence sharing to a certain extent.

People soon learned the name of the third Ultra Warrior.

It's called Ace!

Originally, the citizens were a little depressed because of the destruction of the Flying Swallow.

Now that the three Ultramen suddenly appeared together, it was undoubtedly a shot of confidence for everyone!

In the past, Seven alone brought them an infinite sense of security.

Although Seven has also been defeated in the past 45 years.

But the final result is always good.

Not to mention now.

Everyone is very confident in their victory this time, and they cheer for the Ultra Warriors in the shelter one by one!

That is to say, Ultraman's perception ability is very strong.

Otherwise, they hid so deep.

They couldn't hear the cheers.

Dagu didn't know what Seven and Ace felt.

Anyway, it felt that it was encouraged, and the strength of its body seemed to have become stronger.


Dagu roared.

But before it could get forward, Ace, who was more impatient, had already rushed past it and rushed straight towards Godzilla!


Ace punched Godzilla's belly hard, but it was like an ordinary person hitting a cowhide drum, and it had no effect at all.


Godzilla waved his claws and slapped Ace to the ground with a slap!

The real Godzilla is different from other Godzillas. Its pair of claws are very small and can't play any combat role at all.

This means that its close combat ability is very weak.

But the Godzilla in this world has evolved a pair of claws suitable for fighting after the battle with Seven thirty years ago.

Today's Godzilla has no shortcomings, whether in long-range attacks or close combat.

Moreover, in close combat, Godzilla's size and tonnage can absolutely crush.

As we all know.

Fighting competitions between humans are divided into weight classes.

That's because a person's size can really crush skills.

At this time, Ace, who is 40 meters tall and 45,000 tons, is facing Godzilla, who is 120 meters tall and 100,000 tons. In a melee, he can only be crushed.


Godzilla roared.

He raised his huge foot and stepped heavily on Ace on the ground!


This kick stepped directly on Ace's chest, and Ace couldn't help screaming in pain!

Godzilla raised his leg and wanted to step on Ace again.

Seeing this, Ace quickly supported his arms and held up Godzilla's big foot!

But the size and strength gap between the two sides was here, and Ace was unable to resist at all.

After only holding on for a second, Ace's arms couldn't help shaking.


Tiga shouted, rushed up, half-knelt beside Ace, grabbed Godzilla's big foot with both hands, and wanted to flip it over!

It's just a pity.

Not enough strength.

The two Ultramen could only wrestle with one of Godzilla's feet with difficulty.

Tom also saw it.

The strength of this Godzilla might have been strengthened.

At this time, Tiga also turned into a red powerful form.

Under the huge force, Godzilla was finally pushed back a few steps.

"Boom boom boom!"

The ground shook.

Godzilla took a few steps back.

The round eyes like fish eyes looked at Tiga and Ace without any expression change.

Tiga stretched out his hand and pulled Ace up from the ground.

Now the two looked at Godzilla opposite as if they were facing a great enemy, and there was no contempt in their hearts.

Although both of them have just become Ultra Warriors.

But it can be seen.

The strength of this monster is definitely very strong.


Rodan roared and suddenly swooped down from the air!

Tiga was shocked.

It didn't react at all, and Rodan was rushing towards it.

When Tiga wanted to react, Rodan had already rushed in front of him!

At this moment.

A powerful Ultra telekinesis surged from the side.

Rodan was instantly fixed in mid-air!

Then, another head dart flew over quickly and chopped straight at Rodan's head!

Seven watched Ace being beaten and didn't take action before, just to wait for this moment.

He wanted to take advantage of the situation by surprise, get rid of one of the opponent's monsters first, and then the three of them would work together to deal with Godzilla.

It's just a good plan.

But Rodan's strength enhancement was beyond Seven's expectations.

The moment Rodan was controlled by Ultra telekinesis, he began to flap his wings hard to break free!

In the end, Rodan managed to break free.

The sharp head dart only left a huge wound on Rodan's chest!

Although it seemed that Rodan was also injured.

But Seven still felt a little regretful that he failed to kill Rodan with one blow.

After taking back the head dart, Seven did not install it back on his head this time, but held it in his hand, ready to use it directly as a melee weapon.

Ace stretched out his hand and summoned an Ace Blade.

This is a long sword made of Ultra Telekinesis and light energy, and it is extremely sharp.

In Ace's TV series, it once chopped off the heads of the moth beast Dragli and the ancient beast Sphinx.

A real decapitation knife.

Seeing the actions of Ace and Seven, Tiga was very conscious and rushed directly to Rodan on the side!

The special training of Daiko by the Star Tun before was aimed at Rodan.

At this time, it can be seen from the posture that Ace and Seven intend to use a tactic with less energy consumption to stop Godzilla first, providing Tiga with a chance to kill Rodan.

In the end, it is still a righteous three-on-one.

Tiga rushed towards Rodan, swung a punch, and then a whip kick!

But Rodan moved very fast.

It took off with a burst of flames, making both of Tiga's attacks miss.

The power-type Tiga is very powerful.

If Rodan is hit once, he will lie down immediately.

But the power-type Tiga is indeed slow.

Rodan dodges several consecutive attacks nimbly.

Rodan flaps his wings, and a large amount of flames fall around, and there are burning flames everywhere.

Once again, he falls behind Tiga. Rodan opens his mouth suddenly, and a ball of fire sprays directly behind Tiga, knocking Tiga heavily to the ground.

Rodan can see it.

This guy is too heavy and can't hit him at all.

So he quickly stepped forward, flapped his wings and chased Tiga on the ground.


Tiga roared, turned around and punched!

Rodan was not in a hurry, and flapped his wings again to fly to the sky.

It has confirmed that Tiga is heavy, so it is not worried at all.

As a result, it just took off 500 meters.

A stream of purple light rushed up from in front of him!

Before Rodon could react to what happened.

Tiga, who quickly turned into an aerial form, spun in the air and kicked Rodon's head from top to bottom!


Intense sparks bloomed on Rodon's head.

The two figures crossed each other, and Rodon screamed and fell directly from mid-air!


Rodon, who landed on the ground, raised a cloud of dust

Without waiting for Rodon to make any other reactions, Tiga, who landed lightly, raised his right hand upwards, and a blue ray flew out and exploded on Rodon's head!

A large amount of frost slowly fell, and Rodon, who had just struggled to get up, was immediately frozen into an ice sculpture and could not move.

But it can be seen that the magma of Rodon in the frozen ice is still flowing slowly.

Streams of water vapor floated upwards.

It is estimated that it will not take long for this piece of ice to be thawed.

But Tiga obviously will not give Rodon this time.

Previously, he had been using the powerful form to deal with Rodan, and he was supposed to catch him off guard.

He didn't know that Tiga also had an aerial form, so he was easily attacked by surprise because of preconceived notions.

As long as the sneak attack was successful, he could be taken away immediately!

Just like now, the time for Rodan to thaw was enough for Tiga to charge a Zaperio Ray.

This style of tactics was designed by Seven at first glance.

Although it was a bit unethical.

But it must be said that it was indeed useful.

As long as he seized the opportunity, he would take the enemy away in one wave.

Clean and neat.

Tiga switched back to the composite form and immediately began to charge the Zaperio Ray.

He could blow Rodan into powder.

Suddenly, another crimson laser shot out from nowhere!

Tiga had never expected this scene.

With a "bang", Tiga was hit on the back, howled, and fell directly to the ground!

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