Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 326: Tiga beats the first generation, son-in-law beats father-in-law


A terrible scream passed through the sky!

Hipporite, whose whole body was deformed by the spiciness, fell from the sky again and landed heavily in front of Tom's feet.

He smashed a large human-shaped pit on the ground.

"Cough cough cough!"

A violent cough came from the pit.

Hipporite jumped out again.

"Water! Water! Water!"

It shouted while wandering around on the main road.

Seeing this, Tom couldn't bear it and handed over a cup of chili water.

"Thank you!"

Hipporite took the chili water and poured it directly into his mouth with his head tilted back!

The next moment...

The whole world was quiet...


The cup of water fell to the ground.

Hipporite seemed to have turned into a sculpture, standing there in a daze, with bloodshot eyes.

At this moment, its nerves were completely broken...

Don't forget that Hippolyte's long mouth had been cut off by Seven's head dart.

Before the wound healed, it was first stained with the world's hottest chili powder.

Then it drank the spicy chili powder directly.

Hippolyte was as good as dead at this time, there was no difference.

Thom stretched out his claws and shook them in front of Hippolyte.

Seeing that it still didn't react, he immediately smiled and took out a tube of truth serum, intending to use it directly on Hippolyte.

This guy is different from those monsters like Godzilla.

It must know a lot of things.

There is no doubt that the Ultraman bronze statues that polluted the world were also made by it.

In this case, it cannot be directly eliminated like other monsters.

The survival of Hippolyte is more valuable than death.

Thom must get more information from Hippolyte.

The needle of the truth serum had just pierced into the body of the Hipporite, and before Tom could push down the needle, the Hipporite in front of him suddenly struggled!


It roared, scaring Tom.

The Hell Star, whose nerves were in severe pain, suddenly jumped back and pulled away from Tom.

"I know what you want to do, but you will never succeed!"

The Hipporite said, reaching out to cover his severed mouth, and the flame leaked under the gap of his palm.

But the Hipporite expanded like a balloon!


In less than a second, the Hipporite ended his life very simply.

Even Tom himself could not have imagined how simple it was.


Tom grinned with a headache.

Looking at the ashes floating around, he was a little helpless.

This self-explosion was really cruel.

There wasn't even a large body left.

All turned to ashes.

But Hippolyte obviously didn't know Tom well enough.

After all, it left Tom with ashes, so there was still enough chance to save it.

Tom turned around and changed into a cleaner's outfit.

Then, wearing a mask, holding a broom and a dustpan, he burned all the ashes of Hippolyte on the ground together.

He piled up a mold of Hippolyte on the ground and poured the ashes directly into it.

Add a certain proportion of water to mix, shake it thoroughly and squeeze it directly.

A brand new Hippolyte was born.

"Me! Why am I not dead yet?!"

Hippolyte looked at his hands in shock, and then suddenly looked up at the cat in front of him.

His eyes were full of disbelief and shock!

After these emotions passed, they eventually turned into fear of Tom.

The more ignorant people are, the more inexplicably confident they are.

On the contrary, Hippolyte knew a lot, so he could feel Tom's uniqueness.

"Who are you? How can you be so unreasonable?!"

Tom was too lazy to answer his questions, so he rushed up and threw Hippolyte to the ground, and opened Hippolyte's head with his claws.

He wanted to read Hippolyte's brain directly and get the information he wanted from it.

The result disappointed Tom.

Hippolyte's brain was full of water, nothing else...

Ignoring Hippolyte's objection, Tom pulled his head off and carefully observed the water in his brain.

There was really no useful information at all.

With a slight shake, water still came out of his brain.


Tom was puzzled.

Could it be that he made a mistake in some step?

Tom took out a cigar, lit it, and held it in his mouth to think silently.

In the end, he really couldn't think of a solution, so he had to give up.

The head of the Hippolytus starman with a big brain hole was exposed to the sun, and the water inside was evaporated quickly.

The cosmic man resurrected by Tom died again.

However, Tom did not plan to revive it again this time.

Since it could not provide useful information, it was dead.

Tom sighed, life was not suitable.

Fortunately, this did not affect the battle plan they had set before.

It was just that they could not get close.

We also got some information about the bronze statue of Ultraman, which was not a loss.

What's more, this guy sent the first generation to them before he died.

It was also a help.

Tom looked up at the battlefield area.

The battle was coming to an end at this time.

Godzilla waved his huge tail, forced Seven and Ace back, then suddenly opened his mouth and split his lower jaw in half.

Before Seven and Ace could react, large balls of black fog were spit out by Godzilla like oil!

These black fogs fell to the ground and rolled towards the direction of Seven and the others!

The next moment, Godzilla's mouth, which was originally sprayed with thick fog, lit up with fire, and a larger ball of high-temperature flames suddenly spewed out on the ground!

The thick fog originally spit out by Godzilla was a good incendiary agent, and soon a wall of fire burned in front of Godzilla!

Super-high-temperature radioactive particles with flames!


Godzilla raised his head, and a huge column of fire swept around. Seven and Ace quickly turned over.

But soon, the flames spit out by Godzilla became thinner and thinner, and finally condensed into a thin purple ray!

This is the real Godzilla's special skill, the radiation stream!

The cutting ability is very strong!

Seven and Ace clearly sensed the danger.

No longer sticking to dodging on the ground, but directly trying to take off and use the Ultra Barrier to block.

But Godzilla's move is too harmful!

The whole city can hear the sharp sound of the laser beam!

The purple radiation stream followed Godzilla's head and turned, just a slight scratch.

Just like a hot knife cutting butter, it directly cut all the buildings within a kilometer in half!


The waists of a large number of buildings were instantly melted, and the building materials gushed out like blood. The buildings above had no support and all fell on the streets below!

The huge smoke and dust filled the area for several kilometers.

This area was completely covered by smoke and dust.

The drone inside couldn't take any clear pictures.

The drone outside could only vaguely capture the blazing fire and the purple laser that looked like the god of death!



Seven and Ace flew into the air, looking at the ruins below, and immediately locked onto the huge figure of Godzilla.

"Metalim Ray!"

"Amerim Ray!"

Seven and Ace in the air fired rays at Godzilla below!

Ordinary monsters would explode immediately after being hit.

But Godzilla was obviously thick-skinned and strong, and could withstand it.

Under the continuous attack of the rays, he just screamed and knelt on the ground.

But Godzilla was obviously not the kind of person who would just take a beating and not fight back.

Slowly closing his mouth, the purple rays spewing from Godzilla's mouth finally stopped.

But soon, a very dazzling purple light suddenly lit up on Godzilla's back.

The purple light at Godzilla's tail also became brighter and brighter.


Another burst of laser firing sound.

A large amount of purple rays shot up from Godzilla's back!

Like an anti-aircraft gun, they attacked Seven and Ace in the sky.

In order to avoid being hit by Godzilla's rays, Seven and his team flew in the air while attacking to avoid Godzilla's counterattack.

At this time, Seven and Ace finally used the monster armor given to them by Tom.

Ace's chest timer emitted a white ray of Lagon.

The water waves hit Godzilla, but it did not have any effect on Godzilla, but it caused the ground under Godzilla's feet to collapse, and most of his body was buried in the ground, unable to move.

Seven's Giant God Cannon is even more powerful!

After one shot, Seven's red light was directly turned on, and a huge mushroom cloud instantly rose in the eastern area of ​​the fortress city!

The powerful shock wave instantly blew away the surrounding smoke and dust.

The stones were blown dozens of kilometers away!

Even the people in the nearby shelter felt the violent vibration.

Dust kept falling from the ceiling.

"Increase the power!"

Ace shouted.

He and Seven fired the beam together.

It hit the nuclear reactor bag in Godzilla's stomach.


The high temperature that could not be dissipated could not be resisted after all, and Godzilla was instantly blown to pieces under the detonation of the beam!

In mid-air, Ace and Seven breathed a sigh of relief and put down their hands that fired the beam.


But obviously, although they had defeated Godzilla, it did not mean that the battle was over.

Tiga was directly thrown onto the ruins where Godzilla was originally located by the huge force of the first generation of pollution, and he kept holding his waist when he fell.

At this time, Tiga was in the powerful form.

But it was obvious that compared with the first generation of Ultraman after the monsterization, he was still a little bit weaker in strength.

In fact, Tiga and Ace can both be regarded as wizards.

It's just that the human body of Da Gu has always had a heart as a warrior.

Otherwise, the red powerful form would not be nicknamed Da Gu Happy Form by Ultra fans.

"Da Gu, are you okay?"

Ace and Seven landed gently beside Tiga.

Ace reached out and pulled Tiga up from the ground, and asked kindly.

"You did a good job, let's fight side by side from now on."

Seven patted Tiga's shoulder and quietly moved to stand between the two.

Tiga nodded, and two comrades came to help, which made it feel much more at ease.


On the other side, the hunchbacked first-generation Ultraman roared loudly.

He didn't look like Ultraman at all.




Seven, Tiga, and Ace shouted, took a fighting stance, and rushed towards the first generation of pollution!


When Seven and Ace approached the first generation of pollution, they bent down to avoid the attack of the first generation of pollution.

At the same time, white light lit up on their palms!

Two hand knives directly chopped the ribs of the first generation of pollution!


The left and right ribs were attacked at the same time, and the first generation of pollution roared in pain.

But Seven and Ace's actions were not over yet.

After the hand knife chopped, they turned around suddenly, one of them grabbed one of the hands of the first generation of pollution, and directly controlled the first generation of pollution with force.

At this time, Tiga rushed up!

Its fists glowed red, and it punched the first generation of pollution in the chest several times in a row!

After a few quick punches, Tiga felt his hands were numb, but the first generation of pollution was still like nothing happened.

Looking at the first generation's strong chest muscles, Tiga probably guessed something, so he jumped up suddenly, raised his knee and hit the first generation of pollution in the head!


The first generation of pollution was beaten and shook his head.

After Tiga landed, he kicked the first generation of pollution in the chin several times in a row!

The fighting style was quite fierce.

On the other side, Tang Mu, who took the time to take Hayata Jin to the battlefield, also found it interesting.

That is, Hayata Jin in this world has not become Ultraman yet.

Otherwise, it would really be a son-in-law beating his father-in-law.

"You said I am Ultraman, what should I do next?"

Hayata Jin stood on a collapsed wall and looked at Tang Mu next to him.

The cat meowed, stretched out its paw and pointed at the ground, indicating that he should just stand here and don't move.

Then the monster armors on the three Ultramen on the battlefield all fell off, and they merged into the Giant God Radish again.

Without the backup energy provided by the monster armor, the three Ultra Warriors on the field collectively lit up.

Seven almost quit the transformation, and could only grit his teeth and pedal the bicycle frantically in the mental space to generate electricity!

Re-boarded the cockpit of the Giant God Radish.

Tom signaled the three Ultra Warriors to hold down the first generation Ultraman.

The Giant God Radish took out a huge piece of soap and a steel wool from somewhere.

Seven knew what Tom was going to do as soon as he saw this posture, and hurriedly pressed the first generation Ultraman on the ground harder.

"Brother Man, you are dirty, you have to wash it well!"

"Ah!! Ahhhh!!!"

The first generation Ultraman didn't want to take a bath, and was still lying on the ground struggling violently.

Seven and the others pressed the first generation even harder.

Looking at this posture, it looks like a group of people killing pigs in the countryside.

As a ruthless bath scrubber, Tom went up and rubbed the first generation.

In front of the global live broadcast audience, it took some time to finally clean the pollution on the first generation Ultraman.

And Sevendiga and the others, because they had exhausted their energy in helping the first generation to scrub the bath, had turned back into human form.

Presumably, they are also the first Ultraman to turn back into human form because of bathing.

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