At first, Robinson was a little hesitant and resistant to Tom's invitation.

After all, the change of consciousness that had been developed over a period of time was not achieved overnight.

But the heavy rain above his head and the severe pain in his left leg left Robinson with no choice.

"God, maybe this is a deal with the devil."

Robinson bowed his head and prayed, and finally stood up on one leg with difficulty, picked up a branch as a crutch, and prepared to go home with Tom.

At the same time, he was also prepared to be tempted by the devil and punished by God.

As for Tom.

The kind-hearted him saw that the cheetah seemed to like the laser pen, so he kindly tied the laser pen to the cheetah's head.

Now there will always be a laser spot in the cheetah's sight.

The cheetah will also keep chasing the light spot in its eyes, thus becoming a perpetual motion machine.

After a while, Tom took Robinson home together.

Looking at Tom's luxurious shelter and comparing it with his own wooden house that looked like a refugee camp, Robinson couldn't move his eyes away.

I thought, it was the devil's temptation.

I must resist the devil's temptation!

Although he had entered the wind and rainproof villa and sat in front of the warm fireplace.

But Robinson still had a stern face, wanting to defend his loyalty to God in the end.


This persistence was broken in front of Tom's bowl of cola chicken wings and rice.

The snow-white rice was covered with reddish-brown cola chicken wings.

There were a few green chopped green onions on the top.

Its temptation was even higher.


Robinson looked at the food in front of him and swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.

Laughing to death, this temptation was simply irresistible.

Taking the wooden bowl and spoon handed by Tom, Robinson said thank you, and quickly lowered his head to eat the cola chicken wings and rice.

As a native British.

And in this era, where has he ever tasted such delicious food.

Immediately put the gods and ghosts behind his mind.

Although Robinson has temporarily put the gods and ghosts behind him, and has accepted the temptation of Tom, who is suspected to be a devil, in a complicated way.

But Tom began to doubt whether there is really a God in Britain the day after Robinson moved in.

Otherwise, what reason can explain why the native cuisine of the British is so unpalatable?

It tastes so bad that it seems to be cursed by supernatural forces!

Anti-human taste, strange blind box ingredients, vicious cooking talent, and seasonings that the British have released to the outside of the Milky Way.

This is definitely a cursed taste!

Tom guessed that they should have sacrificed their taste and cooking talent.

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why they colonized half of the world for spices, but in the end their cuisine was only left with pepper and salt.

It belongs to using the simplest seasoning to restore the fishy taste of the ingredients themselves.

And using the richest seasoning to restore the fishy taste of the ingredients themselves.

Even so, they are still extremely obsessed with sourness.

That kind of acid is not ordinary acid.

It is corrosive acid.

After the acid and salt combine, there is a strange smell of gay smelly socks.

Anyway, since Robinson cooked a dish to thank him the next morning, Tom would not let him touch anything related to food.

Fortunately, Robinson's hands-on ability is pretty good.

During the period of recuperation, Robinson was not idle.

After finding that he could not help with the diet, he began to help with other things.

There is one more person to help at home.

Tom is indeed relatively relaxed.

This avoids Tom from doing some repetitive work, so he can be freed up to do something more meaningful.

Originally, Tom's plan was to leave the shelter and take a motorboat to the other side of the island.

But now there is a wounded person like Robinson at home.

Tom can only postpone the plan to explore the island.

However, although he can't explore the island for the time being.

But this does not mean that Tom has nothing else to do.

After this period of observation.

Tom also found that among the group of screaming chickens, it seems that only Dai Dai is stupider.

The other screaming chickens were quite clever.

Otherwise, the cheetah wouldn't have attacked Robinson with an empty stomach.

So, the gene of the great Chinese foodie could not be suppressed, and Tang Mu still had the idea of ​​​​screaming chickens.

Whether it tastes good or not, you have to eat it to know.

Fortunately, Tang Mu chose to try.

The final result did not disappoint Tang Mu.

Although those screaming chickens look like plastic, they have nothing to do with plastic when they eat.

On the contrary, there is a kind of tender and elastic taste of frogs.

Very delicious.

Tang Mu tried to make several chicken dishes, and the final results were all quite good.

Robinson and Dai Dai both gave five-star praise.

Especially Dai Dai, it tasted like home in it.

Seeing that the screaming chickens are so delicious, Tang Mu naturally became a big chicken farmer.

Delicious things must be raised in captivity.

In addition to raising screaming chickens, Tang Mu is also carrying out another project.

Going back and forth to Coke Creek every day made Tang Mu suddenly think of a problem.

Instead of running by the creek every day.

Then why not let Coke Creek come here on its own?

Tom planned to dig out land near the shelter and create a small fish pond.

Then introduce Coke from Coke Creek into your own fish pond.

From now on, whether it is drinking Coke or catching Coke chicken wings, it will be easier and less laborious.

This is definitely a good idea.

Holding the wooden shovel, Tang Mu took a few steps outside and then waved the shovel.

Shovel after shovelful of soil was seen being thrown backwards, and Tom Mu's figure dropped visibly to the naked eye.

In just a few seconds, the fish pond that Tang Mu needed had been dug out.

After that, Tang Mu didn't stop, he just dug a hole in the soil and quickly headed towards Coke Creek.

It didn't take long for Tom Mu to get out of Coke Creek.

There is an extra underground passage.

The cola in this cola stream was also diverted to Tom Mu's small fish pond.

After returning home, Tang Mu was very satisfied when he saw the fish pond gradually filling up.

Both projects were completed.

Tom's shelter seemed to be getting more and more prosperous.

Robinson's leg injury is almost healed.

One morning, Robinson found Tom and expressed his intention to leave.

Of course, Tom Mu would not deliberately try to retain Robinson.

After all, everyone has their own ideas.

However, after living here with Tom Mu for a while, Robinson changed a lot.

The most obvious change is that he is no longer afraid of Tom Mu.

"Hey, listen to me, although I don't know what you are. But I still want to thank you for saving my life, and thank you for taking care of me for a while."

Robinson said, then looked at the abstract creatures that filled the yard like Tang Mu, and said, "My vision was still too narrow in the past. The sight of these things scared me half to death."

"But I saw how you used them here, so I was thinking that maybe the world is much bigger than I imagined, and of course there are many creatures I haven't seen before."

"It's like a person who has never seen an elephant and can't understand what others call a giant. I have to change my mentality."

As he spoke, Robinson raised his hand and pointed in the direction of a mountain top in the north and said: "There are faucet-like creatures there. The fresh water flowing out of them forms a river. If you need, you can go up and have a look."

After getting this information, Tang Mu was quite happy.

Although it already has the sky as a source of fresh water.

But after all, this is still not as convenient as a faucet.

Moreover, as the use of fresh water in Tommu increases.

The area of ​​sky where it is located is significantly less blue and has become whiter.

This scared both the sun and the clouds.

However, now Robinson has recovered from his injury and is going home.

Tom Mu is not in a hurry to tame the wild faucet yet.

It still wants to go to the other side of the island as planned.

After all, its mission is to conquer a deserted island.

You can't conquer a desert island by staying in one place in the morning.

After Robinson left, Tom, who always had good mobility, prepared his things and set off immediately.

After riding on the motorboat at the pier, Tom finally took the screaming chicken Daidai with him, hoping that he would go with him to the other side of the island.

It can be considered that I have a companion, so I won't be so lonely.

Along the coastline, Tomu increased his power and rode the wind and waves to draw a long white line on the sea!

The violent wind slapped Tom Mu in the face.

Tom couldn't help but cheer loudly and happily!

"Yah ho——!"


The Screaming Chicken also screamed loudly.

Then under Tom Mu's confused eyes, Screaming Chicken dug out a familiar rope from Tom Mu's bag and put the rope loop around his neck very skillfully.

Tighten it without any hesitation!

Complete these actions smoothly.

Daidai tied the end of the rope to the handle of the motorboat.

Under Tom Mu's gaze.

This screaming chicken didn't hesitate at all and jumped directly from the motorboat!


The Screaming Chicken fell heavily onto the sea water.

Because the motorboat was still moving forward at high speed, Daidai, whose head was covered by the rope, was pulled forward by the motorboat.

The Screaming Chicken's body floated uncontrollably on the sea.

As the speed of the motorboat gradually increases.

Daidai also changed from idleness to kite flying.

The rope tightened around Daidai's neck, causing Daidai to stick out his tongue again and roll his eyes.

This scene is very similar to the daze floating in the storm some time ago.

If someone who didn't know saw it, they might think that Tom was a perverted cat and was abusing Dumb.

But what is the actual situation?

The real pervert is Daidai, the screaming chicken!

Tom Mu watched with his own eyes as it moved swiftly and completed the action of hanging himself step by step.

This made Tom seriously suspect that Dudu must have awakened some strange fetish that night.

Maybe, it has turned into a shrieking chicken.

Speaking of chicken and M, Tom Mu's brain began to make involuntary associations again.

What is chicken plus M?

Isn’t that McDonald’s, which exists all over the world and where countless people dream of having a satisfying meal for just a little money?

"Gu Gu Gu Gu——!"

Tom Mu had a strange idea in his mind.

The screaming chicken that was flying a kite suddenly screamed.

Tom Mu looked back in shock.

Under Tang Mu's gaze, the whole body of the screaming chicken was shining with dazzling golden light!


No way!

Could it be! ?

Tang Mu's eyes widened.

The golden light on the screaming chicken finally began to slowly converge.

As the golden light faded, the eyes of Dai Dai floating in the sky had turned into crosses, and the whole chicken was floating in the air motionless as if it was dead.

"Dai Dai!"

Tang Mu shouted.

Seeing that Dai Dai did not react at all, Tang Mu was speechless instantly!

He quickly pulled the rope and pulled it back.

Damn, it just acted so awesome.

Tang Mu thought this stupid chicken was going to evolve.

It turned out to be dead.

Tang Mu quickly untied the rope around its neck.

Then he took out an air pump and stuffed it into Dai Dai's mouth, pumping air into it a few times, which made Dai Dai come back to life with a "click".

The resurrected Daidai looked up, looked at the cat with wise eyes for a second, and then looked at the rope in the cat's hand.

Seeing Daidai's eyes, Tom was speechless.

This guy almost died just now.

Now he wants to do it again.

If he is not watching, he will kill himself sooner or later.

Grabbing Daidai, tying Daidai to the back seat of the motorboat with a rope, Tom no longer cares about Daidai and continues to drive the motorboat.

It took half a day for Tom's motorboat to bypass the north of the deserted island.

Leaving the reef that blocked the view, the front suddenly opened up.

But the scene in front of Tom even scared Tom.

What appeared in Tom's sight was a wild town!

There was even a wild pier to the east of the wild town.

Above the pier, a group of Tom's old friends were circling there.

It was the group of seagulls that were so annoying.

Why did Tom recognize them?

After all, the fat seagulls would only appear if Tom stuffed them with coconuts.

These seagulls are quite inspiring.

They couldn't fly at the beginning.

Now, even if they are fat as a ball, they can still fly high in the sky.

They even bully other skinny seagulls with their size advantage.

The motorboat made a lot of noise.

As soon as Tom appeared on the east coast, the group of seagulls found Tom and his friends.

But they obviously recognized Tom as a cat.

Therefore, they didn't act rashly, but fell from the sky and stopped at various places on the dock.

Tom just glanced at the group of seagulls and didn't pay too much attention.

He just quietly drove the motorboat into the dock and parked it, and then unloaded his equipment.

When he came to the east coast and saw this wild town, Tom suddenly felt that he might have misunderstood the version.

The answer is in the puzzle.

Conquering a deserted island is actually conquering a deserted island!

There is no other hidden content.

I just think too much.

This is the case with Tom.

It's like the math problem of one plus one.

If you give it to a primary school student, they can immediately give the answer 2.

But if it is discussed in an international authoritative mathematics forum.

Everyone will subconsciously complicate the problem.

The west coast where Tom landed is really deserted.

In addition, he landed with Robinson.

Tom naturally subconsciously thought of surviving in the wilderness.

But if he landed on the east coast, Tom would definitely react immediately to what his world mission is.


Because the layout of this town is exactly the same as the Pallet Town in Pokémon!

Even the sign on the pier is in the shape of a Poké Ball.

The answer is about to hit Tom in the face.

If Tom still can't figure it out, he will also change his name to Daidai.

Scratching his head, Tom sighed tiredly.

But it's not too late to find out now.

What I did before was not a waste.

At least the area on the west coast has been completely conquered.

On the wooden sign of the red and white Pokéball, two seagulls, one fat and one thin, stood together.

The thin one's eyes revealed a gleam of wisdom. It stared at Tom on the dock and said in a cold tone: "An uninvited guest has come! It finally came here. What do you think we should do now?"

The fat seagull raised its neck: "We should go to the dock to get some fries!"

The thin seagull looked at the fat seagull and said dissatisfiedly: "No! Now is not the time to eat fries! This island is about to usher in a bloody storm! We must do something!"

"You are right!"

The fat seagull nodded in agreement: "We should go to the dock to get some fries!"

"No! Do you understand what I am saying? We have to do something!"

The thin seagull roared at the fat seagull.

"We should go to the dock to get more fries?"

The fat seagull tilted its head and looked at the thin seagull.

The thin seagull wanted to say something else.

The fat seagull suddenly had a bright idea and looked at the dock and said, "Look! French fries are coming out!"

Seeing this, the thin seagull also quickly followed with its wings flapping, "You're right, we have to go to the dock to get some French fries!"

A large group of seagulls were attracted by the wild French fries that appeared at the dock, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Tang Mu also changed his equipment at this time.

The cat wore fingerless gloves on his paws, a red baseball cap on his head, a T-shirt and jacket on his body, blue shorts on his lower body, and a pair of sneakers on his feet.

Pokémon Master.

Oh no.

The master of abstract creatures is officially online.

Now that the truth about this island is known!


The rules of victory have been decided!

Tom untied the rope on Dai Dai and threw Dai Dai towards a box of wild French fries on the dock!

"It's decided to be you! Screaming Chicken Dai Dai!"


Dai Dai landed and confronted the box of French fries with hands and feet opposite.

After three seconds, the French fries turned around and ran away.

Dai Dai ran after him, pecking at the fleeing wild French fries with his beak.

The battle scene was very brutal.

Dai Dai was very full.

But Tom Mu failed to conquer the wild French fries.

Tom Mu thought that he had to get a few abstract balls.

Otherwise, we have to breed these wild abstract creatures like the West Coast.

That would be too time-consuming.

Tom thought that there should be similar things in the wild town.

If that doesn't work, just make a few yourself.

Just when Tom finally found the correct strategy for the deserted island.

On the West Coast, Robinson's unfortunate life was obviously not over.

He had just returned home and was captured by a group of savages.

It was unknown where these savages came from.

After catching Robinson, they carried him directly onto the raft on the beach.

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