Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 379 Tempting Coke Chicken Wings (New Book List with 2,000 additional words)

Robinson had seen faucets.

But he had never seen this kind of wild faucet.

Although there was no evidence, Robinson dared to swear!

These wild faucets must be alive!

Because they would jump and move on the rock wall.

Some faucets would even turn their spraying direction and become fountains.

This scared Robinson a lot.

He quickly stepped back two steps.

Fortunately, Robinson had been baptized by Tom and the seagull in the morning, and now he was not so unbearable.

At least he did not run away directly.

Robinson was thinking.

Did he offend God, so he was arranged by God to suffer and repent on this island.

But before he could think more, he felt that his right leg was entangled by a long thing.

That shape, and the slippery touch, immediately reminded Robinson of a snake.

This frightened Robinson so much that his face turned pale, and he quickly kicked his right foot forward!

While watching the long shadow fly away, Robinson quickly drew out the short knife from his waist.

After the black shadow landed, it twisted and left in the grass like a long snake.

Robinson could see its appearance a little more clearly.

He was confused again.

That thing didn't seem to be a snake, although it looked like one.

But Robinson didn't see the head of a snake on it.

It looked more like a long pipe.

If Tom was here, he would probably recognize it immediately. This is a wild rubber water pipe.

These things that Robinson avoided were exactly what Tom wanted at the moment.

After a rough observation of the situation on the deserted island, Robinson didn't want to stay there for a long time, so he went down the mountain immediately.

At least Robinson could confirm that this island was very desolate, with no human habitation at all, and only wild animals appeared on the island.

There were many birds in the sky that Robinson couldn't name.

Although he couldn't name them.

But Robinson felt that these birds were at least more normal than those seagulls.

At least they were not wearing clothes or goggles.

On the way back, Robinson saw a big bird perched on a tree next to the woods.

With the idea of ​​getting some meat, he raised his shotgun and shot it.

The sound of a gunshot echoed over the island.

Robinson believed that since God created the world.

He was definitely the first person to shoot on this island.

As soon as the gunshot sounded, countless birds flew out of the whole forest, and all kinds of birds chirped and cried out in chaos, but Robinson couldn't call out a single one.

When the scene calmed down a little, Robinson walked up and picked up the bird he had killed.

The bird that Robinson killed, judging from its feather color and beak, looked like an eagle, but it had no claws.

He was not picky about food. He twisted the big bird's neck and directly took a piece of raw meat from it with a knife.

But just after chewing it for two bites, Robinson spit it out.

The meat of this bird is sour and unpalatable, and it is useless!

Anyway, Robinson will never eat this kind of bird again even if he kills him.

However, despite this, Robinson did not throw away the big bird in his hand.

Although the meat is not edible, the feathers and bird bones are still useful.

Moreover, he does not like to eat the meat of this bird, but it does not mean that other animals will not eat it.

It can be used as a dangerous place or for fishing.

Now that he has arrived on a deserted island, he still has to make the best use of it.

At this time, Robinson felt that he had a general understanding of the environment on the island, so he wanted to go back to the raft.

Because he wanted to hunt birds, Robinson chose another way down the mountain.

This road is indeed closer to Tom's shelter.

Or, he will pass by Tom's shelter.

It was already evening.

After Tom was busy with his work, he started to prepare dinner again.

Because there was no other food for the time being, Tom's dinner was still cola chicken wings.

God have mercy!

Cola chicken wings are a delicacy even in China.

Although you will get tired of eating too much.

But for Robinson Crusoe, who came from the food desert of England in the 17th century, cola chicken wings were simply a delicacy that could only be found in heaven!

The bonfire burned the coconut shell.

The cola chicken wing soup in the coconut shell made a "gurgling" sound.

The fragrance drifted and immediately attracted Robinson's attention.

This made Robinson unconsciously change direction and approach Tom's shelter.

The cola chicken wings were already cooked.

Tom used two wooden sticks to take the coconut shell off the fire, and directly used chopsticks made of branches to pick up a piece and eat it happily!

Look at Tom eating so deliciously.

The torn chicken wings revealed the fibers inside, and there was heat rising.

The cola chicken wings covered with sauce were already stewed very well.

Put it in your mouth and sip it a little harder, and you can sip all the chicken.

It's simply a human enjoyment.

It's just a pity that there is a bowl of rice missing.

Tom is a person who has to eat a bowl of rice when he sees good food.

But now he is surviving on a deserted island, so it is understandable that the conditions are poor.

Tom, who thinks that his conditions are poor, did not notice that Robinson Crusoe in the woods was much worse than him when he was also surviving on a deserted island!


Robinson Crusoe was really attracted by the cola chicken wings.

He leaned forward and broke the branch, making a sound.

Seeing the devil cat looking over here, Robinson was frightened and fled the scene.

While running away, Robinson was still comforting himself.

He was thinking.

This must be a trick of the devil.

It wanted to tempt him with false food.

When he passed by, it would eat him or force him to sign an unequal contract with it.

Although he thought so.

But Robinson's mind was full of the image of the cola chicken wings.

It felt like a little virgin, seeing the adult world for the first time.

Even after returning home, he still missed it.

He returned to the raft in a trance and began to move and sort the goods.

Robinson did these things for the rest of the day.

As for what to do at night and where to rest, Robinson had a lot of ideas in his mind.

He first thought of the shed he had just seen at Tom's place.

Robinson was thinking that he must also build a shelter from the wind and rain.

Otherwise, if it suddenly rains one day, his body will definitely not be able to survive after being soaked in the rain.

In the current environment, Robinson certainly dared not sleep on the ground.

He was also afraid that wild animals would appear at night and eat him defenselessly.

So Robinson did his best to build a residence like a wooden house with the boxes and planks transported to the shore.

He surrounded himself with this simple residence in order to protect himself.

He could also sleep in it at night.

After the temporary residence was built, Robinson began to think about the future food problem.

Although he got some food from the big ship, the food was limited after all.

After some thinking, he suddenly remembered that he had seen two or three hare-like animals running out of the woods at the place where he hunted birds.

Maybe he could continue to go there to hunt.

Still owe 82,000

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