Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 378 Robinson Crusoe's Survival and Discovery

While Tom was gathering coconuts and temporarily using the coconut shells as a soup pot to cook Coca-Cola chicken wings over the fire, Robinson was also working hard for his future survival.

At this time, the sea was no longer as wavy as before.

However, what surprised Robinson the most was that the stranded ship, after being lifted off the beach by the tide at night, washed up near the rock where he had been injured previously.

The big ship was now only about a mile offshore, and was still parked there nicely.

Robinson was thinking that if he could get on a big ship, he could take out some daily necessities.

The existence of Tom made Robinson, a man in the mid-seventeenth century, somewhat at a loss and felt fear from the bottom of his heart.

In order to get rid of this emotion, Robinson must find something to do.

And collect as many weapons as possible to protect yourself.

Only in this way can it give him a certain sense of security.

Now Robinson is still in the same place where he slept before.

Looking around, I found that the small escape boat had been washed away by the wind and waves and rested there on land.

About three thousand meters to his right.

This distance is a bit far, but fortunately, what Robinson lacks most now is time.

So he walked along the shore to the boat.

But I found that the boat was separated from where I was by a small inlet, about half a mile wide. So he turned back again.

Because the most important thing at the moment is that he has to find a way to get on the big ship, hoping to find something of daily use on it.

After confirming the tide, Robinson began to wait quietly again.

He was sure that he could board the stranded ship without using a boat.

Shortly in the afternoon, the sea was calm and the tide had receded far away.

This is what Robinson expected.

He immediately walked down the shore and waded dozens of meters before reaching the big ship.

But at this time, Robinson couldn't help but feel sad again.

Because it suddenly occurred to him.

If all the people on their ship had not got off the small boat yesterday and still stayed on the big ship, looking at the situation now, everyone would definitely be safe.

You can then reach land safely.

He would not be alone like now, facing a ship cat who might be possessed by the devil.

Now, he has no fun and no companion.

Thinking of this, Robinson couldn't help crying.

But now it was useless to grieve; he had to get on board at once.

Now that the weather was hot, Robinson took off his clothes and jumped into the water.

However, when he swam to the side of the boat, he was unable to get on because the boat had run aground and was therefore very high from the water.

There was nothing within Robinson's arms that could be grasped.

So Robinson swam around the boat twice and suddenly found a very short rope.

He was surprised that he had not seen the rope before.

The rope hung from the bow of the ship, and the end of the rope was close to the water. He effortlessly grabbed the rope and climbed up, entering the forward cabin of the ship.

After getting on board, we found that the boat was leaking and the bilge was completely covered with seawater.

Because the ship ran aground on a hard beach, the stern was upturned and the bow was almost submerged in the water, so there was no water in the back half of the ship.

When Robinson saw this, he became a little anxious. He was anxious to see what was damaged and what was still intact.

First, he found that the food on board was still dry and intact.

Having been hungry for a long time, Robinson just wanted to eat something, so he walked to the bakery, filled his pocket with biscuits, and did other work while eating.

Because he had to hurry up.

No one knows how long the ship will be seen again.

So Robinson found some sugar cane wine in the cabin and drank a large glass of it.

At this moment, he felt that he desperately needed some wine to refresh himself.

Robinson was thinking, if only he had a boat now.

In this way, he can transport everything he thinks he will need in the future to the shore.

Just sitting around dreaming about a boat will not appear out of thin air.

This thought gave Robinson the idea of ​​​​doing it himself.

There were several spare masts on the ship, as well as two or three planks, and one or two extra second masts.

He decided to start with this.

Anyone who could move them was thrown from the ship.

Before throwing the logs into the water, they were tied with ropes to prevent them from being washed away by the sea.

Then, Robinson pulled them one by one to the side of the boat with ropes, tied the four pieces of wood together, and tied the two ends as tightly as possible to form a raft.

And put two or three short wooden boards across it.

After doing all this, Robinson went up and walked around, which was quite safe.

It's just that the wood is too light and can't bear much weight.

So he started again, using a carpenter's saw to cut a second mast into three pieces and add them to the raft.

The work was extremely strenuous, but Robinson was eager to transport the necessary items ashore, so he did it.

In normal times, it would be impossible for him to complete such a difficult project.

Needless to say, Robinson is a man with very strong hands-on ability.

This raft is made quite solidly.

It can also eat a considerable amount of weight.

Then, Robinson naturally thought about what to put on it.

In addition, things must be protected from getting wet by the waves.

It didn't take long for Robinson to figure out a way.

He first laid all the planks he could find on the boat on the raft, and then thought about what he would need.

Robinson found and opened three crew boxes, emptied the contents, and hoisted them one by one to the raft.

In the first box, he mainly packed food, including some grain, bread, rice, three pieces of Dutch cheese, five pieces of mutton jerky, and some remaining European wheat.

The wheat was originally used to feed the poultry on the ship.

The poultry are all dead now.

There was originally a little barley and wheat on the ship, but later it was discovered that they had all been eaten by rats or were soiled.

Seeing the wheat destroyed by mice, Robinson suddenly thought of Tom the boat cat.

The guy didn't catch mice on the boat, and turned into a devil on the desert island.

It's really a headache.

This makes Robinson not optimistic about his future, which can be said to be quite pessimistic.

Always worried that Devil Tom would suddenly rush in and eat him.

But out of desire for life, although Robinson had many thoughts in his mind, his men's movements did not stop.

Soon, Robinson discovered some more alcohol.

He found several boxes.

That's all the captain's.

There were several bottles of cordial inside, and five or six gallons of coconut wine.

But Robinson put the wine aside because there was no need to put the wine in the box.

What's more, the box is already full.

He had been on board long enough.

While he was busy like this, he could see that the tide had begun to rise.

Although the sea was still calm, all the tops, shirts and vests that Robinson left on the shore were washed away.

Robinson, who was standing on the ship carrying supplies, saw this scene and suddenly felt very annoyed!

Because when he swam onto the boat, he only wore a pair of knee-length linen shorts and a pair of socks.

This forced him to find some clothes to wear.

There were a lot of clothes in the boat, but he only picked a few things that he would wear now.

Because Robinson believed that some things were more important than clothes.

Especially woodworking tools!

After searching for a long time, he finally found the carpenter's box.

At this time, tools are the most important to Robinson living on a desert island.

Not even a whole ship's worth of gold is worth as much as this box of carpenter's tools!

He put the box on the raft and didn't want to take the time to open it, because Robinson knew roughly what tools were inside.

Plus, most importantly! He had to get guns and ammo!

This is both to protect the island from unknown threats.

Also to defend against Tom's devil.

Moreover, this island is also very abnormal.

At least this was the first time he saw the seagull wearing goggles in the morning.

This island gave Robinson a very bad feeling.

He must arm himself.

There were two good shotguns and two pistols stored in the big cabin, and Robinson took them both.

Then he took several horns containing gunpowder, a small bag of bullets and two old rusty knives.

Robinson knew that there were three barrels of gunpowder on the ship, but he didn't know where the gunners had placed them.

He searched for a long time and finally found it.

Two barrels were still dry and usable, and one was soaked.

So Robinson put two barrels of dry gunpowder on the raft together with the guns.

At this time, he discovered that a lot of things were already loaded on the raft.

Although there were still many things on the ship that Robinson could not move, he also knew that being too greedy would only put himself in greater danger.

Ever since, Robinson began to think about how to transport it ashore.

He now has no sail, no oars, and no rudder. As long as there is a little wind, the raft will be knocked over into the sea.

It seems that the current situation is not too bad.

First, the sea is as calm as a mirror.

Second, it is the time of high tide, and the water is rushing towards the shore.

Third, although there is a breeze, it is blowing towards the shore.

So Robinson immediately found the three broken oars originally used in the boat.

In addition, in addition to those tools in the tool box, two saws, an ax and an ax were also found.

After loading the goods, Robinson drove the raft to the shore.

For the first mile, the raft traveled fairly steadily, but slightly deviated from where they had landed the day before.

Therefore, Robinson, who has been sailing for several years, keenly discovered that the water in this area flows in one direction toward the shore.

So he thought there might be a creek or river nearby.

If that were the case, he could drive the raft into the port to unload the cargo.

To put it bluntly, professional sailors and Tom Mu are still different.

Robinson seems to be able to find the fresh water that Tom has always wanted to find.

What happened after that was as expected.

Soon after, Robinson saw a small bay.

The tide is pouring in.

So he drove the raft and floated as far as possible to the center of the rapids.

Here, he almost suffered another shipwreck disaster!

Because Robinson was not familiar with the terrain, one end of the raft suddenly ran aground on the beach, while the other end was still floating in the water!

Just a little bit, and the goods on the raft will slide into the water!

In this case, Robinson could only try his best to support the boxes with his back to prevent them from sliding down.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open the raft.

Moreover, at this time, Robinson could only hold the box tightly and could not get away to do other things.

In this way, he held on for half an hour.

It was not until later that the tide continued to rise that the rafts were slightly balanced.

After a while, the tide rose higher and higher, and the raft floated again.

Robinson breathed a sigh of relief and then used his oar to push the raft towards the mouth of the river, and finally entered the mouth of the river.

The half hour on the raft was really exhausting for Robinson.

There are banks on both sides of the river mouth, and the tide flows straight into it.

Robinson, with his hands on his hips and breathing heavily, observed the terrain on both sides of the river and prepared to find a suitable place to dock.

He didn't want to sail too far into the creek, but wanted to get ashore as close to the sea as possible.

Robinson now still hopes that a miracle will happen and he will be rescued.

He chose this place because he hoped to see ships passing by on the sea.

Finally, he found a small bay on the right bank of the creek.

Robinson spent a lot of effort and finally drove the raft to the shallowest place.

He pressed his oar against the bottom of the river and tried his best to push the raft in.

The thrilling thing is that here, he almost overturned all the goods in the water again.

The river bank in this area is steep and straight, and there is no place to land on it.

If one end of the raft is stranded on the shore, the other end will inevitably tilt downwards like last time, and the cargo will be in danger of sliding into the water again.

There was no other way, so Robinson had to use the oar as an anchor.

Fix one side of the raft on a flat beach near the river bank to wait for the tide to rise and cover the beach.

Time passed slowly, and the tide continued to rise, reaching the beach.

When the water rose high enough, Robinson pushed the raft over.

Because the draft of the raft is more than a foot deep.

When he got there, he inserted two broken oars into the beach, one at the front and one at the front, to moor the raft.

When the tide recedes, the rafts and cargo can be safely left on the shore.

The hard-working Robinson had to observe the surrounding terrain.

Find a suitable place for his shelter and storage.

To prevent other accidents.

Now Robinson still doesn't know where he is, nor does he know the specific situation of this desert island.

He didn't even know whether the island was inhabited or uninhabited.

A place with wild beasts or a place without wild beasts.

Less than a mile away from him was a hill.

The mountain stands high on the hills to the north. It seems that it is a mountain range.

So after Robinson placed his goods, he planned to go to the top of the mountain to observe the specific conditions of the island.

In fact, Robinson's approach is correct when he has sufficient physical strength.

Tom Mu's survival in the wilderness is a bit playful.

Robinson took a shotgun, a pistol and a horn of gunpowder, and walked to the top of the mountain.

After spending a lot of effort, Robinson finally climbed to the top of the mountain!

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking around, Robinson couldn't help but feel extremely sad.

This is a completely isolated island!

As far as the eye can see, there is no land around.

I could only see a few isolated rocks in the distance, and then there were two islands smaller than the main island to the west, about fifteen nautical miles away.

In addition, Robinson also found many wild faucets on the top of the mountain.

These wild faucets are gurgling with water.

It was they who released water here that formed the small river at the foot of the mountain.

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