Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 377: Attempting to breed wild lighters

The Coke chicken wings in Coke Creek look very lively and tempting. From yesterday to now, Tom Mu, who has not eaten at all, is already hungry.

Seeing these fresh Coke chicken wings, I couldn't help it, and my mouth watered immediately.

Raising his arm to wipe the drool from the corner of his mouth, Tang Mu looked up to the sky and blew a big whistle, took two steps back, took a run-up, and jumped into the Coke Creek using his standard diving posture.


Tom Mu, who had just fallen into the water, was stiff and his head and feet hit the bottom of the stream. The pain made Tom Mu kick his legs out of nowhere twice, and finally he fell powerlessly into the Coke.

The stream was much shallower than Tom thought.

But it's only half a meter deep.

Tom Mu plunged in, it would be strange if he didn't hit the bottom of the stream.


Tom sat up suddenly, shook his head, and shook the coke off his head.

When I looked up, I saw a big red and bright bag rising from the top of my head.


Tom Mu angrily looked at the Coke Chicken Wings swimming around him in the Coke Creek.

He raised his paw and pressed the red envelope on top of his head.

Tang Mu showed his paws, pointed at the group of Coca-Cola chicken wings, and directly stretched out his paws to fish them out.

But this group of chicken wings is actually more alert than ordinary swimming fish.

At the slightest sign of disturbance, they will run away immediately.

Tom tried several times and found it difficult to catch them.

One of them was lucky, and Tom had already caught it.

But these Coke wings are also smoother than expected.

"Whoosh!" It slipped out of Tang Mu's palm.

There was no other way, so Tang Mu could only let these chicken wings go for the time being and plan to think of other solutions later.

After landing on the shore, Tom Mu was all wet and sticky.

Coke is indeed a good thing.

But it’s really uncomfortable to stick to your body.

If he had a choice, Tom Mu would try not to get into the water next time.

Mainly, it hasn't found fresh water yet.

Now you can only use sea water for bathing.

But bathing in sea water is not a long-term solution.

Therefore, Tom still needs to find fresh water resources.

This is not only for drinking, but also for domestic water needs.

Then again.

Speaking of water, Tom Mu couldn't help but think of flames.

Those Coke chicken wings just now, after Tang Mu got his hands on them, he realized that they were still raw.

In other words, even if Tang Mu is really caught, he still needs to cook it with flames again.

In this way, Tom Mu planned to find other simple and easy-to-get food to fill his stomach.

The island is so big that it shouldn't be too difficult.

In fact it's really not that difficult.

Tom made the discovery within two steps of Coke Creek.

On both sides of Coke Creek, there are many Coke gummies.

These gummies cling to the shallows like snails.

Most Coke gummies come in the classic glass Coke bottle shape.

But there are some other shapes as well.

Seeing these things, Tom Mu immediately became happy and quickly bent down to pick up those Coke gummies.

After picking up a few at first, Tang Mu threw them into his mouth and tasted them.

It turned out to be even more delicious than what it had eaten in the main world.

They really seemed to be alive, and even squirmed in Tom's mouth.

After trying the taste, Tom felt very satisfied, so he used local materials, pulled branches from the nearby tree, and wove them into a small frame to hold these cola gummies.

After all, it was the first day on a desert island, and Tom Mu didn’t want to place too high demands on himself.

This can be regarded as a temporary solution to the food problem.

In this case, Tom Mu planned to find a suitable place to build a shelter first.

Take it step by step.

After confirming the most basic things, then improve your life on the island.

Because Cola Creek is the only water source that Tom has discovered so far.

So Tom Mu didn't want to be too far away from this water source for the time being.

Therefore, the scope of Tom's shelter establishment was not particularly large.

Before finding the address of the shelter, Tom Mu also went to the beach to wash off the coke on his body.

It's not so sticky anymore, and I feel a lot more comfortable now.

On the beach, Tom blew the sea breeze and looked for Robinson.

Want to see what this guy is doing.

As a result, it was not found for the time being, so Tom Mu stopped looking.

Finally, Tom Mu finally found a pretty good place in the northwest of the island.

It is not far from the Coke Creek location.

It's only a few minutes' walk away.

And the terrain here is also relatively high.

Although it is close to the seaside, you can see the scene on the sea.

But because of the terrain, there is no need to worry about the sea hitting its shelter.

In addition, it is relatively flat and dry here.

Perfect for building shelter.

Because it is just a temporary shelter, Tom Mu does not plan to build a mansion. He only needs to build a shed for temporary use.

While living in a shack, you can also take time to build a better house.

This way you can make sure you always have a place to live.

Want to build a shed.

It is essential to use local materials and cut some branches and palm leaves.

But to get these, Tom also needs a handy cutting tool.

Although Tang Mu was able to pull out many tools out of thin air.

But in this case, surviving in the wilderness is meaningless.

So Tom Mu still plans to only use these materials existing on the island for survival.

For a being like Tom Mu.

Every time you travel through the world, it is actually no different from playing a game.

Tom Mu also liked this game very much.

It’s really boring to turn on God mode.

So Tom made a stone ax out of branches, vines and stones.

It is also somewhat difficult to obtain a sharp stone axe.

Fortunately, it is not too difficult for Tom Mu.

With a stone axe, it is much easier to chop down trees.

In a short time, Tom Mu used the materials around him to build himself a small wooden shack.

Inside the shack, Tom Mu also handmade a single bed.

They also pulled out some bark, kneaded it, and used it with braided palm to make a mattress.

After doing this, Tang Mu lay down on it to try out the feeling.

It is definitely not as comfortable as the mattresses in urban society.

But not bad for wilderness.

After taking a short rest and finishing all the cola gummies he picked up, Tom Mu planned to light a fire.

The necessity of fire for survival in the wilderness is self-evident.

Whether for cooking, heating, lighting or as a weapon, it is essential.

Having fire in the wild solves most of the problems.

Without other living tools, Tom Mu naturally could only choose the most traditional method of drilling wood to make fire.

After getting a dry wooden board, a wooden stick, and some hay velvet as ignition materials, Tom began to drill wood to make fire.

First, use a stone ax to drill a small hole in the board.

After stuffing some more kindling into it, Tang Mu grabbed his eyes and started frantically drilling wood to make fire.

Cat's hand speed is absolutely super fast.

The two palms rotated rapidly.

After a while, a faint white smoke began to rise from the wooden board.

When Tang Mu saw this, he was immediately happy.

I know that I have succeeded in making fire through wood.

Carefully pouring some sparks from the wooden board into the hay velvet, Tom held the ball of hay in his hands and blew air into it gently.

Generally speaking.

At this stage of drilling wood to make fire, the ball of hay should burst into flames.

But apparently Tom underestimated the island's abstraction.

Originally the smoke was still coming out fine.

When Tang Mu blew, the green smoke and sparks in the hay velvet disappeared instantly.

Without waiting for Tang Mu to react.

The hay bales it held in both hands suddenly moved.

Tom Mu suddenly looked confused.

I saw the hay velvet squirming, and suddenly a lighter came out of it!

That’s right, it’s a lighter!

An industrial crystal truly invented by mankind in 1823.

This lighter is obviously alive.

It looked up at the confused Tom Mu, jumped up quickly, jumped on Tom Mu's head, and then quickly fled the scene of the crime.

His head was kicked by the lighter, and Tang Mu reacted immediately. He immediately picked up the stone ax on the side and chased after the escaping lighter!

Although this lighter seems to have just been born.

But its speed is not slow at all.

In addition, the lighter is small and surrounded by shrubs and weeds, so it is still moving like crazy.

If you are not careful, Tom will lose its trace.

In the end, Tom chased for several minutes, but unfortunately the lighter escaped.

Frustrated, Tom Mu could only wield a stone ax to clear away the weeds and shrubs around the shelter, leaving a large open space.

A deserted island with no human activities.

The crazy growth of these plants is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

After clearing the open space, I suddenly felt a new look.

Tom Mu had never imagined that a lighter could be drilled out of wood to make fire.

Now that Tang Mu was mentally prepared, he immediately decided to start drilling wood to make fire for the second time.

This time, Tom Mu prepared several sets of tools for drilling wood to make fire.

Holding the bark rope in his hand, Tom could turn all the fire-making tools in one breath.

In this way, just like before, all the wood drilling tools began to emit green smoke.

Tom blew lightly.

Lighters suddenly emerged from the sparks!

These lighters come in different colors, but are all relatively small.

Just the size of a normal adult's thumb.

Like the lighters that came before them, these little lighters react violently.

As soon as they were born, they immediately swarmed towards the east!

This time Tom Mu was well prepared.

I saw those little lighters jumping and running away.

Tom immediately took out the rope he had braided, and like a cowboy, he waved the rope loop and threw it towards the small lighter at the end!

The rope loop was quite accurate.

The little lighter tried to avoid the rope loop by moving like a snake.

But the rope loop seemed to be positioned, and it also followed the snakeskin behind the small lighter.

Before it could run far, Tom Mu's rope loop had completely trapped the little lighter.

The little lighter struggled and tried to escape.

But Tang Mu tightened the rope with a sinister smile on his face, making it unable to break free.

Pulling on the rope, he pulled the small lighter in front of him.

Tom Mu looked at the small lighter that was struggling in his hand with curiosity on his face.


Just then.

A stream of flames burst out from the head of the small lighter, directly burning Tom Mu's paws.


Tom Mu was burned and quickly shook his hand.

While shaking off the flames on his claws, he also threw out the small lighter.

The small lighter rolled and bounced twice on the ground, quickly got up, and continued to run away to the east.

Seeing this scene, Tom Mu was not in a hurry to catch it back.

He just held his red-hot fingers in his mouth while grabbing the rope from the ground to pull out a small lighter.

Tom wanted to follow him and have a look.

Look at why these little lighters are running over there.

This trail lasted for an hour.

When Tom Mu became impatient, the small lighter in front finally stopped jumping.

Tom Mu guessed that he had reached his destination.

Sure enough.

I pushed aside the grass and took a look.

Tom Mu discovered that this place turned out to be a concrete open space.

In the open space, there are countless lighters of various sizes and styles jumping around.

In the center of the lighter is a row of metal storage cans.

It also has Chinese written on it.


This is exactly what lighter fuel is made of.

Put it on this island, maybe it's the life of a lighter.

After Tom Mu’s observation.

The larger these lighters are, the less butane they have in their bodies.

Perhaps after the butane is completely consumed, their lives will come to an end.

If you want to continue to survive, you must get the butane in the row of butane storage tanks.

But their body structure also destined them to be unable to do this.

In the end, we can only survive and reproduce from generation to generation, looking at the pot and sighing.

It's just that Tang Mu still doesn't know how they reproduce.

Just think of the operation of drilling wood to make fire, and finally getting out the lighter.

They probably only need to light somewhere.

Or maybe there are other ways of reproduction.

Tom Mu didn't know, so he had to continue to observe.

Maomao still knows nothing about this island.

It's just that I have discovered this piece of lighters and butane storage tanks.

As a Chinese cat, the idea of ​​farming arose uncontrollably.

Maybe it can capture some lighters and breed them in its own shelter.

You don’t need too many, just a few or a dozen, enough for your own use.

In fact, the cement land here may be more suitable for building a house.

It's a pity that there is no water or food around.

Tom finally decided to go back.

Since he already wanted to breed these wild lighters, Tom Mu tightened the rope and pulled the lighter caught in the rope loop.

Unexpectedly, this little lighter reacted very excitedly.

He doesn't seem to want to be controlled at all.

Tom had just dragged it into the woods and caught it in his hand.

Just listen to a loud "touch"!

The small lighter exploded directly in Tom Mu's paw!


Tom Mu's cat face was blown black, he turned his head, opened his mouth and blew out a puff of smoke.

He shook his head violently to get rid of the black ash on his head.

Tom looked at his paws angrily.

There was nothing left in the claws except a bit of plastic debris.

There's a lot of movement here.

The lighters who were still leisurely strolling on the cement floor fled in all directions.

I probably won’t be able to come back for a while.

This also made Tom Mu realize that if he wanted to raise these lighters, he would not be able to do it recklessly.

I guess I still have to find a way to deal with those butanes.

In this case, Tom Mu could only postpone the idea of ​​raising these wild lighters and discuss it later.

The small lighter just exploded, and the burning flames had ignited a small piece of surrounding vegetation.

Tom Mu made a torch and took some kindling, planning to go back and use it temporarily.

By the way, these flames have been treated with fire protection.

Lest one bad thing causes a forest fire.

It was only then that Tom Mu suddenly thought, no wonder these wild group of lighters would gather on the concrete floor.

Holding the torch and walking another kilometer, Tom Mu finally returned to his shelter.

Make a bonfire and light it with a torch.

Tom Mu went to cut down a tree nearby again, planning to burn some charcoal first.

Charcoal will be useful even if you have a lighter in the future.

When a lighter is not available, it can also be used as a flammable tinder.

While burning charcoal, Tom Mu did not forget about the wild Coke chicken wings in Coke Creek.

Due to lack of experience before, I failed to catch Coke Chicken Wings and made myself miserable.

Now that Tom has learned his lesson, he will never make the same mistake again.

Tom cut off the branches and burned them in the campfire to carbonize them.

Make a harpoon this way.

Finally the harpoon was made and Tom tried throwing it.

The harpoon drew a parabola and easily penetrated into the soil in the distance.

This kind of harpoon should be enough to pierce those Coke chicken wings.

I have finished eating the cola gummies I picked up in the morning.

Tom Mu was building a shelter and messing with wild lighters, and now he was already hungry.

So Tom Mu made a bigger basket and headed towards Coke Creek.

This time, it will definitely return with a full load.

With the harpoon as an aid.

The efficiency and success rate of catching Coke chicken wings is indeed much stronger.

Tom Mu was standing on the shore, harpoon in hand and sharp eyes.

After confirming a target, throw the harpoon immediately.

Regardless of whether the Coke Chicken Wing was inserted or not, Tom Mu would tug on the rope at the end of the harpoon and withdraw the harpoon from the Coke Creek.

Anyway, now Tom doesn't want to go down the stream.

The sticky feeling is too uncomfortable.

Unless it can find fresh water resources for bathing.

Tom's hunting by the stream lasted half an hour.

In this half hour, Tom's harvest was quite fruitful.

The backpack was already half full.

Enough for Tom's normal food intake for two or three days.

Tom also picked up a lot of cola gummies, which can be eaten as snacks.

In fact, Tom doesn't particularly like sweet things.

But now it's a deserted island after all.

There are wild cola chicken wings and wild cola gummies, which are already good.

It's just a bit of a pity.

When Tom was hunting by the stream, many screaming chickens also came here.

As soon as they saw Tom hunting cola chicken wings, they immediately turned around and ran away.

Looking at the group of silly screaming chickens, Tom was also a little curious whether they could be eaten.

I say they can be eaten.

It looks like plastic again.

It can't be eaten.

Tom still remembers that this morning, the cheetah caught a screaming chicken and ate it happily.

It's impossible that the cheetah can eat what Tom the cat can't.

After all, we are all cats.

Pack up the equipment.

Tom happily returned with a full load.

Now he has to go to the beach to get a few coconuts, and then go home to cook.

The sense of achievement of surviving on a deserted island from nothing to something is really strong.

Tom is looking forward to his future days on the island getting better and better.

I just don't know how Robinson is doing now.

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