Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 350 Titanic is on air! Fans of Thanos!

"Would you like some wine?"

In the room of the red-skinned female alien, Star-Lord was already sitting on the sofa.

When he heard his female companion's question, he looked around and said with a smile: "Of course."

"I'm used to having something to drink when I get home. It's very comfortable to be tipsy."

Red Skin said as he came over with two glasses of wine.

He held one cup and handed the other cup to Star-Lord.

The red-skinned woman drank by herself and sat down next to Star-Lord.

The light screen in front of me opened automatically and was tuned to Galaxy TV.

"Is it the Titanic?"

Star-Lord adjusted the position of the MP3 player on his waist so that he could lie down more comfortably.

As he spoke, he calmly held the shoulders of the red-skinned woman next to him.


The woman didn't mind being held by Star-Lord.

They are all here to play, and no one knows who is who.

"I know about this movie. There was a lot of fuss about the 500,000 reward some time ago. I also participated, but you know, I am always absent-minded without you by my side."

Star-Lord doesn't care about bullshit movies at all. Now he just wants to win over the beauties around him.

"Hehehe, I don't believe you."

The red-skinned woman was amused by Star-Lord, put down the wine glass in her hand, and gently snuggled into Star-Lord's arms: "You must be very carefree."

"How is that possible!"

Star-Lord firmly disagreed, and then immediately changed the subject and said, "You even made a special trip home. Do you like this movie very much?"

"Not really."

The red-skinned woman gave Star-Lord an unexpected answer.

"Our film and television production at Zaidar Star is no worse than anyone else's, but people around me are talking about Galaxy TV recently. I just want to see what charm it has."

"I heard that this is a romance film. I don't think anyone in the galaxy can make it better than Zaidar Star."


It turns out that she has such a mentality.

Star-Lord understood it immediately and immediately followed her words: "I agree with what you said. The casting of this movie is very problematic. Who would like to watch the love between two grown men? Especially since they are both very ugly."

"Especially the purple one! If it had a daughter, I can't believe how ugly she would be."

"Well said!"

The red-skinned woman was very satisfied with Star-Lord's words.

At this moment, the movie on the light screen started playing.

The two stopped talking and started watching the movie seriously.

The movie had just started, and because they were watching it with a critical attitude, they kept complaining.

For example, everyone knows how strong Thanos is.

But seeing Thanos acting like an ordinary person there, it was inevitable that something was a little weird.

At the beginning of the movie, only Thanos and his friends were not so peaceful when they stood on the bow of the ship and shouted "I am the king of the world".

But as time gradually passed and the plot deepened, the two of them gradually became involved in the drama.

Under the high pressure of Tom Mu, the acting skills of all members of "Titanic" were online.

The initial sense of dissonance was gradually forgotten.

I have to say.

In the Marvel world, the overall strength of the people on Earth is indeed relatively poor.

But their development in literature, music and other arts industries is definitely far ahead in the entire universe.

As soon as a classic work of the level of Big Ship came out, it immediately compared with other works that had been circulated in the galaxy before.

Anyone with a sound mind can tell whether a work is good or bad.



Watching the accident caused by the big ship hitting the iceberg.

The red-skinned woman couldn't hold back the various ecology displayed on that luxury cruise ship, and her tears flowed down.

Because the husband failed to get a chance to board the life raft, he himself gave up on boarding the ship, and the old couple hugged their husband on the bed and waited for death.

A band that persisted in playing until the last minute despite the chaos, with an average age of less than 26 years old.

And Jack, who finally fell into the water, pushed Rose onto the board in the cold water, and froze to death in the water.

This scene touches the tear ducts of all viewers.

The Supreme Evolution was lying on the wooden board, his face already covered with frost: "My body is unconscious..."

"Ross, winning that boat ticket through gambling was the luckiest thing in my life. It allowed me to meet you..."

Thanos was trembling all over, white breath coming out of his mouth.

He looked at the supreme evolution in front of him affectionately: "I am very grateful for this, I am very grateful..."

As he said that, Thanos seemed a little excited: "Promise me that you will try to survive! No matter what happens, no matter how desperate you are, never give up."

The two held their hands tightly together.

Supreme Evolution: "I promise you..."

Finally, a rescue boat rowed over.

Rose opened Jack's stiff hand and blew the whistle on the corpse of the crew member next to him.

Looking at the purple face with its eyes closed tightly and gradually sinking into the deep sea, the red-skinned girl couldn't help crying: "Ooooo! My Jack!"

The girl cried louder and louder, startling Star-Lord next to her.

Star-Lord has always believed that his aesthetics is far superior to others.

After all, he has an MP3 brought from Earth, which contains many classic songs from Earth.

Any song you pick up is better than the popular songs in the galaxy.

Star-Lord also picked up many girls with his MP3.

In fact, in the original movie, his MP3 did make a lot of assists.

But today, Star-Lord actually saw a lot of familiar feelings in this movie.

That was the feeling from home.

Not to mention, he really saw a lot of things related to childhood memories in the movie.

This made Star-Lord think of many things at once.

Could it be that there are also earthlings in the so-called Galaxy TV?

This made Star-Lord, who hadn't seen his fellow countrymen for a long time, suddenly become interested in Galaxy TV.

But it must be said that this is indeed a good movie.

And he hadn't seen it when he was a child.

"What do you think of this movie?"

As the movie ended, the credits began to play. The red-skinned girl next to him finally stopped crying and turned her head to look at Star-Lord who was thinking, with her shoulders still twitching.

Star-Lord, who was being questioned, came back to his senses, and recalled what his female companion had said before. He immediately put on a righteous look: "It's not good at all, it's too rubbish! The movie from Chaidal is better."

The red-skinned girl's expression suddenly became a little stiff when she heard this.

"You have no aesthetic sense! Get out of here!"

Three seconds later, the very embarrassed Star-Lord was directly driven out of her house by the red-skinned girl!


Star-Lord turned around, a little confused, and wanted to explain something to the red-skinned girl.


The next second, a wine glass flew out and exploded on Star-Lord's head!

Star-Lord suffered such a heavy blow that his eyes rolled back and he fainted directly on the street.

Seeing this, other people around him cast curious glances.

"How well our Jack is filmed! How dare you say he is rubbish! Drink--bah!"

After scolding, the red-skinned girl also imitated Jack in the movie and gave Star-Lord on the ground a thick spit.


The crowd around him booed.

Fortunately, Star-Lord had fainted.

Otherwise, he would have to endure this embarrassment.

"What did this guy do? Why was he kicked out by a woman?"

Someone asked curiously.

"I don't know. It seems that he said something bad about a man named Jack."

"What a poor man."

"Wait! I think I know him."

At this time, a guy in the crowd who was obviously a bounty hunter suddenly spoke.


"What's your business!"

The bounty hunter didn't bother to care about other people. He took out the restraint tools, tied up the unconscious Star-Lord's hands and feet, and then carried him away.

After all, Star-Lord grew up among the predators.

Although in most areas of the galaxy, the predators are considered neutral forces.

But there are also many areas where the predators are wanted.

It should be said that there is no predator who is not wanted.

Even the Guardians of the Galaxy in the movie are also wanted by all members.

This can be seen from Star-Lord's performance in prison in "Guardians of the Galaxy 1".

This is definitely not the first time he has been in prison.

Each one is more skilled than the other.

He must have escaped from prison many times.

Star-Lord was very unlucky at this time. He happened to meet a bounty hunter who knew him when he was unconscious.

This meant he had to go to prison again.

At the same time.

Galaxy TV.

In the director's office, Tom and Thanos had just finished watching the premiere of "Titanic".

There were also Rocket's friends in the room.

The movie had just finished.

This group of emotional little animals had hugged each other and cried together.

Banban even came directly to Thanos' feet, hugged Thanos' calves with his spider legs, and cried with tears.

Thanos looked down, then looked at Tom next to him, but finally did nothing.

Seeing Tom looking at him, Thanos nodded and said, "The movie is very good, better than I thought. But I don't think it will help me."

Before the movie started, Tom and Thanos had an encrypted call.

It's very simple to simplify the content of the call.

Tom was attracted by Thanos' strength, power and popularity.

In order to let Thanos join Galaxy TV, it promised to make Thanos the most popular top star in the galaxy.

But Thanos had no interest in this.

The reason why he stayed here to watch movies with Tom was mainly because of Tom's strength.

This ability to command others at will, even he could not resist, was too powerful.

Thanos had to pay attention to it.

But if it was just like that, Thanos could be like the Supreme Evolution, who could not afford to provoke but could afford to hide.

Just stay away from him.

The two could still sit together and chat, and they still saw possible opportunities for cooperation in the future.

For now, Thanos was quite disappointed.

Obviously, the cooperation that both parties wanted was not the same kind of cooperation.

Thanos had his own ideals to fulfill.

He didn't want to stay in a TV station and be a top star and show his face.

Seeing Thanos so sure, Tom was also very confident.

It leaned on the sofa silently, lit a cigar, and blew a puff of smoke at Thanos.

The smoke drifted slowly, forming a sentence in front of Thanos.

"You will change your mind."

The purple hand waved the smoke in front of it.

The giant Thanos stood up slowly, looked down at Tom and smiled: "I don't think I can."

"You are a very capable and interesting cat. It's just a pity that we can't cooperate. Your little fights really don't interest me."

After saying this, Thanos turned around and left.

Except for Rocket, Leila and the others were very polite.

Perhaps because Thanos watched a movie with them, they also regarded Thanos as their friend.

Seeing that Thanos was leaving, they quickly followed Thanos's footsteps to see the guest off.

"Will we meet again? Will you come to play again?"

Banban's eight legs ran fast, always following Thanos' feet, looking up at Thanos.

Hearing this, Thanos looked down at Banban.

Looking at Banban's clean and pure big eyes, Thanos barely pulled the corner of his mouth: "Maybe."

As he spoke, they had already landed on the first floor of the TV station on the elevator disc.

Walking outside, Thanos was keenly aware of something wrong.

As he moved in the hall, many people were staring at him.

This was a very rare feeling for Thanos.

Because he was notorious in the universe.

So, although many people knew him, not many people dared to look at him like this.

This made Thanos frown, and he thought of the confident Tom.

But the current situation didn't explain anything, so Thanos didn't think much, but continued to walk out.

After meeting up with his men at the airport, Thanos boarded his ship.

"Master, where are we going next?"

Ebony Maw asked from the side.

"Alpha 3, go and negotiate with them for the last time. We need their logistics. If it doesn't work, just kill half of them as before."

Thanos sat on his beloved chair and spoke with a sigh.

The ship that received the order took off immediately.

But Ebony Maw next to him said, "They are quite stubborn. I'm afraid things won't be that simple."

Thanos knew it, but he didn't say anything.

What he was going to do would be stopped by others, and he had already prepared for it.

After several space jumps, Thanos and his party had arrived at their destination.

This is a planet with extremely rich resources.

The intelligent life on it can also be said to be part of this planet.

Therefore, it is very difficult for Thanos.

He has failed to conquer twice.

For this time, he just took a try and didn't have much hope.

It was just that the ship had just landed, and the tall and strong Thanos walked down from the spaceship, and immediately found that something was wrong.

After the natives of this planet saw him, they showed a very enthusiastic and surprised state.

This was completely different from the previous two times.

"Ahhh! Jack! It's Jack!"

Someone was the first to shout in surprise!

Then Thanos was surrounded by a group of fans who had just watched "Titanic".

Unknowingly, Thanos had completed a road show.

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