The space channel search operation started for the third hour.

It was 1:23 a.m. local time in the fortress city.

It had not been long since the invasion of monsters such as Godzilla yesterday, and the urgent alarm sounded again throughout the venue.

The follow-up work in the eastern area of ​​the fortress city had not been completed yet. The workers who were working overtime under the searchlights had to flee here as soon as possible.

Because the latest wave of monster attacks had come.

The super ancient monster Gerzan and the super ancient dragon Melba appeared in the fortress city together.

This forced many citizens who had just fallen asleep to get up and escape.

Under the cover of night, the originally settled city was once again destroyed by the noise.

People rushed to the shelter.

In the sky, there were fighter planes flying overhead.

"Boom boom boom!"

The huge explosion enveloped the entire city, and half of the sky of the fortress city was illuminated by the flames of the explosion.

Finally, Tiga and the first generation went to fight and resolved the battle within three minutes.

When everyone thought that the matter was over and slowly left the cramped shelter, it was only a few hours.

At just 6 o'clock in the morning, a ball of blue fell from the sky and smashed into the city center!

The space monster Bermula appeared from it!

Hayata Jin, who had already fought in the early morning, asked to fight again.

The reason was that he wanted to accumulate more combat experience.

Zhu Xingtuan finally agreed.

So, the first generation Ultraman also appeared in the center of the fortress city and fought with Bermula.

Driving the Feiyan around the battlefield, looking at Bermula who was fighting with the first generation Ultraman, Zhu Xingtuan frowned.

The frequency of monsters has become faster!

At the beginning, there was only one monster attack every few months.

At most, there was even a year of peace.

But as time went on, perhaps because the connection between the polluted world and the earth deepened, the frequency of monsters has become higher and higher.

From once every few months to once a month.

And this year, monsters appear almost every few days.

And the number of monsters is increasing.

Until now, these monsters are not even satisfied with the frequency of appearing every few days, and they even start to appear every few hours.

"It seems that the last 48 hours are not as easy as imagined."

Zhu Xingtuan looked at the first generation with a sad face as he threw Bemula to the ground, and was already thinking about what to do next.

But until the first generation Ultraman completely defeated Bemula, Zhu Xingtuan could not come up with a good solution.

Now the most important key for the human side is to find the space channel first.

Apart from this, they can't do anything for the time being.

In the last time, apart from gritting their teeth to resist the attacks of monsters, they can only keep the logistics work as smooth as possible.

On the way back, Da Gu, who was sitting in the rear driving seat of Zhu Xingtuan, asked.

"Captain, if the frequency of monsters appears faster and faster in the future, should we take this opportunity to evacuate the people in the fortress city?"

Da Gu's idea can also be understood.

He feels that this place is becoming more and more unsafe.

But Zhu Xingtuan shook his head and refused.

To say why.

In fact, it is also very simple.

Zhu Xingtuan directly sent a document to Da Gu in the back seat and asked him to read it himself.

Da Gu clicked on the document and his face suddenly became solemn.

It turned out that it was not just the fortress city that was attacked by monsters.

At the same time, six areas in various parts of the world were also attacked by monsters.

This shows that other places on the earth are not safe at this time.

On the contrary, in the fortress city, these shelters hidden deep underground can still survive.

Just looking at the satellite images of the destroyed cities, Da Gu felt very heavy.


As soon as Da Gu opened his mouth, Zhu Xingtuan knew what he wanted to say.

In fact, what Da Gu wanted to do at this time was what Zhu Xingtuan wanted to do.

But Zhu Xingtuan was not only a warrior, but also a decision maker.

He could not consider things from such a single perspective.

Think from the perspective of all mankind.

The more chaotic it is at this time, the less problems the fortress city can have.

Because the seeds of light are buried here.

The main target of polluting the world is also that seed.

After the appearance of the fortress city, there has never been a global outbreak of monsters.

Zhu Xingtuan boldly speculated that the pollution world should have discovered their movements, and now sent monsters to mess around the earth, mainly because they wanted them to split their forces and disrupt their combat objectives.

Having said that, looking at the people affected by the disaster on the map, Zhu Xingtuan's heart as an Ultraman still made him feel a little bit reluctant.

Seeing Da Gu's appearance at this time, after thinking for a while, he still said: "Do what you want."

Da Gu smiled immediately after hearing this.

"Thank you, Captain!"

As he said, Da Gu took out the God Light Stick from his arms.


Da Gu turned into a golden light and flew out of the cockpit. After turning into Ultraman Tiga in mid-air, he nodded to Zhu Xingtuan in the Feiyan.

Seeing Zhu Xingtuan looking at him, Ultraman Tiga turned around and flew towards a monster in Singapore!

Not just Da Gu.

After learning about the current situation, the hot-tempered Beidou also transformed directly and flew towards Inner Mongolia!

He didn't even ask for the opinions of the stars like Dagu.

However, the stars and clusters failed to stop Beidou's actions in the end.

He also knew that with Beidou's character, his own persuasion would be useless.

Maybe if he got angry, Beidou would bite his teeth and give him a big slap on his ear.

Fortunately, Susumu Hayata, like Morohoshidan, is a middle-aged man.

His personality became calmer.

They all knew the importance of the fortress city, and they didn't fly around like the two young men in Dagu.

Although this is what they want to do.

Twelve hours have passed since the 48-hour operation.

It was broad daylight at this time.

The entire fortress city has become an empty city.

Except for some necessary facilities maintained by the National Defense Forces, all other commercial and recreational activities have been suspended.

Not just a fortress city.

Now everyone around the world knows the final 48 hours plan.

People are ready for a decisive battle with monsters and sacrifices.

On the battlefield with monsters, many ordinary people are unable to help.

But they can also try their best not to cause trouble.

If there is a refuge, take refuge in it.

Those who have no shelter also take the initiative to hide in sparsely populated areas with harsh environments.

Most monsters mainly attack densely populated cities.

As long as people take the initiative to move and leave an empty city for monsters to destroy, the final casualties will be greatly reduced.

People perish and the earth survives, and both people and earth perish.

People survive and the earth perishes, both humans and the earth survive.

Sometimes, for the sake of longer-term goals, some financial sacrifices are still necessary.

As long as people are alive, there is hope for everything.

When fighting outside the fortress city, both Dagu and Beidou noticed the difference immediately.

The first reaction is that it is too fragile!

This world is too fragile for Ultraman and monsters!

Weighing tens of thousands of tons, fighting with such a large mass at such a fast speed, the damage to the surrounding environment is really terrifying.

Diga was only pushed back a few steps by the transparent monster Nelonga, and was able to knock down a large number of buildings.

Thanks to the great unity of human beings in this world.

When the monster comes, the first thing to do is to run away.

It completely leaves room for Tiga to fight against monsters.

Otherwise, if there were people around him, Dagu would definitely be timid in fighting with his character.

Now it's just demolishing the buildings.

But after a battle, Nelonga was finally defeated and stood amidst a large area of ​​smoky ruins.

An uncontrollable sadness still rose in Dagu's heart.

It saved most people.

But the aftermath of the battle was too great.

Some people were still killed by bricks flying at high speed.

Reality is not a tokusatsu drama after all.

After all, there are only a few people who can survive the size of the giants of light and monsters.

Like Ryu Aihara, he wouldn't even think about standing on the rooftop of a high-rise building and yelling at Mebius.

With a sigh, Diga opened his arms and took off. Its energy was limited, and it had to fly to the next location to deal with other rebellious monsters.

Although Ultraman's battle with monsters will destroy human cities.

But if Ultraman does not participate in the battle and the monsters are allowed to destroy, it will only cause greater losses to mankind!

causing greater losses.

As for how long the loss will be, it all depends on the monster's mood and when it wants to stop.

After all, some powerful monsters, except for Ultraman, humans don't even have the ability to defeat.

In other words, in that case, even one monster could destroy mankind around the world.

At most, it's just a matter of time.

After the efforts of Dagu, Beidou and the Global Defense Force, the monsters causing chaos around the world were finally solved.

Tiga and Ace also turned back into humans due to exhaustion.

One thing worth noting is this.

The monster mecha made in North America was finally dispatched in this operation.

That's a Mechagodzilla.

And the combat effectiveness shown is very good.

Take down a monster called Gabra single-handedly.

Of course, it is worth being happy to have such a big help coming from the human side.

But here in the fortress city, Chief Engineer Yang and Mr. Zhao Huaimin both showed strong uneasiness.

After all, the previous rampage of Unit 1 was still fresh in my mind.

Now is a critical period for the plan, and they don't want anything to happen.

Because there have been cases of mechas going berserk, Chief Engineer Yang has collected relevant information in this regard.

After Mechagodzilla's appearance, Chief Engineer Yang immediately contacted the North American branch, hoping that both parties could cooperate to study Mechagodzilla and avoid possible rampages as much as possible.

But the North American branch directly refused.

Although they didn't say it explicitly, Chief Engineer Yang also heard that the group of people were worried that Chief Engineer Yang and others would steal their skills.

This is something that Chief Engineer Yang cannot understand.

It seems to have returned to the competition between countries decades ago.

In such an urgent environment for all mankind, they still think about these things. Neither Chief Engineer Yang nor Mr. Zhao Huaimin can understand it.

After all, it’s for everyone’s safety.

In most parts of the world, once new scientific research results are produced, they will be shared globally.

This is why it is also the 21st century.

The reason why the technology in this world is developing so fast.

Scientists from all over the world are united, competing in a healthy way and sharing results, which is the reason that can promote the rapid progress of technology for all mankind.

As a result, everyone is sharing successfully now.

North America is taking the results of others' research while quietly hiding its own research results.

Everyone is not stupid and can see what they are up to at a glance.

However, they seem to be very confident. No matter what, humans will not fight internally during this period of time, and they don't care if they tear each other apart.

In the last 48 hours, it seems that all aspects are making the final sprint.

Dagu and Beidou return to the fortress city.

Both feet have just landed, and a new wave of monsters have appeared.

Gaigan, Baltan, Red King, and the zombie monster Silizan have all landed in the fortress city.

Among them, the zombie monster Silizan is still an old acquaintance for the people in this world.

It is the monster that they defeated and threw into the sea decades ago.

Now it seems that it has been resurrected.

The appearance of four monsters is definitely a very tough bone to chew.

Seven, who had to go out to fight in order to save his energy before.

Ace, Tiga and the first generation have been fighting again in a short time!

Among them, Ace and Tiga's consumption is the most terrifying.

The red light has already turned on when the two just transformed.

The movements of their hands and feet have also slowed down a lot.

Obviously, the monsters' war of attrition seems to have begun to take effect.

Fortunately, this is the fortress city, with Tom sitting in charge, and sending them monster armor in time, so that they can survive this wave of attacks again.

By the way, Tom also turned Baltan into a carrot.

This is the Baltan armor used by the first generation.

However, Tom's monster armor is powerful.

But this time the action of polluting the world is really a bit big.

It was only a few hours after they finished the battle, and the fortress city was awakened by a violent explosion in the middle of the night!

The Flame Warrior Kirieloid II and the Strong Monster Silpagun appeared in the Fortress City again.

Originally, I thought there were only these two monsters.

As a result, the Defense Force base detected two extremely large high-energy reactions.

The satellite then captured that a biochemical electronic dinosaur Marupak Naiza appeared on the north and south sides of the Fortress City.

Both electronic dinosaurs have neutron bombs installed on their chests.

As long as the two dinosaurs collide with each other, the explosion will be enough to destroy half of the life on Earth!

In the past 24 hours, both the Defense Force and Ultraman have participated in several battles with all their strength.

A total of more than a dozen monsters have been destroyed.

At this time, there is no time to rest, and the monster disaster has appeared again.

Even the most optimistic people can't help but be silent.

Looking at Daiko who picked up his helmet, his body was already exhausted, and he was about to go to the battlefield again, Lina's eyes suddenly became red.

"Dagu, you can't win..."

Dagu turned his back to Lina and slightly tilted his head: "Can't win? I don't understand."

After saying that, he ran directly out of the base!


Lina chased Dagu for a few steps, but in the end, her sense of responsibility as a defense soldier made her stop.

Tang Mu, who was standing by, watched the performance of the young couple silently and left the base as well.

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