Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 323 I will form the head! Giant Radish appears!

After falling to the ground, Tiga suddenly turned over and got up, turned around and looked back.

At this time, his back hurt a lot.

But Tiga had to pay more attention to the possible pursuit.

He glanced at the battlefield.

Ace and Seven were still entangled with Godzilla over there.

Rodan had not been completely unsealed.

Tiga could not find the enemy who attacked him.

This made Tiga a little confused.

In terms of the attack angle.

Godzilla could not hit him.

But the pain in his back told Tiga.

It was definitely not an illusion that he was attacked.

There was no doubt that there must be a third enemy on the scene!


Tiga turned his head and looked at Tom Mu who was watching the show on the side.

Tom Mu quickly raised his hand and shook his head, indicating that he did not attack it.

Tiga: "..."

It didn't know what this cat was thinking.

Looking at it, it was not suspected that it attacked it.

It was just that Tom Mu was watching the battle on the side.

If there was really a sneak attack, Tom, who was watching the battle, should have been able to see it clearly.

Tom obviously saw the speechlessness in Tiga's eyes, and immediately spread his hands and pointed to the fried chicken, French fries and other snacks beside him, indicating that he was busy just now and didn't see it.

Tiga was also helpless about this.

But there was no way. If he couldn't catch anyone, he might as well deal with Rodan first.

But this time Tiga was a little cautious.

When it was charging again and was about to deal with Rodan, it suddenly rolled sideways on the ground and narrowly avoided another sneak attack by the ray.

When it turned around and quickly fired the Zaperio ray in the direction of the sneak attack, a raging fire sprayed on Tiga's face!

The fire burned on his head.

Tiga immediately covered his head in pain and rolled on the ground.

On the other side, Ace and Seven were also somewhat defeated by Godzilla, and were whipped away by Godzilla's tail!



The two Ultra Warriors were directly embedded in the building behind them.

Fortunately, the fortress city is relatively solid.

Otherwise, the building would have collapsed completely.

Although the building did not collapse, it was mostly destroyed.

It has become a dangerous building and cannot be lived in in the future.


Seven broke free from the building, and as soon as his feet landed on the ground, the color timer on his forehead lit up.

The same thing happened to Ace on the other side.


Rodan shouted!

With the sound of ice breaking, it had broken free from Tiga's ice.


Tiga had just put out the fire on his head, but as soon as he raised his head, he was knocked to the ground by Rodan's wings!

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"

The color timer on the chest of Tiga who fell to the ground also flashed red.

"Hahaha! The end of Ultraman is here! You will all become the spoils of my Hippolyte!"

After confirming that Tiga was also unable to fight, an arrogant voice suddenly rang around the battlefield.

This voice was still 360-degree surround sound without dead angles.

The three Ultra Warriors present couldn't find who made the sound.

When Ace heard the voice, he was obviously stunned.

In his memory, he seemed to have found some familiar fragments.

But he couldn't remember what it was for a while.

But whether it was Ace, Seven or Tiga, they all felt a strong sense of danger.

Before they could react.

A flash of light flashed around the three Ultra Warriors present!

In less than a second, a cylindrical glass cover instantly trapped the three warriors in it!


Seven was shocked!


Tiga stood up suddenly and punched the glass cover, but only a circle of ripples spread out, and there was no other effect!

"I remember!"

Looking at the glass cover that trapped him, Ace's memory suddenly became clear. He raised his head suddenly and finally remembered what the guy who claimed to be Hippolytus was.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha! You are still so vulnerable!"

After seeing Tiga and the other two being controlled by his Hippolyte capsule, the culprit finally appeared.

In the fountain square, the 60-meter-tall, 65,000-ton Hippolyte slowly exited the invisible state.

This guy has a mouth similar to an elephant's trunk on his face.

The image is very vivid.

Basically, everyone who has seen Ultraman has an impression of it, and it is nicknamed the Hanging Face Star.

In the Ultraman studio, it is also a very classic monster.

The combat power of Hippolyte itself is not too strong.

But it is very cunning.

And it is good at using its own power.

Especially the instant Hippolyte capsule.

In the absence of defense, it is an absolute first-time killing skill!

In the Ace Ultraman series, Hippolyte used this to achieve a good result of annihilating the five Ultra Brothers and defeating Ultra Father.

In the movie, it quickly sealed Mebius and almost sealed Tiga.

This is a monster that is not a boss but is better than a boss!

It can be seen that this guy is very proud at the moment.

It should have arrived at the battlefield a long time ago.

It just hid and did not attack when the three Ultramen did not show any signs of defeat.

It wasn't until Tiga almost defeated Raton that the Hippolytes attacked Tiga twice in order to preserve the monster's strength.

This well-timed sneak attack instantly deflected the situation where the Ultra Warriors had the upper hand!

"Hahaha! Seven! I finally caught you! Now no one in this world can stop us from moving forward."

The Hippolyte walked up to Severn's glass cover.

Looking at Severn who quickly turned into a bronze statue in the glass cover, the Hippolyte man laughed proudly again.

But Seven was not as panicked as he thought.

Although I was shocked at first.

But after seeing Tang Mu on the rooftop opposite, he quickly calmed down.

It was so smart that it figured out a lot of things when it saw its body beginning to turn into bronze.

The Hippolytes have been hiding as a backup.

Tom Mu, who was watching the battle from the side, was not the back-up man of the human side.

Beidou had completely told the stars about their last trip to the polluted world.

The stars are very clear about how much power Tang Mu still has that has not been revealed.

Being able to fish out the Hippolytes at this time is not a loss.

"Rest in peace. When you are transformed by us, you will understand that becoming a monster is not a big deal."

The Hippolyte raised his hand and knocked on the glass in front of Severn.

Severn could no longer make any movements.

At this time, all three Ultraman on the battlefield had turned into motionless bronze statues.

After all Ultraman turned into bronze statues, the Hippolyte man walked up to the statues of Ace and Tiga and shook them, but the expression on his face looked a little angry.

"It's really annoying! It's obvious that Tiga and Ace are just a little bit away from completing their transformation. Why on earth can they be unsealed? Now the transformation has to start all over again!"

The Hippolyte was so angry that he waved his fiery claws.

Meanwhile, those around the world who are watching the fight have fallen silent.

In the fortress city, everyone in the shelter was in a state of despair.

Ultraman has always been a patron saint in people's hearts.

But now...

It was obvious that they finally had three Ultraman.

But why has it become this situation? !

Looking at the three-headed monster in the city in the drone footage, many people have collapsed on the ground in despair...

Is it possible that humans will be destroyed today?

"Isn't there a Carrot Super Cat? Why is it always watching?"

Someone thought of Tom.

But some people still remain calm until now: "Maybe it has its own ideas. After all, we can't always rely on others. We humans always have to grow on our own."

In the Defense Force base.

Within high-level headquarters.

Everyone looked at the current situation of the battlefield on the big screen, and the atmosphere was very solemn.

"What to do now?"

"Attack with all your strength. We must repel the monsters and protect Severn and the others from being taken away."

"Tom has the ability to resurrect statues, which is how Tiga and Ace were brought back. We can't give up on these heroes."

"But, even the three Ultramen can't defeat them. With our methods, can we really defeat them?"

"Our ancestors have already given us the answer to this! It's not a question of whether we can win, but we must win!"


There was silence in the headquarters.

"Got it, let's take action immediately!"

Orders were issued quickly, layer upon layer.

All military forces deployed in the fortress city immediately began to take action.

Not just a fortress city.

Defense forces located around the world are also acting together.

Everyone in this world knows the meaning of death.

If even the fortress cities on the front line were destroyed.

When monsters return to the era of roaming around the world, humans will no longer be able to win.

Without the rear area as a battlefield for logistical support, even a tug-of-war would be impossible.

"call out--!"

"call out--!"

Fighter planes quickly took off from the airport.

The artillery in the artillery position was activated.

The three-headed monster that had already locked onto the eastern area of ​​the fortress city launched an attack beyond visual range!

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of piercing screams sounded in the sky!

Rockets hit the three-headed monster one after another, causing huge clouds of flames and smoke!

"hold head high!"

Godzilla roared.

Disperse the smoke around you.

Fighters flew across the sky, and air-to-ground missiles accurately hit Godzilla's head, causing him to tilt his head slightly.

The Hippolytes are also under constant attack.

Humanity's current weapons can do very limited damage to these monsters.

It can only play a slight obstructive role.

But the Hippolytes felt very irritated.

The explosions that continuously hit him and the flies flying in the sky made him feel irritated.

Seeing this, Tang Mu didn't intend to wait any longer.

Because of the characteristics of the world, after the monster disaster is resolved, new monsters will continue to appear in this world in the future.

It's just that those monsters will no longer appear more and more frequently as they do now, until the whole world becomes the second polluted world.

So if you can.

Tom and Severn had the same idea.

Neither of them wants to be a nanny for humans.

It would be better to let humans have a fierceness in the crisis, dare to charge against the monsters, and improve themselves little by little.

Until they have the power to protect themselves.

Now watching the defense army's fearless attack on the monsters, Tom feels that it is almost done.

At present, it is enough to have this spirit.

The strength of the two sides is too different.

Tom is still a little soft-hearted.

He can't bear to see these warriors who protect humans being slaughtered.


When the three-headed monster was about to start counterattacking, Tom jumped down from the rooftop with a cheer!


"I will fight as a Gundam!"

Tom fell from the air, and three carrots quickly emerged beside it.

King Morat: "I will form the arms!"

Ragon: "I will form the legs!"

Unit-01 God Warrior: "I will form the head!"

Well, God Warrior not only forms the head, it also forms the body trunk.

In mid-air, three giant carrots made a mechanical deformation sound, and finally merged into a larger and more handsome mecha!


The weight of over 100,000 tons slammed down on the ground.

The giant carrot opened his arms and appeared on the battlefield in an unmatched posture!

The helicopter hovered beside the giant carrot, which was 120 meters tall. The pilot in the cabin looked at this behemoth and couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

Especially the head of Unit-01 on the mecha, they were really familiar with it.

In the defense base, Chief Engineer Yang and his team also saw the giant carrot appearing on the battlefield.

After seeing the elements belonging to Unit-01, everyone showed a happy smile on their faces.

"Great! Unit-01 was indeed given to the right person!"

Chief Engineer Yang patted the shoulder of Zhao Huaimin, who was in a wheelchair beside him.

Zhao Huaimin was a little hurt by the pat, and he took a breath, but there was an excited smile on his face, and he looked at the giant carrot on the big screen without blinking.

"Yeah! It's Radish! It's Radish! It's finally here!"

In the shelters everywhere, residents also jumped and cheered!

In any case, they finally saw hope again.

"You have done a good job, leave it to me next. The command has agreed to your temporary retreat."

On the battlefield, Tom's deep and pleasant bass sounded in all fighter planes and helicopters.

"No, let us fight side by side with you, we are all veterans, and we promise not to drag you down."

"That's right! Although we can't annihilate the enemy, we can try our best to play a role in containment."

Tomb didn't say anything else.

It knew that these soldiers would definitely not listen to it.

If the upper level strongly ordered.

Perhaps these soldiers would obey the order and have to return.

But it seems that the upper level of the defense army has no intention of recalling after learning the thoughts of the frontline soldiers.

In this case, I have to fight side by side with this group of brave defense soldiers.


The giant Radish raised his right arm and gave a thumbs up to the soldiers.

At this moment, no words are needed.

Everyone knew it.

"You are the cat! As a spaceman, why do you help these weak humans!"

Hipporite looked at the huge armor in front of him and was still trying to turn Tom.

Tom sat in the cockpit and pulled the lever directly.

The giant carrot stretched out his right arm towards Hippolyte.

Before it could react.

The fist aimed at Hippolyte suddenly broke away from the wrist, spraying a long tail flame, and rushed towards Hippolyte!

"Take my rocket fist!"


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