Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 351 Thanos shoots commercial

"Tom, will Thanos come back?"

Banban lay on Tom's lap, enjoying Tom's smooth hair while asking curiously.

Hearing this, Tom raised his chin confidently, indicating that there was no problem at all.

"Really? A big shot like him wouldn't volunteer to be an actor, right?"

Gorilla Gree didn't know when he had gotten used to the life of the TV station, and now he sat aside and expressed his thoughts.

If it was a normal world, it would be like that.

But now that this world has me involved, the result is completely different.

Learn about fanatical star chasers.

Learn about fan economy.

Learn about the evil fan circle.

Thanos is a smart man.

Of course, he can easily figure out how much benefit the support of thousands of people will bring to his ideals.

And in this world, only Galaxy TV can make him loved by more people.

It is obvious what Thanos will choose in the end.

Sure enough, not long after Thanos left, his Temple II flew back to the airport of Galaxy TV again.

Looking at Thanos who reappeared in the office, Tom stood up leisurely and stretched out his paw towards Thanos with a smile.

Thanos looked at the little guy in front of him, his mouth curled up, bent down and stretched out his big hand to shake hands with Tom's paw.

There was no need for communication between the man and the cat, both sides knew what the other meant.

After the friendly handshake between the two sides, Thanos straightened up and said, "Happy cooperation."

Tom also meowed, then took out a stack of contracts and handed them to Thanos, asking Thanos to sign.

After all, empty words are not enough.

The contract must be signed.

Looking at the stack of contracts handed in front of him, Thanos was also a little speechless.

After all, in front of him, the contract is really useless.

People with strength can breach the contract at any time.

But Tom's cat is not an ordinary cat after all.

Its contract, Thanos really dare not breach it casually.

Reaching out to take those contracts, Thanos sat down directly on the side and handed them to Ebony Maw beside him, asking him to take a look.

Ebony Maw read the contract very quickly and then whispered to Thanos' ear.

Generally speaking, this is an ordinary artist contract.

After signing the contract, Thanos will become an artist of Galaxy TV in the next ten years.

He needs to cooperate with the TV station to complete activities within his duties.

As for actions outside the artist's duties, Galaxy TV will not restrict them.

After listening to Ebony Maw's words, Thanos felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he signed it readily.

After all, Thanos has experienced the benefits of acting.

He has never seen such a fanatical crowd.

Those people really seem to regard him as their ideal.

Originally, Thanos wanted to form an alliance but never succeeded.

Now he just participated in a movie, and the people on that planet are like crazy, which is too outrageous.

His subordinates have never been so crazy about him.

This made Thanos fully understand that it seems that there is no harm in becoming an actor.

Tom has painted a big pie for Thanos.

If he really becomes the top star in the galaxy.

It has reached the point where one call can get hundreds of responses.

What can't be done then?

"Welcome, welcome."

At Galaxy TV, everyone was overjoyed to see that the legendary Thanos had really joined them, and they all applauded enthusiastically.

Now with Thanos joining.

The security of the TV station will be taken to a higher level.

Tom was also quite pleased about this.

Before Thanos could react, he took out a stack of contracts from somewhere and handed them to Thanos.

This made Thanos a little stunned.

"What is this?"

The otter Leila, who had become Tom's secretary, explained: "This is your first job, an advertising endorsement and filming contract."


It was the first time for Thanos to experience this kind of thing, and he took it over curiously and took a look.

Most of the content above was in areas that Thanos had not touched, and he didn't understand it very well.

But Thanos could see the signing fee clearly.

The cheapest one among them was 20 million a year.

Of course, as Thanos, he certainly didn't look down on the 20 million.

However, Thanos also found that the 20 million seemed to be particularly easy to earn.

Just sign a name and shoot some commercials.

You know, in the entire galaxy, there are still many people who work hard for just tens of thousands of dollars.

This made big figures like Thanos sigh.

"Your money is really easy to make."

Thanos said while flipping through several contracts in his hand.

All this money added up to hundreds of millions.

With this calculation, it is not a small amount even for Thanos.

After all, in the galaxy, tens of thousands are a huge sum of money.

"So, how should these commercials be shot?"

Thanos put down the contract and looked at the kitten in front of him.

But he saw that Tom had a weird smile on his face.

This made Thanos have a bad premonition for a moment.

But thinking of Tom's just shot "Titanic", he was slightly relieved.

After all, a director who can shoot such a classic work as "Titanic" should not have too many problems shooting commercials, right?

Thanos thinks so.

Finally thought about it.

After all, this is his first job since signing the contract, so he can't let it slip.

And although most of these endorsement fees and advertising fees go to the TV station, he can also make a lot of money as a spokesperson.

Therefore, Thanos finally signed his name in an unspeakable mood.

Seeing this, the smile on Tang Mu's face became even more gratified.

In this way, the development of their TV station will become healthier.

With so many good works produced, what is the purpose of increasing ratings?

It’s not just to attract advertisers and inject more funds into TV stations.

Now I finally have income.

Tom Mu's deception and deception in his initial stage will finally be gone forever.

A few days later, Thanos, who had begun to doubt his life, finally finished filming the commercial.

In a panic, he boarded Temple No. 2 and quickly fled the TV station.

The filming of the commercial was completely different than Thanos imagined.

If it weren't for Tang Mu's pressure, he wouldn't have wanted to take the picture at all.

Now he even regrets it.

"It's over, I'm going to lose all my dignity now."

On Temple Two, Thanos covered his big face with his huge palms and sighed deeply.

Ebony Throat next to him was hesitant to speak when he saw Thanos's appearance. In the end, he couldn't say anything.

He also found out.

Ever since Thanos got to know the cat, his painting style has indeed become increasingly weird.

The original aura of the overlord of the universe was gone.

But Ebony Maw couldn't comment on anything.

After all, Thanos is his master.

The path to becoming a top player was also chosen by Thanos himself.

In this case, he could only support it.

Seeing that Thanos still seemed to be having a hard time mentally, Ebony Throat hesitated for a while and finally said: "Master, just get used to it."

Thanos: "..."

Thinking back to those commercials he shot, he really couldn't get used to it.

At the same time, the commercials Thanos shot these days have also been broadcast on Galaxy TV.

"Three years and two Ban Thanos! Three years and two Ban Thanos!"

"Your mother brought two boxes of Wangwang milk to see you."

"Wow~ your mother loves you so much~"

In the corridor of the school, a group of primary school students lined up in two lines, and the Titan Thanos sandwiched in the middle was particularly obvious.

Thanos looked at Tom Cat holding the milk in front of him, his eyes filled with tears, and his expression was very touched.

"Mother~Mother~I love you so much~"

Along with the singing, Thanos slowly ran towards Tom in slow motion.

"What's this?"

In a spaceship traveling in the universe, Yondu, who has blue skin and a headband like Severn, is looking at the light screen.

The subordinate next to him passed by and asked curiously.

"It seems like an advertisement, a bit strange."

Yondu bared his teeth.

Especially when looking at Thanos pretending to be a primary school student in the light screen, his expression is even more strange.

In the end, Yondu couldn't help but patted the armrest of the chair and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha! Look at Thanos' look!"

The people around him came over to take a look, and laughed loudly.

There are not many opportunities to see Thanos make a fool of himself.

Now that we finally encountered him, of course they couldn't let him go.

Originally, there was news last time that Thanos and the Supreme Evolution were going to make a romance movie, so they were ready to watch the show.

The results were somewhat disappointing.

That movie "Titanic" that Thanos and the Supreme Evolution made was really damn good.

A man like Yondu couldn't help crying.

It's fine now.

The desire to watch a good show was finally fulfilled.

These recent Thanos commercials are really funny.

Tom Mu didn't know whether it was intentional or accidental.

There is also a public service announcement tucked into a pile of commercial ads.

The moment the public service announcement appeared, the entire Predator spacecraft was in trouble again!

"Mom wash your feet~"

The three-meter-tall Thanos had an innocent smile on his face and walked up to Tom with a basin in his hand.

The camera zooms out, and the giant with obvious contrast in size is washing the kitten's feet.

Anyway, in the advertisement, Tom Mu has already played Thanos’ mother twice.

"Hahaha! Mommy washes your feet!"

One of the men nearby laughed wildly at Thanos's antics.

Others are laughing too.

But gradually, the atmosphere became a little strange.

The laughter gradually became sparse.

In the end, only that one person was still laughing.

His friend seemed a little bit unable to take it and poked him lightly.

Only then did this man react. After looking at the reactions of the people around him and seeing the moved look on Yondu's face, he also shut his mouth.

This public service announcement somewhat touched Yondu's soft heart.

Although what is filmed inside is the deep love between mother and child.

But Yondu still thought of Star-Lord who was raised by him, and thus took on the role of that mother again.

Although it is not stated explicitly.

But Yondu has always regarded Star-Lord as his own son.

This kind of partiality can be seen by even the stupidest person in the team.

It is precisely because of this that eventually led to the rebellion of Yondu's men in "Guardians of the Galaxy 2".

At this time, Yondu couldn't help but think while looking at the public service announcement filmed by Tang Mu.

If only Star-Lord could treat him like this.

Don't even mention that Star-Lord was so cute to bring him water to wash his feet.

It was good to hear Star-Lord call him father.

Yondu's fatherly love is somewhat similar to Eastern fatherly love.

They are all the kind of fatherly love that is not good at words and cannot be expressed.

But they will always be like a mountain, silently carrying everything behind the scenes.

Especially to Star-Lord, the adopted son.

The awkward Yondu and the awkward Star-Lord.

The personalities of this father and son made them unable to face their own hearts until the last moment of life and death.

But it was too late.

The advertisement has switched to "Your Yida."

Yondu also gradually regained his mind.

He rubbed his eyes pretending to be indifferent, but he was actually secretly wiping away tears.

The men around him also had a tacit understanding, whistling and looking around, but not looking at Yondu.

After doing all this, Yondu returned to normal and asked: "How long will it take us to Reda?"

"Two space jumps will be enough."

Someone answered.

Yongdu nodded and said nothing more.

They did not have any commission to make money this time, they just went to rescue Star-Lord.

After Star-Lord was captured by bounty hunters on the planet Chaidar, he was taken to Reda Prison, where a bounty was issued.

After learning this news, Yongdu immediately found an excuse to go to Reda to rescue people.

You know, this is not the first time Yongdu has saved Star-Lord.

Of course, it's not just Star-Lord.

They will save other people in the team as long as they are valuable.

Prison breakouts are common in the galaxy.

But the success rate is really not very high.

Because of this, during the spacecraft's advance, some of his men asked: "Is this really okay? He has been captured three times, and we can't keep saving him."

Yongdu knew what his men were thinking, and he said casually: "Star-Lord is very important. He has a connection with the director of Galaxy TV, which can help us make money."

This is what Yongdu said casually.

It was just that his channel told him that the former director of Galaxy TV, Paipai, was also arrested and was imprisoned there.

"Really? I heard that their ads are very profitable. Thanos made 100 million from those ads?"

Someone asked excitedly.

When the others around heard this, they couldn't sit still!


"Is it true?"

"One hundred million?!!"

"I have to risk my life to make 10,000! He made 100 million so easily!"

"TV stations make so much money, why do we still work as predators?!"

Originally, everyone was still laughing at Thanos for shooting these commercials.

After learning about Thanos' income, everyone couldn't sit still.

Yondu was happy to see that everyone was distracted.

Playing with a small blue doll brought from Earth in his hand, Yondu looked into the distance.

He was thinking about Star-Lord's future.

He didn't think so before.

But with the rise of Galaxy TV, Yondu felt more and more that Star-Lord should not continue to be a predator.

This is really a high-risk job.

If this continues, Star-Lord will get into trouble sooner or later.

Maybe it's time for some changes.


Tom, who has his next filming plan, is on his way to Reda Prison with his photography team.

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