Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 327 The Second Kingdom of Light! All Ultramen!

This crisis has come to an end.

The sudden monster disaster has been completely extinguished with the efforts of everyone.

But at the same time, the battle between the two sides has also caused considerable damage to the fortress city.

The future reconstruction work will be a very huge problem.

Even though the fortress city is more resistant than other places because of the protection of a special force.

But in this high-intensity battle, the entire eastern area of ​​the fortress city has been completely destroyed.

Looking around, there is only a ruin.

For the defense army, the real battle has just begun.

Because their homes were destroyed.

The citizens who were hiding in the shelter suddenly became refugees.

The defense army must settle these refugees.

There are also a lot of economic losses caused, and the government must find a way to save them.

Different from fighting monsters.

The difficulty is different.

Fortunately, the current human beings are unprecedentedly united, and many things that were impossible before are now much easier to do.

In the second hour after the war, humanitarian aid from all over the world has arrived.

Also present were members of the North American branch of the Defense Force.

They came to collect the remains of the monster corpses.

The target seemed to be the corpse of Godzilla.

The subsequent treatment of the monster corpses was indeed the job of the Defense Force.

But the attitude of these people from the North American branch was a bit strange, which attracted the attention of the Fortress City Defense Force.

For safety reasons, the monster corpses were not handed over to North America for the time being.

After all, Unit-01 had just gone berserk not long ago.

In addition to necessary scientific research, the best option for the monster corpses was to destroy them completely.

They were all from the Defense Force, so how could the Fortress City not know the situation in the North American branch.

Zhu Xingtuan once told Tom.

They had controlled two polluted monsters before, one of which was a giant soldier that became the core of Unit-01.

The other one, Ghido, was transported to Iwo Jima, where the Defense Force of the North American branch conducted weapons research.

Because the global defense force intelligence is shared.

Fortress City also knows that the North American branch seems to be carrying out a mecha project called Project G.

That's right.

Like Fortress City, they are also carrying out a mecha project.

However, unlike Fortress City, their mecha project is unmanned monster mecha.

The North American branch wants to create monsters that belong to humans.

Fortress City is not very clear about more detailed information.

Although it is now the era of a community of shared future for mankind.

But North America is still a little rebellious.

They agree with the community of shared future for mankind.

But they do not agree that this core idea was proposed by China.

Obviously, things engraved in the bones are still not so easy to be removed.

Therefore, although everyone is not hiding on the surface.

But in fact, each of them still has a hand hidden behind the scenes.

Even in the face of a great enemy.

After all, the existence of Fortress City actually makes the crisis in most parts of the earth not so urgent.

When the sword of Damocles is not hanging over their heads all the time, some people are prone to have some small thoughts.

It is really difficult to remove the fact that the butt determines the head.

Finally, after some wrangling, the people from the North American branch took away a piece of Godzilla's tail.

After all, at this critical moment, humans no longer have the right to fight among themselves.

On the other side, Tom and others have also returned to the defense base.

After the pollution on the first generation Ultraman was washed off by them, he turned into a red ball of light and merged with Hayata Shin.

Although he has not yet transformed, Hayata Shin has now become Ultraman's human body.

In this way, the human side has four Ultra Warriors as helpers.

Previously, Tom used the pollution on the volunteers who participated in the Whistleblower Program as a detector.

Now the pollution source on the first generation Ultraman is larger.

Tom also did not waste it and rolled it into a ball.

This thing has a larger detection range and is more accurate.

Zhu Xingtuan suggested that Tom give it to the defense.

Let the defense use this huge pollution source to find possible space channels on the earth.

This will complete the carpet exploration faster than previously estimated.

Tang Mu also thought this was a good idea.

Time is becoming more and more precious nowadays.

There will be more and more monsters in the future.

If the connection between the earth and the polluted world cannot be found sooner or later, the fortress city will sooner or later become a monster paradise.

"At this point, there is nothing to hide. I will take you to see the foundation of the fortress city."

Walking in the base of the defense army, Zhu Xingtuan suddenly said this.

Although he said "you".

But Tang Mu could hear that this was mainly said to Tang Mu.

After all, his identity is an alien.

And to be honest, the two sides have not known each other for a long time.

But after this period of time, it is obvious that Zhu Xingtuan finally chose to believe Tang Mu.

"The main reason why those monsters keep invading the fortress city is also because of this..."

While Zhu Xingtuan was speaking, he had already taken Tang Mu and others into an elevator.

After swiping the ID card, the elevator went down all the way and reached a deep underground.

Originally, Tom thought there would be a large number of defense soldiers guarding this place, but he didn't find anyone along the way.

"Their target is this, the plasma spark ball."

Finally, Zhu Xingtuan led everyone to stop in a circular corridor and looked down at a dim glass ball the size of a car below.

"What a warm feeling."

Beidou leaned on the railing and looked down.

"It is still in its infancy. Unlike our world, it is because the development of technology has created the plasma spark tower. This plasma fireball is like a fruit and is born naturally."

"As long as it absorbs enough good thoughts from humans, it will bloom and bear fruit sooner or later, just like the plasma spark tower, bursting out powerful power, making the earth the kingdom of light in this universe."

Zhu Xingtuan looked at the glass ball below and said something that shocked everyone present!

"In other words, in the future, all the people on Earth may become Ultraman?"

Da Gu widened his eyes and looked at Zhu Xingtuan with a look of shock on his face.

Zhu Xingtuan nodded: "Yes, but it may take a long time. After all, the premise for the plasma spark ball to bloom is that most of the humans on Earth become kind people..."

"The current community of human destiny is a good development direction."

"But because of the existence of the polluted world, there are still many people on Earth who are affected by negative emotions."

While speaking, Zhu Xingtuan also grasped the railing in front of him with both hands, frowned and said: "I was not sure before, but I can be completely sure after seeing the Hippolytus today."

"The polluted world obviously does not want another kingdom of light to be born here."

This is the war between light and darkness.

Tang Mu looked at the dim ball of light below and thought about what Zhu Xingtuan said.

Suddenly, I felt that the confrontation between the earth and the polluted world seemed to be a confrontation between two spiritual consciousnesses.

The polluted world turns humans into monsters by polluting their spirits.

After this plasma spark ball blooms, it will also transform all humans into Ultraman.

This looks like a good thing.

But after becoming Ultraman, the spirit will become absolutely righteous as if it is branded, which is actually a kind of light fall.

However, most people can accept the result of this kind of brainwashing in a positive way and are very happy.

This is actually the case with Tom.

Of course, he also hopes that there will be a world where everyone is a good person.

And they can continue to maintain their own personality, so why not?

But Tom still thinks that this matter concerns all mankind after all.

What will be the final result? The people on this planet have to make their own choices.

Is to choose light fall, evolve into Ultraman, and become the law enforcer of the universe in this world.

Or accept the dark part of their heart as a human being and face it calmly.

For this kind of major choice, Tom believes that their small group of people are not qualified to make choices for the public.

Maybe many people like Ultraman.

And take Ultraman as an idol and be a kind, brave and upright person.

But this does not mean that he will want to abandon his human identity and become an Ultraman.

In this matter, Da Gu actually has a say.

He struggled countless times, wondering whether he was a human or Ultraman.

In the end, he got the answer that he was both a human and Ultraman.

This also fully shows that Dagu did not want to abandon his identity as a human.

Thinking of this, Tang Mu looked at Dagu next to him.

Sure enough, he saw that this guy's face was full of thoughts.

But no matter what, Tang Mu finally knew the biggest secret of the fortress city.

A hole in his heart was filled, and now he feels a lot more relaxed.

The group walked out from the depths of the underground of the fortress city and boarded the upward elevator again.

Along the way, Tang Mu also told his thoughts to Zhu Xingtuan.

Although Zhu Xingtuan was a little silent, he could understand Tang Mu's thoughts.

Beidou, who was more impatient, said directly: "I support Tom's idea! No matter how people choose, at least tell them the truth! It concerns everyone, and everyone must have the right to know."

"I know, I will discuss it with the commander later."

In the elevator going up, Zhu Xingtuan nodded, agreeing with Tom's idea.

He then said: "But no matter what the choice of mankind is, it will be a long time in the future. Now we still have to focus on the current problem."

"There is a space channel somewhere on the earth, we must find it as soon as possible."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

The large pollution source of the first generation of pollution has been sent to the early warning department of the whistleblower plan.

At this time, Mr. Zhao Huaimin was presiding over the whistleblower's strengthening operation there.

The time came to the second day, and the whistleblower system seemed to have been successfully strengthened.

The entire Victory Team, including Tom, received a meeting invitation.

It was the first time for Tom to attend such a meeting after coming to this world for so long.

There were many people in this large conference room that Tom didn't know.

But it can be seen that these people seemed to know Tom.

Seeing a cat poking its head out of the door, they all smiled kindly.

Seeing that everyone was so friendly, Tang Mu followed Zhu Xingtuan into the conference room and climbed onto his own chair.

Perhaps it was the first time they saw Tang Mu, the cosmic cat, and many people would glance at him from time to time.

Since he became a cat, Tang Mu had long been accustomed to such gazes, and he was also very generous and let them look at him.

Soon, everyone arrived and the defense army meeting began.

The theme of this meeting was mainly about finding a space channel and cutting off the connection between the two worlds.

If this space channel is not cut off, monsters will only appear continuously.

As the pollution deepens, there will be more and more monsters.

Sooner or later, they will not be able to hold on.

Therefore, it is urgent to find a space channel.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhao Huaimin gave a good news.

The pollution on the first generation is enough, and the direction of resonance has greatly increased.

After supercomputer calculations and global carpet searches, the exact location of the space channel can be locked in as soon as 48 hours.

As long as it really exists.

This is undoubtedly good news.

In the last 48 hours, even if all mankind risks their lives, they will persevere.

In addition to the news of the whistleblower system, Chief Engineer Yang also brought good news.

Another scientific research team led by him has also made a key breakthrough.

Although Unit-01 has failed.

But the Nan Tianmen Project has been successful.

The large strategic aerospace carrier platform "Luan Niao".

The aerospace unmanned fighter "Xuan Nu".

The tactical robot "Cheng Ying".

The research and development of the "Baidi" aerospace fighter have been completed, and the flight test has been completed.

Originally, the Nan Tianmen Project was implemented in conjunction with the mecha plan.

The Luan Niao aerospace carrier platform originally had a delivery window for mechas.

According to the plan of the East Asian branch of the Defense Force, this will be a global integrated strategic defense system integrating aerospace.

It's just that Unit-01 failed, resulting in the mecha delivery window being empty, lacking the main combat power for direct combat against monsters.

However, even so, this set of human weapons can still greatly update and strengthen the current strength of the Defense Force.

Moreover, having learned the lesson from Unit-01, the second batch of mechas that the defense forces are currently building will not have any problems.

There is no doubt that as long as there is no crisis of polluting the world.

With the development of mankind, it is completely no problem to protect themselves and occupy a place in this universe.

If it really doesn't work, they still have the final trump card of all members accepting plasma sparks and transforming into the second kingdom of light.

At the end of the meeting, the highest person in charge of the fortress city sitting in the first place nodded seriously and made the final summary of the meeting: "The Kite Plan has ended in stages, and the second stage has begun! The last 48 hours! Gentlemen! Let's work hard together!"


Everyone in the meeting room stood up with a serious look on their faces!

Tom was short and couldn't even show his head when standing on the ground.

So he stood directly on the chair and meowed along with them.

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