Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 349 My Heart Will Go On

Anti-Earth is not a naturally formed planet.

This is an artificial planet that the Supreme Evolution specially found a star system similar to the solar system, and then used a star core to promote evolution in a few hours.

Because of this, many things on Anti-Earth can be said to be exactly the same as Earth.

Using this place as a film set, there is really no sense of disobedience.

According to Tom's request, the free laborers have made all the props Tom needs.

Including the one-to-one Titanic.

The truck driver can put so much effort in filming the Titanic, there is no reason why he can't.

As for the actors to be used in the remake of "Titanic", Tom also plans to directly use people around him and Thanos's men instead.

Anyway, it's all a remake.

And it's filmed for the whole universe.

Naturally, you can't choose all Earth faces.

The appearance of Earthlings is not necessarily the mainstream aesthetic of the Milky Way.

And Thanos is the leading actor. Even if his appearance is not good, his strength is still here, and no one dares to say anything.

And let's talk about the cold reality.

Aesthetics can also be cultivated artificially.

When most people are guided to say that something is beautiful, even the ugly ones are beautiful.

Who knows, Thanos may become an idol star in the Marvel world in the future.

The script of "Titanic" has been distributed.

As a director, Tom is discussing the next shooting with the TV staff.

On the other side, Thanos holds the script in his hand and sits on a small stool with a very ugly face.

Ebony Maw is still standing beside him, but he has already acted as a life assistant.

"Master, are you really going to play house games with that lunatic?"

In the eyes of Ebony Maw and others, Tom is probably another powerful lunatic in the universe.

In the Marvel universe, there are many powerful lunatics who do not do their job.

Of course, Thanos and others do not think they are one of them.

"It's not up to us to decide."

Thanos flipped through the paper script in his hand, replied to Ebony Maw stiffly, and frowned, saying, "Besides, that cat is very strange, and we don't have it in our database. Without future plans, it's okay to observe it now."

Compared to the Supreme Evolution, Thanos's personality charm is much greater.

After just chatting with Ebony Maw about his own affairs, Thanos shifted the topic to the matter at hand.

Pinching the script paper and shaking it, Thanos casually said, "A poor boy chased after a noble lady, and then encountered a shipwreck. It's quite cliché and nothing to see."

"It seems that the cat's ability to make up stories is not very good, no wonder it caused such a big mess. This is how creatures are. The more they are not good at it, the more they want to prove that they are good."


A hundred meters away, the Supreme Evolution sitting on another small stool sneezed loudly!

He suddenly raised his head, looked around, and was angry: "Who is saying bad things about me!"

The subordinates around the Supreme Evolution looked at each other, looking a little helpless.

"Forget it."

The Supreme Evolution waved his hands impatiently, crumpled the script in his hand into a ball, threw it to the ground angrily, and cursed: "Damn cat! You actually let me play a woman!"

Being persecuted by Tom for a long time.

He doesn't even care about going to film now...

"Your Majesty, what do you think of this story?"

Sill picked up the script on the ground and asked with a smirk.

The Supreme Evolution: "Rubbish! No one will watch it after it is filmed!"

"A shot of "Titanic" is about to start shooting! Actors! Props! Lighting! Assistant Director! Why are you so far away! Come here quickly! Thanos and the others won't eat you!"

Director Tom Cat held the director's baton and started shouting loudly!

On the set, as long as the director speaks, others must act obediently.

Even Thanos and the Supreme Evolution are the same.

Seeing that the male and female protagonists were already in place, Tom sat directly behind the monitor and gave Rocket a wink.

Rocket immediately understood, grinning with his fangs, and said: "For the first scene, let's shoot a simple shot."

As soon as this was said, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Thanos and the Supreme Evolution are not professional actors.

It's better to be simple in the first scene.

Then, Rocket Raccoon smiled very proudly and continued: "Let's shoot the scene where Jack and Rose are painting in the living room!"


Thanos heard this and couldn't control his emotions. He stepped hard and directly broke the rocky ground.

The Supreme Evolution was even more dumbfounded.

Both of them are superhuman.

It's just a script of "Titanic". I memorized it after reading it once.

But I didn't feel anything when I read the script.

Now that they are told to shoot this scene, Thanos and the Supreme Evolution are not good.

The scene in the living room is also one of the famous scenes of the big ship.

In this scene, Jack and Rose confess their feelings to each other.

Jack arrives in Rose's living room, and Rose wears a large gem called the Heart of the Ocean and sketches Jack naked.

In other words, the Supreme Evolution who plays this scene now has to devote himself to art.

This is definitely an unforgettable insult for the supreme evolution.

Thanos over there has calmed down.

After all, he wasn't allowed to lie there naked.

After thinking about it, Thanos suddenly didn't feel so bad anymore, and instead began to watch the Supreme Evolution as if he was watching a good show.

The Supreme Evolution is tempted to say no.

But he couldn't refuse.

Because in the crew, Tom Mu has the final say.

There was no other way. As the crew moved to the luxurious living room, the Supreme Evolution could only bite the bullet and devote itself to art.

In any case, the Supreme Evolution can be considered a big shot after all, and he is of African descent, so he is actually not that coy.

After my mentality got used to it, I took off my clothes openly.

Looking at the black lump lying on its side on the sofa, Tang Mu felt it was so irritating to his eyes.

I can't help but mourn for the viewers of the Marvel Universe.

Tom Muke still remembers the feeling of watching Big Ship on the Six Princess Channel for the first time when he was a child. It was quite wonderful.

Even the nude scene was not cut.

It left a very deep impression on Tom Mu's young mind.

It's a pity that Tom Mu's version of "Titanic" can only show these black things to the people of the Marvel Universe.

Guilty sin.

Tang Mu took out the wooden fish and knocked it, hoping that the Buddha would share some of his sins.

Shooting has already begun, and the crew also needs to get used to it.

Fortunately, the technology in the Marvel world is very advanced, and as long as the actors can keep up, a movie will be completed very quickly.

Even so, Tom Mu cannot let the current popularity of the TV station be lost in vain.

Therefore, it also arranged for people to act as paparazzi to "quietly" take a lot of footage of the residence and release it to attract people.

"Get closer, get closer, get closer, keep smiling~ Oh~ yes!"

"Crack! Click!"

Forced by Tom's power, Thanos and the Supreme Evolution had no choice but to obey and take some intimate photos.

Walrus Tusk was still curious. After putting down the camera, he asked Tom Mu: "What are you doing?"

"Stir up the scandal."

Tom Mu said matter-of-factly.

Anyway, Tang Mu has imported all the dregs of the domestic entertainment industry.

In a galaxy without explosions of entertainment, these are really useful.

Da Ya listened, but didn't understand.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

As long as you continue to study with Tom Mu, you can always learn.

The crew of "Titanic" on Counter-Earth is operating in an orderly manner.

The outside world is also looking forward to this movie to be released by Galaxy TV.

The previous documentary that Tom Mu specifically used to criticize Thanos has been successful.

Recently, Tom Mu has been releasing some tidbits about Thanos and the Supreme Evolution from time to time, which has attracted a lot of attention from Galaxy TV.

Finally, after about a week of filming, Galaxy TV finally released the trailer of "Titanic" and the broadcast time.

A place of nothingness.

In a tavern.

Gamora and Nebula had just put down a man who came to chat with them, and then sat down in their seats.

Ignoring the cheers and laughter around them, the two sisters, who were not very concerned about it at the moment, looked up at the content on the light screen.

What was playing on the light screen was Galaxy TV.

I can’t say that about other places in the galaxy.

But there is the more chaotic and free Contrasha and the Land of Nothingness. In these two places, almost everyone will watch Galaxy TV.

Because this TV station has the entertainment they want to watch most.

Gamora and Nebula's luck is pretty good.

The two sisters were sent out by Thanos to find clues to the Infinity Stones, so they were not captured by Tom.

But they didn't expect it either.

The adoptive father, Thanos, just went to Galaxy TV and somehow ended up acting in a movie.

There is even a scandal with the Supreme Evolution.

This Gamora and the others felt strong discomfort in their hearts.

Thanos' fame spread across the galaxy.

Even the two of them, Thanos' most beloved adopted daughters, are actually quite famous.

In the past, this fame could instill fear in their enemies.

But now, walking outside, looking at the weird looks from the people around me.

Gamora and Nebula didn't want to go out.

Afraid of being recognized by others.

It was really embarrassing and embarrassing.

"What do you think caused Thanos to go crazy?"

Gamora leaned on the back of the seat, grabbed a bottle of wine angrily and took a swig.

When Xingyun heard this, she just kept a cold face and said nothing. The relationship between her and her sister was not very good.

"here we go!"

At this time, someone nearby cheered.

After Galaxy TV changed its director, they really had a lot more fun.

At least there is much more to talk about than before.

Among the light screens, the first thing to appear was a luxury cruise ship sailing on the sea.

"Titanic, known as the ship of dreams..."

Tom's melodious bass narration appears.

Accompanied by light melodious music.

The camera turned, and under the sunset, a purple hand and a black hand were slowly held together.

As the camera zoomed out, everyone in the tavern saw the bow of the Titanic. The Supreme Evolution closed its eyes and leaned into Thanos' arms with a happy smile on his face.

Thanos stood behind the Supreme Evolution, holding his hands and slowly opening them, enjoying the sea breeze blowing in his face.

"Wow! It's a bit eye-catching!"

"Really? I feel very beautiful!"

"I can accept it, but you single-sex people can't understand this kind of feeling."

"I think it's okay. Anyway, I'm just a spectator."

It's only been 10 seconds since the trailer came out, and the tavern is already noisy.

Looking at Thanos and the Supreme Evolution on the light screen, Gamora, who was familiar with Thanos, suddenly shuddered and her face became extremely twisted.

Nebula next to her complained: "It looks like we will have to call her Supreme Evolutionary Mom from now on."

The trailer continues.

Several scenes that will appear in the movie are interspersed in it.

Most are shots of Thanos and the Supreme Evolution.

Occasionally, there are some luxurious scenes on large ships.

"Because we are going to America! The house is full!"

"I've never seen anything like this."

"You never know what will happen next moment, you can only face the future calmly."

"Why can't I be like you, Jack. Just go and go wherever you want."

"Who gave you the courage! How dare you touch my fiancée!"

As soon as the actor playing the supremely evolved fiancé appeared, there was another exclamation in the tavern.

That's Thanos' right-hand man, General Deathblade.

"I am the king of the world!"

At this point in the trailer, the iceberg appears.

"My Heart Will Go On" sung by Lyla also appeared in the Marvel world for the first time.

The nice melody and the trailer pictures immediately attract people into it.

Although because of the identities of Thanos and others.

Everyone came to watch the fun.

But thanks to Tom Mu's superb directorial skills, the audience in front of the light screen actually took it in!

Finished watching the trailer which is over two minutes long.

Everyone still has a feeling of unfinished business.

"Okay, I take back what I said before, I feel pretty good."

someone shouted.

At the same time, the premiere date was also displayed on the light screen.

Just three days later.

Not just a place of nothingness.

Throughout the galaxy, wherever the Galaxy TV signal can be received, people are discussing the movie "Titanic".

Tom Mu knew that this was all thanks to two popular actors.

Tom Mu is more gratified that the acting skills of the two are also very good, and the quality of the final film is also quite good.

Next, just wait for the broadcast in three days.

Originally, Tom Mu wanted to stay with Supreme Evolution and watch the premiere together.

After all, this is his first movie anyway.

Very memorable.

But this guy avoided Tom Mu like the god of plague.

After filming, he took the people away without saying a word.

It made Tom Mu a little sad.

Fortunately, the big guy Thanos is still wrong.

Tom Mu could see that Thanos also wanted to give him a beating.

However, due to various considerations, we did not do that in the end.

After getting the invitation from Tom Mu, he hesitated for a while and finally chose to stay and watch the premiere together.

Three days later.

Zaidar Star.

A couple walks on a sunny street.

One of them seemed to remember something, and suddenly said to the male companion beside him: "There seems to be a movie to be broadcast on Galaxy TV today. Would you like to come to my house to watch it together?"

Star-Lord raised his eyebrows when he heard this, his old-fashioned nature took over, and he immediately agreed: "Okay! I like watching movies the most."

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